June 2015 Running Challenge



  • stingrayinfl
    stingrayinfl Posts: 284 Member
    @7lenny7 You are going to crush the 5k!
    @annekka..you are getting stronger.... and great determination..
  • mmabry72
    mmabry72 Posts: 100 Member
    Feeling a little better. Working through some calf pain but its not enough to stop me. Still scared of longer runs though but I'm getting there.


    June - 1 3.75
    June - 4 2.80
    June - 6 8 -10K + warm up/cool down
    June - 8 3
    June - 9 3
    June - 12 3.47
    June - 13 6
    June - 17 3.23
    June - 20 2.17
    June - 21 3.24
    June - 23 3.24
    June - 24 3.24
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited June 2015
    6/1 - 5 miles
    6/2 - 5.3 miles
    6/3 - 3.2 miles
    6/4 - 4.4 miles
    6/5 - 2.3 miles
    6/6 - 1.6 miles - rest day today but did this to keep the 41 Days of Awesome challenge streak going
    6/7 - 7 miles - I'm so proud of this run it was at 10:21 pace, which is fast for me - I was comfortable the whole run
    6/8 - 4.4 miles
    6/9 - 5.8 miles
    6/10 - 1.6 miles - rest day today - just keeping the 41 Days of Awesome challenge alive. I'm trying to do this mile at a faster than normal pace for me. Then I grabbed Macy and took her for a 2 mile walk.
    6/11 - 6 miles
    6/12 - 4.7miles
    6/13 - 4.6 miles
    6/14 - 9.6 miles very hot miles. I think it was about 83 when I went to run. Went to the Greenway to be in the shade. Sweat was dripping off my shorts by the time I was done. I was ticked I couldn't run the whole 10 miles so I went back out after getting my water for a fast paced .6 mile walk.
    6/15 - 1.6 miles - keeping the 41 Days of Awesome challenge alive
    6/16 - 5.6 miles
    6/17 - 3.2 miles -short run, had to get Macy to groomer by 7:00
    6/18 - 7.4 miles my virtual run for State Trooper Dees.
    6/19 - 1.6 miles for the streak and strolled a couple with the Macy after
    6/20 – 3.1 miles 5K race for Big Brothers/Big Sisters – PR’d with a 28:57.4 for 3.16 miles – finished 3rd in my AG and 79th out of 273 runners. 9:10 pace – ran 9:06, 9:19, 9:11
    6/21 – 5.7 miles
    6/22 - 5.5 miles
    6/23 - 3.5 miles
    6/24 - 4.4 miles

    107.2 out of 120 miles


    Big storms last night, lots of trees and branches down in the neighborhood this morning. The contractor who built our houses loved to plant Bradford Pears, not a good tree in tornado and straight line wind weather they come down too easy. One house had a trampoline in the front yard that wasn't there yesterday, the lady who lives there told me she had no idea whose it was. I said did the neighbor have one in their backyard she said no. It reminded me to check and make sure mine was still in my yard LOL I spent so much time chit chat with folks this morning I ran out of time and couldn't in the 6 miles I wanted to run today.

    @wendy1fl I love the new picture too. So exciting!
    @honunui just noticed you did your virtual race for Trooper Dees - nice job!
    @annekka great job continuing on after you walk, for me that is hard, it's like my legs know I stopped and they refuse to want to start again
    @7lenny7 you are so ready for this 5K !!
  • DonPendergraft
    DonPendergraft Posts: 520 Member
    3 miles. It looks like I'm going to my June goal. By maybe 8 billion miles!
  • jlbrown1985
    jlbrown1985 Posts: 136 Member

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    My right side hammy and glutes were not feeling too great after Saturday's long run so I decided to rest Sunday as I headed into a recovery week. So I did not run on Monday either (as originally planned) and then also decided to rest Tuesday as my left side glutes started acting really sore. Not sure what brought that on. I also turned into some sort of a ravenous "eat everything in sight" monster Tuesday and I'm not sure what that was about either. Maybe stress from work perhaps.

    So because of all this rest I have not kept up very well. Hope everyone is doing well and congrats to all racers from last weekend!

    Today I woke up early and could not get back to sleep. I felt awake and my resting heart rate was perfect, so I went for an early morning mid-week long run. Logged 12 miles and felt great! Finished just in time for the sunrise!

    @skippygirlsmom - I initially swore I would never have any stickers like that. Then last Christmas my sister in law gave me a 13.1 magnet since I ran my first half last November. I put it on since it was a gift, but immediately fell in love with it. I've sinc ecided I will get a 26.2 when I do a full, and anything with larger numbers of course. But only one of each. That's my limit (I think).

    @shanaber - I spoke too soon on the magnets. I just ordered a 0.0 for my son! It will be quite the hit with family and friends.

    @Wendy1Fl - Progress is still progress! You are undergoing some major changes. You have maybe the best excuse of all for non-injured runners!

    @7lenny7 - Can't wait to hear how you rock that 5k!

    6/2 - 4.1 miles
    6/3 - 4 miles (8.1 total)
    6/4 - 4.1 miles (12.2 total)
    6/6 -13.4 miles (25.6 total)
    6/8 - 6 miles (31.6 total)
    6/9 - 6 miles (37.6 total)
    6/10 - 6 miles (43.6 total)
    6/11 - 6 miles (49.6 total)
    6/13 - 16 miles (65.6 total)
    6/14 - 8 miles (73.6 total)
    6/16 - 6 miles (79.6 total)
    6/17 - 8 miles (87.6 total)
    6/18 - 6 miles (93.6 total)
    6/20 - 16 miles (109.6 total)
    6/24 - 12 miles (121.6 total)

    Goal 130 miles


  • Knyvern
    Knyvern Posts: 183 Member
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @whatmerunning - the magnets started with Skip, I couldn't resist her wanting a XC and 10K (her longest race to date) on the car. The West, Texas sticker was given to me by a firefighter from the company that had members killed during the fertilizer explosion a couple years back. Allen's cousin was killed in the explosion, so I have that one on the car. I've seen the 0.0 that one cracks me up every time.
  • SimoneBee12
    SimoneBee12 Posts: 268 Member
    Had to break for 2 weeks because of shin splints, so there's no way I'll make my goal within the week, but I'm still super happy I ran today without any pain!

    June 24th - 3.85km

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    June 1 - 5.1 miles
    June 2 - strength training
    June 3 - 5.3 miles
    June 4 - strength training
    June 5 - 5.35 miles
    June 6 -34 mile bike ride
    June 7 - 42 mile bike ride
    June 8 - 2 miles
    June 9 - Strength Training and Yoga class
    June 10 - 6.63 miles -
    June 11 - rest day
    June 12 - 3.21 miles - easy run; strength training
    June 13- 34 mile bike ride
    June 14 - 5.3 miles
    June 15 - 3.3 miles
    June 16 - strength training
    June 17 - 7.03 miles - farthest run ever!
    June 18 - rest day
    June 19 - strength training
    June 20 - 34 mile bike ride
    June 21 - 6.71 miles
    June 22 - rest
    June 23 - strength training
    June 24 - 8.01 - new farthest run. :)

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »

    June 24 - 8.01 - new farthest run. :)

    @ddmom0811 you go girl!!! :star:

    Had to break for 2 weeks because of shin splints, so there's no way I'll make my goal within the week, but I'm still super happy I ran today without any pain!

    June 24th - 3.85km

    @simonebee12 woohoo for pain free running!

  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    01-Jun: 2.65 miles (on board the cruise ship...)
    02-Jun: 5.05 miles (on board the cruise ship...)
    03-Jun: 3.02 miles (on board the cruise ship...)
    04-Jun: 3.68 miles (on board the cruise ship...)
    05-Jun: 3.24 miles (on board the cruise ship...)
    06-Jun: 3.77 miles (on board the cruise ship...)
    07-Jun: 2.38 miles
    08-Jun: 3.20 miles
    09-Jun: 2.26 miles
    10-Jun: ; 4.00 miles (walk)
    11-Jun: 3.19 miles
    12-Jun: 2.93 miles; 2.12 miles (walk)
    13-Jun: 3.16 miles
    14-Jun: 2.28 miles
    15-Jun: ; 3.75 miles (walk)
    16-Jun: 3.18 miles
    17-Jun: 2.45 miles
    18-Jun: 3.18 miles
    19-Jun: 3.01 miles
    20-Jun: 3.20 miles
    21-Jun: 3.01 miles; 4.01 miles (walk)
    22-Jun: 3.21 miles; 2.55 miles (walk)
    23-Jun: 2.87 miles; 2.57 miles (walk)

  • stingrayinfl
    stingrayinfl Posts: 284 Member
    @ddmom0811 ..Woooo!!!!
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member

    6/02/15 - 6.25 miles
    6/03/15 - 3.3 miles
    6/04/15 - 6 miles
    6/05/15 - 3.55 miles
    6/07/15 - 4 miles, and 6 miles
    6/08/15 - 12 miles
    6/10/15 - 5 miles
    6/11/15 - 2.9 miles
    6/13/15 - 3.1 miles
    6/14/15 - 9.1 miles
    6/16/15 - 13 miles
    6/20/15 - 3 miles
    6/21/15 - 3.25 miles
    6/22/15 - 10 miles
    6/24/15 - 5.34 miles - One of my apps crashed my phone about 3/10ths of a mile into my run. I stopped running to restart everything and ran another 5 miles. I may use too many apps - There's Charity Miles because why not?, Zombies, Run! because I like the motivation, and RunKeeper, because I was hoping to actually get prompts for the intervals they want me to run on their training plan. Zombies, Run! uses a playlist I had to assemble elsewhere, and turns the volume down for story segments. RunKeeper turns Zombies, Run! down to provide split times and announce intervals. Well, the volume adjustments were all over the place, today. Just as I was passing my house, I had to poop, so I decided I was done, despite my plan to run a full 6 miles. Perhaps, tomorrow, I'll try it without the zombies. (I think that was the app that crashed my phone - it's been a little unstable since the new season rolled out, and they made the app free.)


  • JimCrackinDandy
    JimCrackinDandy Posts: 146 Member
    edited June 2015
    @italysharon I really like this thread too! Everyone is so encouraging, esp. on those runs where I'm thinking every minute "why am I doing this?" "If I stop now, I could have a better day of it tomorrow", "there's this, this, and that to do", and this one for sure-- "I've got to loose some of this weight first!"
    @ddmom0811 Congrats on making your farthest run today!!!
    @SimoneBee12 Glad to hear things are pain free! Be encouraged, July's coming in just a week and a half!
    @skippygirlsmom Funny photo! So glad you shared. Every car I see with a running sticker/magnet, I'll be thinking of you! And you are so close to your monthly goal! KIU Sweetie!
    @scoutmomof8 Lovely job this month! You almost to your goal already!!!
    @7lenny7 You've got a load of people waiting to hear about your 5k! No pressure, right?
    @Wendy1Fl Many congratulations to you on Baby1Fl!!! You look lovely too!
    @Ohhim Yes Sir, you'll make you're goal for the month. Hope you next run is a great one.
    @RunTimer Lovely new sneaks. Hope you are blister free! My sneaks look like your old ones, I see my toes!
    Today, was my long run- a whopping 14 miles. I thank the LORD for every shade tree, breeze, and the water bottles my lovely daughter dropped on the route for me.

  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Month to date:		160.14 km (80% of Goal)
    Goal:			200.00 km / 124 miles
    Stretch Goal:		242.00 km / 150 miles
    Wed Jun 24 16.03 km 
    Tue Jun 23 10.38 km Trail run
    Mon Jun 22 07.71 km
    Sun Jun 21 07.79 km 
    Sat Jun 20 00.00 Sick
    Fri Jun 19 00.00 Sick, oops too soon
    Thu Jun 18 07.80 km Trail run on Merrell BA4 Trails
    Wed Jun 17 00.00 Sick
    Tue Jun 16 00.00 Sick
    Mon Jun 15 00.00 Sick
    Sun Jun 14 16.43 km New BA4 Streets
    Sat Jun 13 03.00 km New shoe test run; 38km bike ride
    Fri Jun 12 05.05 km 
    Thu Jun 11 09.06 km Trails and hills
    Wed Jun 10 13.37 km Mountain Trail
    Tue Jun 09 12.00 km Trails and hills
    Mon Jun 08 07.58 km
    Sun Jun 07 00.00 Rest
    Sat Jun 06 05.41 km 
    Fri Jun 05 17.63 km
    Thu Jun 04 00.00 Rest
    Wed Jun 03 11.87 km Mountain Trail
    Tue Jun 02 00.00 km Rest
    Mon Jun 01 12.03 km

    @italysharon everyone here inspires me too!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    6/1 rest
    6/2 -2.25 hot sore miles, Reformer Pilate's
    6/3- rest
    6/4- doc visit. Resting SIJ
    6/5- 4.60
    6/6- rest
    6/7- 3.74 hot,medicine trots :O
    6/8- rest,stretch
    6/9- 3.20 (HI 100°) will try to get in a cooler evening run too.
    6/10- swim
    6/11 -  3.85 medicine trots again
    6/12 - 5.34 better!
    6/13 - rest/yard work
    6/14 - 7.93
    6/15 -  SIJ injection
    6/16 - sore
    6/17  -(rain)
    6/18  - 4.54
    6/19 - swim
    6/20- rest/yard work
    6/21- 7.03
    6/22- rest
    6/23- wow! too sore from yard work
    6/24- 3.23 HI 100 again.

    I found shorts that don't crawl in the thigh/crotch. They are MPG brand, found them at TJ Maxx. My husband thinks I spend too much on running gear, so I'll by some more. They're like 10 bucks.

    Sucky run. I forgot to take my med this morning and am super sensitive to SNRI withdraw. So had GI distress. I shouldn't even try to run on days like that, so dehydrated.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @stingrayinfl, @skippygirlsmom and @WhatMeRunning , thanks for the encouragement! It definitely helps! @JimCrackinDandy, perhaps I should have just kept my mouth shut! No, I'll run stronger Saturday because of the great folks here.
    @WhatMeRunning glad your aches and pains went away...12 miles and feeling great? Sounds awesome!
    @scoutmomof8, that ticker of yours is looking great!!
    @ddmom0811 , congrats on the distance PR!

    Tonight I ran an uneventful 4 miles during my son's soccer practice, and that's a good thing. I was going to run another 4 tomorrow but our family plans will prevent that, and I'm planning a rest day Friday, so I think I'll just take 2 days off and be very rested for that 5K Saturday.

    Earlier today I signed up for my first 10K, which is on July 4th. I was going to wait until July 18th, but this one sounded too good to pass up. About 650 entrants, only $32, a great looking shirt, and we have no plans that morning anyway. I'll likely still do the July 18th 10K as well.

    And finally, a good friend of mine, veteran of 42 marathons, worked up a training plan for me to train for a half marathon on October 31st. Pretty excited about that!

  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited June 2015
    Felt infinitely better on my run today as although it was the same temp as yesterday, the humidity was 50% lower (30% vs. 80%). No worries getting in my final 29 miles by the 30th. Hit my monthly lifting goal today (9 sessions), and should hit my swimming and biking goals if all goes well on those fronts (380/500 biking - 20/day left, 5.2/8 miles swimming - or half-mile/day left).

    Thanks all for the encouragement ( @JimCrackinDandy @skippygirlsmom @shanaber ).

    @7lenny7 you'll probably surprise yourself, as I do most training run around a 10-11 pace, but my last marathon pace was an 8:30 min/mile, my 5K-8k pace is 7-7.5min/mile (as the race adrenaline helps me kick into gear). Still, I'm pretty careful not to do most of my training runs (unless they are speedwork specific) faster than at 75% of my maximum heart rate. Not sure if you use a heart rate monitor, but it is a good way to check exertion/effort both for races and during training.

    6/2 - 5 miles
    6/3 - 4.5 miles
    6/4 - 5 miles
    6/6 - 0.5 miles
    6/7 - 10 miles
    6/9 - 4.5 miles
    6/10 - 7 miles
    6/11 - 6 miles
    6/12 - 6 miles
    6/14 - 15 miles
    6/15 - 8 miles
    6/16 - 6 miles
    6/17 - 4 miles
    6/18 - 1 mile (pre lifting treadmill)
    6/21 - 6.5 miles (1.5 treadmill + 5 outdoors)
    6/22 - 10 miles
    6/23 - 6 miles
    6/24 - 6 miles

    Total: 111 miles
    Goal: 140 miles
    Remaining: 29 miles
  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    Goal - 45 miles

    6/12 - 1 miles
    6/13 - 2 miles
    6/14 - 2 miles
    6/15 - 2 miles
    6/17 - 2.6 miles
    6/19 - 2.7 miles
    6/22 - 3 miles
    6/23 - 1 miles (thunderstorm rolled in)
    6/25 - 3.2 miles

    Felt great today - I ran a little extra and then got nervous about the 'too much too soon' with re-injury so I stopped. I'll attempt a little more next time I run. Back to a 5K - hooray!

    Total: 19.5 miles