

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited May 2015
    Today's steps - 17,393/7.25 miles, so a little less than yesterday. We went to the Prado Art Museum, then the botanical gardens. Then we walked to the train station, making a dry run for tomorrow's trip to Barcelona. We will take a taxi to the station, though, because it would be too hard to navigate the metro stations with our luggage. It's a beautiful train station. Near there we found a street vendor selling roasted corn and roasted sweet potatoes, so we got some and sat in the park area to eat. Boy, do my feet hurt!

    Now we are snug in our hotel room, planning to go to bed early and get up earlier than today. We slept really late this morning, till 9:30! We must have been really exhausted. We also switched rooms today. We originally reserved a king room, but when we checked in they gave us a queen. Hubby thought they must have different names for the mattress sizes in Spain. Silly man. I finally showed him a picture on the hotels web site showing a king bed, so he asked about it. I really don't care, but he likes to get what he pays for.

    My son has emailed saying all is well back home, so I'm relieved about that.

    I hope you are all having a great day!

  • Mindsiview
    Mindsiview Posts: 42 Member
    edited May 2015
    Greetings! I'm new here and to MFP. Been reading this thread with much interest and hope you don't mind me hanging about :-)

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Hello Mindsiview! You are welcome to lurk about, but we really enjoy hearing about each other's lives. Post a little when you're comfortable.

    Drkatiebug ... maybe it was this site, maybe another ... but plateaus can also be considered "practicing maintenance prematurely."

    Heather ... you are always very kind ...

    Mary ... congratulations on finding a house so quickly!

    Allison ... sigh ...

    I am going to be ordering some books tonight ... so both Heather's and Lisa's books are on my list ... I love to read and really need to reward myself with things like books (and jewelry) instead of chocolate.

    And I may be the only mother in the world to be excited by the prospect that her son might have mild to moderate ADD! He's always been unable to focus on homework or reading for long periods of time.... oh the drama "I have SO much homework" ... to find out after he finally would settle down that he had 10 minutes worth. But he is very smart and knows how to give teachers exactly what they're looking for, so we've never had anyone bring this up before. He's quite the BS-er ... heck, he could sell ice to an eskimo! And he's not hyperactive ... just the opposite ... so no one would pick up on it. But we had a really disasterous week and his inability to follow through on reading The Great Gatsby for his English class became very glaring apparent when I called him on it. ... he had himself sick with migraine for days! So it made us all think and his doctor is suspicious (and excited by it if you can believe it) that he might have ADD. If you can't focus or stay on task, you avoid doing your work ... and if you avoid doing your work, you can become anxious and worried and stressed .... And if you're anxious because you couldn't focus and you didn't do your work and you suspect you're going to catch h*ll .... Migraines!? .... this might be a huge piece of his puzzle! A little late in the game at 17, but I was told it is common in very smart kids to often be undiagnosed until they're in college. We shall see...

    Today I'm the one with the throbbing headache. Son is learning how to drive ... and I let him drive to our appointments today ... need I say more?

    Hope you're all having wonderful days!
    Beth in WNY

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Vicki – How nice of you to let that co-worker vent, and to help him take some time to think instead of quitting prematurely. My Dad often says “God, keep Your arm around my shoulder and Your hand over my mouth”. I struggle with that concept a good percentage of the time. And Extra Congratulations on 9 years sober ! ! !

    Beth – Congrats on the possible diagnosis. It’s not that you want your DS to have ADD, but you want a diagnosis, so you can start working on a solution to the problem. I totally get that, and you are a great Mom because of it all. (I don’t have ADD, but I have been told that I could sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo, so he's in good company with me) Good luck with the driving lessons.

    I have stayed on track so far today with my food and my exercise. I just need to remember planks when I get home, and stay away from the “forbidden” foods. I have left-over shiritaki and marinara sauce, plus plenty of veggies to heat and eat. I really need my “practice for maintenance” to end, and get back to losing again.

    I hope everyone is able to make wise choices today. Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!hubby and I had our physicals today.I lost over 30 lbs since I saw her,wants me to loose 30 more by next year.B.p was the best it has been in over 30 + years.Got pap done and then every 3 years,going for labs and mammogram in july.Hubby bp was a little high,he has tendinitis and 2 other conditions due to his job.Dr put him on light duty for a month and steroids for inflammation and pain meds.He`s afraid of loosing his job if he can`t lift.Just got a call mom is on the way to er,her blood thinner levels are high,then youngest son,calls to tell me he needs shoulder surgery from the incident at work,Calgon take me away.
    Hope ur day is going better.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Vicky- on occasion those weight watcher meals come in handy. Especially for lunch at work. Nine years sober congratulations! It will be nice to have the extra money for the extra shifts that you are going to be working.

    Lisa-you have a great way of looking at life. As soon as our movie is over in July I hope to read your book. I'm sure it will be well written with humor. Your posts are very interesting.

    Sylvia-it sounds like you are having a great vacation! It is nice to hear from your son that everything is going well at home. We always get a king room when we travel as well. It's nice to have that extra room to relax.

    Mindsiview-glad to have you around!

    Beth-enjoy your time reading. I can hardly wait until I can have time to relax and do that as well. It is nice to have the diagnosis for ADD. Now you can learn how to manage the behaviors associated with it. I hope your headache goes away.

    Terri- good for you staying on track! I have been having a little trouble. I guess I have been practicing for maintenance. Good plan for having the veggies.

    Jane-you are doing awesome! 30 pounds down and your blood pressure is great. Sorry to hear about your hubby and son. A nice hot bath does sound like a good plan.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Thanks again to those who take the time to respond to so many. For some reason, I miss posts when reading from the app. If it weren't for you guys I would not have known that Mary found a house nor would I have known that I am practicing maintenance prematurely. LOL! I've been doing that quite well for a couple of years now. Time to kick it up a notch.

    Enjoying the pics from the travels and the cute, cute cell phone case.

    My friend came over today to borrow two dresses for her husband's visitation and funeral. Hospice is with him 24-7 and they are expecting him to pass at any time. She doesn't buy a lot of clothes and never dresses and really can't afford to spend the money she would need to spend to look nice. I fixed her up quite nicely. The black dress is a basic Coldwater Creek in their travel knit which hangs beautifully and hides a multitude of sins. It was my dress to wear under the graduation gown when I was teaching high school. Nobody will recognize it as mine because I always wore it with a colorful jacket or sweater or else it was hiding under the gown. The other is a muted print in black, olive, and tan. I paired it with black shrug for her. It looks totally different than when I wear it because I wear it with an olive long sweater and a big cinch belt. We wear the same size but look totally different in clothes because she is hippy and pear shaped where I am busty and have a waist. She is also a good bit shorter. I don't think anyone will guess she is in borrowed clothes because they fit so well and are accessorized so differently. I feel so bad for her. He has been sick, bedridden and with dementia for several years. She is still trying to work while caring for him and raising two grandsons. He is only in his early seventies. She is mid sixties. They were our next door neighbors before we moved to this house, and we have remained good friends.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Drkatiebug - such a relief to your friend that she does not need to take away time or money from her hubby to feel comfortable at his funeral. You have done her and multitudes of others a huge favor with your kindness. And I'm sure she felt immeasurable comfort and support just being in your presence. It is amazing how much we can do for others, when it really seems like so little (or just natural) to us. Here is a (((((hug))))) for you!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Drkatiebug- I am so sorry to hear about your friend's husband. It is so nice of you to help her get something nice to wear. It will help her to feel cared for and loved well wearing your dress. (((Hugs)))

    Pip- thanks for checking in! Hope you are having fun.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    have had a lot of stress the past couple of days due to people at work being laid off or shifted about. Hoping to hang on for three more years myself, then done with the whole thing and on to new things! Really feel sorry for people younger than me sometimes--does anyone else ever feel that way? The sands seem to be ever shifting for so many. On the plus side I am down another pound. The Spain trip sounds wonderful. I went there once and really loved the laid back attitude and the culture! A great place for walking, too!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I’m not a gourmet cook, and not too fussy about saucepans except that I won’t cook in aluminum. It needs to be cast iron, stainless, pyrex or crockery. I love the idea of a “turning 36” mock film. DD turns 36 this year.

    Carol: I admire your courage to read John 3:16 in Spanish. WTG!

    Sylvia: I’m happy that you’re enjoying your adventure and have heard that your son is doing okay. Yay!

    Mindsview: Welcome. Tell us about yourself. Where are you from?

    Beth in WNY: I hope that your son’s situation will develop into something he can manage. That would be so much better than him feeling stressed or out of control.

    Jane: CONGRATULATIONS! Losing 30 pounds is awesome. WTG!

    Dr. Katie: Your former neighbor is lucky to have you as a friend.

    My neighbor wasn’t able to go to Zumba today. Her mom was refusing food and the place where she lives called. I talked to her DH a bit ago, and mom was sent to the hospital. She’s in her mid-nineties and failing. I wish my neighbor luck and some level of peace through what is a difficult situation.

    My neighbor's situation makes me think about my own mortality, and how I want things to be managed some day in the future. I don’t have any glorious “ah-ha’s” to reveal, but I’m glad I live in a state with a law that allows assisted suicide. I know how the law applies to terminal illness, but not how it applies to extreme aging. I do know that you have to be “of sound mind.” Life is a puzzle, and I don’t want to dump a situation like this on my kids 30 years from now without any guidance on my wishes. I want to be in charge. At least I can sort out how I want things handled and give then information to them well in advance.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    @drkatiebug - you have treated your friend so kindly, it brought tears to my eyes. You gave her your love, huge support, time to plan for what is next, and I'm sure relief at one of the most difficult times in life. God worked through you today. Well done! Hugs
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Friday and was restless last night. Realised at 1am that NO Nexium, so got up and took it.
    Slept until 9am. Have had breakfast and prepped crock pot beef and broccoli for dinner, supposed to have with rice but added potatoes instead. Sodium is HIGH due to soy sauce and beef stock.
    Oh and realised NO chocolates, NO biscuits, NO alcohol for Tom's Big Burn. Boo Hoo ah well. Fat Loss I hope
    I am cleaning house today and will take dog a walk this afternoon
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    Still up. Visiting mom
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    I am hoping to run tomorrow. It's raining now. We will c
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :)<3 About mothers.....mine had many shortcomings and many strengths.......I am using Gretchen Rubin's technique of "finding the positive argument" to reflect on her and thinking of her with a list of all the things she added to my life and leaving out all the areas where she made me crazy.

    :) Jane, congrats on your weight loss

    :) Katla, good for you to decide to go to spin class even without your friend to go with you....even though I've read so many recommendations to find a workout buddy to keep you accountable, I've not found anyone who that I can count on all the time, so now I count on myself.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif19,000 steps today--two hours of dog walking, line dance class and practice with the performance group, and 90 minutes on the exercise bike

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @barbiecat My son is in Widbey Island kind of near you. He loves it, and is adapting well. With a squadron there. I helped him move into his place last January, and he told me his neighbor said, " Are you and your WIFE adjusting well?" hahahaha he said..."Um no that is my Mom"....well I don't feel too old now. The ferry ride back down was pretty.

    Well today I really pushed myself lap swimming. So I did 17 laps. Found out you really don't count laps but lengths. So I did 34 lengths of a regulation 25 yard pool. I wasn't lazily swimming either! I averaged about 2 minutes a length. So in total I did about 1/2 of a mile (a mile being about 800 and something). I was impressed! And it also gave me a darn good reason to crash for a 3 hr nap on my swimming days.... I drooled and everything...
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    I changed it up today because of the rain. Boy we sure need the water here in CA. So I worked around the house this morning, later ran errands, then walked 3miles in my neighborhood, made dinner, and ate with the family. Just finished my Classical Stretch workout now at 7:30 pm. Just kitchen cleanup and torrow's lunches left to go.

    My DS and DD (both teenagers) are driving now. I remember teaching them and the bad feeling I'd get sitting in the death seat! Thank God it all worked out okay and now it's just my 14 yr old DS left.

    My DD has a dance competition again this weekend so I should easily make 10k steps
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    what happened to my post. It was all to emotional to repeat it. Not about me, just a lot of feelings from an article I read, from what you girls are going through and hubbies appointment today. Love you all. there is a ghost in this cyber world, i know it!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana