

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    Heather -she is adorable!! Love, love it. Looks like she should be a little model. :)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Sylvia so sorry about the accident. Glad no one seriously hurt. Hope you still got checked out.

    Heather what a great picture of your granddaughter.

    MNMary you'll be in your new home soon.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    edited June 2015
    My sister's migraine sent her home soIf you are near Oshkosh/Fondulac and want to see Eric Church tonight PM me

    Sylvia - hugs for everyone regarding the accident. I hope everyone feels better soon
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    Sylvia~ Oh my so sorry about the accident, hope everyone wont be to sore...that can be tramatic for both you and the kids~
    Heather~ your DGD is adorable ... she looks like a girlie girl <3
    well in my jammies and will be off to bed soon... have to work tomorrow... but only a 3 day week next week and tuesday is my birthday :p I will be legal in our park in florida
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited June 2015
    Sylvia- I am so sorry to hear about your accident. I'm glad that everyone is okay.

    Love the love stories!

    Heather- your DGD is very cute!

    I'm giving the large candy bar away! It's melting chocolate for dipping strawberries...or making chocolate volcanoes. The man that my DH is giving it to is going to make the volcanoes. I may get one or two. But at least with them they can be frozen and eaten as a treat with my husband.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,885 Member
    Wow! I haven't posted or read since the end of May and now it is almost July. We got the move to Snohomish, WA done with a U-Haul and my truck towing the VW. Three days on the road with my DH, DS, DB, DGD the dog and the cat. Had one early night in Spearfish, SD because they closed I-90 at Gillette for flash floods. Otherwise uneventful thank goodness and we arrived June 6. Only one internet company here and they would not come install it until June 19. Then it would not work because it was improperly installed! Finally got it taken care of this week and got a new computer so things should be better now. Hope so because they want everything done online such as driver's license and vehicle registration and only 30 days to do it. Put on some weight before and during the move but have taken off about 4 pounds since we got here mostly with lots of activity moving boxes and trying to keep the jungle at bay. I can't believe how fast things, especially wild blackberry vines grow. We are still looking for a mower, hope to get that accomplished this weekend.

    Hope this finds all of you well. I am not going to try to catch up with reading, just going forward from here.

    Sue now in WA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
    STATS for the day - had to ride home, didn't have my bike lock :0(
    ride hm 2 gym-12.43min, 13.9amph, 2.9mi = 77c
    ski machine - 30min, 5-10incline, 15-25 resistance = 206c
    ride gym 2 wk - 47.19min, 14.3amph, 11.2mi = 448
    ride wk 2 hm - 52.46min, 11.5amph, 10.1mi, WINDY! = 457c
    total cal 1188

    gotta go pick up my lens
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Got in more'n 9500 steps before noon. Also bought a backpack with side pockets big enough for a pair of 20-oz water bottles (reusing). I'm hoping it's more comfortable running than the fannypack bouncing aft or fore.

    Patceoh, Lovely daylilies!

    Carol in NC, thinking of you and hoping all went well.

    Carol/Peach, fingers crossed for Peachstate Pooch. Sorry to hear about the upchucking.
    Have you ever tried Pill Pockets? they're tube-shaped treats with one end closed; they're soft enough you can close the hole at the end. Petsmart and similar stores carry them.
    A whirlwind courtship! Too funny about asking him to tell your mom.

    Mia and JanetR, another shrinkie here. From 5-7.5 to 5-5 or 5-6. Which makes it that much harder to reach a good BMI. <sigh>

    Vicki - <<<hugs>>>. Hope the black dog is off your shoulder today.

    Mia - I live with two antiveggers, The Man In My Life and his brother. One of my whines last night was about how I wished I loved salad, since I eat so much of it. "You don't?" asked Larry. I told him, "No, I eat it because I know it's good for me. I'm not wildly fond of beans or brussels sprouts, but I eat them because I know they're good for me."
    Actually, Larry will eat some veg: brussels sprouts, cabbage, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower. Justin will eat cabbage and cauliflower.
    Another Janet Evanovich fan here. I love Lula and Grandma Masur. I love Elizabeth Peters, too.
    Have you read the Brother Cadfael mysteries?
    A couple historical mystery/romance favorites - Joanna Bourne and Darlene Marshall. Joanna's are about Napoleonic era spies. Darlene's are romps about pirates in early Florida.

    Annr -- Good job, swimming. :)

    Cheri - Looking forward to hearing how the kids are doing.
    Very good on stopping the binge. It may have been your subconscious that took over, what with those floating calorie numbers and the nausea, but it did the job.

    Crystalconsults - I do it by exercising so's I can eat more. Today's the first day of my weekend. I ate a 50-cal bag of freeze-dried apples, got out and walked and ran for 30 minutes, had an iced decaf coffee with 4 oz skim, walked another 25 minutes, did a bit of shopping (see backpack, above; I wanted to find a suit-style jacket but nobody in the shopping center had one in my size), walked most of the way home (The Man In My Life saw me from the car and I was tired enough to take a lift home). Had a corned beef and Muenster roll-up with a big handful of dark greens smashed in, a red bell pepper, and a bowl of yogurt and fresh strawberries, and MFP tells me I still have 1161 calories to go.
    Mind you, a month ago I'd'a said, "Yeah, right," to anyone who suggested that I might ever walk a few dozen yards before doing anything else, let alone a couple/few miles. My eyes woulda rolled so far they'd'a stuck and I'd be looking up at my skull in the dark.
    If you're doing Subway, go for the chopped salad rather than the sub. And check their online calorie lists before you order.

    DeeDee - might be worth asknig your doc about sniffable antihistamines. They're in a bottle that sprays a mist up the nostril.

    Katla - cool about the RV and your lovely sister-in-law. Do you get to drive it, too?

    peepster - yeah, I don't understand why building a/c is so high. I was wearing a fleece jacket *and* using a space heater yesterday.
    Holy penny-farthing, Batman! That girl can RIDE!

    Lesley - great steppin'!
    Do you get fiber with your juicer? I know some filter out all the pulp.

    bkrimpet - great bike makeup for the naan! And yeah, on negativity all over, including the mirror. :)

    Fitbitter, welcome! Afraid I can't help with your question; have 7 years before 70. Just wantedto say hi.

    Naiomi - Good going increasing resistance! What about doing 10 min on the lower level, then raising it for another 15?

    Lenora - Do you like character-based mysteries? A lot of us on my first online home love Louise Penny's books about Inspector Gamache. They get really good from about the fourth on, but it's best to start at the beginning because the characters develop as you go along.
    And that's great about the seizures controlled - and yeah, definitely that goes before cholesterol.
    Rain kept you outa the pool? I bet it was really the lightning.
    Holy cow, what a saga with the MD.

    Meg Blair - way to go on the morning walk! If you go with da man and da dawg, bring back pix of the evil geese. :)
    Funny how-we-met story. :-D
    Good thought about lemon juice on salads. Lime juice might work, too. I love a squirt of either in water.

    Michele in NC - next time it's all desserts, what about bringing a bowl of strawberries and a big tub of Light & Fit Greek vanilla yogurt?
    And you didn't eat everything in sight, so that's a win. Or at least not nearly as bad as it mighta been. :)

    Margaret - I can see why you wanted the desk and china cabinet! sorry about the damage.
    And Yay for salsa dancing husband! I couldn't get Larry to go dancing even before his back surgery in February.
    What age range is your kids' book for? Picture book? Chapter book? YA?
    There's a lot of info about writing query letters & other marketing matters on my home site - and once people get to know you, you can put one up and get a critique. It's free, and the staff's all volunteer.
    Fingers still crossed for the appraisal.

    SlenderClassy- surely painting the back fence counts as exercise! Congrats - and very cool about your xerescaping plans.
    Go you, ideed! Yeah, money's important, too. :)
    And very cool about your son's chance to impress college scouts.

    yanniejannie - ouch, sorry to hear abut the foot.
    Aargh. Ya never need misogynistic jerks, but it's worse when you're already under a lot of stress.

    beth - yikes, about the aspartame reac. Have you ever tried monk fruit sweeteners? I learned about monk fruit (luo (or lo) han guo (or kwo)) through research for this article.
    I suspect that obesity management includes weight loss strategies as well as other matters.

    DJanet - hives really bad reminds me of high school. I'd get giant hives the night before a band/solo & ensemble contest or all-state audition. My face would swell up, my eyes turn to slits and my lips to hotdogs. Off to the ER for a shot of ... not quite adrenaline but something similar ... followed by Benadryl.
    Excellent about the metformin!
    And love the line about getting one's knickers in a knot.

    JanetR - glad your house cleaner's still interested in working for you, after all. :)
    This week's graph's been dispiriting - got down to 159, then right back up to 160, where I've been since.
    And yuor oldest granddaughter sounds like an impressive kid.

    gaworthington welcome and congratulations on your loss so far!

    Lillian - sounds like a fun day with the grandboy. Not allowed to run thru the sprinkler? That takes half the fun out of a summer day! (Is his mom willing to say "that's a gramma-only play"?)

    Becca - yup, exercise does rev up the metabolism. And very cool about feeling powerful. You are woman, hear you roar! :)

    Joyce - hey, I've left my camera in restaurants. So far (phew!) always gotten it back.
    And yeah, don't fiddle with serious meds (and I don't have to tell you MS is serious) without talking to your doctor first.
    Glad Charlie's stable.
    Next time the "computer technicians" call, ask for name, phone number, anything else you can get, and then call the cops, or the feds.

    Cynthia - hope you were able to chase off that cold.

    Allison - Here's the folio I got for my mini. I got it thru Best Buy. http://www.logitech.com/en-us/product/ultrathin-keyboard-folio-for-ipad-mini
    The keyboard is much easier to type on than the screen.
    The little dingus that fits over teh on-off switch came off, but even with my minimal fingernails I can reach the switch.
    Great that you slept well!

    Heather - fascinating story about your husband and his twin.
    And very cool about the home gym. I think I have machine and space envy. <g>
    (We have a spare bedroom, but it's full of the guys' board games.)
    What *was* that delicious dinner again?
    Darling grandbaby.

    tere - sounds like time for an apology. <hugs> Sorry you're feeling off. Hope it goes away soon.
    I'm curious - why a partial hysterectomy? Why not just get it all out?

    Carol in NC - Wow. Not just out of surgery but coherent enough to write. Take care of y'self.

    Kate - aw, gee. Sorry to hear about all the problems on the bike ride. Hope the next one's better.
    The butternut squash and spinach soup does sound lovely. I'd have to make it just for myself. <sigh>

    Becca - gee, what a pain, those short scrips, and one that the doc could change.
    Elk and bald eagles - very cool. I'd ask if i could come live with you, except that I can't take cold weather. :)

    Mary from MN - If the goodies are unopened, a a food pantry would probably be happy to get it.

    Lisa - could you post a link to the original post of that list? I always like to see credits. :)

    Sylvia - No, YOU didn't wreck your brand new van, the poor lost light-runner did. I'm so glad that nobody was hurt and that you have witnesses.
    Yeah, your grandson watches too much TV. :) You can tell him that Larry used to explode things for the Army and says TV and movie car wreck explosions are utterly unrealistic. "It's really hard to get a car to explode. It can be done but it's not that easy."

    Linda S Fisk - welcome back! I'm a newcomer to this group, too. My
    sympathy for your husband's brain tumor, and your stress.

    DrKatie - you were meant to meet. :)
    A college friend was from Athens, Ga.

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Saturday and husband's 71st Birthday. Second one we married in 1976 and migrated to Australia and 1978 to get away from both our ex husband/wife. My daughter was 5 when we married and he brought hjer up as if her own.
    4th day on Juice: "Top o' the mornin'" after training and "holiday Lemonade" after dog walk this afternoon
    The "Pwerball" yesterday was really good and will do again. researching more juices
    Daughter, 44, rang upset yesterday. She had seen oncologist and 2 lymph nodes removed last week were positive. She needs to do 4 rounds of chemo starting in 2 weeks, then radiation and then anti-oestrogen. I cannot help her and NEED to keep training and healthy eating and juicing
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    I love the Stephanie plum novels ,I haven't read past 15,ya,ll have to listen to one on audio book,the woman who does it is wonderful,I started listening to them when I worked at a factory, I would be laughing so hard with my headphones on everyone thought I was crazy lol.
  • loralou1571
    loralou1571 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm 52 and headed in the right direction with my weight and exercise. So far I have lost 17lbs. I have a terrible time with carbs. You know the bad white ones. Does anyone have any suggestions on ways to help with these cravings? I could eat pasta/rice every day. Also with creamers. The ones that are healthier are terrible tasting. Any words of wisdom?
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm 52 and headed in the right direction with my weight and exercise. So far I have lost 17lbs. I have a terrible time with carbs. You know the bad white ones. Does anyone have any suggestions on ways to help with these cravings? I could eat pasta/rice every day. Also with creamers. The ones that are healthier are terrible tasting. Any words of wisdom?
    I had to bring my carbs to under 100 really try to stay around 50 carb a day. I like sugar free coffee creamer Coffeemate the Italian Sweet very good. You are doing well with your wt loss. My food diary is open you can friend me.
    Good luck
    Lutz Fl
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Epinephrine! That would be the first shot for giant hives.
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    I love the Stephanie plum novels ,I haven't read past 15,ya,ll have to listen to one on audio book,the woman who does it is wonderful,I started listening to them when I worked at a factory, I would be laughing so hard with my headphones on everyone thought I was crazy lol.

    I love them too. I used to read them before going to sleep. My kids would come over to my room wondering what was going on because I was laughing hysterically!! Grandma and Lula are two of my favorite charcaters.

    Sondre, SF, PA

  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    Lestan48 wrote: »
    Saturday and husband's 71st Birthday. Second one we married in 1976 and migrated to Australia and 1978 to get away from both our ex husband/wife. My daughter was 5 when we married and he brought hjer up as if her own.
    4th day on Juice: "Top o' the mornin'" after training and "holiday Lemonade" after dog walk this afternoon
    The "Pwerball" yesterday was really good and will do again. researching more juices
    Daughter, 44, rang upset yesterday. She had seen oncologist and 2 lymph nodes removed last week were positive. She needs to do 4 rounds of chemo starting in 2 weeks, then radiation and then anti-oestrogen. I cannot help her and NEED to keep training and healthy eating and juicing

    I hope and pray for the best outcome for your daughter. How hard this must be for all of you. I can't imagine. God bless you.

    Sondre, SF, PA
  • loralou1571
    loralou1571 Posts: 11 Member

    What is the fat content on this creamer? Sometimes I've seen the fat increased to make it taste better.
    Hi everyone, I'm 52 and headed in the right direction with my weight and exercise. So far I have lost 17lbs. I have a terrible time with carbs. You know the bad white ones. Does anyone have any suggestions on ways to help with these cravings? I could eat pasta/rice every day. Also with creamers. The ones that are healthier are terrible tasting. Any words of wisdom?
    I had to bring my carbs to under 100 really try to stay around 50 carb a day. I like sugar free coffee creamer Coffeemate the Italian Sweet very good. You are doing well with your wt loss. My food diary is open you can friend me.
    Good luck
    Lutz Fl

  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »

    I'm giving the large candy bar away! It's melting chocolate for dipping strawberries...or making chocolate volcanoes. The man that my DH is giving it to is going to make the volcanoes. I may get one or two. But at least with them they can be frozen and eaten as a treat with my husband.

    Mary from Minnesota

    Hi Mary, Just had to comment on the large candy bar. The chocolate I work with, hand dipping chocolates is my profession, comes in 10 pound blocks!! Talk about something to gnaw on. Curious, what are volcanoes?

    Sondre, SF, PA
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    Heather, your DGD is just lovely. How old is she?

    Sondre, SF, PA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
    I met my husband at college when it was called North Ga College in Dahlonega. I remember the first time I ever saw him standing in line in the canteen. Most of the males were in the military program. We had one date when I was a Freshman. He actually dated 3 of my friends also. Somehow we got to be a couple in my Sophomore year. He graduated at the end of Winter Qtr. and went to Ft Knox to do basic training as a 2nd Ltd. I think I thought it was all over as he didn't communicate much. Then to my surprise he called me up and asked me to marry him. I made him tell my mom cause I didn't believe him. We got married about 6 wks later and I went to live with him at Ft Knox. We have been married 46 yrs in August. We have had 3 separations over the years. After the first, I went back to finish college. Most of our problems over the years were due to immaturity and parents who were poor role models. Thank the Good Lord that our life is mostly calm now.

