

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited June 2015
    I wrecked my brand new van this morning. :'( Took the kids to swim lessons and we were on the way back to their apartment when a car ran a red light and hit us broadside. It spun us around in the street and I nearly hit a light pole and went into oncoming traffic.

    The good news is that everyone walked away without a scratch. The kids were pretty shaken up but not physically injured. Tomorrow they may be a little sore, as will I. I can feel it in my neck already. The elderly people in the other car - all three of them - weren't hurt either. They were from out of town and trying to find the hospital and got lost. Their car was damaged a lot worse than mine.

    When it happened, a man approached me as I was trying to get out of the car and said he was an off duty police officer and that he saw the whole thing happen. He verified that I had the green light and told the officer doing the report, as did another bystander, so I should be OK in that regard. It happened on the corner of the block where my insurance company office is, so they got a front row seat.

    There were three fire trucks, two ambulances and four police cars that responded. I was very impressed with the care they took with the kids to make sure they were OK. Even talking to them about swimming and dogs just to calm them down. The two girls were sitting on the passenger side where the impact was, so I was most worried about them, but my grandson was the one making the biggest fuss. It was pretty traumatic for them, I think.

    The van may be totalled. We limped it over to a body shop (only 2 blocks away) but they weren't open, so we had to leave it. The owner was on the premises (they were actually having a big garage sale out of their garages) but said they weren't doing estimates today. He promised to put "crash wrap" on the van so the rain won't get inside. The sliding door on the passenger side is pushed up out of position so it doesn't make a seal and it's completely open on the top. The front door is sealed but won't open. When he got inside to park it, he said, "hey this thing is brand new. It only has 1700 miles on it. " Boo hoo!

    The kids were so upset about my new van being broken, but I told them that it was just a hunk of metal and it could be fixed or replaced. What really matters is that none of them were injured. So, I was running around town in my wet swim suit getting stuff taken care of, and finally hubby took me home so I could shower and get dressed. Now I'm at the studio to do some drafting. If I can concentrate that long.

    My poor grandson. When the van stopped moving he screamed "it's going to explode!". I think he watches too much tv.

    I hope you are all having a fantastic day!

  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Sylvia ~ I'm so sorry this happened to you and the kiddos. Glad that you weren't injured but know what a pain it is going to be to get everything fixed right.

    Peach ~ Carol
  • lindasfisk
    lindasfisk Posts: 14 Member
    Hello group. My name is Linda and I live in Arkansas. I have 3 children ages:53, 52 and 46. 14 grand children and 5 great grand children. I am 70 years old; had a heart attack about a year and a half ago. Last year I lost 40 pounds with MFP. Then I went to the doctor.... my cholesterol (330) was higher than it was when I had the heart attack! I was so deflated I quit MFP and most of the walking I had been doing. BTW I was not on any of the community pages then.

    OK. I am back. My momentum is not what it was last year. I can tell I am stronger now than I was then. Walking is easier, and I am even doing a little "Sweatin' with the oldies" for the last few days. But, that has made me hungry!

    My husband has been dealing with a tumor on his brain, since last December. They don't think is malignant, but it is growing so it must come out. We are scheduled to see yet another doctor, brain surgeon this time...at the same hospital where I lost my last husband in July of '93. I must say the stress is a little hard.

    My goals are:
    Lose at least 2.5 pounds this month
    Walk at least 30 minutes every day
    Carry protein bars with me at all times at the hospital
    Keep my calories under 1500 even while eating out
    And under 1350 when at home.
    Add another serving of vegetables a day.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Holy cow, Sylvia! Glad you're all ok...
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Somebody should compile all our how I met stories. They have been a lot of fun to read.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    The story that I told you about my first date with my DH on his motorcycle took place six years ago today! And I would still ride on the bike!

    Mary from Minnesota

    lol That's terrific. So sweet to hear we still like what we've got.

    Our first date he came in his brand new 3/4 ton Dodge Ram 4x4, without running boards yet. I needed a ladder. I could not even see over the side to see the bed. It was pretty funny from his view I'm sure trying to haul my rather ample rear end up into the truck. lol
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Sylvia - Oh goodness, very scary. So thankful you are all ok with no serious injuries.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited June 2015
    @miakoda40 - We've (DH and I) have been reading a lot of John Grippando. I don't know if it is a 'series' but they have to 2 main character - a lawyer and his side kick, Theo, in the theme. Really enjoy him because he writes so much like Patterson. Like the Alex Cross and Michael Bennett characters - but not really where you had to start at a certain book. They are more 'stand alone'. I also picked up "One for the Money" by Janet Evanorich. I don't know how far along she is in her series of books. The "I" is for Innocent has gone a little slow for me, due to all the interruptions I've had this week.

    Had to go to eye MD and he said I had an infection in the left eye. Felt like I had a piece of glass in there and had been trying to 'doctor' it myself with drops and some sort of 'cream' I had before cataract surgery. It would not hurt during the day much; but, at evening time I wanted to pull out my eyeball and stick it into a glass of clean water. DH kept telling me to 'not rub it'.

    @pipcd34 - I tried going off a medication (MD said I could try) for anti-anxiety and within a week I called him back 'in tears' telling him I had started back because I could not stand the 'drama' that DDIL seems to carry around with her. But, I will have to say, she is really being nice to me lately. I think because youngest son married and I know it is obvious that she is just more loving to me. Under difference circumstances maybe this DIL would not have rubbed me the wrong way. I had been in a bad wreck and she came around the side of the house and introduced herself as my oldest son's fiancée. At the time, he was going through a really bad divorce; and I was told later that she had been told that he would introduce us when I had gotten better. I guess I was afraid that having her in the picture would have caused his soon-to-be (at that time) ''ex" make it so that we would not have been able to seen our only (at the time) DGD. She was spiteful enough to do that.

    Mary from Minnesota -OMG, - where and when did you get that chocolate bar? I agree, give it away! You could make enough Smores for an entire camp somewhere.

    @fanncy0626 and others - yes we are so proud of our DGD - she is my 'heart' - first born DGC will do that for you. She calls us at least 2 or 3 times a week. I laughed when she called a little while ago. I told her we were setting a record. She said, she like talking to us. She was so excited that her boyfriend had taught her how to change the tire on her car.

    For the 2nd or 3rd time this week, rain has kept me out of the pool. Gee, I miss it, too (so much more fun walking in water).

    @janetr7476 - my GP now has to send me to a lab to get some of my 'labs' done by them instead of using his lab in order to get Medicare to pay for them. Obuzzard is sooner-or-later going to make all the 'good' MDs do anything else other than practice medicine - and you'd have to use their hospital contract MDs. I've gone that route and never again. After what a PsycheMD did to me; I travel 175 miles each way to see a different one. By the way - I took her before the Composite State Board of Medical Examiners and got it to the 'investigative' level for 'failure to treat' and 'moving me without my family's knowledge'. I don't know how she and the hospital answer my complaint; but soon she was no longer employed by them and lost her 'hospital privileges'. I used to be a legal secretary and I knew what she had done bordered on 'medical malpractice' of 'medical Malfeasance'. She had said to me 'I'll fix you'! I knew something bad was about to happen. Just because I am Bipolar doesn't make me an 'idiot'. I think I showed her! LOL! "I don't get mad, I get even!" Although I am pretty laid back. In doing so, she put my life in danger. She did not send all my records to the other place; and the first time a nurse came to give me a shot, I asked her what it was. She told it was 'insulin' and I told her 'I'm NOT diabetic'. She then asked if I was refusing it and again I told her "I'm NOT a diabetic". I got physically assaulted a couple of time, accused of stealing from another patient; about the only 'good' thing was that the MD I was assigned to, knew very quickly I did not need to be there. When the Probate Judge ordered me to stay another 6 months; I lost it. Thankfully, she was not an attorney; therefore the MD could ignore her order. I was then, medically discharged. It was because he suggested taking this other MD to the Boards, I had the ammunition to 'fight' her. He could not believe that she had done this. Then she refused to 'release' my records; even to my GP and I signed forms to get them and when I went to the hospital, they told me that the MD had put a note, not to release the records. The SCBME made her release them to me. It's a long story and I had taken my complaint to one of my former bosses to make sure she could not counter-sue me. It was 15 pages long; but, after he read it he said that I had done a good job; and he knew why it had been so long ... I had to work up beginning 2.5 month earlier. He was 'in tears' when he got finished. She had marked the records as being sent to my MD and that was just her first lie. I turned it over to God; and now I would be an advocate for the mentally ill; but, I don't think I could actually do so.

    I had "Grave's Disease" - starting in my 8th month of pregnancy - at first they thought that I was carrying twins because my heart was beating about 132 times - about the same as my baby's. They did a quick x-ray of my belly and there was not a 2nd baby. I refused any treatment because I wanted to 'nurse' my baby. The MD agreed I could do so; but, suggested that I see an Endocrinologist as soon as I could. We then moved back to Albany, GA and my sister ended up coming and getting my DYS so that I could wean him. He'd wait me out; would not take a bottle - I had no choice; then had my thyroid gland ablated and got put on thyroid replacement. Sometimes it would interfere with the numbers for my Lithium and about every 6 months both had to be readjusted. I also, years later, became Lithium Toxic and spend 3 weeks in the ICU. After this was when all the other issues came along.

    @lhanna062709 - thank you for the information. I've heard a lot of those excuses.

    OK, WTMI - but it is good to sometimes get a few things of my chest.

    Love ya all!
    Lenora (GRITSandSLUTS)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's jokes of the day:


    A frog telephones a psychic hotline and is told, "You are going to meet a beautiful young girl who will want to know everything about you."

    "Great," says the frog, "Will I meet her at a party?"

    "No," said the psychic, "Next year - in biology class."


    Fire swept the plains and burned down the farmer’s barn.

    While he surveyed the wreckage, his wife called their insurance company and asked them to send a check for $75,000, the amount of insurance on the barn.

    “We don’t give you the money,” a company official explained. “We replace the barn and all the equipment in it.”

    “In that case,” replied the wife, “cancel the policy I have on my husband.”

  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member

    @Mary from Minnesota fixed it for ya hugs :)

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    lindasfisk wrote: »
    Hello group. My name is Linda and I live in Arkansas. I have 3 children ages:53, 52 and 46. 14 grand children and 5 great grand children. I am 70 years old; had a heart attack about a year and a half ago. Last year I lost 40 pounds with MFP. Then I went to the doctor.... my cholesterol (330) was higher than it was when I had the heart attack! I was so deflated I quit MFP and most of the walking I had been doing. BTW I was not on any of the community pages then.

    OK. I am back. My momentum is not what it was last year. I can tell I am stronger now than I was then. Walking is easier, and I am even doing a little "Sweatin' with the oldies" for the last few days. But, that has made me hungry!

    My husband has been dealing with a tumor on his brain, since last December. They don't think is malignant, but it is growing so it must come out. We are scheduled to see yet another doctor, brain surgeon this time...at the same hospital where I lost my last husband in July of '93. I must say the stress is a little hard.

    My goals are:
    Lose at least 2.5 pounds this month
    Walk at least 30 minutes every day
    Carry protein bars with me at all times at the hospital
    Keep my calories under 1500 even while eating out
    And under 1350 when at home.
    Add another serving of vegetables a day.

    Linda - we're neighbors, I'm next door in Oklahoma City :) Welcome to our group. We're here whenever you just need to talk, vent, and celebrate. It certainly sounds as if you have had more than your fair share. I think stress is probably the worst over eating trigger there is. Drop by and say hello when ever you get a chance. This is a great group of ladies.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Somebody should compile all our how I met stories. They have been a lot of fun to read.

    I have certainly enjoyed the "how we met" stories too. Many, many different scenarios, lots of fun to read.

    Janetr OKC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Whew! I am caught up, but I know I missed some stuff. Margaret's pictures will have to be looked for. They sound interesting.

    Sylvia, I am extremely relieved you guys are okay.

    Pip, way to go in passing that guy on a bike.

    Janet, maybe you did kick a little high, and I'm sure Nancy appreciates your apology, But I for one needed to hear what you had to say. I think it's time I faced the truth that I am simply eating too many calories per day. So thanks for the kick to my rear!

    My how we met story: I was in college. My two roommates and I had tickets for us and our dates to see Kris Kristofferson and Rita Coolidge at the Fox Theater in Atlanta on the Saturday after Thanksgiving in 1974. My date, who worked for Sears, got scheduled to work and they would not let him off since it was such an important shopping weekend. He didn't like me enough to force it, and I didn't like him enough to care so I tried to find another date. No luck; all my friends were home for the holidays. My sister offered to introduce me to Her friend Dave. I said no way was I interested in any of her wild friends. She said this one was different and she thought I'd like him. By Thanksgiving day I was desperate, so I said okay. She introduced us. He agreed to go. We met my roomies at the theater. While inside, a huge ice/snow storm began. When we came out, it was too dangerous to drive home. We, two complete strangers to each other, had to spend the night at my roommate's parents' place. Both roomies were from Atlanta. Both Dave and I lived in Athens, which was 60 miles away. It was still nasty the next morning, but at least daylight. He said he could drive in it since he was from Minnesota and used to it. In August we will celebrate our 40th anniversary.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Barbie: I could bike to work; it takes an hour and a quarter. :) I did bike home once; took the bike on the train to get there and then biked home at the end of the day. My problem is that I walk as little as possible because of the arthritis, so biking is a good idea. But I either have to take my bike in the train (costs about $12) or ride it there. Renting a bike at the train station is great, and much cheaper ($4), but the bikes are heavy and have just one speed. I have to put a lot of pressure on my knee riding them. Trams are possible, but mean more walking since they don't stop at my place of work.
    Taking the car into the city just isn't an option; even if you found a parking place at the door (totally, totally impossible) it would cost about $30 a day. Hence the germy train. :(
    So for me it's just trying to figure out what the least painful option is on any given day.

    Margaret: thanks for your kind words about the group.

    Sylvia: sheesh, you are having a bad time. So glad you're OK.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Whew! I am caught up, but I know I missed some stuff. Margaret's pictures will have to be looked for. They sound interesting.

    Sylvia, I am extremely relieved you guys are okay.

    Pip, way to go in passing that guy on a bike.

    Janet, maybe you did kick a little high, and I'm sure Nancy appreciates your apology, But I for one needed to hear what you had to say. I think it's time I faced the truth that I am simply eating too many calories per day. So thanks for the kick to my rear!

    My how we met story: I was in college. My two roommates and I had tickets for us and our dates to see Kris Kristofferson and Rita Coolidge at the Fox Theater in Atlanta on the Saturday after Thanksgiving in 1974. My date, who worked for Sears, got scheduled to work and they would not let him off since it was such an important shopping weekend. He didn't like me enough to force it, and I didn't like him enough to care so I tried to find another date. No luck; all my friends were home for the holidays. My sister offered to introduce me to Her friend Dave. I said no way was I interested in any of her wild friends. She said this one was different and she thought I'd like him. By Thanksgiving day I was desperate, so I said okay. She introduced us. He agreed to go. We met my roomies at the theater. While inside, a huge ice/snow storm began. When we came out, it was too dangerous to drive home. We, two complete strangers to each other, had to spend the night at my roommate's parents' place. Both roomies were from Atlanta. Both Dave and I lived in Athens, which was 60 miles away. It was still nasty the next morning, but at least daylight. He said he could drive in it since he was from Minnesota and used to it. In August we will celebrate our 40th anniversary.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
    just got a call from the doc, my contacts are ready. did I mention nobody knows what the hell caused the pain???!! so much for doctors knowing everything. I'm gonna see if I can get off early to go ride over there
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    I met my husband at college when it was called North Ga College in Dahlonega. I remember the first time I ever saw him standing in line in the canteen. Most of the males were in the military program. We had one date when I was a Freshman. He actually dated 3 of my friends also. Somehow we got to be a couple in my Sophomore year. He graduated at the end of Winter Qtr. and went to Ft Knox to do basic training as a 2nd Ltd. I think I thought it was all over as he didn't communicate much. Then to my surprise he called me up and asked me to marry him. I made him tell my mom cause I didn't believe him. We got married about 6 wks later and I went to live with him at Ft Knox. We have been married 46 yrs in August. We have had 3 separations over the years. After the first, I went back to finish college. Most of our problems over the years were due to immaturity and parents who were poor role models. Thank the Good Lord that our life is mostly calm now.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    Happy Friday from muggy Nebraska. I had a good day food wise yesterday. Made two dozen devil eggs last evening for DH to take to work today for a pot luck. Never turn out the same twice, but he liked them so that is ok. I have been enjoying all the how we met stories. DH and I met thru a friend at a Christmas party. Been married 30 years last November.

    Janetr--Love the picture of the furbabies hugging. Thanks for sharing.

    Renee--Welcome, come often and you will find support and freindship.

    Grits--Sorry to hear about your eye, hope it feels better soon.

    Beth--Great that you got the van, I sure hope the work to get it wheelchair ready comes sooner.

    Heather--Thanks for sharing the picture. Looks like they all are having fun. My DGD is reading now and I enjoy letting her read to me. They grow up so very fast.

    Lisa & Margaret & Cheri--I agree with you and could not of said it better. I love this site and all of you. I enjoy reading about each of you and your lives. I learn so much and the support is the best.

    Sylvia--Glad you have found someone to walk with. I am still looking and not giving up.

    Pip--love the nails. You look so Vegas. Thanks for all you do. I have my nails done a couple times a year and they just do the schlack (sorry not spelled right.) and us my own nails. I had them first part of June and going to go back next Friday the 3rd and have them done.DGD that is 7 is going with me so we can get matching ones, she wants teal.

    Lisa--I am about have way thru your book and while it is not an easy read (subject wise) I am enjoying it.

    Joyce--Sending BIG HUGS!!!

    Carol--Good NSV, husband joinning you.

    Pat--love the flower, such pretty colors.

    Margaret--I love that furniture.

    Carol--Sending prayers and hugs for your surgery.

    I am up to top of page 81. Getting there slowly and not giving up. After work this evening DH and I are going over to help the Compus set up the firwork stand. They can not start selling until Sunday. I will be glad when the whole firework season is done. My puppies hate going outside when they hear them. I work the weekend so DH will help them. Take care and have a good evening.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    edited June 2015
    Sylvia - how awful! So glad no one was hurt. Phew! :flowerforyou:

    Linda- welcome! You have a LOT to deal with. :flowerforyou: An ex boyfriend of mine had a benign brain tumour and had the op. He is fine many years later. Bit deaf in one ear.

    Mary - Oh My Word! ! ! ! Give it AWAYYYYYYY! ! ! ! ! ! :sad:

    Heather UK

    PS Thought I would cheer you all up with this picture of my granddaughter that DDIL has just sent me.
    It is entitled - NO GENDER STEREOTYPING IN OUR HOUSE,! ( :laugh: )
