

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Pip love the selfie with mom. She looks happy.

    Lisa great picture of mom.

    Rainy here today. Tomorrow high in the fifties. I will need to bring in some of the house plants I had already set outside. We do need the rain.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! Mother's Day is such a mixed bag! My daughter never did get around to telling me happy Mother's Day, but she admitted that her days were mixed up and she had it in her that it was on Saturday. My son didn't say anything until afternoon, but it was accompanied by a little bunch of flowers. (It tickles me even more that he got his dad to pay for them!) They were both at the house last evening and I told them what they could give me for Mother's Day--One of them scooped the litter box and cleaned up a carpet stain from cat yak and the other took the trash and recycling out. Those things meant more to me than cards, etc.

    Naomi - It think it was you who mentioned not wanting to go to church because of the celebration of Mother's Day. You would have been very happy in the service at my church. I truly don't think it was mentioned. My pastor many times tries to be out of town on Mother's Day because he hates the hoopla (he did love his mother) and the pastor at one of the churches I work at tries hard to avoid the subject because he realizes that it is a painful subject for so many.

    I have mixed feelings about Mother's Day. If it tells you anything about my childhood, I always "knew" I wasn't adopted because, if I had been adopted, I would have been wanted. I always felt unloved and unwanted. Hmmm...I guess that could explain some of my lack of self confidence. (Epiphany!) My mother was, and is, very critical of people's looks, actions, lifestyles, etc. She leaves me alone about all of that nowadays, but the past still lingers. I have regrets about how I handled particular incidents in my children's lives, but generally feel like I was/am a good mother. Occasionally, my kids will tell me that (my daughter told her therapist that her childhood was pretty idyllic). I also think the holiday is colored by the fact that my son was in the psych unit for suicide prevention at this time seven years ago (he was 11). I still have a tissue paper flower he made for me for Mother's Day while he was there.

    I have had a fairly continuous headache since last Wednesday, so exercise has been pretty nonexistent, My food choices have not been stellar either. I don't think I've gained any weight, but I've certainly not lost. So far, I don't really have a headache today so fingers are crossed it stays that way!

    Carey - I love your quotes at the end of your posts. I used to keep a quote journal--I should probably pull it out and start again.

    Sylvia, Alison, Michele, and all the rest of you who had disappointments yesterday, I am sorry. Those we love most can wound us most.

    Sylvia - I hope your trip totally exceeds your expectations for fun and adventure!

    Heather - Your photo was gorgeous!

    Pip - Congrats on getting that trailer backed in properly. I know the process, but have never really had to put it into practice.

    I'm off to get some work done and to get some steps in, too. I hope everyone has a marvelous day!

    Carol in NC
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Heather: Love the picture, it's a good thing you have one of those point and shoot phones. :smile: What a beautiful area to visit. Thanks for sharing!

    Peach: If you've never had progressive lenses before be careful when going up and down stairs to start with. It takes a little bit of time to get used to where to look. I like progressives a whole lot more than bifocals and can't imagine ever going back. Look at you, getting out of the house and meeting people... good for you!

    Katla: Here how to get a screen shot with a windows computer: Shift + print screen (PrtSc) buttons together, then paste into a word document and save it as a picture.

    Naomi: So glad you had a great day yesterday... I'd be grateful for that hubby too! Maybe you should plan to have a Happy Hubby's day in June?

    Lisa H in West Texas: Congrats on the book! What a wonderful pic of your mom I can see a lot of her in you.

    Margaret: That is a great picture, no wonder it's a favourite.

    Annr: Those are 3 sons to be very proud of, what a great job you've done raising them.

    Pip: What a great pic... I love those smiles. <3 What a great idea on practicing backing up with that airstream. I'd need 40 acres!

    Michele: Thanks for the tips from Hungry Girl site.

    Carol in NC: Hope you get those headaches gone! Glad you like the quotes, I find them encouraging and they help give me perspective.

    Went over cals yesterday and didn't get in any exercise. The boys took me out for mother's day and we got really bad food the first time. They refired it and I finally got a meal about 45 minutes after that. That made supper late, so didn't end up eating until 8:30. I made turkey, carrots, broccoli, asparagus, mashed potatoes, gravy,turkey stuffing, and cranberries. Oh, I also cooked a veggie burger for the vegetarian who was visting. That was the first time I'd ever made stuffing.. not bad but sure not like my mom's! Had lots of company...and they were happy with the meal. I'm sure I burned a lot of calories doing all that cooking and prep!

    Thought for the day: Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be. - Abraham Lincoln


  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    PIP ........DH loved seeing the pics of the RV.We spent a lot of yrs full timimg. We had 5th wheelers.Met great ppl & have a lot of memories. Pat
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 402 Member
    Welcome to Monday -- if you loved Mothers' Day it is done with and on to a new thing -- and guess what? The same goes if you hated it! Hope you all have a happy Monday Day today and good luck to us all on our health journey this week.
    I had a small ice cream yesterday and it was the first time in months I had done so -- hope I can get back in the saddle and handle the 1200 calorie plan today.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    lhannon - beautiful pic of your mom back in the day!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy rainy mon.Hope u mom`s had a great mothers day.My expectations,got in my way.Wanted the Hallmark,Mother`s day and of course was disappointed.We went to church and they had a nice buffet.
    Had errands to do,groc,etc,as hubby`s 1 day off was yesterday.So I had a chip all day.
    Mom didn`t sound good on the phone,worried about her,missing my friend,her hubby is spiraling out of control,So day wasn`t what I expected.Then I thought about it and realized how foolish I was for the mother`s day expectations.My daughter did give me a pedicure last night.And I realized I have so much to be grateful for,loving hubby,5 kids,6 grand kids and the basics.I am blessed.I have this everyday,not just on mother`s day.
    HUGS jane
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited May 2015
    Carol: "cat yak", lol. :) I had to have my cat put to sleep a year and two days ago. Still bothers me. But I don't miss the cat yak (that may be the only thing I don't miss).

    Got back to the gym today. Yay!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: Your trailer looks awesome! DH wants an Airstream and we both admire their quality. However, I’m not willing to have one more thing until something else goes. The obvious choice would be our sailboat and I’m reluctant to give it up.

    Sylvia: I'm so sorry your son didn't do right by you on Mother's Day. You are a stellar mom and wonderful grandmother. He is likely all wrapped up in his own issues and doesn't think beyond them. Take him a copy of my message. :devil:

    Barbie: You are a wise woman. Thanks for your perspective!

    Cynthia: I’m so glad you worked for Find a Grave yesterday. I’ve always known where my mom and Auntie Mimi were buried, but not Auntie Irene who is in the very same cemetery. Thanks to the help of others yesterday, I was able to take her flowers for the first time. She’s been gone for more than 30 years.

    Lisa H: I agree that your mom was beautiful, and I also like the message on the scale.

    Patceoh: We are also an Apple family, and for the same reasons. DD uses a work computer & I have no idea what it is. When DH’s Apple desktop died, we took it to Apple and got a new hard drive INSTALLED for less than $200. You can’t beat that kind of product support. I’ve had similar service for my laptop, which I’ve had for a lot of years. Re Kindle: I have it on my laptop and my phone. I don’t choose to have an ipad because I can take my laptop when I travel.

    Carey: Thanks for the instructions for a screen shot.

    DH says he’ll go to the gym with me today and that makes me happy. He has not been good about exercising and following his rehab plan since his surgery last fall. Lately he’s been doing more and it really helps him to get better. The more he does, the more he CAN do.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Katla: how wonderful you were able to take flowers for the first time!
  • kal900
    kal900 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I see most of you are from all over, so would you mind 1 more from the UK? I'm a little late in the scheme of things but if I don't get started today, I might never get going again.
    It is my 50th birthday in June, and I was adamant last year that I would get down from 290 to 150lbs, and that I would be able to start insanity for my birthday.
    I was doing ok till xmas, I got down to 234, but an arm op, pulled bicep and spiraling lethargy put that all to pay.
    No idea what I am now, frankly too scared to check. I know I'm not back to 290 because I havent dug out the whalesized clothes I packed away, so at least that's a positive...

    But if I dont start today, while I'm in the mood, and find a little network of likeminded woman, I know I'm not going to last. My selfcontrol is amazing when I get going, to the point of ocd, but I fall off so easy as I suffer major mood swings/cycles. Hoping to find a way to dig deep and stay on course for once... hate being this size.

    Well, signing off now, in case I've overdone my intro,
    hoping to find some great online food buddies ;)

    Kalona, goal is my avatar... 10 years ago, got married in Hawaii, plan was do do anniversary, but no way till I get back in the dress, eh!
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Pip , and everyone who commented, Thanks. She was an amazing lady. I miss her.

    Kalona - Welcome – your intro was definitely not overdone. If they haven’t pitched me out of the fold for verbosity, you’re safe! And welcome.


    Had to add nearly eight tenths of a mile to get my running routine back over the 6,000 mark. Had got down to barely above 4,000, after taking nearly 6,000 steps to cover the same amount of ground six weeks ago. So, either my pedometer is just retarded (possible) or my stride is getting longer (possible) or the universe just wanted me to get my steadily shrinking behind moving a little further (still possible). Either way, ran for an hour all told this morning.

    And, since my DH is indeed a D and fixed the electric chainsaw for me, am going to finish dismembering the branch that put the kibosh on it last week, and then go collect all the ones the weekend winds brought down and get those down to fireplace size. I know it's a bad pun, but I'll rip them limb from limb! (insert evil laughter, baHAhahahaha). As long as the chainsaw doesn't make a habit of shedding its chain every time it gets bound a little bit. Have to call it Lolita. Takes its clothes off at the first opportunity.

    Do like keeping the brush cleaned up. Sure makes it easier to run the riding lawnmower if the bigger stuff is already picked up and you don't have to stop and get rid of each one. And the brushpile was taller than my head. That part didn't bother me. It was what might be hiding under the brushpile that bothered me. You never give the snakes places to hide in Texas if you have an option.

    Have a great day, all...

    Lisa H in West Texas
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Monday. Why is it that weekends go by so fast when I am off and so slow when I am working?? One of the many wounders of the world. Pray all mothers had a good Mothers day. Mine was nice and busy. I worked in the yard and got over 10,000 steps in. Saturday I cleaned the house so ready for the new week. Weigh in this morning was well, just over a pound lost.

    ssc1958--Thanks for the poem. Beautiful words.

    Pat--Thanks for the wise words.

    Michele--Glad you made the supreme sacifice. lol. Glad that you get to enjoy the pool. Thanks for the information.

    Karen--So glad you did not break your nose. Yesterday I fell off the foot of our bed. DH has bricks under the top so it slates down. I didn't even think about it and sat down and right over the foot board. Was my own fault. Sure am sore today and know that is part of it and then I worked out in the yard most of yesterday afternoon. Got alot done and yard is looking nice. DH bought a new grill. Last week when he went out to lite the one we had, it had rusted out. So found one he likes and him and DBIL spent most the afternoon putting it together. Had a good supper cooked on it so everyone was happy.

    Welcome Linda #2.

    DH just called and he has an appointment with the doctor this afternoon. He has been sick with head cold for a week and kept thinking it would just go away. So glad he will get things checked out.

    Katla--Glad your riding went well.

    Carey--Love the sound of your shoes. I love the bright color shoes. DH just got a pair of lime green ones. Mine that I wear to work right now are pink, green, blue and purple. they are streckers and I love them.

    Heather--Your vacation spot sounds beautiful. So looking forward to hearing all about your adventures. Beautiful picture. Wish I was there also.

    Meg--I agree snow would be better then floods and torandos. Weekend wasn't to bad weather wise rain at night, then last evening the wind came up and today it is cold. Glad I am working and inside most the day.

    tntoni--DH sounds like a keeper for sure. I keep hitting the fence when I back out.


    Margaret--Thanks for sharing the picture, you all look very happy.

    pipcd--Enjoyed your picture also. Thanks for sharing.


    Pat --I agree, I think as parnets we each did the best we could at the time with what we knew and had to work with. No one is prefect.

    So much going on in all our lives. DDIL called me last night to tell me DS has been texting at midnight with the lady next door in the apartment. I was so mad I wanted to go over and slap the sh** out of him. So did not sleep well and having a hard time staying awake and getting things done. He knows better and I am so upset with him. DGD has a softball game this evening and I have decided I am not going as not sure what I would say. I have to let it go. Thanks for listening and being here.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Vicki,that is being very caring. Know I do better after I cool down & think it thru.
    Fingers crossed for them & you......
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    Today is supposed to hit 70 degrees, but we just had a hard burst of rain, so I'm not sure what that will mean regarding baseball.

    Lisa – you go girl! Love the words you make up. Wish I had your enthusiasm for improvement. When I get my knees replaced, I hope I can get them both done at the same time, which means I must be in good shape, too. I’m sure we can do it ! ! !

    Katla – I have been diagnosed with bursitis in my right knee since about 8th grade. It doesn’t bother me all the time, but “flares” a few times per year. Each flare seems to last a week or two, but rarely longer. I did have surgery on that knee, but not for the bursitis. I hope you have positive results with whatever path you choose.

    Carey – There is deer and rabbit repellant at places like Home Depot. I am too cheap, so I use a spray bottle with diluted hot sauce. It doesn’t really matter the strength or the brand, only that it makes your plants taste too spicy. It does, however, need to be reapplied after rain.

    Annr – I understand the weekend mindset. I often have the same problem. I keep starting over, hoping I can get over that problem before the next weekend arrives. I am also deathly afraid of spiders. I keep cheap hairspray in almost every room, because I refuse to get too close. I will drag DS out of a dead sleep, or out of the shower, just to kill a spider. Snakes, in my region only rattlers are poisonous, so snakes are not a problem. But spiders, I'm out !

    Janet – Prayers

    Gilly – get back at that swimming. I am so proud of your progression recently, I know you can do it again.

    Re: Mother’s Day. I believe we are all Mothers in some way, shape, or form. Maybe fur babies, maybe lost babies, maybe neighbor kids or nieces, nephews, etc. My DD lost a child at 14 weeks and is now infertile (at least at this time in science), yet I wish her a happy mothers day every year. I do this because my ex-mother in law did the same for me when I lost my first at 24 weeks. It made me feel special. Life (and family) is no longer as traditional as generations past. So, Happy Late Mother’s Day (Beautiful Ladies Day) to everyone, regardless of the situation that makes you a mother. Allison – Sorry about your sadness. One year my DD had been on Facebook, and still didn’t bother to acknowledge my Birthday. It just seems no matter how hard we try to raise them right, they still can make us cry. Sending you (((((hugs))))) ! Sylvia – I also worry that my DS will turn out like my DH that way (not able to show feelings, say sorry, say feelings, etc). Many times yesterday I stood in front of an unopened door, because I am still trying to teach both of them (yes, 14 and 53) to open doors for ladies. I feel relieved that I didn’t say “Happy F%@&amp;ing Mother’s Day to Me” for the first time in decades (they each behaved *enough* , even though enough should not be in that sentence. Don’t get me wrong, I understand that we teach people how to treat us, but I just don’t believe I ever taught anyone as poorly as I feel they treat me some days. I stay on my Prozac because they are less stupid when I am less insulted. Does that make sense to anyone besides me? Oops! Heather just reminded me that I should have reminded DH to call his mother. Hopefully he will have time later tonight after baseball. Does that make me a bad daughter-in-law? I really didn’t mean to forget her. But between 3 hours of baseball in the rain, 2 hours of driving to/from baseball, grocery shopping, and 2 hours of bowling, there was nothing left of my body or brain. I hope she can forgive me (seriously, I am hoping for forgiveness for DH’s failure?). Can you say perfectionist?

    Kalona (and everyone else who is new to this thread) – Welcome. Get on the scale, so you can see the marvelous changes that are waiting for you (and we can all celebrate with you).

    Naiomi – Hugs for your Mom.

    My DH finally had an awaking about his increased weight and girth. Saturday while shopping he got a little sad because the “big and tall” section didn’t have a belt long enough. Then yesterday, on the way to baseball, he said “I think your car is shrinking”. Unfortunately this did not stop him from buying a can of Pringles, but he did buy 1% milk instead of his usual 2%. It sounds like a few good “ah-ha” moments so he can start his baby steps.

    Clothes shopping for DS was exactly what I expected on Saturday. We were able to fill 3 more boxes of his clothes and shoes that are too small, and donated them to the Thrift Store that is a fund-raiser for the Blind in the Milwaukee area. DS was so cute when he said “why would we donate my cleats to them? Blind kids can’t play baseball, right?” So we were able to have a nice conversation about donations and fund-raising and different ways that people with challenges can still have fulfilling lives. Then we headed across the street to Burlington Coat Factory. Their athletic gear is not on clearance right now, but he was still able to get 4 shirts, 3 shorts, and 1 pair of shoes for $110. That, in addition to the items that still fit at home, should get him through the summer.

    No official exercise yesterday or Saturday, unless you count shopping for clothes for DS Saturday, and shivvering in the cold and rain for 3 hours during baseball yesterday.

    Today I was on the handbike for 10 minutes during lunch. And before work I held all 3 planks for 35 seconds (and didn’t start shaking until the 20 second mark). Yay me ! ! !

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all. I am in the office today; the first class room session of assessment is today and I wanted to sit in to hear what the students are told. I got a few other items accomplished. I won’t have to be back in the office til Wednesday when I teach my two assessment labs. I need to get busy on the party!~

    I had a pretty nice Mother’s day. We went to church and I had a corsage to show off, then to brunch, then to the cemetery to see my mom. DD#1 never came over; she texted DD#2 that she and the BF were fighting all day. So late last night she texted DH saying she would not have time but could come over today. So he and I both will be having a little chat with her. Apparently Saturday she texted DH all day long with her drama, upsetting him terribly as I found out yesterday. This has got to end.

    Pip: trumped up holiday or not, I think most people would expect some attention from their kids. (hugs) to you! Great pic!

    Bobbie: give it your best shot and you’ll do well

    Barbie: well you had the perfect day!!!

    Joyce: (((hugs))) to you too

    Michele: thanks for the information…I had no idea the cal counts could be off by so much!

    Sylvia: safe travels!~

    Janet; enjoy the cruise

    Alison: I agree with you about the younger generation although that makes me sound like my grandma! My kids and their friends don’t even know (and don’t want to know) what is right down the street from them or what happens in the world and how it affects them. As long as facebook works, they’re fine. DD#1 even gets “news” from facebook which is often wrong. She won’t believe me even if I show her a newspaper article contradicting facebook!

    Lhannon: your mother looks like a movie star!!!

    Heather: ok interpreter needed: what is a flageolet?

    Carol: a pox on your headache and I hope that makes it go away!

    Jane: I could learn from your good attitude!

    Cynthia: sorry about kitty…I still miss the ones I had decades ago!

    Katla: hooray for hubby! I’m sure you motivate him!

    Kal: welcome to the group!

    Vicki: it’s cold here too today…only supposed to be mid 50s.

    Terri: all that donating was good for the soul I bet!

    OK, need to run to class now. Take care all, Meg from chilly Omaha but at least there are no tornadoes!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited May 2015
    Oh how I love you ladies! You make me laugh and cry in equal measure! Your posts make me feel I am not alone in my hurt feelings and my weirdnesses. Totally love you and that's for real.

    Welcome the new UK lady. :flowerforyou: Sorry, forgotten your name! >:)

    Well, I set out on my expedition to Worm's Head and failed st the first hurdle. I got to the coast guards hut, took a photo for you all, then totally wimped out at crossing the causeway! ! ! ! ! :'( Talk about sharp and dangerous rocks! ! ! ! I was so worried about twisting my dodgy knee. I decided not to risk it as I didn't want to end up in hospital for the rest of the holiday. DH went on his own. I walked back to the pub and waited for him so I am severely undercsloried for the day. I thought I might walk home, but it didn't happen. He returned victorious! <3
    Feel a bit of a wimp, but it was EXTEREMELY difficult going and DH thought I wouldn't have made it.
    Will post photos when I'm organised.
    Love you all. Thinking of Sylvia who must have landed in Madrid by now. <3

    Love Heather in Wales UK
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning everyone! Lots to do around here to get ready for our moving sale.we have been getting a nice rain the last couple of days. We really need it to get out of the drought situation from last year and winter.

    Heather-it's fun to hear about what you are doing on your vacation. Especially how you work in your exercise and stay committed to eating healthy.

    Pip -nice family photo!

    Allison-I am also dealing with issues from divorce. They do seem to affect how the children treat you when they get older. My husband's daughter sent him a text after an issue they were discussing and said we're through. She has sense blocked his calls. It is a sad situation with children at times. It is nice to be able to talk about it even if it is on here. I hope your situation improves.

    Lisa-beautiful picture of your mom! I am happy that your son and daughter both call you mom! You have developed a very special relationship with them. Nice run!

    Peachstategal- stick with us and you will be in zippered pants soon! I hope you feel better by next weekend in Time to enjoy the wedding.

    Pat-good advice!

    Carol in NC - I hope your headache clears up so that you can get back on track. I get headaches and soreness if I don't do my exercise. It stretches me out and loosens up my joints and helps my body to feel better.

    Carey - it sounds like you had a Thanksgiving supper, that is one of my favorite meals.

    Jane - you are right look at all the things that we have to be grateful for.

    Katla- i'm glad that your husband is going to go to the gym with you today. It is nice to have that support.

    Kalona- i'm not sure if that is your name. You have come to a great place for motivation and support. We are here for you!

    Vicki - congratulations on the loss of a pound!

    Terri - maybe with your DH needing to watch what he eats you will get a double bonus by helping each other be successful. That wasn't a bad amount to spend on your DS for the summer. I do think shivering in the cold counts as exercise.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did one segment of 10 Minute Tummy Toner DVD, held my plank for 2 min 45 sec (that's 5 more seconds than previously!), then an hour of a 10 Pounds Down DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do one of Lesley Sansone's Walk at Home DVD's.

    pip - Vince always says "don't ever go for your CDL license". There is no way on this green earth that I could drive much less back up something like your airstream. I hand it to you! I remember when Jessica drove the truck down to NC to unload it, she got an awful lot of looks from truck drivers....lol

    - have a great trip!

    - I thought I was the only one who remembered the corsages. I don't ever remember having anything except a white corsaage. I tend to burn quite easily so I don't go out in the pool for any more than an hour a day. This also makes dh feel better because he remembers how one time I got so badly burned that I started blistering.

    - so glad you had such a great time in Jasper

    lhanon - so sorry about the news. I know that hurts. Your mother was beautiful! Love the scale

    Carey - I like Hungry Girl sometimes. At other times she's very obsessed with low cal foods but not with other things, like artificial sweeteners or sodium content. She recommended the Dijonnaise. It IS good, but the sodium!!! She also recommends a lot of fat free things. I'm not into fat free, to me you need at least some fat in your diet to metabolize certain vitamins, etc. But then again, sometimes she comes up with some really good thoughts

    Cynthiat - (((hug))))

    katla - that's just great that you were finally able to take flowers.

    kalona - welcome! We don't mind anyone from down under, the more the merrier. Don't they wear mumu's in Hawaii??? Definitely get on the scale, you don't have to tell us what the number is, but when you start losing, then we'll know how much of a loss we are celebrating.

    Lisa in TX - you made me smile comparing your chain saw to Lolita

    Went and laid out by the pool today. The water is getting clearer, the spa looks almost perfect now and you can really see the drains. A few more days of putting the bleach in and then we'll probably get back to normal chlorine levels. Who nows? I may even have to return one case of bleach.

    Mahjongg tonight

    terri - snakes and *I'm* out

    Meg - I didn't realize that calorie counts could be off by that much, either. but it makes sense. I know the package of Plum Amazins says it has 3.5 servings each 1/4 cup, but I get 4.5

    Michele in NC
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Still confused about the interactions between MFP and FitBit... I logged the hiking-hills-with-pack on MFP, but because I was wearing FitBit it was still counting steps (tho not elevation).

    You can learn more in the Fitbit Users group: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/1290-fitbit-users

    Your Fitbit burn is TDEE (aka your maintenance calories). Exercise logged in MFP overwrites your Fitbit data during that time.