

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Well I started this yesterday and ran out of time. So back today and will get caught up. I was so tried last night as didn't sleep well the night before as was to warm. So last evening turned on the AC and I slept great. Woke up to rain this morning so pretty muggy. But the AC is on so I am happy.
    Yesterday was my day off and I got alot done at home and think I am ready for our CMA rally this Friday and Saturday. We tie-dyed the shirts Sunday evening for our group. I must say they turned out very purple. I like them have to see what the rest of the group thinks. I will have DH tonight help me post a picture of the shirts all along our front fence. I have an appointment tomorrow after work to get my nails done. Been along time since I treated myself to this and want them to match my shirt for the rally.

    Carol--Congrates on the date. First one out of the way. Next one should be easier? OH NO!! What a jerk.

    Barbie--Thanks for starting our new thead for June. You are the best.

    Katla--Hugs! Glad you are enjoying your fruit. I know I have the bullet and enjoy the fruit smoothies.

    I bought a jump rope yesterday. DH just gave me a funny look, but going to give it a try. I need to do something different. Also need to get back to doing my sqats.

    Welcome to all the newbies. You have found a great place for support and freindship. Come often and get to know us.

    Joyce--Glad you were able to get your glasses fixed and for not alot of money.

    Allison--Sorry to hear about your water problems, sure hope it will be an easy fix.

    DeeDee--Congrates on the retirement and enjoying your mornings.

    Penny--Thanks for sharing, It sounds very interesting. I do enjoy hearing about different parts of the world.

    Mary--Sorry to hear abut the house problems. Are the sellers offering to fix the problems?

    Cynthia--I think that is terrible about the graves. I am just speechless. What is the family to do with the stone? Put it in their front yard. Sorry it just upsets me to think they can do whatever with the remains.

    Damit--I agree. A couple of the schools here have breakfast and lunch programs during the summer for children and then the salvation army does breakfast and supper everyday. We give to the food pantry and our CMA group does a meal twice a year at the Salvation army. I do think it is sad to have children going without food and we send so much help to other countries. We need to take care of children here also.

    Heather--Proud of you!!

    Pip--Sorry to hear about your sister. I lost mine 10 years ago and I still miss you alot.


    We are such a fun group. I just love reading about all of your lives. I am going over to Hastings when I get off work to have my nails done. Decided I want to get purple to match my shirt for the weekend. It was raining this morning when I come to work and now the sun is out and is hot. Sure glad we turned the AC on last evening. Well ladies have a good rest of the day and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    oh AND ANOTHER thing... we got our trailer spot secured for our yearly MS bike ride in September at Mount Vernon, WA. this year, we were able to get a pull thru spot!!! no making 9 million attempts to back in the airstream
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    edited June 2015
    Chris - I buy my shiritaki noodles from Amazon. I like the spaghetti ones.

    Well, what do you know! ! ! ! I did my research on the cruise and settled on one that goes right up to 600 miles from the Pole. I rang up Saga and took a 48 hr option on a cabin. D H comes home and I told him what I was up to. He said HE WOULD GO WITH ME,! ! ! ! ! So now we're looking at better cabins. Will decide tomorrow. The agent is going to ring us. I'm not entirely sure he is going to enjoy this and part of me would rather not have a reluctant husband in tow, but he does not want to say goodbye to me for two weeks. <3<3

    An email from the solicitor says I should have my DMIL'S legacy from my ex in July. I think I'm going to ask for interest!

    Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    terri_mom wrote: »
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    Poop – I had a friend in Minnesota who was ½ American Indian, and she had tons of hair on her arms and legs. She said in her Dad’s tribe, the women are hairy and the men are not, but all have a lot of dark hair on their heads. Strange world we live in. // Sorry about the loss of your sister. The anniversary sure can be hard. Hugs and prayers !

    Terri in Milwaukee

    I always get asked ALOT "what are you" I think they are wondering about my nationality. everyone always thinks i'm indian because of my high cheekbones I guess or at least that's what i'm always told. I just say i'm a plain 'ol Mexican. both parents born there. Mexicans by nature are a hairy bunch themselves, dark and prickly hair.. I dunno what happened to me but i'm hair less!!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new! This is a great group of wonderful women!

    Popping in to say hello and hoping everyone is having a wonderful day! <3

    I have the loves of my life sitting at my breakfast room table playing a game right now, I'm going to go join them :love:.

    Have a great evening everyone!

    DeeDee in cloudy and cool NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Pip (poop) I got that a lot when we were visiting in El Paso for the Bowling Tournament. Random people would just walk up to me and say "Tell me about where you are from". I guess a short chubby woman with curly red hair and almost transparent skin really stands out when that close to the border of Mexico. Plus, they were amazed that I never wore a jacket when the temperatures were "all the way down to the 60's". lol I would have been swimming if they had water in the pools. :D During my first marriage my name was Riley, so no one believed me that my ancestors came from Germany instead of Ireland. Unfortunately, DD (Irish dad) did not get my red hair, but DS (german dad) did get the red hair. What a marvelous melting pot we are B)
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hello ladies -

    I've been MIA since Friday and have just now caught up with the May posts. Didn't I say I would not do that again!?! Janet, I need another one of your cyber kicks!

    Life has been a little challenging lately and I have not handled my choices well. Left cell phone out in a thunderstorm. No amount of rice would dry it out. Finally got a new one yesterday. Thank goodness I am a fan of $50.00 phones! My dodgey (thanks for that adjective, Heather) got dodgeier and I had a cortizone shot yesterday. Bad news is that it is a lot worse than 2 years ago. 2 big bone spurs, less space, etc..... I am not going to do another scope surgery so it looks like I will need to replace this one after all. Going to mull that over a bit. It is not fun to do but great on the other side of all the rehab.

    I will try to get caught up on all your posts by tomorrow. I work Fri., Sat., Sun.

    MAY GOALS - can't find 'em; didn't do a good job of following them! Think I ended up with about a 1.5 gain.

    * 1200-1400 cal/day
    * 6,000 steps/per day in addition to my exercise classes
    * Check blood pressure and 2hr blood sugar daily
    * Log accurately
    * Let go and let God

    Toni in Middle Tennessee
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Now I've read through p 5. LOL

    LENORA Aka Grits ~ Hello to a fellow Georgian. I grew about 12 miles out of Forsyth, GA in a small community surrounded by all my cousins and grandparents. Have to say that I have lived in an Atlanta suburb for the last 45 yrs and would really miss being close to everything. However, we never ever go in to downtown Atlanta. I just drive through to go see my mom in a nursing home.

    I grew UP in Forsyth; where in Monroe County did you live? Juliette, Culloden, up near High Falls? So who are you? I'm a former "Mitchell". That's is strange to find someone you 'might' actually know on this site. Go figure!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member

    Lenora, I like GRIT better than SLUTS, but I like Lenora best of all. Do you live in Atlanta? I have a friend whose daughter works at the Aquarium there and has been posting photos of the newborn Beluga Whale. About cemeteries, I just read an article in the news about a woman who stole several headstones from a cemetery to line her fire pit and driveway! The police drove up and there they were, all lined up in the driveway. Amazingly stupid and heartless.


    Actually I like "Lenora" best, too; but, thought that "GRITSandSLUTS" would catch some comments (and it has). :wink:
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    peachstategal, I went to 'art school' in Atlanta. Such a shock coming from a small town to HOT'lanna; but to use to it. Met my husband in Atlanta. Been married 43 years; got 'em trained - wouldn't give him away for anything.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member

    that is cute!
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Lenora, check your messages. This is too funny!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    I keep popping back in .... Trying to keep up! And trying to remember what I wanted to post .

    Heather ... I think that's wonderful DH wants to join you on your trip ... Even if it's not his thing!

    About the cemetery ... Absutely appalling ... I keep thinking about the movie Poltergeist ... Weren't they haunted because of building on a burial site?

    Pip/Poop ... Loss anniversaries are so hard ...

    I finally planted my annuals and trimmed back the only remaining bush in the front bed so you could see my planter box on the house ... I am not good at this stuff but feel compelled to have more than dead and dying things in our yard.

    DeeDee ... Enjoy retirement ... We think we're 6 years away.

    For those of you who walk and bike on public roads (not paths or sidewalks) ... Please be careful and dress like a neon sign so people can see you! I will be attending the funeral of my neighbor who was out walking her dog when struck by a hit and run driver. After a week we thought she only had broken bones and was out of the woods ... She was texting people from her hospital room.... But they missed something ... Probably internal injury ... And she unexpectedly died! My DH now is adamant that I will not walk anywhere but the park ...

    I too love to hear about different parts of the world and country ... So share!

    Doing pretty good with food choices today ... So far ...

    Beth in WNY
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited June 2015
    I can't believe that she wasn't arrested on the spot . . . for stealing. Stealing gravestones or markers ought to be a felony. The families have spent a 'lot of money' to buy them to remember their lost ones. Sounds sort of creepy if you ask me. Move to a freaking cemetery and be the one who tries finding a grave for a family member when it is no longer marked. A lot of people know where their loved ones are buried; and some use certain gravestones to find it in the first place. Dumb@$$
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, everyone!

    Gray and drizzle a little off and on today........still pretty soggy from yesterday.

    Riding high on a great NSV.......DD made brownies yesterday evening and I haven't had a one!!!! Unfortunately she can make her treats last f o r e v e r so they'll be around for days. Send me strength!!!!!

    I finally made the mushroom dill soup this afternoon; last night DH decided he just wanted a hot link and by that hour I didn't want to start the soup process. Turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.

    Remember the Baby Swiss cheese I treated myself to last Saturday at the farmers market? You should see me, weighing a half ounce daily to go with my mid-afternoon hot chocolate, I think I can make it last another week!!! It is worth every penny and calorie.

    Had to replant those irises from the neighbor as the storm blew them over and out of the ground as they are planted so shallow.

    Dee Dee.......Hope you are having a great day with the grandgirls!!!! Probably too wet for the golf cart!

    Lenora......LOL.......no need to burn it down, it was condemned because of the storm......there were people working and shopping there when it happened, sorry I was unclear.

    Janet.........Looks like rain again today for you too.

    suebdew.......Hi, haven't seen you for a long time; glad the flooding did not hurt you.

    Carol.......We had a dog with terrible skin issues once and finally (after megabucks spent) the vet said to just stop washing and primping and let his own immune system go to work and it did. Hope your pom finds some relief. The most I've done to Gemma so far is to wipe her off with a semi wet paper towel, no soap. Good luck.

    Heather.........Whew! You do some traveling!!!! Glad DH decided to join you, hope he enjoys the trip also. Fabulous that you both threw the cake out AND finished your exercise!!!!

    Poop.........OK, if that's what you want to be called. Beautiful pic of you with your sister, hope you are remembering the good times today. Happy birthday to the fabulous Bulwinkle!!! Poor Kirby!!!! My DH is a small part Am. Indian but blonde, the only sign is a very heavy brow.

    ydaily.........Also a reader/ not an athlete here.

    Toni.......Hi, sorry about the medical issues. I was wondering where you were, hadn't seen you since I wandered back myself.

    Got to run.

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Mary from Minnesota – Your goals gave me new things to learn about today. I had not heard of Stronglift 5x5 or coconut oil pulling and had to look them up. Do you find the coconut oil pulling has benefitted you? I laughed when I read your goal to decrease cardio given that my goal is to increase cardio. What is the reason you need to decrease? How much have you been doing?

    Penny at the Pole – I have a friend who has heard that when you are near the Pole you can feel the Northern Lights and not just see them. That intrigues me. Do you happen to know if it is true? I want to visit as close to the pole as I can and see the Northern Lights for myself. DH laughs when I mention this as a goal because I really hate being cold and the North Pole is not exactly warm.

    Lenora – Your GRITS and SLUTS acronym makes me grin.

    Chris in MA – I really like your goal to “Do something every day that makes me happy.” I may have to adopt it for myself.

    Sondre South Fork, PA – a chocolate candy dipper?!!?? I would have to quit my job. Congratulations on the nutritional changes you have made. I am awed by your fortitude.

    DeeDee in NC – Congrats on your retirement. I hope I have about 2 years before I can retire. DH is encouraging me to stick it out for 4 years (age 65) but I want to retire early enough to enjoy it. Of course, now that I have lost some excess poundage the odds of having the stamina and energy to enjoy retirement at a later age has greatly increased.

    OK. I’ve just made it through reading page 3 and we are up to page 8. Time to take a break from reading and to send a few shout outs.

    Guess I should take a little time for a brief intro…

    I think of myself as having always been overweight. My Dad used to call be Butterball so I felt I was a fat child. I have run across some old pictures recently and was surprised to see that I was actually a pretty normal size. When I hit college I did the “freshman 15” gain and thus began a slow weight creep up every year after that. Some years I gained 5 lbs and other years 10 lbs. Doesn’t sound like much, but if you live long enough it can really add up. I have done too many fad diets to begin to name them all. I have tried Jenny Craig once and Weight Watchers 7 or 8 times. I went to a nutrionist twice. Everything worked for a little bit, but I got bored, discouraged at slow loss, it just stopped working, or whatever else excuse I came up with. Then I would stop and gain back all I had lost plus a few.

    My last time on Weight Watchers I lost 20 lbs and stopped losing even though I could have sworn I was doing the same things I had done to lose. I managed to keep it off for a year and then I slowly gained 10lb still eating the way I had done to lose the first 20. I decided to see a weight loss doctor one on one. He did a full work up and declared that if I were to change insurance companies that my blood sugar had gone up to the point where I would be deemed to be diabetic. In order to not cause my insurance to go up he diagnosed it as pre-diabetic. My regular doctor agreed with him. In addition, my regular doctor felt that my BP medication was no longer working and he put me on an additional one. Add in bad knees that were so sore that I went up stairs (when I couldn’t avoid them) by putting both feet on a single step before going up the next one. In 3 months I lost 10 lbs and then started gaining weight even though I was doing the exact same thing that got me to lose weight in the first place. While I could have been fudging a bit on WW, this time I was positive I was following all dietary and exercise recommendations and was still gaining. To say I was discouraged is putting it mildly. The weight loss doctor suggested that my best and possibly only option was surgery. I had spent close to 30 years refusing to consider surgery and did not want to go that route, but I was desperate so I went to just listen to what surgery entailed.

    I ended up having gastric bypass surgery in Feb 2014. I had 200 excess lbs when I went in for surgery. 3 days after surgery my blood sugar hit normal and has stayed normal ever since then. Good-by to 2 medications. 3 months after surgery I said good-by to 1 BP med and 5 months after that I said good-bye to the 2nd med. I can now go up stairs the “normal” way by placing a foot on every other step. I confess that going down still hurts so I usually go down one step at a time, but I don’t avoid steps any more. In 15 months I have dropped 138 lbs and now weigh less than I did when I got married – 28 yrs come August. I am not sure what my final goal weight will be, but I want to lose another 12 lbs and then see how that feels before deciding to lose more.

    There were some added unexpected health benefits to having surgery, but this brief intro is getting quite long so I will stop at this point and simply say it was the best decision I could have made for myself. However, I will also say that surgery is simply a tool in my weight loss arsenal and not a solution all by itself. If a person is not willing to change how they eat and exercise regularly, it will work for a while, but can ultimately be circumvented. I strongly encourage friends to give eating sensibly and exercising regularly their very best efforts before even contemplating surgery. Even then, surgery is not the answer for everyone.

    I have to track my food to ensure I am getting the correct amount of protein and calories. That is how I ran across MFP. I needed a food tracker that was easy to use and a friend suggested I look into MFP. While I cannot eat too much food in one sitting, I find that I can graze all day. Thus, my goal for this month to track my food daily. I need to avoid falling into old bad eating habits. I also need to increase the amount of exercise I’m getting. Building new healthy habits is hard for all of us, but so worth it.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone here a little better as each day passes.
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    [img]https://us.v-cdn.net/5021879/uploads/editor/a3/xmp9b2ue54fr.jpg[/image Scheduled a hair cut but decided to get the works!!![/img]
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    smiley-laughing001.gifIt has been a long time since I had to drink several glasses of water at bedtime because I forgot during the day.....now I drink three or four glasses in the morning after I walk the dogs like I used to drink three or more cups of coffee. I try to time my water drinking around the times I walk the dogs. Like all good habits, there are many bumps in the road at first and then it gets better. :drinker: :drinker:

    :) One of the most memorable trips I took was to Barrow, Alaska, where I had my picture taken wearing a winter coat in June standing at the edge of the frozen Arctic Ocean..not quite the North Pole, but close.

    <3 Barbie in NW Washington
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2015
    Chris in MA: I have found that when my high protein preferences run amok and I need to get things “unplugged” Raisin Bran for breakfast for a couple of days does the job. I’m sure that most kinds of high fiber cereal will do the job as well. :flowerforyou:

    Penney at the N pole: I love the picture! I’d likely pick the smaller ship, too. :bigsmile:

    TinaT: I have a bike on a trainer in the garage that is my goto strategy to burn off extra calories when I have been naughty. :embarassed:

    Sylvia: I’m sorry you had a bad night. Was it angina? I love the graphics that show the differences in size during weight loss and agree that they don’t show saggy skin and the women all look like they’re between 20-35, but I still think they’re useful. I’m glad you shared. I LOVE the dog and cat cartoon! :heart: :laugh:

    Heather: I’m glad you’ve made the decision to sell your rental. As near as I can tell it has given you too much stress and worry, and not enough cash. Good news about your legacy from DMIL. It is about time! Charging interest sounds fair but I don’t have confidence that they’ll pay. :noway:

    Tere: Congratulations on your new car. I hope it is reliable and you enjoy owning it. :flowerforyou:

    Csofled: Thanks for the link to protein information. :flowerforyou:

    Newbies: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. :flowerforyou:

    Terri_mom: Smile and nod at the coworker, then do what is right for you. If you need a midnight snack & plan for it things should go just fine. Log every bite and swallow. If you can’t use your computer at night log your food in advance, or from a smart phone, or write it on paper. :heart:

    Vicki: I agree with you about feeding our children. In our town, the elementary school is open year round to serve kids lunches, including those who are too young for school all the way to 18 years old. :heart:

    Yanniejannie: Congratulations on staying out of the brownies! :bigsmile: :drinker:

    I had ambitions for today. I wanted to take our new dock box down onto the dock and figure out how to mount it safely. Now I have the time but no motivation. I feel like a siesta is in order. :yawn: Great lunch and not too awful calorie wise, but it must have included sleeping pills. It did include turkey. Is that almost the same thing as sleeping pills? :huh: :laugh:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.
