

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Hello, beautiful ladies. I do love how supportive all of you are. It was a good day when I discovered this thread.

    Carey - Have you tried Michael's for custom framing? They quite often have 1/2 price sales. I've used them to frame some of the original art from my son and my daughter. I think it looks good.

    Heather- I love the idea of the poster. The saucepan is something he probably wouldn't splurge on but just think how much he will enjoy using it and he will think of you.

    Beth - Reward myself with books. Perfect.
    It will be nice for you to have a diagnosis then you can figure out a better plan. Migraines are so horrible.

    drkatiebug- You are giving your friend what she needs, clothes to wear and your support. She is lucky to have you.

    Katla - Do you have a living will? I made mine 15 years ago with the help of a hospital social worker. It is probably time to update it.

    I went for my pelvic ultrasound this morning. My daughter drove as I'm not talented enough to do so with my legs tightly crossed. I almost knocked a poor gentlemen down in my rush to get to the ladies room once my test was over.
    Nice lunch out with DH, DD, DSIL and one DGD. It was rainy and everyone seemed grumpy. Our waitress did not seem happy to be a work. "You have pretty eyes and I really like your earrings" One little 5 yr. old brought a smile to that waitress. You could hear the change in her voice. Oh, the power of a compliment.
    Did some banking, errands, etc. We had to stop at a store so that DGD could buy a necklace for her cousin. The reason? "Everyone loves a surprise." How I love this wise child!
    Trying to come up with some variety for DH. Meats and fruit are going fine but finding vegetable that work for him is still a challenge. Still no raw veggies or salads of any kind. We are used to having salad at almost every meal. We'll figure it out.
    It's been showering on and off all day. We need the moisture as there is no snow pack in the mountains. I don't think the campers are going to be happy that this is forecast for most of the long weekend.

  • kal900
    kal900 Posts: 69 Member
    Oops! I missed yesterday... so got lots of posts to read through...
    Hi and thanks to everyone who welcomed and replied to me ;) Alot of great points and advice.

    I was VERY flexible as a kid, but it seems that hypermobile kids suffer stiffer than normal joints later in life, oh I so know it! At times theyre almost immobile, takes a little while to warm up and move. So, yoga, having tried it 10 years ago, is a struggle now, both with joints and pure size. I love the idea of getting to KNOW my body and listening, but I just cant get there. I cant meditate, seldom switch off and have resistance to helping myself. If I can get that sorted it would be so much easier...
    Sadly though I can't take much in the way of meds. I used to live on anti-flams, which certainly helped. Until 2010 when I had trouble breathing, expected bronchitis, and was told I shouldnt be walking as I had huge clots in my lungs that could dislodge any time. They never found out the cause so I'm on anticoags for the rest of my life, and that limits what meds I can take for pain ;(

    I do like my cardio, and again, while I love pilates, I am struggling to do half the moves, which in turn frustrates and puts me off. Absolutely hate swimming!! Odd given I'm Cancerian... Don't run or jog, for obvious reasons, knees wont take it, and I can't deal with the boredom of it- like laps in the pool. I want a crosstrainer, but no space for it ;(

    I used to spend 5 days a week in the sports centre, couple of classes (yoga/ pilates and pump/combat or blt), and an hour or so doing cardio and weights in the gym! Loved it... while it lasted... that was just before my final knee op, which stopped me going, and begun my downhill turn. Was actually down to 66kg and fit, so fit ;) I guess I feel that I should still be able to do what I could then, so feel justified in giving up when I cant. Don't you just love human psychology!

    Tere- Thanks for the compliment- go right ahead! Always hope to inspire- although usually it's teaching crafts rather than weight loss ;)

    Lisa- I hear you! Little and regular- but if I don't see results fairly consistently I get disheartened. I'm convinced that it is more about my head not wanting it than anything else. I always self-destruct or scupper my positive results. No idea how to fix that... or stop the chronic up/down cycling. I shall try and get a read of your book too- love reading! Favourite authors are Bernard Cornwell, Patricia Cornwell, Dean Koontz, LK Hamilton and Stephen King. Love a good scary book, or thriller...

    Terri- Indeed! Problem is once I'm in flow with a painting, or sewing a journal, I dont even think to break. Especially since I dont smoke anymore. Then it was different, stop, coffee, smoke, snack, often! I do like the idea of getting an alarm, maybe I should set my phone. The problem is when I get custom orders I do then need to sit and get on with the work... there's alot of detail in what I do and it takes a fair while...
    Maybe I should do some planks too, need a stronger core.
    Love the phone cover! That's one of the things that I create, along with book and tablet covers. Love it, every one is different. Thank my mum for that, she was a dressmaking teacher, I learnt alot of crafts very early ;)

    Gilly- Another Brit, hi! Ouchy! Bikes will do it... or the road at least! Although I probably should have mentioned that I ride motorbikes ;) Gave up on pushbikes donkeys ago, my knees cant take the strain of pushing at that angle. I currently ride a Triumph 900, which I bought a year ago, but am selling because I really don't like it. I started on motorbikes when I was 12, my schoolfriends had them and I was always a tomboy!! I love getting out on them though, so much freedom and cheesy grins. Great for taking countryside photos too.
    Good luck with your goal, how long till you hit 200? How are you doing it, food and exercise? I think of I could do it on just food control I probably would, slap me now! But I know I need to make my body stronger and leaner too, which means effort ;(

    Carey- Tex mex sounds great! Love spuds but rarely have them, too high in carbs for me! All my meals are adhoc... we buy the same foods every week, but I just throw them together differently every day... does get monotonous, but it keeps weighing/ recording easier- no big surprises with high carb/cal ingredients.

    Heather & Pip- It is glorious all round the Welsh coast. Lovely view!! I agree great for biking, but definately with an engine! Spent many years riding round Wales and travelling between Haverfordwest and Folkestone. Could never have managed it on a racer

    Barbie- Gorgeous view! Looks really idyllic. Love holidays but it usually results in a negative turn as I put weight on and get led astray by hubs ;) We are bad and good for each other, both love the same things, and neither particulary strongwilled where food/ drink is concerned

    Kim- Hi! Absolutely! Many years ago I found that low carb had a distinctly better result for me, and as a consequence we rarely eat any sugar/ flour things. Unless I'm on a downward, in which case steamed puds, icecream and bread becomes a staple evening indulgence. So bad, but again, hubs doesnt help with that, he cooks the puds! And sadly, he knows better than to argue with me... I can get rather sulky... I need a good slap up the head sometimes for my own good!
    So you love embroidery too? We'll have to swap notes some time! How are you on crazy quilting? Been doing similar for decades but never knew it was a "thing"!

    Joyce- I shall get back into yoga, but it is definately a struggle with my size and recovering arm. And I shall be setting an alarm on my phone I think, to remind me to take breaks while lost in creating.

    Sharon- I love dicentra too, have both red and white currently starting to move. Always so pretty. Good news for your daughter! I had mine out at 18 because local doc wouldnt put it forward. Ended up at seamans hospital in london under dad's healthplan. Crazy that they still hesitate this day and age, it can be totally debilitating, not just your throat but your whole body gets affected.

    My word, I've written far too much again, need to get up and walk round, my bum's gone numb!! Still have 2 books to create today so should get a wriggle on too
    Have a great day!!!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    morning ladies~
    Oh my Oh my , I looked in the mirror with a flashlight and I dont think I have strep throat but sure feels like it,, no white spots...thank goodness. we have had no rainf for awhile and the pollen is out of control so I think that is it, but will take antibiotics for a bit to make sure.
    Ate horribly ,yesterday and wont even post.. and maybe my body is telling me , you Idiot what are you doing to yourself :p
    not going to go down to see DFIL I did yesterday but wore a mask, now I have to work all day today and 1/2 day tomorrow.. so will wipe stuff down as I go.. wont eat much today because of the throat.. give my body a rest I guess..
    maybe take some soup
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Beth ~ So glad you might be getting to the right place to help your son with his headaches. My son (39) is ADHD and as an adult does so much better when he takes Adderol (sp?). I believe both my and I are probably ADD too so he comes by it naturally.

    Dr. Katie ~ I like your name because when my sister was little (I'm 9 yrs older) I always called her Katiebug! I am sure your friend will look so nice in the clothes. I know she must be going through such a hard time.

    Am trying to do more exercise wise. Working on the large middle....LOL


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    edited May 2015
    Carey I agree with Sharon about Micheal's. The vintage watercolor I recently showed a picture of here I had done at Micheal's and they did an outstanding job. I learned from the framer Laura that to tell if the mat needs to be replace is look at the edge of the mat. If it has become beige it is a mat that is too acidic for whatever it is matting. The problem in leaving it is it over time will leave spots. If you look at the work I had redone you can see what looks like watermarks that were actually caused by the matting. To see it I posted it on page 41 in the Woman age 50+ April. This painting is over 100 years old.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Caught up again.... now off to have a message and will check in later...

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    edited May 2015
    Happy Friday ! ! !

    Kal900 – I often need a slap upside the head, too. Bring it on any time it seems that I need it.

    Allison – Hope you feel better soon.

    Carey – as already stated, Michaels often has coupons for great discounts, especially for their framing department. I usually use mine to buy more yarn.

    Lillian - envious of the massage.

    I guess I’m not too chatty at this moment. Dropped my supper plans last night for take-out Chinese. It was so yummy I should have put ½ in fridge right away, because I just kept eating until it was gone. Luckily no weight gain at this time, so maybe a slight loss, since I can feel all the water from the MSG and/or sodium. Today is a new day, and I have salad fixings for lunch, since it’s hard to say what/when we will eat tonight. DS has High School Baseball Try-outs, then DS and DH have a Little League game that usually lasts until sundown. Last week I had a fast food mushroom swiss burger but only ate ½ of the bun. Tomorrow is another 3 hours of H.S. tryouts, then Sunday is an Adult/Youth bowling tournament (I usually crochet to keep my mind off the fattening bowling center food).

    Now I’m happy, because my vacation request for July has just been approved. DH has Bowling Coach Bronze class in Chicago the first 2 days, then DS and DH will bowl in an adult/youth tournament, then DS has Junior Gold National tournament the final 3 days. We will get a 3-4 star Hotel, with a pool, and probably spend some time at Great America while DH is in class.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Jane - hope everyone's medical problems resolve themselves! :flowerforyou:

    Will be managing well over 700 cals exercise today. We walked for 2 hrs 25 mins this morning and I did 36 mins strength training before we set off. This afternoon I am going to walk to the pub on my own and meet DH there and wslk back with him so another 50 mins walking. My legs are sooooooo tired I can hardly get over the stiles and some of it is a steep climb. Phew! But I want to enjoy our last meal tonight which is bought fish and chips with mushy peas. We are drinking fizzy wine with it. Need LOADS of calories, although I won't be eating many chips, just a few of DH's! :laugh:
    Last night the water went off so I had to ring the water company. A main had burst and they were mending it. OK now. This afternoon a handyman is coming to repair the oven fuse, which has blown, the smoke alarms, which we had to disable and the TV cable which is very frayed and wasn't working when we arrived. We jammed it in and got it going, but a tiny knock would finish it. So, rsther a lot of phone calls sorting all this out. The man has a key, so we can go out. :)

    Kal900 - I started out very like you. I was very overweight and my joints were really bad. I could hardly move sometimes, even turning over in bed was a trial. Slowly, slowly I did a little bit more each day. It took me 18 months to get my weight down and I gradually increased my exercise quotient. (Did I say I used to HATE exerciise? ! !) My joints still protest, but there is no comparison in what I can do now, or in how I look. I have maintained for 18 months by rigorous logging and a regime I can stick to. Along the way, not only has my body changed, but my mind. I respect myself. This enabled me to publish my book WINDOWS and a couple of phobias have almost vanished. I think of myself differently.
    I had no idea that all this would come from looking after myself better and getting fit. If anyone had told me I would not have believed them. Start small, but START. Believe you can, because whether you believe you can or you can't, you'll be right. :D

    Must get off for my last walk. Ouff! Can hardly get off the sofa! :laugh:

    Heather in Wales UK
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening, ladies...

    Gorgeous West Texas morning, the sun is playing peekaboo with the tattered clouds left over from last night's thunderstorms. Perfect timing--the plants love the night rains. I've never seen this country so green; the thistle with the purple blooms is nearly as high as my head, when it usually tops out about knee height. Plants here know how to take advantage of every drop of water while it exists!

    Kalona, you might enjoy the book, though Koontz and King are definitely not my genre... which is understatement of considerable level. On the subject of working out, music is all that saves me. I put my MP3 player earphones in and play music I love at a level that probably endangers my hearing, and just keep moving to a driving beat... Without music, all I can do is listen to my own breathing, wonder how long I've been doing this, how long I'm going to keep doing it, and feel how much I hurt. When I finally stop, all I am is angry and achy and ready to quit. With music, my pain cycle gets continually interrupted before it can even start. Without exaggeration, it's what makes me capable of running at all. I'm sorry meds aren't an option for you--perhaps biofeedback, or other less traditional methods might help?

    I'm finally getting my writing cycles straightened out where I'm writing blogs regularly again... Please feel free to drop into my personal blog if you like, Trials and Tribulations of the AADD. It's where I talk about pretty much anything, from finances to the furniture my husband and I design to ranch life to just whatever is foremosts in my hippity-hoppy little brain that morning. Thus the title. :*

    I've got three going, so that has to mean less extensive posts here, but I'll keep checking in, I promise. Just less... verbaliciousness... :) Cheers, have a lovely Friday and weekend... !

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: I enjoy working out in the company of a friend, but I’ve realized that attending classes is a better plan for me. I am motivated to be healthier, and have no friends whose motivation matches my own. In addition, classes seem to be a source of new friends. I suspect your dance group has similar benefits for you.

    Annr: You’re lucky to have your son stationed relatively close to home. Whidbey Island is lovely. Congratulations on your excellent swim!

    Sharon: I do not have a living will YET, and it is high on my todo list as of today! Thanks for the reminder.

    Teri: Your vacation plans sound perfect for your whole family. I hope each of you enjoys every moment AND the anticipation of a good time while you wait for your vacation.

    Today is DH’s 68th birthday. I already had a great card for him, but sneaked out of the house at 6am to buy him a cheesecake as a surprise. It is waiting at his place at the table. We plan to go out for lunch today and shop for new clothes for him while we’re out. This is also a yoga day and riding day for me. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    I got the new vacum I ordered yesterday and after t-ball DH put it together. I was surprised how much it pickup when I vacumed the middle of the living room. My old one was doing worse then I thought, so going to enjoy this new one.
    Went and watched the DGKs t-ball game, they played inside because of all the rain and mud. Was nice and lasted an hour. Those little ones try so hard. DGS was running to first base and hit heads with another kid. When it was over and we were living it did look like he is going to have a shiner.

    Sylvia--Sounds like your trip is going well. It was good of your son to let you know things are going ok, so you would not worry.

    Beth--Pray things get better with DS since they have figured out the trigger.

    Jane--Congrates on the good doctors visit. Sending prayers for mom and son.

    Katiebug--Bless you for helping your friend. Thanks for all you do.

    Katla--Sorry to hear about your friends mom. I Pray God is with them. Happy Birthday for DH. May you enjoy your day.

    Annr--What a nice NSV.

    Allison--Please take care and hope you feel better soon.

    Sounds like we in for some strong storms this afternoon and most the weekend. I am working 6-noon today. Going to pick DGD up from school. Have to get a card made for a baby shower tonight. Our CMA group is having our monthly supper out and making it a baby shower for a member and his wife. They are having a girl. I work the weekend and have two graduation partys to attend. Take care ladies.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I am here! But I won't be much today or tomorrow until after the party is over. Vicki's right; strong storms are in the forcast; I hope nothing is going on tomorrow from 1-4 so we can enjoy the party! Our tornado room will not hold 60 people! Take care all, I'll see you on the rebound! Meg from stormy Omaha
  • SelenaP63
    SelenaP63 Posts: 61 Member
    Must. Get. In. Cloning Program! There's not enough of me to go around. Apologies for being absentee, but I'll shortlist my life at this minute. Moving in 6 weeks (with 2 horses, German shepherd and 9 yr. old boy), still don't know where. Husband's transfer option is off the table and he will be out of a job in 4 weeks. Book launch is 8 weeks. Oh, and there's the pesky packing and still home schooling (did y'all know I do that?) and teaching archery. Cloning is really the only viable option at this point. Hope to catch up with you all later.
    Miss you!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~My daughter is suppose to graduate sun,they may have to postpone til mon or tues as it`s an outdoor ceremony and they are predicting storms .
    Mom is in the hospital,her levels are high.
    Have a great day!!
    hugs jane
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Today is DH’s 68th birthday. I already had a great card for him, but sneaked out of the house at 6am to buy him a cheesecake as a surprise. It is waiting at his place at the table. We plan to go out for lunch today and shop for new clothes for him while we’re out. This is also a yoga day and riding day for me. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    So sweet!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited May 2015
    Back from our last walk and our last drink at the pub with the AMAZING view. :cry: Can't believe we're leaving tomorrow.

    Our walk this morning was from home across the moorland, then along the top of the low cliff above the beach. On one side was the empty beach and the roar of the surf and on the other was the heathland and the song of skylarks. We reached the far caravan park and had a cup of tea and a Welsh Cake (136 cals) Then we headed back along the beach, walking over shells and finding a 2 ft jellyfish. Up the steep stairs in the cliff to the pub, past some gorgeous cowslips, where we sat and told each other how lucky we are. :love: Then back over the heathland to the cottage. I could hardly get over the stiles. Oooouuuff!
    But I went out again this afternoon for one last look. <3 Wild horses running down the path in front of me. It was good to be able to stop at the local gift shops and browse without DH. :laugh: I didn't buy anything, but we both went to the National Trust shop and bought a butterfly tea towel, some botanical paper napkins, (I am a napkin fiend), some Bara Brith, (a Welsh tea flavoured fruit cake), a card for DSIL and two books on flora and fauna.
    Now relaxing with a cup of tea and a Quest Bar.
    The repairman still hasn't arrived. :ohwell:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, to Katla's DH ! :flowerforyou:

    Love to all. Heather, still in Gower, Wales. UK
  • Slja2013
    Slja2013 Posts: 34 Member
    Good afternoon all! It is a beautiful day in paradise and I am down 10.5 pounds and yes I AM going to take credit for the 1/2 pound! My May journey includes the following goals:

    1. Reach 199 for the first time in over 4 years.

    After this goal comes the following:

    2. Lose over 20 pounds by August 25th when my lovely husband is taking me on a cruise for my birthday.
    3. Reach my goal weight of 165 by October vacation--no more "fat" vacation pictures.

    My journey includes one amazing husband, one step son who does NOT like me and one step daughter who tolerates me, four sons of my own and their four wives, and five adorable grand-children (so far!) Oh and did I mention a Great Dane, a black German Shepherd and a mutt puppy? lol

    I love the support I see on here so I hope to encourage and be encouraged here!

    Somewhere in Paradise otherwise known as Florida
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon! I am down to the part of Friday where I am counting the minutes and seconds until I can leave! My daughter and I are going to have lunch at a new place (for me) with a Groupon I purchased recently, then we are going shoe shopping for her birthday. It's a little early, but since she now has a retail job on concrete floors, she has got to have some sneakers/walking shoes. Her birthday is June 1, but she has been scheduled for five days next week, so she's getting them early. I hope she can find a pair at Rack Room so I can get a pair too! The shoes there are always buy one, get one 50% off.

    I am hoping to take a good walk this afternoon/evening and get my house cleaned tomorrow. My son has to get his butt in gear and clean/tidy, as well. I won't tolerate his "junk" all over the place all summer. I hope he will be cooperative so that we can get it done quickly without the hassle of a fuss.

    Packing also needs to be pre-planned this weekend so that I have time to get anything I may need. Getting excited for my trip to Dallas! I honestly think I'd be happy with a trip to about anywhere at this point. My travel thirst has gone unquenched for too long!

    If I can get my behind in gear tomorrow morning, I want to bring a couple of pictures back into town to a local frame shop. One I want to get re-framed into something a bit more modern and the other is odd sized and simply needs a frame. The shop is open from 9-1 only on Fridays and Saturdays, so I have to plan carefully. LOL

    Heather - I'm sorry you have to leave your beautiful vacation spot. It is so beautiful!

    I offer high fives to those with successes and hugs to those who are struggling. I'm bugging out of here a few minutes early!

    Carol in NC

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    Mom may b old but can sure still piss me off. Thank goodness for the 6 mile run this morning. Breathe breathe