How can I get toned with strength training without looking bulky?



  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    I'm still wondering if someone can find me a "Madonna is bulky" photo anywhere?

    I got right on that and came across this hilarious article that pokes fun of the popular view of female lifters via stock photos. This one’s my favourite:

    A little quote:
    Also, please don’t lift anything more than 20lbs or you will get gross and bulky like Madonna or Jessica Biel in Blade 3. As long as you keep doing bicep curls in front of the mirror with a bored look on your face after 30 minutes spent on the recumbent bicycle in the “fat loss” zone while reading SELF or PEOPLE, you are guaranteed to look like Jennifer Aniston, who, as we all know (because she constantly reminds us), has achieved the perfect female body through a strict regimen of low-impact yoga and a diet of bottled water and organic macrobiotic vegan salad.

    LOL. I’m loving Madonna’s look here:

    Can’t beat a good pump.

    And yopeeps, I’m with you!

    If she has what I find a lifter personality has then yes she would be consider attractive to me. The sites says arms wow or eww. Look at her shoulder definition. That stuck out first before the biceps.
  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    Arnold Schwarzenegger once answered this pretty funnily
    Arnold: I encourage everyone to lift weights, it is good for everyone.
    Reporter: But I don't want to get big like you.
    Arnold: Don't worry, you never will.

    One of my fav's and I use it OFTEN lol
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    mantium999 wrote: »
    My brain hurts from this thread. I don't see how "bulky" can be subjective, in the context being discussed. Lean with visible muscle, cannot be perceived as "bulky". Bulk, by definition, means mass. Madonna and Jessica, in no way, have a high level of mass. In fact, their musculature is visible on account of removing unwanted mass (fat). Now, if you want to argue that you don't like the appearance of a woman with low body fat, sure, people are attracted to different things, and that is a valid discussion. But choosing to call lean, low body fat women "bulky" is a failed choice of words, and is probably what leads to these debates. Terminology matters.

    Thank you. I was just trying to formulate this response after reading the "Madonna is too bulky" line. Too skinny, yes. Bulky? No way.
  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    evileen99 wrote: »

    I think the woman in green in this image looks absolutely AMAZING! I would really love to have her physique.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited June 2015
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    It doesn't bother me that you find her low body fat% a problem. Calling it bulky is the problem because she is not bulky in those pics.

    If your body fat drops to low than you can switch to eating in surplus and gain more fat to cover the muscle definition.

    I don't see the point. And I don't understand why it's so hard for some people to get that some women don't necessarily want more muscle anyway?
    mantium999 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    You don't just "end up with arms more defined than you'd like", while eating in a way that will provide a flat belly. Just, flat out, ain't gonna happen. If, while losing weight, and lifting, you find your arms, or legs, or pinky muscles to be progressing toward a look you find unappealing, simply change your method of exercise. But nobody accidentally turns out bulky, lean, defined, fat, or obese.

    Actually, yeah. I like my arms right now. I don't want them more defined. But if I start focusing more on lifting to lose more fat in my midsection, I will probably end up losing fat in my arms too, which is what I don't want.
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    You’re more than welcome to your opinion, even if our opinions are different. One thing I don’t get though is what people who think that’s bulky (i.e. yourself) consider to be an ideal look. Can you post some photos/links? I’m actually curious.

    @HeySwoleSister Glad you enjoyed it! And lol @ the name, that’s pretty funny.



    There's just no way I could get there because my arms look like hers, but I still have fat in my midsection because genetics. So again... either it's more muscular arms (because lower body fat on them) or a flat belly (ok, if I didn't have loose skin) for me.

    All I'm saying is that no, it's not always possible to get the look you're looking for depending on your genetics. I'd probably end up with arms like Madonna before I lose the rest of my belly/hip fat... which looks 'muscular' and 'bulky' to me. I think it's what people mean when they say that they don't want to get bulky by lifting... I don't want arms like that. Legs I don't care, but they're pretty lean and muscular already as well (because again, all my fat is in my midsection, lol).

    I guess we all have different ideas of what we want and what we find attractive.
    JenSD6 wrote: »
    evileen99 wrote: »

    I think the woman in green in this image looks absolutely AMAZING! I would really love to have her physique.

    She does but again, everyone who lifts won't end like that. My arms would look way more defined than hers by the time I get her belly.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    It doesn't bother me that you find her low body fat% a problem. Calling it bulky is the problem because she is not bulky in those pics.

    If your body fat drops to low than you can switch to eating in surplus and gain more fat to cover the muscle definition.

    I don't see the point. And I don't understand why it's so hard for some people to get that some women don't necessarily want more muscle anyway?
    mantium999 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    You don't just "end up with arms more defined than you'd like", while eating in a way that will provide a flat belly. Just, flat out, ain't gonna happen. If, while losing weight, and lifting, you find your arms, or legs, or pinky muscles to be progressing toward a look you find unappealing, simply change your method of exercise. But nobody accidentally turns out bulky, lean, defined, fat, or obese.

    Actually, yeah. I like my arms right now. I don't want them more defined. But if I start focusing more on lifting to lose more fat in my midsection, I will probably end up losing fat in my arms too, which is what I don't want.
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    You’re more than welcome to your opinion, even if our opinions are different. One thing I don’t get though is what people who think that’s bulky (i.e. yourself) consider to be an ideal look. Can you post some photos/links? I’m actually curious.

    @HeySwoleSister Glad you enjoyed it! And lol @ the name, that’s pretty funny.



    There's just no way I could get there because my arms look like hers, but I still have fat in my midsection because genetics. So again... either it's more muscular arms (because lower body fat on them) or a flat belly (ok, if I didn't have loose skin) for me.

    All I'm saying is that no, it's not always possible to get the look you're looking for depending on your genetics. I'd probably end up with arms like Madonna before I lose the rest of my belly/hip fat... which looks 'muscular' and 'bulky' to me. I think it's what people mean when they say that they don't want to get bulky by lifting... I don't want arms like that. Legs I don't care, but they're pretty lean and muscular already as well (because again, all my fat is in my midsection, lol).

    I guess we all have different ideas of what we want and what we find attractive.
    JenSD6 wrote: »
    evileen99 wrote: »

    I think the woman in green in this image looks absolutely AMAZING! I would really love to have her physique.

    She does but again, everyone who lifts won't end like that. My arms would look way more defined than hers by the time I get her belly.

    Interesting the unknown drive you to be where you are. I would understand if you said my body fat got too low for my stomach to be flat and my arms were too defined. You saying probably makes this funny to me.

    You don't understand that using wrong terminology is a problem?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    It doesn't bother me that you find her low body fat% a problem. Calling it bulky is the problem because she is not bulky in those pics.

    If your body fat drops to low than you can switch to eating in surplus and gain more fat to cover the muscle definition.

    I don't see the point. And I don't understand why it's so hard for some people to get that some women don't necessarily want more muscle anyway?
    mantium999 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    You don't just "end up with arms more defined than you'd like", while eating in a way that will provide a flat belly. Just, flat out, ain't gonna happen. If, while losing weight, and lifting, you find your arms, or legs, or pinky muscles to be progressing toward a look you find unappealing, simply change your method of exercise. But nobody accidentally turns out bulky, lean, defined, fat, or obese.

    Actually, yeah. I like my arms right now. I don't want them more defined. But if I start focusing more on lifting to lose more fat in my midsection, I will probably end up losing fat in my arms too, which is what I don't want.
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    You’re more than welcome to your opinion, even if our opinions are different. One thing I don’t get though is what people who think that’s bulky (i.e. yourself) consider to be an ideal look. Can you post some photos/links? I’m actually curious.

    @HeySwoleSister Glad you enjoyed it! And lol @ the name, that’s pretty funny.



    There's just no way I could get there because my arms look like hers, but I still have fat in my midsection because genetics. So again... either it's more muscular arms (because lower body fat on them) or a flat belly (ok, if I didn't have loose skin) for me.

    All I'm saying is that no, it's not always possible to get the look you're looking for depending on your genetics. I'd probably end up with arms like Madonna before I lose the rest of my belly/hip fat... which looks 'muscular' and 'bulky' to me. I think it's what people mean when they say that they don't want to get bulky by lifting... I don't want arms like that. Legs I don't care, but they're pretty lean and muscular already as well (because again, all my fat is in my midsection, lol).

    I guess we all have different ideas of what we want and what we find attractive.
    JenSD6 wrote: »
    evileen99 wrote: »

    I think the woman in green in this image looks absolutely AMAZING! I would really love to have her physique.

    She does but again, everyone who lifts won't end like that. My arms would look way more defined than hers by the time I get her belly.

    Interesting the unknown drive you to be where you are. I would understand if you said my body fat got too low for my stomach to be flat and my arms were too defined. You saying probably makes this funny to me.

    You don't understand that using wrong terminology is a problem?

    I don't see why it's such a big deal... because again I'm quite sure that for a lot of women, Madonna DOES look bulky.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    It doesn't bother me that you find her low body fat% a problem. Calling it bulky is the problem because she is not bulky in those pics.

    If your body fat drops to low than you can switch to eating in surplus and gain more fat to cover the muscle definition.

    I don't see the point. And I don't understand why it's so hard for some people to get that some women don't necessarily want more muscle anyway?
    mantium999 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    You don't just "end up with arms more defined than you'd like", while eating in a way that will provide a flat belly. Just, flat out, ain't gonna happen. If, while losing weight, and lifting, you find your arms, or legs, or pinky muscles to be progressing toward a look you find unappealing, simply change your method of exercise. But nobody accidentally turns out bulky, lean, defined, fat, or obese.

    Actually, yeah. I like my arms right now. I don't want them more defined. But if I start focusing more on lifting to lose more fat in my midsection, I will probably end up losing fat in my arms too, which is what I don't want.
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    You’re more than welcome to your opinion, even if our opinions are different. One thing I don’t get though is what people who think that’s bulky (i.e. yourself) consider to be an ideal look. Can you post some photos/links? I’m actually curious.

    @HeySwoleSister Glad you enjoyed it! And lol @ the name, that’s pretty funny.



    There's just no way I could get there because my arms look like hers, but I still have fat in my midsection because genetics. So again... either it's more muscular arms (because lower body fat on them) or a flat belly (ok, if I didn't have loose skin) for me.

    All I'm saying is that no, it's not always possible to get the look you're looking for depending on your genetics. I'd probably end up with arms like Madonna before I lose the rest of my belly/hip fat... which looks 'muscular' and 'bulky' to me. I think it's what people mean when they say that they don't want to get bulky by lifting... I don't want arms like that. Legs I don't care, but they're pretty lean and muscular already as well (because again, all my fat is in my midsection, lol).

    I guess we all have different ideas of what we want and what we find attractive.
    JenSD6 wrote: »
    evileen99 wrote: »

    I think the woman in green in this image looks absolutely AMAZING! I would really love to have her physique.

    She does but again, everyone who lifts won't end like that. My arms would look way more defined than hers by the time I get her belly.

    Interesting the unknown drive you to be where you are. I would understand if you said my body fat got too low for my stomach to be flat and my arms were too defined. You saying probably makes this funny to me.

    You don't understand that using wrong terminology is a problem?

    I don't see why it's such a big deal... because again I'm quite sure that for a lot of women, Madonna DOES look bulky.

    She does well lets see.
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    It doesn't bother me that you find her low body fat% a problem. Calling it bulky is the problem because she is not bulky in those pics.

    If your body fat drops to low than you can switch to eating in surplus and gain more fat to cover the muscle definition.

    I don't see the point. And I don't understand why it's so hard for some people to get that some women don't necessarily want more muscle anyway?
    mantium999 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    You don't just "end up with arms more defined than you'd like", while eating in a way that will provide a flat belly. Just, flat out, ain't gonna happen. If, while losing weight, and lifting, you find your arms, or legs, or pinky muscles to be progressing toward a look you find unappealing, simply change your method of exercise. But nobody accidentally turns out bulky, lean, defined, fat, or obese.

    Actually, yeah. I like my arms right now. I don't want them more defined. But if I start focusing more on lifting to lose more fat in my midsection, I will probably end up losing fat in my arms too, which is what I don't want.
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    You’re more than welcome to your opinion, even if our opinions are different. One thing I don’t get though is what people who think that’s bulky (i.e. yourself) consider to be an ideal look. Can you post some photos/links? I’m actually curious.

    @HeySwoleSister Glad you enjoyed it! And lol @ the name, that’s pretty funny.



    There's just no way I could get there because my arms look like hers, but I still have fat in my midsection because genetics. So again... either it's more muscular arms (because lower body fat on them) or a flat belly (ok, if I didn't have loose skin) for me.

    All I'm saying is that no, it's not always possible to get the look you're looking for depending on your genetics. I'd probably end up with arms like Madonna before I lose the rest of my belly/hip fat... which looks 'muscular' and 'bulky' to me. I think it's what people mean when they say that they don't want to get bulky by lifting... I don't want arms like that. Legs I don't care, but they're pretty lean and muscular already as well (because again, all my fat is in my midsection, lol).

    I guess we all have different ideas of what we want and what we find attractive.
    JenSD6 wrote: »
    evileen99 wrote: »

    I think the woman in green in this image looks absolutely AMAZING! I would really love to have her physique.

    She does but again, everyone who lifts won't end like that. My arms would look way more defined than hers by the time I get her belly.

    Interesting the unknown drive you to be where you are. I would understand if you said my body fat got too low for my stomach to be flat and my arms were too defined. You saying probably makes this funny to me.

    You don't understand that using wrong terminology is a problem?

    I don't see why it's such a big deal... because again I'm quite sure that for a lot of women, Madonna DOES look bulky.

    Misunderstanding a term and applying it inappropriately so that others will also misunderstand is actually a pretty big deal. A great example of this is "starvation mode."
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    It doesn't bother me that you find her low body fat% a problem. Calling it bulky is the problem because she is not bulky in those pics.

    If your body fat drops to low than you can switch to eating in surplus and gain more fat to cover the muscle definition.

    I don't see the point. And I don't understand why it's so hard for some people to get that some women don't necessarily want more muscle anyway?
    mantium999 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    You don't just "end up with arms more defined than you'd like", while eating in a way that will provide a flat belly. Just, flat out, ain't gonna happen. If, while losing weight, and lifting, you find your arms, or legs, or pinky muscles to be progressing toward a look you find unappealing, simply change your method of exercise. But nobody accidentally turns out bulky, lean, defined, fat, or obese.

    Actually, yeah. I like my arms right now. I don't want them more defined. But if I start focusing more on lifting to lose more fat in my midsection, I will probably end up losing fat in my arms too, which is what I don't want.
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    You’re more than welcome to your opinion, even if our opinions are different. One thing I don’t get though is what people who think that’s bulky (i.e. yourself) consider to be an ideal look. Can you post some photos/links? I’m actually curious.

    @HeySwoleSister Glad you enjoyed it! And lol @ the name, that’s pretty funny.



    There's just no way I could get there because my arms look like hers, but I still have fat in my midsection because genetics. So again... either it's more muscular arms (because lower body fat on them) or a flat belly (ok, if I didn't have loose skin) for me.

    All I'm saying is that no, it's not always possible to get the look you're looking for depending on your genetics. I'd probably end up with arms like Madonna before I lose the rest of my belly/hip fat... which looks 'muscular' and 'bulky' to me. I think it's what people mean when they say that they don't want to get bulky by lifting... I don't want arms like that. Legs I don't care, but they're pretty lean and muscular already as well (because again, all my fat is in my midsection, lol).

    I guess we all have different ideas of what we want and what we find attractive.
    JenSD6 wrote: »
    evileen99 wrote: »

    I think the woman in green in this image looks absolutely AMAZING! I would really love to have her physique.

    She does but again, everyone who lifts won't end like that. My arms would look way more defined than hers by the time I get her belly.

    Interesting the unknown drive you to be where you are. I would understand if you said my body fat got too low for my stomach to be flat and my arms were too defined. You saying probably makes this funny to me.

    You don't understand that using wrong terminology is a problem?

    I don't see why it's such a big deal... because again I'm quite sure that for a lot of women, Madonna DOES look bulky.

    "Bulky: taking up much space, typically inconveniently; large and unwieldy."

    So you think Madonna looks large and unwieldy? Muscular, maybe. Low-fat, sure. But bulky? It doesn't compute.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    It doesn't bother me that you find her low body fat% a problem. Calling it bulky is the problem because she is not bulky in those pics.

    If your body fat drops to low than you can switch to eating in surplus and gain more fat to cover the muscle definition.

    I don't see the point. And I don't understand why it's so hard for some people to get that some women don't necessarily want more muscle anyway?
    mantium999 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    You don't just "end up with arms more defined than you'd like", while eating in a way that will provide a flat belly. Just, flat out, ain't gonna happen. If, while losing weight, and lifting, you find your arms, or legs, or pinky muscles to be progressing toward a look you find unappealing, simply change your method of exercise. But nobody accidentally turns out bulky, lean, defined, fat, or obese.

    Actually, yeah. I like my arms right now. I don't want them more defined. But if I start focusing more on lifting to lose more fat in my midsection, I will probably end up losing fat in my arms too, which is what I don't want.
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    You’re more than welcome to your opinion, even if our opinions are different. One thing I don’t get though is what people who think that’s bulky (i.e. yourself) consider to be an ideal look. Can you post some photos/links? I’m actually curious.

    @HeySwoleSister Glad you enjoyed it! And lol @ the name, that’s pretty funny.



    There's just no way I could get there because my arms look like hers, but I still have fat in my midsection because genetics. So again... either it's more muscular arms (because lower body fat on them) or a flat belly (ok, if I didn't have loose skin) for me.

    All I'm saying is that no, it's not always possible to get the look you're looking for depending on your genetics. I'd probably end up with arms like Madonna before I lose the rest of my belly/hip fat... which looks 'muscular' and 'bulky' to me. I think it's what people mean when they say that they don't want to get bulky by lifting... I don't want arms like that. Legs I don't care, but they're pretty lean and muscular already as well (because again, all my fat is in my midsection, lol).

    I guess we all have different ideas of what we want and what we find attractive.
    JenSD6 wrote: »
    evileen99 wrote: »

    I think the woman in green in this image looks absolutely AMAZING! I would really love to have her physique.

    She does but again, everyone who lifts won't end like that. My arms would look way more defined than hers by the time I get her belly.

    Interesting the unknown drive you to be where you are. I would understand if you said my body fat got too low for my stomach to be flat and my arms were too defined. You saying probably makes this funny to me.

    You don't understand that using wrong terminology is a problem?

    I don't see why it's such a big deal... because again I'm quite sure that for a lot of women, Madonna DOES look bulky.

    She does well lets see.

    I have no idea what you mean. You're bothering me about using the wrong terminology but some of what you says make no sense at all. Whatever...

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited June 2015
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    It's not that you don't find low body fat aesthetically pleasing that's the problem. That's a matter of personal taste, and of course you are entitled to preference.

    You're just misusing a word. Bulk means mass. Madonna doesn't have great amounts of muscle mass. What she has is visible definition due to low body fat.

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    You’re more than welcome to your opinion, even if our opinions are different. One thing I don’t get though is what people who think that’s bulky (i.e. yourself) consider to be an ideal look. Can you post some photos/links? I’m actually curious.

    @HeySwoleSister Glad you enjoyed it! And lol @ the name, that’s pretty funny.

    My favorite quote goes with the photo in your post: IMMA GET SO TONE!

    OMG, that's hilarious.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So she was lean and shredded in this picture. I don't see a lot of muscle mass though which is what bulky is.

    She looks bulky to me in the image above (the jogging one). Sorry if my opinion bothers some of you :p

    But I agree, there's also the whole 'low body fat' thing (which I'm definitely not afraid of getting, because that's not gonna happen). But it's a good point. And that's the problem with lifting, you can't decide where you lose the fat, so you might end up with arms more defined than you'd like just to get a flat belly.

    It's not that you don't find low body fat aesthetically pleasing that's the problem. That's a matter of personal taste, and of course you are entitled to preference.

    You're just misusing a word. Bulk means mass. Madonna doesn't have great amounts of muscle mass. What she has is visible definition due to low body fat.

    Why are you taking it personally? She still has more muscle mass than I like, so, for ME, she is bulky.

    OK this isn't going anywhere I'm out of here, lol.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Only on MFP can someone be lean and look like a meth addict and someone will still call it "bulky" cause you can see muscles definition... It's odd.

    (And I'm not referencing any picture that has been posted. Just referencing that the definition of bulky seems to be odd in some peoples head)
  • WakkoW
    WakkoW Posts: 567 Member
    Funny thing about the Madonna "debate" is that if Madonna were to gain 5-7 pounds of fat, people would think she was too skinny rather than too bulky.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    sarahlifts wrote: »
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    sarahlifts wrote: »
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    What is going on in this thread?

    Low body fat now = bulky? Have I wandered into Bizarro world?

    Yes this is bizzaro world.

    But hey look. some ppl don't like muscles on women. To each their own.

    I get that. But there seems to be some rampant misunderstanding of what body fat looks like and what muscles look like. People seem to be equating low body fat with big muscles. Not only that, but thinking that it's so easy to gain muscle takes away from the amazing accomplishment of the women who work really hard to do so.

    For all: If you are a woman and are worried about getting bulky, ask yourself these questions:
    1. Are you eating at a calorie surplus?
    2. Are you on a progressive lifting program?
    3. Is your diet spot on to achieve muscle growth?

    If no, you will not be gaining muscle or getting "bulky." The woman described above can expect to gain between .5-1lb of muscle per month if everything is dialed in correctly. The average woman will absolutely not gain muscle mass eating at a deficit and doing mainly cardio and lifting weights twice a week.

    I have low body fat... some would say I'm bulky. Bulky is very subjective.

    While I get what you are saying and totally agree. I'm not here to convince any one to lift heavy or that they wont get big. The train of thought that goes along with not wanting t get bulky or put on too much muscle or I gain muscle easily, is so uneducated and annoying. Even if you educate them on what it is they are actually seeing as you are, it wont change their mind. They do not want to look manly, have muscles like a man or their man doesn't like it.

    Just hand them the 3 lb weights and let them spin their wheels for years attempting to rid themselves of batwing arms and lower tummy fat. More heavy weights for me.





  • dolliesdaughter
    dolliesdaughter Posts: 544 Member
    You're just misusing a word. Bulk means mass. Madonna doesn't have great amounts of muscle mass. What she has is visible definition due to low body fat.
    ITA, Madonna is in no way shape or form bulky, she just has visible definition because she has little to no body fat. Big difference. This debate will continue to go in circles just like the "muscle weighs more than fat" debate. UGH.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    I think this chart should improve people's vocabulary.
    Guys near the top would be what people generally call bulky.
    Guys near the bottom are defined.
    Some people want to say an A3, A4 B4, or what gets me A2 are bulky.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Haters gonna hate.