I don't get this



  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    CM9178 wrote: »
    Ok so you've already burned 2668 calories today and it expects you to burn 3606.
    What do you have MFP set to for your weight loss goal? 2 lbs per week?

    2lbs a week that's the max it can do
    I no people don't like this but I don't trust the Fitbit washing the pots and talking a shower give you 500 steps that's no right surly

    If the Fitbit is giving you bogus steps (say additional steps while driving or showering or what have you), you can go to the Fitbit website and log an activity called "Driving" for the period of time when you were NOT taking steps and it gave you them anyway. I haven't had issues with massive inaccuracies with my Flex but I know others have.

    See here: http://help.fitbit.com/articles/en_US/Help_article/Can-I-delete-data

  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    edited May 2015
    cazbit wrote: »

    However if you are doing more strenuous exercise running, cycling etc I would eat half of those calories back as your body needs refuelled. But for walking the dog etc I would just ignore the calories its trying to give you back. Say thanks but no thanks :smiley:

    WRONG. Walking the dog is part of his regular daily expenditure, he should eat the calories the fitbit is giving him for it. That is the WHOLE point of wearing a fitbit.

  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    segacs wrote: »
    I no people don't like this but I don't trust the Fitbit washing the pots and talking a shower give you 500 steps that's no right surly

    Try setting it to dominant hand if you have it set to non-dominant right now. That should cut down on some of those ghost steps from moving your wrist.

    i have

    If you'd like to take this to Private messages, I'd be happy to try to help further. Unfortunately, you are getting some bogus information/advice here that is just confusing the subject even more.
  • bubaluboo
    bubaluboo Posts: 2,098 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I walk my dog a lot and take lunchtime walks

    My fitbit is synched with MFP - my activity is set to sedentary and has negative adjustments enabled

    My fitbit holds my age, weight and stride length data and monitors steps and calculates on intensity

    I'm 5'8, 160lb and I've found that

    it takes me 2400 -4000 steps to achieve a sedentary setting (but this can include general meandering

    10,000 steps (roughly 5 miles) will earn me back around 400 calories across the day

    a 45 minute walk would be roughly 5000 steps - so I'd reckon to 200 calories

    this has, over time, proved accurate with my actual weight loss / maintenance

    I hope that helps

    This works exactly the same for me :)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    If you're losing weight consistently doing what you're doing, there really is no issue. It you aren't, you might want to check another app or an hrm. Walking a dog is hardly going to burn that many calories unless the dog is walking you and very fast.
  • Spurry05
    Spurry05 Posts: 113 Member
    so atm mfp says goal 2130 used 1070 remaining 1625 if i want to lose 2lbs i would deduct 1000cals
    that would leave me having a total of 1695 today them if i dont do anything else today

    but i guess im working this out wrong
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    so atm mfp says goal 2130 used 1070 remaining 1625 if i want to lose 2lbs i would deduct 1000cals
    that would leave me having a total of 1695 today them if i dont do anything else today

    but i guess im working this out wrong

    You're doing the math twice.

    MFP's initial goal (2130) already HAS the 1000 cal deficit deducted. It's assuming your maintenance calories are ~3130.

  • ZBuffBod
    ZBuffBod Posts: 297 Member
    Exactly what segacs said!! OP, I think you've got it! Good luck.
  • Spurry05
    Spurry05 Posts: 113 Member
    CM9178 wrote: »
    segacs wrote: »
    I no people don't like this but I don't trust the Fitbit washing the pots and talking a shower give you 500 steps that's no right surly

    Try setting it to dominant hand if you have it set to non-dominant right now. That should cut down on some of those ghost steps from moving your wrist.

    i have

    If you'd like to take this to Private messages, I'd be happy to try to help further. Unfortunately, you are getting some bogus information/advice here that is just confusing the subject even more.

  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    so atm mfp says goal 2130 used 1070 remaining 1625 if i want to lose 2lbs i would deduct 1000cals
    that would leave me having a total of 1695 today them if i dont do anything else today

    but i guess im working this out wrong

    People are ONLY talking about deductions to try to help you understand the math that is going on.

    YOU don't need to "work out" anything. That's why you have MFP and Fitbit.

    MFP knows you're trying to lose weight. It is not telling you to eat calories that would make you maintain your weight! If MFP tells you to eat calories, eat them. If Fitbit gives you more, eat them. These targets are FOR your weight loss. They are already less than you are burning.

    Eat what your programs tell you to. Stop reading all the numbers -- x from MFP, with y remaining, and z from Fitbit and so on. They don't matter. Your calorie target for the day (and how much is left of it for you to eat) is all you need to know.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    edited May 2015
    I usually take my dog out for an hour and burn about 120-150 Cals...

    Me too. I walk the dog 1 hour every day and burn around 125-150 (I weigh under 125 lbs) and we walk pretty briskly. Strava burn is way too high, OP.
  • Spurry05
    Spurry05 Posts: 113 Member
    so atm mfp says goal 2130 used 1070 remaining 1625 if i want to lose 2lbs i would deduct 1000cals
    that would leave me having a total of 1695 today them if i dont do anything else today

    but i guess im working this out wrong

    People are ONLY talking about deductions to try to help you understand the math that is going on.

    YOU don't need to "work out" anything. That's why you have MFP and Fitbit.

    MFP knows you're trying to lose weight. It is not telling you to eat calories that would make you maintain your weight! If MFP tells you to eat calories, eat them. If Fitbit gives you more, eat them. These targets are FOR your weight loss. They are already less than you are burning.

    Eat what your programs tell you to. Stop reading all the numbers -- x from MFP, with y remaining, and z from Fitbit and so on. They don't matter. Your calorie target for the day (and how much is left of it for you to eat) is all you need to know.

    so today i can eat 2700 about im my messed up head thats what got me fat to start with
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    so today i can eat 2700 about im my messed up head thats what got me fat to start with

    The only way to gauge the accuracy of your Fitbit is to eat back your adjustments for a few weeks, then reevaluate your progress.

    Food is fuel, and we should all be looking for the maximum number of calories at which we lose weight—never the minimum.
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    so atm mfp says goal 2130 used 1070 remaining 1625 if i want to lose 2lbs i would deduct 1000cals
    that would leave me having a total of 1695 today them if i dont do anything else today

    but i guess im working this out wrong

    People are ONLY talking about deductions to try to help you understand the math that is going on.

    YOU don't need to "work out" anything. That's why you have MFP and Fitbit.

    MFP knows you're trying to lose weight. It is not telling you to eat calories that would make you maintain your weight! If MFP tells you to eat calories, eat them. If Fitbit gives you more, eat them. These targets are FOR your weight loss. They are already less than you are burning.

    Eat what your programs tell you to. Stop reading all the numbers -- x from MFP, with y remaining, and z from Fitbit and so on. They don't matter. Your calorie target for the day (and how much is left of it for you to eat) is all you need to know.

    so today i can eat 2700 about im my messed up head thats what got me fat to start with

    Nope. 2700 would make ME fat, as a 5 foot 4 slightly overweight 29-year old female... and not as quickly as you might think, either.

    You are bigger, and male, and way more active than I am (and larger, male bodies burn more calories JUST moving around than for smaller bodies). Your numbers show that 2700, today at least, is way less than you burn.

    If you REALLY don't trust your numbers, don't eat the WHOLE thing. But get closer than 1800 by a lot. Like 2300-2500 type range.
  • Spurry05
    Spurry05 Posts: 113 Member
    I just washed up a frying pan and gained 60 steps

    I guess I'm going to have to remove the band when I do stuff
  • Spurry05
    Spurry05 Posts: 113 Member
    tonights meal and im full and today calories to 18:30 feel free to pick the bones out of it..


  • Spurry05
    Spurry05 Posts: 113 Member
    edited May 2015
    Info from my fit bit

  • Rebecca28186
    Rebecca28186 Posts: 9 Member
    If I walk/ part jog my dog 4 miles I burn 450 calories on mapmyfitness..Not sure what pace or how far to say if thats accurate or not...But yes that is correct the more you exercise the more you can eat...I want a cupcake so I need to workout...LOL well thats me!
  • Dovekat
    Dovekat Posts: 263 Member
    Your fitbit seems a little messed up, I've got a fitbit one and it's never counted my steps when I wave (or shake) my arms/hands (even when on the night band). Have your tried re-setting the device? (For the one I have you connect it as if to charge and hold the on button down for 12 seconds) I had an issue where I could not sync for a few days and a reset of the device fixed it. Also maybe check to see it is set to normal or sensitive modes for monitoring motion, it's in the settings somewhere I think near the bottom.
  • Spurry05
    Spurry05 Posts: 113 Member
    It's a flex and has no buttons