
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Beautiful day out.sunny and 70`s.
    Have a good one,hugs
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Terri .... For you ...iezplq3ev788.jpg
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Carey – I keep plenty of yogurt in the fridge, and usually eat it for either breakfast or lunch, but there’s just no reason that I can’t save that for my “midnight snack”. Outstanding advise taken !

    Yanniejannie – what wonderful luck for you DD. I LOVE “pay it forward”. Saturday I gave a lady her $20 bill she had dropped, and she said “I hope someone blesses you by paying it forward like you just did for me”. What a nice lady. And what a lucky daughter you have.

    Beth - Thanks for the picture. It made me smile.

    The H.S. baseball coach said he would tell the truth to any parent of a kid that got cut from the team. In the e-mail response to me, he said "I spoke with the freshman coach last night. In his discussions with me he told me that Payne did a descent job but was not one of the 17 that was kept." Why couldn't he say something like: at this age every kid wants to be either a pitcher or an infielder. work on his catching behind the plate, and his fielding of fly balls, because we really want him to try out again next year.? Or something similar to that, so I know what to work on over the next 10 months? Men !?!?!?!? DH says he wants to groom him to be a pitcher, so I guess they will meet with the Personal Trainer again next month, and we will increase his upper body strength again. That kid is so chiseled, the girls are going to be flocking around him every day pretty soon (and he just isn't ready, unless they can play a sport).

    I have had so much water to drink today I feel like I might float away. That supper tonight better be heavenly.

    Back to work. Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Deedee congratulations on the retirement. Well deserved!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's Jokes of the Day:


    A policeman brought four boys before a judge.

    "They were causing an awful lot of commotion at the zoo, your Honor," he said.

    "Boys," said the judge sternly, "I never like to hear reports of juvenile delinquency.

    Now I want each of you to tell me your name and what you were doing wrong."

    "My name is George," said the first boy, "and I threw peanuts into the elephant pen."

    "My name is Pete," said the second boy, "and I threw peanuts into the elephant pen."

    "My name is Mike," said the third boy, "and I threw peanuts into the elephant pen."

    "My name is Peanuts," said the fourth boy.


    I never knew what real happiness was until I got married..

    ..then it was too late

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,603 Member
    Terri - it's ok to eat at midnight, or 4 am or any time. Just reorganise your regime so you can eat then. Calories in, calories out - that's all that matters. :flowerforyou:

    Deedee - so happy for you reaching your retirement. :flowerforyou: I can truly say it is wonderful for those who have enough money to be able to enjoy themselves. Thank you for getting my book. :flowerforyou: It means so much.

    I really enjoyed getting dressed up for the party. I so rarely wear a dress and have NEVER worn a dressy hat. We were inside, but the watermill has glass walls and amazing views of the gardens and millpond. Fantastic canapés and Pimms. Ate too much, but I had done extra exercise so I could enjoy myself. My friend and I had our photos taken. I will post it when we get it next month. We sang "Jerusalem" and had a big cake for our 100 years anniversary of the W I. (Think Calendar Girls)

    Relaxing now. Knees ache from all the standing. It was quite chilly! :laugh:

    Will try not to think about my rental in the middle of the night. :ohwell:

    Love Heather UK
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    WOW, When I said the rain was buckets, I didn't realize how right I was.........we had just over three inches in a couple hrs. and a suspected possible tornado a couple miles away......the roof lifted up and down off a small shopping center several times. All of it is condemned.

    terri........I hear you on coaches; DD was cut from 9th grade soccer (after the team picture for the yearbook was taken and parents meeting held)........reason.......LOL, coach was new and didn't KNOW how many she was allowed on the team. I really didn't care if she made the team or not when she went out for it, but I was furious about how it was mishandled. The next year, at a different school (even larger), she was named MVP for their soccer team. Does your son want to be a pitcher; you seem to indicate that it is his dad's idea. Anyway, tell him to hang in there, coaches don't always make the best choices and in the end he'll get there.

    Chris.........Love your pic of the kite boarding. Bet the water was cold, though.

    Ihannon.......Congrats on your great medical appt. results.

    Food is good so far; going to make a mushroom dill soup for dinner. The dill has spread and is coming up like mad; I potted all I can to give away. It's a bit tricky because of the tap root, best done when very small.

    mid-Atlantic, soggy

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for all the congrats on my retirement :bigsmile:!!! Second day today and I'm just sitting down now...whew, I'm tired! Tomorrow I have my gorgeous granddaughters, the oldest is out of school, the youngest still has a week to go, so I'll get her after school. They are installing my new fountain tomorrow too!!! I'm looking forward to sitting out on the patio listening to it with a nice glass of wine (and Heather's book).

    Terri :) You'll be beating the girls off of DS!!!! Sounds like the email from the coach didn't tell you anything you didn't already know :mad:!

    Yanniejannie :) How wonderful for DD to get that saddle!!! There is a thunderstorm on the horizon for us right now. Some of the showers we've had lately have had huge raindrops and comes down in sheets. I would like a nice shower that would actually soak the ground!

    Beth :) Love the graphic!!! Hope your son is doing better with his headaches, I had a migraine a few weeks ago, made me sick!

    Cynthia :). Hope your ankle is feeling better!!!

    Kim :) Your vacation sounds wonderful, I hope you enjoy every minute of it!!! Will Levi be happy with his sitter?

    Sending good thoughts out to everyone!!! It's thundering and lightening here...I'm going to post this so I don't lose it!

    DeeDee in stormy NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :) Terri, I just looked at your food diary--if it's accurate, then no wonder you are hungry at night. Heather said it right that it doesn't matter what time of day you eat, just plan ahead for the food you will eat at each time. My schedule is weird so I eat at 3:30 AM, 8:30 AM, 11:30 AM, 4 PM, and 6 PM and go to bed around 7:30. I base the food I'll eat on how much exercise I'll be doing so the calories come out OK and make sure that everything I eat is nutrition dense so I get as much nutrition as possible for the limited calories....if I were like you and got hungry in the middle of the night, then I'd change my eating schedule to allow midnight eating....also I keep stuff in my house that I can eat...of course, I'm fortunate that I don't have kids who bring the wrong foods into the house.

    <3 Barbie
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Wednesday and woke to heavy frost again but know it will burn off for walk with Blaize this afternoon.
    Only 3406 steps yesterday as shopping and trying to get Wii fixed, they are going to contact me by email grrr!
    Food today = 1716
    Training: JJ's cardio kick-boxing (Done) JJ's Bikini boot-camp I and JM's kettle-bells soon, walk dog this afternoon. Need to get steps back up again
    House: ironing and cleaning
    Received my Tom signed BFFM book from Tom Venuto yesterday, need to read again
    BeneFibre doing its job and Fibre at 35 g today
    I plan my food intake at breakfast and record to Tom's site every day, keeps me honest at around 1700 calories. 3 meals plus protein shake after weights.
    I go to see Sports Nutritionist again next week

    Charles was always in love with Camilla and she was his mistress even though married. Diana was a virgin and a brood mare and USED. Cannot see how Charles as a divorcee married to divorcee who is having affairs can ven dream of being King. I live in Tasmania but born in UK

    Lesley in Tasmania
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Lenora...I don't know how you function on 960 calories/day! You are much stronger than I. When MFP dropped me to 1200 calories/day from 1400/day (when I lost another 10 lbs.), I was devastated. If I had to go to 960 I would weep uncontrollably. It's been about 3 weeks and I still go over most days.

    The first couple of days were difficult; and I went over my calories/day. On weekends, when my husband cooks breakfast I have found that if I only eat 1 sausage patty instead of 2 - I'll stay with my calorie count. I'm on a Medical Weight Loss Program and I guess since I am drinking 2 protein shakes a day, and eating 1 protein bar a day; plus a meal that I can have under 550 calories . . . that is how I am functioning. Surprisingly, I haven't had the 'get back in bed and go back to sleep' problems I was having before. I was blaming it on my C-pap machine and the fact that occasionally I'll pull off the mask. I'm sure that once I reach my goal, the nurse/doctor will reassess my caloric intake and I'll have to cook 3x a day or something. I don't know what staying on the maintenance program consists of, other than I get weighed and a consultation at the time of the visit. We haven't gotten to that point yet. I'm just happy that I am losing instead of gaining. I take a lot of medications (that I HAVE to take) with the side effects of 'weight gain' and I have been unable to take any kind of 'cholesterol lowering' medications ... it interacts with my other meds and those I don't want to get 'whacked out'. Getting my cholesterol count down is the main reason I bit the bullet and went on this particular diet. I know that I should not call it a diet; it is a life-style change and my caloric intake will always be lower than what I was doing beforehand. When I make the remark to one of my other MDs that I was gaining 1 - 1.5 pounds a month (which did not seem too bad and occasionally I'd lose that much) he told me that was 12 - 18 pounds a year. That got my attention and he isn't the MD that fusses about my weight.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    WOW, When I said the rain was buckets, I didn't realize how right I was.........we had just over three inches in a couple hrs. and a suspected possible tornado a couple miles away......the roof lifted up and down off a small shopping center several times. All of it is condemned.

    mid-Atlantic, soggy

    I'm feeling so sorry for those of you or those who have family that are in the way of the storms and floods. When one of the hurricanes stalled over South Georgia 20+ years ago; we ended up staying in Miami with my sister for an extended period of time/vacation. We could not cross over a bridge that we had to go over. Shocking when we did and the water was all the way to the bottom of the bridge. One week later we went back over the bridge on our way to Macon and it was totally empty! Husband told sons that they need to go up while the lake was empty and mark some good fishing holes. They never did however. Boss would check my street and call and tell us that the water was at both ends of the 1.5 block road; but, not in our yard. We had fun . . . didn't worry about the house; nothing we could do anyway.

    One of my sons lives in Vidalia, LA and the Mississippi River has crested several times this Spring; but, not breached any of the levees. Natchez, MS (on the other side of the River) sits up higher and they don't flood much. Vidalia has a couple of levees as protection from it and between the house he and his wife leave in most of the time. Apparently, it has not flooded there in quite a long time. I do remember going to visit him once when the first levee was breached but not the 2nd one. By that time, it was just standing water, not flowing. The Mighty Mississippi is so 'crazy' that they never really know if they'll get flooded or not.

    I guess, now, that the tornado has 'lifted' the roof over a small shopping center that is condemned . . . they won't have to burn the place to get 'insurance proceeds' . . . that was 'ugly' . . . forgive me. LOL!!!

    Last year about this time, we got 6" in just a couple of hours and our son and his wife and children came over to spend the night with us because their tornado radio went off. I need to have mine checked or get a new one. They live in a trailer next door to our house . . . about 1500 yards really. I made the comment that 'if' we had a tornado they might not be any safer at our place; but, at least we have a house on a foundation. Trees down in a couple of towns away from us. We're on a high spot and we can watch the clouds and rain and wind headed towards us and then it splits and goes through one town and the other - totally missing us. Like the Parting of the Red Sea. Went to a plant nursery a few weeks later and it was practically leveled. Only 2 or 3 greenhouses standing. With a house within 6" of the mess. The Hispanics that lived in the house knew they were mighty damn lucky for it to hit so close and not affect them. Just took off a little siding at the corner of the house. They said, 'we be scared'! They did not speak much English but she knew what I was asking about the house.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    I LOVE your name, can I call u sluts???? pleaasssseeeeeeeeeeeeee
    Sure . . . why not . . . I know that I am not one (except for the acronym). o:)
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    Good evening ladies! Long day, quite exhausted. I do love reading these posts, unfortunately I will have to wait until tomorrow
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    Thanks to all for the nice welcome.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,063 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 11.18min, 15.5amph, 2.9mi = 91c
    jog- 20min, 5.4-5.7speed w/6.5burst, 3.5incline whole time, 10.51ap, 1.84mi = 186c
    other- floor- crunches- 20 min- 16knees bent, 16knees up, 16legs straight up, repeat 5sets, 240total, hamstring leg lifts, 16ea leg, 5sets, 80ea leg, 20 pushups, plank 40sec, repeat, situps - 20 = 70c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.46min, 12.4amph, 1.3mi = 54c
    ride dome 2 hm new route- 19.05min, 9.1amph, 2.8mi = 199c
    total 600 cal
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    edited June 2015
    :drinker: When I started on MFP, I worked hard at drinking more water and learned two good tricks from women on this thread. The first was to keep a pad of paper and pencil handy and make a tally mark for each 8 ounce glass that I drank.....if I hadn't met my goal by bedtime, I'd stand in the kitchen and drink the water I needed to meet my goal. The other was to require myself to drink a glass of water before I could log onto MFP. Now the water drinking is automatic and I don't have to list it as a goal. We have a water filter on the faucet in the laundry room so we keep a gallon of filtered water on the kitchen counter with my glass next to it which makes it easy to fill my glass with water that tastes good to drink. :drinker:
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :drinker: :sad: :oh well: :embarrassed:

    About what, Barbie??

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :drinker: :sad: :oh well: :embarrassed:

    About what, Barbie??


    smiley-laughing001.gif that was me trying to use what Heather suggested about making the faces.....two of them worked and the other two didn't smiley-laughing001.gif so now I'm back to getting my smileys from www.freesmileys.org
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Jane, way to go. Congrats on being a loser!!!

    Sondre, you are welcome. Lol You do know that you can respond to a post, without quoting the whole thing, don’t you? Just checking. Yes, we can still eat normal food, but I think we need to talk about his ice cream every day??? ROFL. *shakin’ head” I think you are going to be an interesting one to watch. Good for you that you have made changes in your eating. If I worked as a candy dipper, I”d probably never want to look at it again; but then I’m not a chocoholic. I can take it or leave it. (Now cinnamon, I have a hard time leaving.)

    Pip, didn’t you even chuckle about not shaving your legs????? I’ll bet you were the first with a cat, but I hope he enjoyed it.

    Dee Dee, a big Congrats on your retirement!!!! I hope you enjoy yours as much as I’m enjoying mine.

    Penny @ the Pole, thanks for all the very interesting information on your living conditions. Have you lived there all your life? I lived in Milwaukee for 10 years and that was enough for me. Cold to me is 30 degrees F. I’ll bet you burn some calories running when it is that cold up there.

    Bazandmary, welcome. Best of luck with this new lifestyle. Come often and join right in the chat.

    Bkrimpet, does that mean that this group of ladies is “Bi-Polar”????

    Michele, if you didn’t log just because you were lazy, then this ‘queen of lazy’ won’t say a word. Lol So nice that you buy things to donate. We were talking at the Ladies of the Moose meeting last night about all the children that really go hungry in the summer. They normally get some nutrition from school, but when school is out there is often nothing to eat. When I was at the grocery check-out yesterday, they are helping a charity called “back pack buddies” that donates food to send home with the kids. The lady in front of me said, boy they need this. She went on to explain that a child in her neighborhood never had anything to eat at home and basically goes around to neighbors begging for food. This is so sad in our society today. Anyway, the bottom line is, if you have the means, it is really important to donate to the food banks in the summer so kids can have something to eat. Doesn’t hurt to remind your friends and neighbors about the need, also.

    Katie, I know what you mean about not being smart enough to use your new Ninja. Some of these things look like they could take the ingredients right out of the pantry and do the whole job….just who the heck is going to program them??? I do hope you enjoy it and a big congrats on that big paycheck.

    JanetM, I’m just curious, do you live in NO or out in one of the burbs? Talk about humid! NO makes SC seem like the desert.

    Mary, soooo sorry about the home inspection. I don’t think I’d rent from that guy either, but sometimes you just have to do what ya have to do. First of all, keep looking! The perfect house may come on the market tomorrow and solve all your problems. Try to stay positive, even though it may not be easy. You will remain in my prayers for a good outcome. (((Hugs)))

    Joyce, congrats on the Big Squeeze and I’m happy they didn’t have to use the bobbie scoopie on ya. Now get off the computer and go call DirectTV. How long can it take? Well, I take that part back. Lol Sometimes those calls can be quite time consuming. On the note taking, I just open a blank word document and minimize it to about half screen, then open this group and do the same. When I’m reading, I can only see about 1/3 of the word doc but if I want to make a note, it just takes clicking on the screen. Then I just click back to the posts and carry on. But whatever works is good to go.

    Penny at the Pole, now I am really curious (yes and nosey) Why did you move there?

    Rosie, wow your son is really “going away to college”, isn’t he? That is one long drive. Duke is a great school so I’m sure it will be worth the distance. Is your brother in the Carey, NC area? I’m not familiar with Apex..

    Cheri, this name is easier. And it would be great if you sign all your posts with it for those of us that just “forget” everything we ever knew.  As for responding to everyone, don’t worry about it. It is certainly not expected. Some of us just came to respond to more and more over a period of time. This group is for each of us to feel comfortable and get/give support. Did you start out your planks at 30 sec or build up to that? If you just started out, no wonder you are feeling the pain this morning. Take it easy so you don’t burn yourself out before you get going. And don’t let a day of the scale fluctuation discourage you. Mine goes up and down and up and down, but as long as it always goes back down, I’m okay with it.

    , sorry about the rental. I do hope you can get rid of it quickly and don’t lose too much on it. It is not fun or easy being a landlord.

    Carol, what a bummer to come home to that mess. Even if you half expected it, not a fun site. I’d have been fussing and cursing at him the whole time I cleaned it up!!! Enjoy your local produce tomorrow and the rest of the week.

    Terri, do you eat dinner? How often do you wake up in the middle of the night starving? Maybe you need to eat more at dinner or a late snack before you go to bed. To be honest, it doesn’t sound normal to wake up starving in the middle of the night. If your meds cause stomach problems, are you not taking them with food? You might even want to talk to your doctor about this. You know I’m rooting for you.

    Pip, I think you might have too much fun with these names, also. But you can change your name to “Poop” and we can call you Poop or a synonym. Tee hee hee.

    Chris, Cool pic of the windsurfing.

    Yannie, WTG for DD getting the saddle. Very nice gift!!!

    Heather, sounds like fun to get to dressed up for the party.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    We got some rain today that we could use. The problem is, we may keep getting more for the next few days. DH boiled some chicken and when it cooled, I’ll debone it and made some chicken divan. I got up and made bran muffins first thing this morning as I had been without for a few days. That may be all the cooking I do for the week. I don’t want to overdo. I didn’t really do too much else today other than a little exercise. I’m having a hard time getting back into my groove, but I’m working at it.

    I hope you all have a fantastic day tomorrow. I think I’ll be going to bed early tonight.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC