Ayurvedic nutrition for weight loss (and general sanity)



  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    veganbaum wrote: »
    errollm wrote: »
    veganbaum wrote: »
    errollm wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    errollm wrote: »
    Just wondering, if all this 5000 year old "ancient wisdom" was effective and worked, why did we need to advance to western science based medicine? I mean why bother if we already had something that worked? And why is it that life spans didn't increase until science based medicine? Why not just stick with acupuncture, ayurvedic, blood letting and leaches? Honestly curious.

    This is a good question. Let's start by saying: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. When looking at average lifespans, you need to take into consideration that infant mortality is factored in there, so people did not just drop dead at 35. Infant mortality rates dropped because Western Allopathic medicine is wonderful. Antibiotics have saved many lives, as have vaccinations. Allopathic medicine is second to none when it comes to acute situations. With that said, it is not perfect. Pharmaceuticals come with many side effects, many of which are worse than the problem they are trying to treat. For many chronic conditions, there is no cure in allopathy. Patients are often given a vague diagnosis like IBS when the problem is something more serious or sometimes told their symptoms are all in their head. Alternative therapies offer a different perspective on the human body and are grounded in science and steeped in tradition. The herbs used are especially powerful for prevention. A skilled practitioner can identify a problem before it becomes a pathology and counsel the client on nutrition, lifestyle, and herbs. It's not a path for those who just want a quick fix or magic bullet. There is no such thing and they may need to wait a long time for allopathic medicine to cure their chronic condition or find a vaccine. Healing takes work. You don't see an aryuvedic doctor for a broken leg. You see them if you've been having symptoms that haven't been resolved by allopathic medicine or if you don't want to take pharmaceuticals for whatever reason, or you just want preventative care. It is an ancient healing modality, but is by no means static. It evolves and advances just as allopathy does; practitioners keep up to date on scientific studies.

    So it only works on vague illnesses, in vague ways, and not on anything serious? After 5000 years shouldn't it be more well defined and more effective? Western science based medicine has only been around a hundred years and it's already conquered/eradicated/cured many terminal illnesses. After 5000 years shouldn't alternative medicine have something to show for itself rather than studies showing it's no different than placebo???

    I believe you stated earlier that life spans have increased due to Western medicine? That's only one factor among many. And the PP stated that Western medicine is great for acute situations. It absolutely is. However, Western medicine as it is currently practiced leans overwhelmingly towards treating the symptoms, rather than the underlying cause. It generally is not considered to have a preventative focus (not that it can't, it just doesn't).

    Where I live, a good portion of the population is focused on a more holistic view of health. They don't shun Western medicine, but recognize it as just one part of the whole. People tend to look for ways in which they can keep themselves healthy, or become healthy and remain so, without waiting until they need the interventions that Western medicine can provide. Subscribing to one does not mean you have to completely denounce the other.

    I'd say vaccines are pretty preventative. The ability to prevent smallpox/polio, etc. Increasing the survivability of many types of cancer, etc. Western medicine is incredibly impressive. I'm not up to date on anything cured or prevented by alternative medicine, is there anything? After 5000 years it should be easy to point out multiple historical examples of diseases cured, plagues averted, by alternative medicine, IF it worked like proponents claim. Yet the best we get is it helps with "imbalances"?

    *edited for clarity

    Are you just being deliberately obtuse?

    Obtuse to what?

    All you've provided are vague claims. I'm asking for examples of alternative medicine efficacy.
  • criscat
    criscat Posts: 19 Member
    veganbaum wrote: »
    Where I live, a good portion of the population is focused on a more holistic view of health.

    Holistic as in hole... Now it makes sense.
  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    I understand what people here are saying. That calories that contain certain nutrients are more beneficial to your overall health. Example: I could do a "twinkie" diet, stay under calories, and lose, sure. I'd feel tired, because I am not getting the proper nutrients that my body needs.

    My potassium tends to drop, so I tend to try to fuel my body with potassium rich foods such as kiwis, bananas, potatoes, etc.

    Nutrition should be general knowledge, but sadly, it's not. I remember learning about the "pyramid" in school. Have I adhered to it? Nope! Also, we have become a food society. We eat for celebration, boredom, greif, anger, fun. Not to live.

    But, to imply you can't eat ANYTHING you want at a deficit and have a loss is incorrect.

    I'm going to feel good today fueling my body with foods that a decent mixture of p/f/c, potassium, fiber, and sugars. It even includes some frozen pizza for dinner, which I am sure this ancient belief would forbid. There's even room for gelato durng playstation time, if I wish. I won't ever condem any food as bad and "ban" it from my diet if I enjoy it. I don't buy into that "5 foods you should never eat if you don't wanna gain" video, and I don't buy into this other thing.

    If someone enjoys that type of plan, more power to them.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited May 2015
    I was thinking of this thread last night when...well, I'll just call her my yoga therapist, but she does:
    Yoga as Therapy
    Transformational Bodyworker
    Registered Yoga Teacher
    Thai Massage
    Reiki Practitioner
    Orthopedic Yoga Therapy
    Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra and Meditation

    So anyway, I have two medical conditions monitored by regular doctors. But I actually find it more helpful to look at them holistically and energetically with my yoga therapist. Last night, we had a nice discussion about how Condition 1 relates to the chakra system.

    Allopathic medicine has not been particularly useful for these conditions and a holistic approach has.

    What I wanted to express here is that I can utilize more than one healing modality at the same time - I don't believe one has to treat things all allopathically or all holistically or all whatever, and in fact, I prefer to consider more than one aspect and would find otherwise limiting.

    As I am relating this anecdotally and have no intention of defending my experience and beliefs as if they were a thesis, I will not be giving specifics on this thread.
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    As seen on Dr. Oz: http://www.doctoroz.com/article/ayurvedic-diet-how-eat-your-body-type

    Most certainly, diet woo.
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    ...Last night, we had a nice discussion about how Condition 1 relates to the chakra system....


    Chakra woo now?

    What if I told you, that Chakras started out as "attack points" on the human body, in Indian martial arts?
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I was thinking of this thread last night when...well, I'll just call her my yoga therapist, but she does:
    Yoga as Therapy
    Transformational Bodyworker
    Registered Yoga Teacher
    Thai Massage
    Reiki Practitioner
    Orthopedic Yoga Therapy
    Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra and Meditation

    So anyway, I have two medical conditions monitored by regular doctors. But I actually find it more helpful to look at them holistically and energetically with my yoga therapist. Last night, we had a nice discussion about how Condition 1 relates to the chakra system.

    Allopathic medicine has not been particularly useful for these conditions and a holistic approach has.

    What I wanted to express here is that I can utilize more than one healing modality at the same time - I don't believe one has to treat things all allopathically or all holistically or all whatever, and in fact, I prefer to consider more than one aspect and would find otherwise limiting.

    As I am relating this anecdotally and have no intention of defending my experience and beliefs as if they were a thesis, I will not be giving specifics on this thread.

    Of course not, because the woo nonsense you subscribe to doesn't work on specifics, only vague placebo effects.

  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    edited May 2015
    errollm wrote: »
    veganbaum wrote: »
    errollm wrote: »
    veganbaum wrote: »
    errollm wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    errollm wrote: »
    Just wondering, if all this 5000 year old "ancient wisdom" was effective and worked, why did we need to advance to western science based medicine? I mean why bother if we already had something that worked? And why is it that life spans didn't increase until science based medicine? Why not just stick with acupuncture, ayurvedic, blood letting and leaches? Honestly curious.

    This is a good question. Let's start by saying: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. When looking at average lifespans, you need to take into consideration that infant mortality is factored in there, so people did not just drop dead at 35. Infant mortality rates dropped because Western Allopathic medicine is wonderful. Antibiotics have saved many lives, as have vaccinations. Allopathic medicine is second to none when it comes to acute situations. With that said, it is not perfect. Pharmaceuticals come with many side effects, many of which are worse than the problem they are trying to treat. For many chronic conditions, there is no cure in allopathy. Patients are often given a vague diagnosis like IBS when the problem is something more serious or sometimes told their symptoms are all in their head. Alternative therapies offer a different perspective on the human body and are grounded in science and steeped in tradition. The herbs used are especially powerful for prevention. A skilled practitioner can identify a problem before it becomes a pathology and counsel the client on nutrition, lifestyle, and herbs. It's not a path for those who just want a quick fix or magic bullet. There is no such thing and they may need to wait a long time for allopathic medicine to cure their chronic condition or find a vaccine. Healing takes work. You don't see an aryuvedic doctor for a broken leg. You see them if you've been having symptoms that haven't been resolved by allopathic medicine or if you don't want to take pharmaceuticals for whatever reason, or you just want preventative care. It is an ancient healing modality, but is by no means static. It evolves and advances just as allopathy does; practitioners keep up to date on scientific studies.

    So it only works on vague illnesses, in vague ways, and not on anything serious? After 5000 years shouldn't it be more well defined and more effective? Western science based medicine has only been around a hundred years and it's already conquered/eradicated/cured many terminal illnesses. After 5000 years shouldn't alternative medicine have something to show for itself rather than studies showing it's no different than placebo???

    I believe you stated earlier that life spans have increased due to Western medicine? That's only one factor among many. And the PP stated that Western medicine is great for acute situations. It absolutely is. However, Western medicine as it is currently practiced leans overwhelmingly towards treating the symptoms, rather than the underlying cause. It generally is not considered to have a preventative focus (not that it can't, it just doesn't).

    Where I live, a good portion of the population is focused on a more holistic view of health. They don't shun Western medicine, but recognize it as just one part of the whole. People tend to look for ways in which they can keep themselves healthy, or become healthy and remain so, without waiting until they need the interventions that Western medicine can provide. Subscribing to one does not mean you have to completely denounce the other.

    I'd say vaccines are pretty preventative. The ability to prevent smallpox/polio, etc. Increasing the survivability of many types of cancer, etc. Western medicine is incredibly impressive. I'm not up to date on anything cured or prevented by alternative medicine, is there anything? After 5000 years it should be easy to point out multiple historical examples of diseases cured, plagues averted, by alternative medicine, IF it worked like proponents claim. Yet the best we get is it helps with "imbalances"?

    *edited for clarity

    Are you just being deliberately obtuse?

    Obtuse to what?

    All you've provided are vague claims. I'm asking for examples of alternative medicine efficacy.

    I haven't actually made any vague claims. You seem intent on positioning yourself in a "vs" type of stance.

    As the PP originally stated, Western medicine is great for acute care. To some extent, I would include vaccines in that. But, vaccination is a tiny part of our lives, we don't get vaccinations every time we go to see a doctor. I'm not the one stating extremes, and neither was PP, you are. I don't care one way or another what you believe. And I've never followed any ayurvedic anything, but was simply providing another viewpoint that is not black and white. Western medicine does tend to focus on symptomatic treatment, I don't think that's even generally disputed. Again, more holistic approaches look at health differently. It's about caring for your whole self, and trying to maintain health through treating your physical, mental, and emotional health. That's going to be different for each person.

    Just as an example, I suffer from migraines. The triggers for migraines are vast and can vary greatly from person to person, as can some of the symptoms. I have Western medication for those times when I cannot prevent one, and even that medication is not always effective. However, I, as many others who get migraines, have been trying to not only identify my triggers, but to find if there are things I can do to diminish their frequency in some other way - such as regular exercise, certain types of exercise, foods I eat, etc. That's holistic. Not just treating the symptoms of my migraine when I get one, but trying to find ways to prevent it in the first place. Really crazy, I know.
  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    veganbaum wrote: »
    errollm wrote: »
    veganbaum wrote: »
    errollm wrote: »
    veganbaum wrote: »
    errollm wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    errollm wrote: »
    Just wondering, if all this 5000 year old "ancient wisdom" was effective and worked, why did we need to advance to western science based medicine? I mean why bother if we already had something that worked? And why is it that life spans didn't increase until science based medicine? Why not just stick with acupuncture, ayurvedic, blood letting and leaches? Honestly curious.

    This is a good question. Let's start by saying: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. When looking at average lifespans, you need to take into consideration that infant mortality is factored in there, so people did not just drop dead at 35. Infant mortality rates dropped because Western Allopathic medicine is wonderful. Antibiotics have saved many lives, as have vaccinations. Allopathic medicine is second to none when it comes to acute situations. With that said, it is not perfect. Pharmaceuticals come with many side effects, many of which are worse than the problem they are trying to treat. For many chronic conditions, there is no cure in allopathy. Patients are often given a vague diagnosis like IBS when the problem is something more serious or sometimes told their symptoms are all in their head. Alternative therapies offer a different perspective on the human body and are grounded in science and steeped in tradition. The herbs used are especially powerful for prevention. A skilled practitioner can identify a problem before it becomes a pathology and counsel the client on nutrition, lifestyle, and herbs. It's not a path for those who just want a quick fix or magic bullet. There is no such thing and they may need to wait a long time for allopathic medicine to cure their chronic condition or find a vaccine. Healing takes work. You don't see an aryuvedic doctor for a broken leg. You see them if you've been having symptoms that haven't been resolved by allopathic medicine or if you don't want to take pharmaceuticals for whatever reason, or you just want preventative care. It is an ancient healing modality, but is by no means static. It evolves and advances just as allopathy does; practitioners keep up to date on scientific studies.

    So it only works on vague illnesses, in vague ways, and not on anything serious? After 5000 years shouldn't it be more well defined and more effective? Western science based medicine has only been around a hundred years and it's already conquered/eradicated/cured many terminal illnesses. After 5000 years shouldn't alternative medicine have something to show for itself rather than studies showing it's no different than placebo???

    I believe you stated earlier that life spans have increased due to Western medicine? That's only one factor among many. And the PP stated that Western medicine is great for acute situations. It absolutely is. However, Western medicine as it is currently practiced leans overwhelmingly towards treating the symptoms, rather than the underlying cause. It generally is not considered to have a preventative focus (not that it can't, it just doesn't).

    Where I live, a good portion of the population is focused on a more holistic view of health. They don't shun Western medicine, but recognize it as just one part of the whole. People tend to look for ways in which they can keep themselves healthy, or become healthy and remain so, without waiting until they need the interventions that Western medicine can provide. Subscribing to one does not mean you have to completely denounce the other.

    I'd say vaccines are pretty preventative. The ability to prevent smallpox/polio, etc. Increasing the survivability of many types of cancer, etc. Western medicine is incredibly impressive. I'm not up to date on anything cured or prevented by alternative medicine, is there anything? After 5000 years it should be easy to point out multiple historical examples of diseases cured, plagues averted, by alternative medicine, IF it worked like proponents claim. Yet the best we get is it helps with "imbalances"?

    *edited for clarity

    Are you just being deliberately obtuse?

    Obtuse to what?

    All you've provided are vague claims. I'm asking for examples of alternative medicine efficacy.

    I haven't actually made any vague claims. You seem intent on positioning yourself in a "vs" type of stance.

    As the PP originally stated, Western medicine is great for acute care. To some extent, I would include vaccines in that. But, vaccination is a tiny part of our lives, we don't get vaccinations every time we go to see a doctor. I'm not the one stating extremes, and neither was PP, you are. I don't care one way or another what you believe. And I've never followed any ayurvedic anything, but was simply providing another viewpoint that is not black and white. Western medicine does tend to focus on symptomatic treatment, I don't think that's even generally disputed. Again, more holistic approaches look at health differently. It's about caring for your whole self, and trying to maintain health through treating your physical, mental, and emotional health. That's going to be different for each person.

    Just as an example, I suffer from migraines. The triggers for migraines are vast and can vary greatly from person to person, as can some of the symptoms. I have Western medication for those times when I cannot prevent one, and even that medication is not always effective. However, I, as many others who get migraines, have been trying to not only identify my triggers, but to find if there are things I can do to diminish their frequency in some other way - such as regular exercise, certain types of exercise, foods I eat, etc. That's holistic. Not just treating the symptoms of my migraine when I get one, but trying to find ways to prevent it in the first place. Really crazy, I know.

    So common sense preventative measures are "holistic" now??? Actually you said that holistic alt medicine worked to prevent illness. I asked what it prevented and you've yet to name 1 thing!

    Western medicine focuses on prevention, treating symptoms, AND actually curing things! And has thousands of examples to prove its effectiveness.

    I don't see us getting anywhere, so probably best to agree to disagree.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I was thinking of this thread last night when...well, I'll just call her my yoga therapist, but she does:
    Yoga as Therapy
    Transformational Bodyworker
    Registered Yoga Teacher
    Thai Massage
    Reiki Practitioner
    Orthopedic Yoga Therapy
    Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra and Meditation

    So anyway, I have two medical conditions monitored by regular doctors. But I actually find it more helpful to look at them holistically and energetically with my yoga therapist. Last night, we had a nice discussion about how Condition 1 relates to the chakra system.

    Allopathic medicine has not been particularly useful for these conditions and a holistic approach has.

    You do realize that the whole qi/energy flow stuff was debunked by a 9 year old as a science fair project? Reiki can supposedly be done over the phone! That should certainly set off your bullsh!t meter. All this stuff does is provide a placebo effect for the suggestible.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I was thinking of this thread last night when...well, I'll just call her my yoga therapist, but she does:
    Yoga as Therapy
    Transformational Bodyworker
    Registered Yoga Teacher
    Thai Massage
    Reiki Practitioner
    Orthopedic Yoga Therapy
    Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra and Meditation

    So anyway, I have two medical conditions monitored by regular doctors. But I actually find it more helpful to look at them holistically and energetically with my yoga therapist. Last night, we had a nice discussion about how Condition 1 relates to the chakra system.

    Allopathic medicine has not been particularly useful for these conditions and a holistic approach has.

    You do realize that the whole qi/energy flow stuff was debunked by a 9 year old as a science fair project? Reiki can supposedly be done over the phone! That should certainly set off your bullsh!t meter. All this stuff does is provide a placebo effect for the suggestible.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I understand what people here are saying. That calories that contain certain nutrients are more beneficial to your overall health. Example: I could do a "twinkie" diet, stay under calories, and lose, sure. I'd feel tired, because I am not getting the proper nutrients that my body needs.

    My potassium tends to drop, so I tend to try to fuel my body with potassium rich foods such as kiwis, bananas, potatoes, etc.

    Nutrition should be general knowledge, but sadly, it's not. I remember learning about the "pyramid" in school. Have I adhered to it? Nope! Also, we have become a food society. We eat for celebration, boredom, greif, anger, fun. Not to live.

    But, to imply you can't eat ANYTHING you want at a deficit and have a loss is incorrect.

    I'm going to feel good today fueling my body with foods that a decent mixture of p/f/c, potassium, fiber, and sugars. It even includes some frozen pizza for dinner, which I am sure this ancient belief would forbid. There's even room for gelato durng playstation time, if I wish. I won't ever condem any food as bad and "ban" it from my diet if I enjoy it. I don't buy into that "5 foods you should never eat if you don't wanna gain" video, and I don't buy into this other thing.

    If someone enjoys that type of plan, more power to them.

    Well said. Nutrition and weigh loss are two different things, but I know I feel better all over when I pay attention to both. :)
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited May 2015
    veganbaum wrote: »
    errollm wrote: »
    veganbaum wrote: »
    errollm wrote: »
    veganbaum wrote: »
    errollm wrote: »
    miriamtob wrote: »
    errollm wrote: »
    Just wondering, if all this 5000 year old "ancient wisdom" was effective and worked, why did we need to advance to western science based medicine? I mean why bother if we already had something that worked? And why is it that life spans didn't increase until science based medicine? Why not just stick with acupuncture, ayurvedic, blood letting and leaches? Honestly curious.

    This is a good question. Let's start by saying: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. When looking at average lifespans, you need to take into consideration that infant mortality is factored in there, so people did not just drop dead at 35. Infant mortality rates dropped because Western Allopathic medicine is wonderful. Antibiotics have saved many lives, as have vaccinations. Allopathic medicine is second to none when it comes to acute situations. With that said, it is not perfect. Pharmaceuticals come with many side effects, many of which are worse than the problem they are trying to treat. For many chronic conditions, there is no cure in allopathy. Patients are often given a vague diagnosis like IBS when the problem is something more serious or sometimes told their symptoms are all in their head. Alternative therapies offer a different perspective on the human body and are grounded in science and steeped in tradition. The herbs used are especially powerful for prevention. A skilled practitioner can identify a problem before it becomes a pathology and counsel the client on nutrition, lifestyle, and herbs. It's not a path for those who just want a quick fix or magic bullet. There is no such thing and they may need to wait a long time for allopathic medicine to cure their chronic condition or find a vaccine. Healing takes work. You don't see an aryuvedic doctor for a broken leg. You see them if you've been having symptoms that haven't been resolved by allopathic medicine or if you don't want to take pharmaceuticals for whatever reason, or you just want preventative care. It is an ancient healing modality, but is by no means static. It evolves and advances just as allopathy does; practitioners keep up to date on scientific studies.

    So it only works on vague illnesses, in vague ways, and not on anything serious? After 5000 years shouldn't it be more well defined and more effective? Western science based medicine has only been around a hundred years and it's already conquered/eradicated/cured many terminal illnesses. After 5000 years shouldn't alternative medicine have something to show for itself rather than studies showing it's no different than placebo???

    I believe you stated earlier that life spans have increased due to Western medicine? That's only one factor among many. And the PP stated that Western medicine is great for acute situations. It absolutely is. However, Western medicine as it is currently practiced leans overwhelmingly towards treating the symptoms, rather than the underlying cause. It generally is not considered to have a preventative focus (not that it can't, it just doesn't).

    Where I live, a good portion of the population is focused on a more holistic view of health. They don't shun Western medicine, but recognize it as just one part of the whole. People tend to look for ways in which they can keep themselves healthy, or become healthy and remain so, without waiting until they need the interventions that Western medicine can provide. Subscribing to one does not mean you have to completely denounce the other.

    I'd say vaccines are pretty preventative. The ability to prevent smallpox/polio, etc. Increasing the survivability of many types of cancer, etc. Western medicine is incredibly impressive. I'm not up to date on anything cured or prevented by alternative medicine, is there anything? After 5000 years it should be easy to point out multiple historical examples of diseases cured, plagues averted, by alternative medicine, IF it worked like proponents claim. Yet the best we get is it helps with "imbalances"?

    *edited for clarity

    Are you just being deliberately obtuse?

    Obtuse to what?

    All you've provided are vague claims. I'm asking for examples of alternative medicine efficacy.

    I haven't actually made any vague claims. You seem intent on positioning yourself in a "vs" type of stance.

    As the PP originally stated, Western medicine is great for acute care. To some extent, I would include vaccines in that. But, vaccination is a tiny part of our lives, we don't get vaccinations every time we go to see a doctor. I'm not the one stating extremes, and neither was PP, you are. I don't care one way or another what you believe. And I've never followed any ayurvedic anything, but was simply providing another viewpoint that is not black and white. Western medicine does tend to focus on symptomatic treatment, I don't think that's even generally disputed. Again, more holistic approaches look at health differently. It's about caring for your whole self, and trying to maintain health through treating your physical, mental, and emotional health. That's going to be different for each person.

    Just as an example, I suffer from migraines. The triggers for migraines are vast and can vary greatly from person to person, as can some of the symptoms. I have Western medication for those times when I cannot prevent one, and even that medication is not always effective. However, I, as many others who get migraines, have been trying to not only identify my triggers, but to find if there are things I can do to diminish their frequency in some other way - such as regular exercise, certain types of exercise, foods I eat, etc. That's holistic. Not just treating the symptoms of my migraine when I get one, but trying to find ways to prevent it in the first place. Really crazy, I know.

    Holistic approaches to health care are not in opposition to Western medicine, and are most assuredly a part of its practice.

    I have migraines too, quite severe, actually. There are two top treatment centers in the country. I go to one of them. The main focus of my care is on prevention. I do have rescue medicine, of course, and I do take medications to prevent them, but I'm also on a protocol of beneficial supplements and do things like practice good sleep hygiene and exercise -- on my doctor's recommendations.

    I also have psoriatic arthritis. I take medication for that, but my rheumatologigst also discussed other strategies like regular exercise and weight reduction for dealing with the pain and fatigue.

    Diabetics are routinely given dietary advice.

    I could keep giving examples.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I was thinking of this thread last night when...well, I'll just call her my yoga therapist, but she does:
    Yoga as Therapy
    Transformational Bodyworker
    Registered Yoga Teacher
    Thai Massage
    Reiki Practitioner
    Orthopedic Yoga Therapy
    Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra and Meditation

    So anyway, I have two medical conditions monitored by regular doctors. But I actually find it more helpful to look at them holistically and energetically with my yoga therapist. Last night, we had a nice discussion about how Condition 1 relates to the chakra system.

    Allopathic medicine has not been particularly useful for these conditions and a holistic approach has.

    What I wanted to express here is that I can utilize more than one healing modality at the same time - I don't believe one has to treat things all allopathically or all holistically or all whatever, and in fact, I prefer to consider more than one aspect and would find otherwise limiting.

    As I am relating this anecdotally and have no intention of defending my experience and beliefs as if they were a thesis, I will not be giving specifics on this thread.

    Why not?
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    evileen99 wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    I was thinking of this thread last night when...well, I'll just call her my yoga therapist, but she does:
    Yoga as Therapy
    Transformational Bodyworker
    Registered Yoga Teacher
    Thai Massage
    Reiki Practitioner
    Orthopedic Yoga Therapy
    Divine Sleep Yoga Nidra and Meditation

    So anyway, I have two medical conditions monitored by regular doctors. But I actually find it more helpful to look at them holistically and energetically with my yoga therapist. Last night, we had a nice discussion about how Condition 1 relates to the chakra system.

    Allopathic medicine has not been particularly useful for these conditions and a holistic approach has.

    You do realize that the whole qi/energy flow stuff was debunked by a 9 year old as a science fair project? Reiki can supposedly be done over the phone! That should certainly set off your bullsh!t meter. All this stuff does is provide a placebo effect for the suggestible.

    Not the word I would have used...;)

  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    I understand what people here are saying. That calories that contain certain nutrients are more beneficial to your overall health. Example: I could do a "twinkie" diet, stay under calories, and lose, sure. I'd feel tired, because I am not getting the proper nutrients that my body needs.

    My potassium tends to drop, so I tend to try to fuel my body with potassium rich foods such as kiwis, bananas, potatoes, etc.

    Nutrition should be general knowledge, but sadly, it's not. I remember learning about the "pyramid" in school. Have I adhered to it? Nope! Also, we have become a food society. We eat for celebration, boredom, greif, anger, fun. Not to live.

    But, to imply you can't eat ANYTHING you want at a deficit and have a loss is incorrect.

    I'm going to feel good today fueling my body with foods that a decent mixture of p/f/c, potassium, fiber, and sugars. It even includes some frozen pizza for dinner, which I am sure this ancient belief would forbid. There's even room for gelato durng playstation time, if I wish. I won't ever condem any food as bad and "ban" it from my diet if I enjoy it. I don't buy into that "5 foods you should never eat if you don't wanna gain" video, and I don't buy into this other thing.

    If someone enjoys that type of plan, more power to them.

    Well said. Nutrition and weigh loss are two different things, but I know I feel better all over when I pay attention to both. :)

    No kidding! Yesterday's breakfast for me was a chick fila biscuit. Felt sluggish all day. Today was greek yogurt with honey and apples, followed by a snack of beef jerky and string cheese. I feel awesome and wish work would hurry up and end so I can hit the gym! Haha.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Researchers are not so quick to scoff at the value of the placebo effect as some posters here.

    Here's an interesting article: http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2015/04/is-the-placebo-effect-in-your-dna/390360/

    Interestingly, angry/hostile people are less likely to benefit from the placebo effect. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23187726
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Researchers are not so quick to scoff at the value of the placebo effect as some posters here.

    Here's an interesting article: http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2015/04/is-the-placebo-effect-in-your-dna/390360/

    Interestingly, angry/hostile people are less likely to benefit from the placebo effect. http-://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23187726

    We aren't scoffing at the placebo effect--we're scoffing at people being charged money for things with no demonstrable medical value. Would you think it was okay for your physician to charge you big bucks for something with no benefit other than placebo?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited May 2015
    You're incorrect in thinking that a placebo effect has no medical value.
  • hollyrayburn
    hollyrayburn Posts: 905 Member

    PLACEBO (noun)

    a harmless pill, medicine, or procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient than for any physiological effect.

    a substance that has no therapeutic effect, used as a control in testing new drugs.

    a measure designed merely to calm or please someone.