

  • ttrussel
    ttrussel Posts: 101 Member
    edited June 2015
    I need this thread like a fish needs water!

    My sister & I planned, prepared and hosted a 50th Wedding Anniversary party for our parents this weekend. We have been so busy with this that we have both eaten bad for the last few weeks......
    She uploaded the pics last night and I just viewed them this morning. OMG.... Holy Moly (as my 3 year old granddaughter would say). Saturday was the LAST time I wear something sleeveless AND I looked like Shamoo!

    I logged my bad breakfast today (before I saw the pics...) and will definitely be on my treadmill tonight with weights in hand! MFP.... I'm bbaaacccckkkkk!

    oops... forgot to sign post as instructed

    Tina T
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Cheri...I know all about losing sloooooowly. I tend to lose only .2-.6 lb/week also. In April I lost a whole pound 1 week and danced off the scale. My theory is that I won't sag as much if I lose that slowly. Unfortunately no one told my arms that. At least I know I am losing and every ounce adds up. Don't be discouraged.
    Chris in MA
    Thanks for the encouragement! I am in total agreement with the lose slowly less sag theory! It will be a slow journey this time around (yes I have done this weight loss thing many times) and I am ok with that as I know that I am doing what I can sustain for the long haul this time. NO quick fix!

    Being on this board is like reading a novel. Love it! Have a great day ladies!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    For those new ladies who may not have found this, and need motivation, look for a thing called ModelMyDiet. It's a web site where you go in and enter your height, weight etc, and it gives you a visual representation of what you currently look like and what you will look like at your goal weight. I fudged a little bit and put in my starting weight, my current weight and then my goal weight. I had to do it in two steps, but put it all together in Croel Draw and this is what I got. (I should point out that I never looked that good at 302 pounds. Or now either. It doesn't show stretch marks or dimpled skin or rolls of fat, or loose skin that looks like it's melted. And the model looks so young!)

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Sherry: Don't mess around with high blood pressure especially when combined with stress.

    Poop: Beautiful picture of your sister. <3

    Taking your advice Barbie and putting my goals up front and centre by making them part of my signature.

    Today's plan is to start working on my menu, darn it I missed 10% tuesday. I've got 30 minutes to do on the stationary bike today and house work to do. Scitter scatter better get at'er.

    Thought for the day: There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. - Colin Powell

    June Goals:

    1. Do menu planning for June
    2. Eat 3 meals a day
    3. Log all meals
    4. Plan and Do one fun thing each week
    5. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for 30 minutes.

  • Rini_s
    Rini_s Posts: 68 Member
    Hi all...been here for a while, but quietly! It's only June 3 and this post is already at 7 pages! Wow. I had an ankle sprain in early May, which derailed me significantly. It's still a bit sore and swells when I'm on it too much, but I'm going to start increasing my steps again and see how it responds. So, May wasn't the best month, but I'm hopeful for June!

    My goals:

    Get back to 10,000 steps daily
    Add resistance/weights 2 to 3X weekly
    Keep my cals below 1400
    See where that takes me!

    My birthday's in late June, so I'm hoping that I can finish up this "year" stronger than I started. :)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    Penny - I can't wait! I have had the cruise on my bucket list for ages, but today it dawned on me that one way of getting through the chore of selling my rental and my disappointment st potentially getting a #×÷+ price would be to treat myself to a long held dream. I certainly want to do the excursions. I am going to look at Saga today - a company that specialises in the over 50s. Small ships. My poor DH will be a bit surprised when he gets home from cricket today!

    Katla - I've only just decided to sell it for definite. I am at the end of my tether. I was holding on for fear of making too big a loss on it, but I have decided it is not worth the stress. I didn't earn the money that bought it and I am not going to live forever so the cruise is a bribe to myself. :bigsmile: I need some incentive otherwise it just seems like far too much hassle.

    Enjoyed the programme on Swedish houses. Must make a longer visit to Stockholm. :D

    This morning DH said he wanted to plan a short trip somewhere. Hooray! I want it to be an easy one. Our local airport flies to quite a few places, so I will check that out. I wish their website was easier to use. The actual timetables seem to be buried in the depths. :s

    Salmon tonight with asparagus and a fresh dill sauce (dill is growing like a weed in the garden. I am pulling it up and freezing it)

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    I had a pretty crappy day yesterday! I guess it was the culmination of months of frustrations with car repair bills so I went out a bought a car using the continuing breakdownmobile as a down payment. :s So now I have a new car payment which I thought I could do without for a couple of months. On the flip side now I can really go! I didn't realize all the places I didn't go because of the condition of the car!

    DeeDee: I am so looking forward to retiring but have many years left. I know that you will love having the extra time to do whatever your heart desires. Congratulations! <3

    Cheri: Your spreadsheet is awesome. I was just celebrating that I can take my Kindle to the gym and accurately record my strength training, but I think I’ll just take a little note pad instead.

    Bkrimpet: Beautiful picture and I am sure you enjoyed your walk.

    Cranor130: Be encouraged! Remember to do the best you can! Stopping self sabotage is hard. I always try to confront the issue that is causing me to hurt me!

    : You go girl! I want to just achieve a plank position! :)

    Joyce: A booby scooper!? Wow! Glad your check went well! I’m having mine next month.

    Carol: I remember leaving my house in the hands of 2 teenage boys once. Words cannot adequately describe how I flipped out when we returned although the boys have vivid memories of the episode. :s They both do much better now. Having local produce delivered sounds wonderful!

    Terri: During my last doctor visit I was advised that it would help my weight loss tremendously if I added more protein to my diet. I advised her that I did not particularly care for eggs so she asked me to have oatmeal or some such other hot cereal or yogurt for breakfast each day. The SO likes oatmeal so we have it some mornings but if left on my own I prefer yogurt. I’ve had a lot of fun trying the different brands and flavors. I’ve also added various beans to salads and soups. MFP has a page that is a beginners guide to protein. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you how to get to it. You might put an inquiry into the search feature.

    Lesley: SMH! At Charles and Camilla! :(

    Barbie: I hadn’t thought about making up for not meeting my water goals by drinking it at bedtime. Didn’t that make for uncomfortable sleep?

    Kim from N. CA – My dad would pick-up stuff, especially jewelry, we left hanging around and put it away. Once every 3 months or so he would put the stash on the dining room table for us to reclaim. One morning my sister couldn’t find her shoes to wear to school. We all just knew he had taken them and put them in his stash. My mom wore him out about it although he claimed that he had not touched the shoes. They were later found where my sister had put them to be out of his reach and had forgotten where she put them. ;)

    Rosie: Thanks for the oatmeal tip. I didn’t think of doing that. The SO can have his oatmeal more often now.

    Sylvia: Sorry you are not feeling well. Be Better Soon! Thanks for ModelMyDiet.

    Poop: I’m sorry but I really like Pip! <3

    Have a great day Ladies,

    Tere in Richmond VA
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 401 Member
    Janet : Bkrimpet, does that mean that this group of ladies is “Bi-Polar”???? Good one! No comment, though, and no names please.
    All I did was work all morning and by lunch I saw there were 96 posts -- if we could lose weight based on how many words are on this thread we would all be size 0!
    Scale is very stubborn while I try to stay at this 1200 cal idea, but I am going to outsmart it and stick to the plan. Not giving up. I will have to skip National Doughnut Day to make room for the one cupcake I will allow myself at a wedding on Saturday.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    Poop: I’m sorry but I really like Pip! <3

    Have a great day Ladies,

    Tere in Richmond VA

    ok, so you can call me poopy pip :-)
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sylvia ... Cool graphic!

    Mary ... You are the third person I know who is having house problems . Both of the other ladies each struck out twice, but found the third choice to be their favorites. Hope this happens for you too ! Craigslist helped us sell quickly a lot of furniture.

    Becca... I've done the night time sick thing ... Rice can be very constipating.

    A beautiful day here. Going to spend some time on yard chores.

    Have a great day!
    Beth in WNY
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am new here although been on MFP for a year I think, but it felt a bit lonely, just getting to grips with how to friend people and use it I guess. It's a whole new world on the PC using MFP. I am usually just on my phone and log food and activities. Is there anyone using a fitbit too? maybe we can hook up there as I love the challenges on it, i.e. work week hustle - to see who does the most steps, etc..

    Welcome!! I just started with this group last week. I, too, have been feeling lonely and was looking for a way to feel connected. I do the most logging from my phone. Don't have Fitbit, although many girls here do.

    I wish you the best on your journey!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Here is the MFP article on protein for those who were looking for/or needing this information!
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Hi, y'all. This is my first post here but I've been on MFP for several years. The past couple of years have brought numerous losses including long term unemployment for my husband, forcing us to sell our house and move to a temporary place for six months before moving again the first week of May. Between the stress, a heavy work load with hard deadlines in my job as a freelance writer, and all the logistical stuff involved with moving twice in six months, I kind of let things go. Exhaustion and lack of kitchen access drove us to a largely fast-food diet over last couple of months, and I put on a few pounds but the news from the scale wasn't as bad as I'd feared.

    We are now in our own place again, my husband has happily started a new career as a massage therapist (score!), and most of the deadlines are behind me so now it's time to get back on the wagon. By nature I'm a reader and not an athlete so I constantly struggle for motivation. For that reason, my goals for June are pretty simple:

    1. Track on MFP every day.
    2. Get in some kind of exercise at least five days per week, even if it's just a DailyBurn program or walking a few blocks with the dog.
    3. Be good to myself, say no to new obligations, and enjoy some free time now that I've got it.

    The weather here in Central Texas has been pretty crazy lately, but it hasn't gotten too hot yet so it's a good time to make the best of the atypical weather!
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Got my summer reading all set..."Windows" and "This Little Pig".

    Chris in MA
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Dipping my toe in the water here. I just found this posting group and you sound like the kind of group I would like to get to know better. It's a bit dismaying to see how many posts there are already but I hope to get the hang of this.

    I have seen how much logging my food helps with my daily choices so my goals for this month are to log in to MFP every day and to log my food daily.

    My word for this month is perseverance. After a successful 15 months my motivation is starting to flag and I still have a way to go before I hit maintenance mode so I need to persevere.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    poop here - oh forgot to add this morning. Kirby and I were on our daily morning off to work bike ride and sometimes i'm in front, sometimes he is... this time I was in front and we go down a hill and at the bottom of the hill is a light, I was slowing down and it turned green so I kept going... Kirby has the opportunity to turn right if he wanted to but always goes straight to follow me so we can have more riding time together before he has to go his way and I ride to the gym. well I turned at the next light and I looked back and noticed he wasn't behind me, so I went back to look for him and I didn't see him, so I thought he turned and just didn't tell me that he was planning to. so I turned and kept going on to the gym. after the class and I got a voicemail saying that he got a flat on the top of the hill and had to walk the bike to the bus station... :0( poor dude, he didn't have a spare so he couldn't fix it..
  • JulesAtkinson1
    JulesAtkinson1 Posts: 219 Member
    edited June 2015
    First, let me add to the comment of "where the heck did May go???". I've not been on in the last few days, end of month is a very hectic time for me at work, so I've missed a lot of the posts.
    Welcome to other newbies as I'm a newbie myself.
    Rain here all last night and today. We needed it, so I'm not complaining.
    I've lost a few pounds in the last week, I can tell, but I'm not weighing until it's officially been a week....tomorrow. I've been lax at drinking water, too liberal with salt, so I'm trying to drown myself today. :wink:
    Hubby had follow up visit with doc Monday. PSA bumped up a little. Doc says no biggie, but it just seems like we can't catch a break lately. PSA up, new treatment. PSA goes back down a few month, then up again; another new treatment. And they all take their toll on that man of mine. He's a real trooper, I tell you. Been battling cancer for almost 8 years now with hardly a peep out of him. If it were me, I'd be screaming at the top of my lungs already for someone to find me something that works, for Pete's sake!!!! Every visit to his oncologist is a roller coaster ride of emotion. I wish I knew how to level it all out to a more even keel....
    My family wants me to tell them what I want for the big event (my 50th) and I honestly can't think of a single thing. Suggestions?
    My June goals are the same as May:
    More water
    More exercise
    More consistency
    More day trips
    Less negativity

    Jules in South Carolina
  • sscouch01
    sscouch01 Posts: 11 Member
    Goals for June:
    - Journal, journal, journal - every day!!!
    - Complete T25 Focus Alpha
    - 10K steps per day
    - Healthy eating
    - limit wine/beer intake to weekends only

  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Hello ladies. I just caught up on my reading. I just love this group <3 Of beautiful honest women that tell it like it is. Going to take a shower for my haircut appointment this afternoon - hope this new stylist doesn't cut all my hair off. I get really nervous when they tell me the last haircut is uneven and they need to correct that. Which really means goodbye hair. Every time I find a stylist I like they move or change professions! Ug!

    Poop and DamnitJanet - ROFL

    Lisa- I am so glad I got my Fitbit for Mother's Day. Kinda wish I'd gotten the Flex with heart rate monitor now, but the Flex has been great as tracking is much easier then having a pocket for my iPhone. My sleep has been really revealing. I seem to sleep on average 4-5 hours a night. Last night was amazing I slept 6 hours and 18 minutes with 1 time awake and 15 times restless. Feel very well rested. If I ever get 8 hours I think I'll feel like I overslept and all groggy.

    Have a productive day!

    Rosie in San Diego
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    It seems like everytime I'm ready to copy/paste/post, someone else has added something, so I read, maybe comment, and now it is almost the end of my workday and I can finally post. So, some of this goes way back to yesterday, sorry.

    Yanniejannie – Yes, my son would like to be a pitcher. I personally don’t see it happening (I would never tell him, but I can think it), but I guess if his Dad finally steps up and spends time teaching him, maybe it will finally happen. Dad did finally agree to meet with the personal trainer, and help encourage DS to go to the weight room. Plus, next year, he needs to move to different positions during try-outs, to show the coach his flexibility. I prefer something concrete to work on, not the generic “we just had to make a decision”. Basketball starts tonight, so it’s not like he is going to get bored. And if you were to ask him, he’d tell you his favorite sport is basketball, so he’s not as upset about baseball as DH and I are. Even coaches make mistakes.

    Barbie – I am often guilty of not recording what I eat at night after I get home, because I limit my computer time. Also, on baseball nights, it is pushing 9:00pm when we get home, and I get up in the morning at either 4 or 5:00am, so I need my sleep. But thanks for looking and helping. Because of the suggestions, I will plan on having my yogurt if/when I get up in the middle of the night, and if by chance I don’t get up, I will then have it the next morning, allowing for it again the next night as well. I also plan on portioning some peanut butter and hummus, plus pre-cut some celery, so I have that available as well. As soon as I get to the grocery store this weekend, I will plan to have a little bit of complex carbs with lunch, and protein for breakfast and supper, then plan in my snack every midnight. I have also decided that I don’t care what this co-worker thinks, partly because she figures in no less than 3 bottles of beer EVERY night. If she can’t give up her alcohol, why should I care what she thinks about my midnight eating? I respect all of you MUCH more than her ! ! ! (and I just need to have the strength to remove the skin if I allow myself to have that left-over KFC)

    DeeDee – I hope you never get bored during retirement. Congrats ! ! !

    Janet – around here we have a Summer Lunch program. They are usually at the Elementary schools, but sometimes at other schools or parks. All a kid (anyone under 18) needs to do is show-up and they can have whatever is being served that day. My DS says it is usually a deli wrap, a piece of fruit, and a carton of milk. So not a huge meal, but something nutritious anyway. // I usually purchase whatever PigglyWiggly has on instore coupon that we don’t eat at our house. I just wish they would keep the barrel visible, instead of me handing it to the ladies behind the Service Counter, but whatever. // Honestly, the medication I take at night makes me dizzy, which then makes me a little nauseated, so I like to put a little in my belly and go back to bed. These side effects are considered normal. And maybe since I’m having a hotflash at the time, I just think I’m starving. The Dr where I work suggested a particular OTC cream for my hot flashes, so I will likely give that a try soon, too. Fewer hot flashes means fewer times waking up at night, so it can only be a win/win.

    Poop – I had a friend in Minnesota who was ½ American Indian, and she had tons of hair on her arms and legs. She said in her Dad’s tribe, the women are hairy and the men are not, but all have a lot of dark hair on their heads. Strange world we live in. // Sorry about the loss of your sister. The anniversary sure can be hard. Hugs and prayers !

    Wow – so many of you are suggesting yogurt. I am so happy that I enjoy yogurt, and really look forward to having it next time I wake up at night.

    Becca – I rarely have any problems like you suffered, but if I eat any rice 2 days in a row, I have to increase my fruit to prevent that situation. Do you have fiber as one of the nutrients you track in your food diary? I hope you are much better soon, and never suffer like that again.

    Rosie – I often have oatmeal for breakfast, so preparing and freezing single servings also sounds like a wonderful idea. Thanks!

    Mary – Allison had a great suggestion about Facebook. Milwaukee has numerous sites called “rummage sale . . .” where people post a picture of the item, describe it and how much money they want, then IM each other to complete the sale. One time I sold 3 packages of boys tank tops within minutes of posting, and we met in a busy grocery store parking lot to complete the sale. As far as the larger Lawn & Garden items, I would think a small engine repair shop would have places to post wanted/for sale items like lawn mower and snow blower, etc. When we moved from 4 bedrooms in Minnesota to 2 bedrooms in Wisconsin I got a storage unit, and hated writing that $100+ check every month. When we moved from 1 town to another in the Milwaukee area, and had nowhere to live for a week (The Sheraton had a pool, and we ate a lot of dry cereal and pizza that week), we got lucky with Public Storage, as the first month is $1 and we moved everything back out again before the month was finished. BIG hassle, so MANY MORE (((((hugs))))) to get you through all of this!

    – Good luck with the gym. I have been told by several people that they like the 24 hour option. I hope the one near you is affordable.

    Lisa – I think I have purchased protein bars for DS at Sam’s Club. He only likes chocolate (typical teenage boy). Since he is increasing his weight lifting program, I will need to invest soon, so he can take care of these things at school. Thanks for the advice about Quest. // Thanks also for the reminder about the pedometers (I know you call yours a stup-ometer). Our fitness center wants some to give to clients, so I will order a few . Happy customers makes my job much easier.

    Heather – Congrats on dumping the cake. And all the other NSV’s for today. You make me proud !

    Chris – I get my shiritake noodles in the organic section of most of my grocery stores. They run around $1.79 around here.

    Tere – congrats on your car purchase. A new monthly payment sure can be scary, but I’m glad you see the positives, like being able to travel to different places without fear of a breakdown. // Planks: I have a herniated disc, and was recently in a car accident (minor fender-bender, but with that bad disc, it hurts worse than I think it should). The Physical Therapist here at work told me to work my way down the wall. Start with leaning forward onto the wall, then move feet further back, then put hands on raised counter, then on desk, etc, until you are knees and elbows on the floor. Some day I hope to be in the full push-up position, but that has not happened yet, so I just keep trying my hardest.

    Ydaily – Welcome ! ! ! Let me know if your husband needs any more practice. When I get deep tissue I prefer men, because they so often are so strong. You lucky duck !

    Jules – Hugs and prayers for you and hubby re: prostate issues. I hope for both of you that he finds something that works.

    Wow, I said SOOOO much. Time to get some real work done! I promise that by noon tomorrow I will have logged my supper from tonight, and my midnight snack, so you can all look at my diary and hold me accountable and offer suggestions. Thanks again for being here for me.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee