

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Sylvia: welcome to Spain! Hope you have a great time. Love the picture of you two!

    Heather: lovely photo!

    Jane: hugs to you

    Been busy/tired for the last few days. The good news is that my new “boss” has already said she will keep me, even though the three months (trial period) aren’t over until sometime in July. So that’s a good feeling. The mixed news is that she offered me another day (3 days instead of two), which I wouldn’t mind, but she is not a fan of working from home for more than a small part of those hours. I’m tired from going into the city and I don’t like leaving my dog for an entire day. My guy walks him at lunchtime if he’s home, but he’s not home every day. Not sure what I want to do.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Being so tired and needing outdoors I took my dog to the nearby farm/outdoor café and had a glass of wine.

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Thursday morning and slept well.
    Food = 1621, training = JJ Bikini boot-camp II and JJ Kick-boxing boot-camp I
    Karen and family only have Medicare but cancer patients are seen as soon as possible. I do hope so. My mother and Karen's husband's mother had breast cancer. Mum's had already spread to bones so she refused chemo, Phil's mother had chemo and is OK
    Going to see doctor and Sports Nutritionist this afternoon. need new scripts and official weigh-in and talk with Brian, SN
    It has rained solid for 5 days in Tasmania, and still raining, but it is autumn and so cold
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    edited May 2015
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.


    smiley-happy110.gif I am so glad to be home with my pets.

    smiley-cool05.gif We got home last night instead of today because when we got to the motel in Tillalmook, they told us that our room wouldn't be ready for two hours so we'd have to go do something until it was ready. Since we had already been to the air museum and the cheese factory, all I wanted to do was use the fitness center and Jake wanted to nap, so we told the desk clerk to cancel our reservation and we'd keep on driving. Jake kept on driving until we got home. Thus, we got to watch our recording of Monday's DWTS and then the results show and I got to walk in my neighborhood in the morning and then go to line dance class.

    smiley-sad010.gifI was really sad about my very low step count. We'd left the motel in Coos Bay in the morning very early so I had no time to walk either at the fitness center or in the neighborhood around the motel. I had been expecting to walk all afternoon at the next motel. But today with my early morning walk, line dance class, and dog walking in the afternoon, I made up for it.

    smiley-sad010.gifMy weight is up four pounds from when we left on the trip. I won't know for about a week, how much of that is water but just to be sure, I'm going to be very careful and very active. I didn't log food or exercise for a week and although I ate only healthy foods, I wasn't as careful about portion size and I wasn't nearly as active as I am at home.

    smiley-bounce015.gif.Annr, we had tons of rain coming up the Oregon Coast including when we came through Astoria.

    smiley-bounce015.gif.Tere, good to see you back.....it's never too late to make a new start. Look at today and the future and not to the past.

    smiley-bounce013.gif Pip, one of the greatest benefits for me that came from deciding a few years ago to not drink coffee anymore is that I leave the house each morning for my long walk without drinking anything before I leave. I could never do your morning bike ride if I drank coffee (or anything else) in the morning.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    Here is a scene from the rainy Oregon coast
  • Mare7272
    Mare7272 Posts: 110 Member
    Lilymay2 wrote: »
    SelenaP63 wrote: »
    OK... I hope you don't mind me sharing this but I'm excited and it's late and who else can I tell?

    It was a long day and even though I was away from home, I had a really good day as far as staying on track with eating & such.

    Well, got home tonight just before 10pm and checked my email. Copy editor sent part of the book for us to proofread but his opening comment was, "I've been thoroughly enjoying this story. I sometimes have to remind myself to edit it!"


    Thanks all for listening :)

    AWESOME, awesome and awesome!!!
    DH, in MY hat, in the cottage garden, enjoying the last rays of sunshine today. :love:


    Heather UK

  • Mare7272
    Mare7272 Posts: 110 Member
    edited May 2015
    Wow! What a beautiful view.

    Maria, Mississauga Canada
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride home 2 gym- 12.3min, 14.4amph, 2.9mi =901c
    spin - 36min, 89ar, 115aw, 11-15g, 15.8mi = 306c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.20min, 13.5amph, 1.4mi = 62c
    ride dome 2 tan- 18.17min, 9.8amph, 2.9mi = 172c
    ride tan 2 hm- 5.23min, 12ampm 1mi = 54c
    total cal 711

    LET THE FUN BEGIN!!!!!!!! LAST DAY AT WORK, I AM OFFICIALLY ON MINI VACA!!!!!!!!!! ALREADY HAD A LIQUID REFRESHMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will b walking to the bus terminal so i can burn something off. taking my stuff to run in the AM if i can.... gotta pack and get ready

    barbie - i guess i must have a good bladder still... he just recognized the issue and modified his intake before the morning ride started. i'm happy for him
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited May 2015
    Drkatiebug - glad to hear that you are recommitting! You are not a failure, you know what you need to do .

    Terri - beautiful!

    Carey - sometimes the calories in some foods are so much higher then we think.

    Pip - such a touching memory of your love for your first husband and your compassion for Kirby. I know when I drink too much water I better not travel too far from home. Have fun on your vacation!

    Heather - beautiful picture!

    Sylvia - great picture of you and your DH , thanks for sharing!

    Barbie - I'm glad you made it home safely! 4 lbs is probably water. You will have no trouble returning to normal.

    I looked at 3 houses today with our realtor. Way over priced and ran down. We live in a resort area so houses are over priced. No rentals available until I saw one that our realtor said another agent was renting. My DH called and was also told about the same place. We went to see it. Small 2 bedroom corner lot near bike trail great structure 1 car garage decent rent! I asked if he would consider selling and he said yes. 30,000 less then the others we looked at and much better condition. We could have it paid off in 2 years! Great retirement home. We are now buying a house!

    Have a great night everyone!!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did an hour of Kelley Coffee Meyer's 30 Minutes to Fitness DVD today (30 min of step, 30 min of plyometrics). The plan for tomorrow is to do Jillian Michael's Hard Body DVD.

    - welcome back! Boy, you've sure been thru a lot but glad things seemed to have worked out. Happy belated birthday. Sounds like you have a lovely family!

    Mary from MN
    - so sorry you didn't get the transfer to Texas. yea for you buying that house!

    - beautiful cell phone cover

    pip - I feel for your late hubby. How that must have hurt him! I know you did what you did out of love, and I'm sure deep down he knew it too. But I bet he would have preferred if you hadn't had to. You're right, men can be so proud. Glad you weren't seriously hurt with that bike. Have a great time in CA

    - you sure lead a tough life having to eat that cheese!!!!

    Had the Newcomer general meeting, then came home and went to CVS to get a prescription for Vince, the post office, the bank, the Salvation Army (while there I stopped in the store and found 4 or 5 things that I'd donated for sale), then to WalMart. For some reason, Vince seems to think that we only get one item in the store. No way....I had other things that I needed at WM so got them, too. Then home to cut the grass, didn't get to ceramics today since we needed to cut the grass.

    Getting the chlorine back to normal now. Just had to add 2 more bottles of bleach today. Looks like maybe we won't have a case of bleach to return....lol. Put a lot of the empty bleach bottles in my neighbor's recycling can. 37 bottles. Now we're starting to fill up the can again!

    - sounds like you're having a wonderful time

    - prayers for your son.

    - you are NOT a failure. You aren't gaining, and to me that makes you a winner. Spounds like you're on one of those WONDERFUL plateaus

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Cynthia – you need a pretty floppy hat to wear to do your cemetery work.
    Lisa – love the scale, you look like your mom!

    Alison – your situation got me thinking…. You all have heard me complain about the aftermath of my Mom’s parenting style, but I KNOW that she did the absolutely best job she knew how, she did as much as she could, loved us the best she could, and continues to. Now she is limited by what she is willing to do, learn or share – but it is still her best. And I respect and love her for doing her best. I know it was not enough for me (and I think not enough for my sibs either – but we are not close and I don’t know what they think) But I am an adult and am taking responsibility for learning and closing the gaps in my upbringing, that is our responsibility as adults. The adult “kids” who don’t as Pat says “get over themselves” don’t deserve to be allowed to pass that pain on to their mom. I am sorry that they don’t value what parents do – every Mom on here did/does her best, it is not perfect but at the moment that you are doing the parent thing it is the best you can do.

    Kalona – welcome, we are an international supportive bunch! Everyone is different, and some of the gals here find some food triggers more unhealthy eating so completely eliminate certain things others (me) have learned to do smaller portions, either way this is a new lifestyle for most of us and so we find some way of eating that we can do for the rest of our lives….

    Vicki – congrats on another pound released!

    Lesley – thinking of you and your daughter!!!

    Mary – they have tick meds for the dog, why not for us too???? Lyme disease is tough!!!

    Heather – great picture and wonderful descriptions of your trip – the postman brought me Windows…. I just need some time to read…

    Tere – welcome home!!! You can do this and a personal trainer can help, but so can counseling on what is triggering the issues… it is helping me.

    Terri – this is too late to help, but just a weird question, why do you need anything to eat while watching a movie? I never get anything….

    Pip – the string thing is brilliant… I’ll have to try it…

    Sharon – thinking of you ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))

    Jane – hope DS is on the mend.

    Katie – you are NOT I repeat Not a failure you are practicing maintenance. That is what I am doing too…

    Sylvia and Heather – great photos!!!

    Lesley – is Karen in the States?

    I have caught up!!! Tomorrow is a busy morning, it is funny things have been a bit slow on the letter jacket embroidery .. but super busy with other embroidery, towels and throw blankets mostly, but today got a call asking if I could sew on patches – so I am sewing patches on a ymca groups vests that should keep me busy for a few days.

    I took Levi to the vet today he needed a rabies shot, this was a new vet, I was very unhappy with the last one, Levi is very high energy and it was not a match, but this one was GREAT! Loved her. She did not feel the need to put him on the slippery table, she just sat on the floor with him, did the exam as a full body massage, he was in heaven, and slipped in the shot.. all good. And the price was not bad, compared to others. She is in a more industrial area so probably doesn’t have the high end rent costs.

    Some one (sorry didn’t write down who) asked about my Salmon, clam and shrimp… so it was 2 meals one with salmon the other with clams and shrimp. The clam and shrimp meal, Mom made so I will have to get the recipe. But the salmon is easy, while not really good for your diet…. In a fry pan sauté red and orange peppers cut into matchstick sized pieces and leek cut into ½ circle slices. Enough for a handful per serving. I sautéd them in a bit of white wine. The salmon should have the skin removed if it came on it, then cut into single serving sizes. Now for the non-diet part… Take 2 sheets of filo dough per serving, (you could use a bit less) lay one sheet down and paint it with melted butter, put the second sheet on top, in the center of the sheet put the salmon with a handful of the veggies, then fold up the filo melted butter between each fold, so when it is done it will be a pastry square. Bake at 400 for about 12 minutes.

    May goals:
    Walk every day
    Log everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week
    Week 1 – had a friend visit for a couple of days – went to our big second hand store (Savers) and for $23 got 3 pair of walking shoes and a pair of hiking boots – all very gently used. Score!

    Week 2 – had Mom for a 4 day visit, tried some new recipes, salmon, shrimp and clams…. Yummy. Did a new walk with the dog that had a long tough hill, and we made it!

    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    My fit bit tracker did show a much better sleep last night. The previous night was better but last night was the best. But I had to set my alarm yesterday and this morning I didn't. Of course we will tomorrow for Charlie's appointment. I have a feeling that if he requires a severe diet change it is going to be pretty difficult for him. One of the questions I have for her is whether or not stress can upset ulcerative colitis. Left my cell phone at church tonight. Got a call when I got home that they were going to be at the church for 30 minutes doing stuff. But I like to do some window shopping at Walmart on Wednesday nights because Charlie isn't with me. So it was well past the 30 minutes. So I need to see if the church is open tomorrow.

    Sharon, many times a crisis like you went and are going through can actually help a couple. You both depend on each other right now. Good luck, also good luck with that iliostomy. Is it a temporary iliostomy?

    Kol900 welcome!!! Sounds like an alarm clock would help you to remind you to get up and move. With your artistic mind normal everyday exercise may not be your thing. But something like yoga would maybe a little more artistic. Like some one else said, 5 minutes one day, 6 another day. Or if you need to increase it every 3 or 4 days. Good luck.

    Mary in Minnesota sorry about your husband not getting that transfer. It always sounded like you had your heart set on getting out of the north. Congrats on finding a nice house so fast. Always nice to start out fresh after a disappointment.

    Pip, tell your husband I said thanks for doing the MS ride.

    Heather, loved your pastoral view from the cottage. My B/P would never be high with that in my back yard.

    Sylvia, wonderful picture.

    Kim, congrats on the wonderful vet you found. I put my cat up on the table but the vet always does his exam like a massage also. When I had my girls, the pediatrician I found would always examine them on their level also. In the office, they had these little tiny kids size wooden chairs, the doctor would sit in one of those chairs, if my girls were reading a book, he would ask to read it to them. Then he would examine them on my lap. They were never afraid of going to the doctor. One time they had to see one of the other guys in the office and he said it was policy for his patients to put them up on that cold metal table. She just cried the whole time. They had never been treated like that.

    One time not long after I was diagnosed with MS, some one in my MS forum I love was talking about their SO divorcing her because MS wasn't what he signed up for. So I just asked Charlie how he felt. He said that he married me for better or for worse.

    Time to take my Melatonin and go to bed. Got to see what this doctor says about ulcerative colitis tomorrow. Will be very informative how Charlie will take it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Have been to see Brian, Sport Nutritionist this afternoon.
    I am allowed 1400 to 1700 calories. He said use 1400 as base line, then add 200 calories for every hour I train, but do not go over 1700.
    I have to cut out: all berries, berry jam, mash potatoes, cream, ice cream, sugar and Stevia
    I can and will do this for Tom's Big Burn starting on Monday.
    I go back to Brian in a month
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    morning ladies~ yes I am typing at 2:50 in the morning on about 4 hrs sleep..
    work was busy yesterday.. and I did mow the lawn before work yesterday.. but now have lost my voice... we havent had rain and the pollen is just horrible. so that is what I attribute that to.
    last night was a fiasco, went to my DB and DSIL for dinner..and my DB had been drinking he said no, but I know him.. all he did was bi--h.. made a nice dinner and my dad got dropped off, DB was just beside himself...
    he does not like not having control of a situation and my DSIL brother is coming and taking mom up to the lake house, which right now doesnt have the water turned on yet. Sean and Jean usually do that.. Wally is a trouble maker and he knows how to push buttons, so that is what set Sean off drinking.. well after we finished dinner dad had called us all together to talk about the cottage in N.H.,it is now is Sean and Jeans name .
    so Dad is a likes to tell a story ,and Sean didnt want to hear any of it so he started screaming and yelling at his 86 yr old father, I got up and walked out, and dad walked out behind me and I took him home,Sean tried calling about 6 times and leaving me voice mails and I didnt want to hear it, texted Jean and told her when he calms down then maybe I will talk to him..
    My father didnt do well business wise in his younger years and all he has to live on is his social security.. which is not much.having both the cottage and his home and trying to pay taxes on both has been very hard, so for the past few years he hasnt been able to pay the taxes on his home here in Ct.
    he has taken care of the cottage for 50 yrs, and he had at least a couple of renters to help defray the taxes up there, these people have been going up yearly for 20 yrs, and now Sean and Jean dont want it rented out this yr because they want to get some of the disrepair fixed,worried about liability..
    So my dad is trying to explain to me that these friends that have rented it have made plans yearly to go there and now they cant, just hurts him.. Sean didn't want to listen to any of it, so will try and speak with Jean today and tell her dads side of the story..
    I am pretty pissed with my brother at this point , our mom is gone and he is so into worrying about what he doesnt have control over that dad wont be here for ever..
    going to get my hair cut this morning, then home.. I have only gotten about 4 hrs sleep so will be dragging by this afternoon
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Thanks all for the warm welcome back and all the kind words of support.

    Terri- Sing. Always sing. I'm glad the popcorn was worth the splurge. We all have our little pleasures. That cell phone cover is wonderful. I love the bling.

    Heather - Thank you for the photo, looking at it made me feel more peaceful.

    Sylvia - Glad that you are finding healthy food. I bet the fresh fruit is fantastic. Spain is definitely on my list.

    Mary - Things change fast in Minnesota. It's good that you have found a house that meets your needs.

    Alison - I'm sorry that happened in your family. Your father being yelled at is beyond disrespectful. I think you were right not to engage with someone that has been drinking.

    Today had many ups and downs. My daughter is finally going to see a specialist about getting her tonsils out. I feel this should have been done many years ago but the doctors always found a reason not to do it. She has endured years of having strep throat 4-5 times a year. I hope they finally do something about this.
    Tomorrow I am going for my pelvic ultrasound. I've felt thirsty since I finished my last glass of water. lol
    I am still waiting to see when my endoscopy will be scheduled.
    My oldest grand daughter phoned to tell me she loves me. She quizzed me about how I felt about her and Jennita. I told her I am happy if she is. My concern is that she has already brought a few people through Rohyn's young life. I want her to be conscious of who she is allowing into his life. She falls in love easily and quickly becomes obsessed. She seemed to understand my point. I don't know how I feel about Jennita as I have never met her or seen them interact.
    A lot of my flowers out front are blooming. I love the bleeding hearts.
    DH was mean to my 3 year old DGD and then wondered why she didn't want to talk to Gramps. I think the sooner we go back to counselling the better.
    A woman that used to work at the store came in to see me. She said she would never have become a teacher if I hadn't encouraged her. It was all her effort but I'll share credit.
    Needing to get back to posting walks and gathering people.

    Good night
    -Sharon in Lethbridge
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Sharon in Lethbridge~
    I feel your daughter's pain as I have been there..I was told at 17 I have cronic tonsillitis.. so as the years progressed, I was getting strep like every other week,and sounded like Darth Vader. I finally went to a Ear,Nose, and Throat Dr, while they were infected, he said good God you should have these out when you were little,,,, I had major ear infections with vertigo too.
    So at 30 yrs old I got them out.. that was rough .. lost 13 lbs in a week and all I could do is suck on ice chips..
    good luck to her
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    OH my goodness Terri that is just beautiful - I want one!!!

    Went out to eat last night with my son and menu had not got any calorie values, so I guessed at what I thought would be better than the enourmous burger that he had. When I got home I googled it and found it was 1,325, so despite it being delicous I will not be having that again!!

    Gilly, Suffolk UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good morning everyone!

    Kim: what a great vet! Glad you found her. It’s so important.

    Alison: I know what you mean about pollen. I haven’t had much trouble this spring, but sometimes it’s awful. Hope you also get some rest.

    Am tired and "done" at the moment. Free day today, but the $#&*$(*@* people doing the renovations in the apartment above ours are at it again, even though it's a holiday here. So p***ed off about not even being able to have a cup of coffee on the sofa in peace, every day since the beginning of March. Dog is also constantly stressed.

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Good morning folks!

    Woke up, as forecast, to howling wind and torrential rain! Good job we were expecting it as it couldn't be a bigger contrast to yesterday. We plan to shop for a few food items in the next village and spend the day writing and reading.
    This morning I did 30 mins weights and strength exercising for 103 calories, so I need to do a video from the internet this pm. My knee is sore from all the walking, so it won't be a walking video! ! ! ! ! I could just do my routine again. :ohwell:

    Very moved by all the parental and family stories. It's so great to have a community of women like this who understand our pain.
    Beth - I always feel for your situation. :flowerforyou:

    Sharon - hope the tests go well!

    Joyce - same to you and Charlie. He has a lot to deal with. :flowerforyou:

    Oh well, have to get respectable for the shopping trip. I'm still in pyjamas. Holidays! ! ! ! ! :laugh:

    Heather in rainy Gower, Wales, UK
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all,

    Yesterday was a good day, got my run in, muddy as it was, but now there are floors to do. :smiley: Couldn't figure out why I was having a hard time breathing, looked at the humidity and it was nearly 90 percent. It's usually down around 12 percent or so. Measured my route with my car, it said it was 2.5 miles, my pedometer said 2.75 miles, so my stride measurement is off (no surprise). I'll just have to add a lap around the outside fence of the house, which I measured at almost exactly a quarter mile, to make up the distance.

    The ranch trapper has traps out for varmints (coyote, lynx, fox, other predators) along the draws outside the camp where we live, so I can't take Daisy running too far outside the camp fences, or I risk her getting a broken leg or worse in one of the traps. And if I go running anywhere without her, she becomes Doggy Houdini, and will get out of almost any fence to go with me. As long as she knows where I am, she never tries to get out of the home yard--and doesn't try to get out if I leave in a car. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Doggies don't always make sense.

    Happy Thursday,
    Lisa from West Texas
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Ladies ~ Thanks so much for all the lovely photos. What a wonderful place we live in!