
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    We're doing some shopping for the ranch today, and some shopping for the stuff we can never buy in the small town nearest us as well. One of the intentions for today is find a Goodwill store and buy jeans for me in sizes 12, 10, 8 and 6… which is what I was barely into last time I got down to 137. My pelvis is wide enough that it will probably prevent going down much further than that, and I’d be really OK with a size 8 for the rest of my life... but it will give me incentive. I'm in a size 14 for the trip (yay!), down from a size 18, so I'm happy with that.

    I already had, in my closet, clothes that ranged from size 10 to an 18; now after a month I can buckle 'some' of my jeans that are size 14 (if I lay back on the edge of the bed). And usually they will stretch out and be comfortable. My jeans I bought that were a size 16 and I would hang them up to dry; I've had to dry them in the dryer to make them shrink. I'm thrilled with the way my weight loss is going. Can't wait to see how much more I have lost come Tuesday. I did get up on the scales in the lobby of the Publix where I shop and if they are even remotely correct (???) I might have lost another 5lbs or so.

    Drinking a little more 'regular' water than I am the 'carbonated flavored Zero calorie' stuff; beginning to make my stomach gnaw a little and I think that is why. Drinking plain water is not so much fun . . . especially if it is not 'ice' water. A gallon of water is hard to do; but, the nurse/doctor has told me to try to increase the amount I am drinking. Some days I can, others I don't. Need to wait another hour before cooking something for lunch. Maybe a piece of steak and a salad will do it for me.

    I think this group is a great one; but, it takes the major part of a day to read all the postings. It's nice to have a group of ladies that are so supportive of the ones in our age group.

    I've gone to some of the other 'chats' (or games) and I find that some are pretty raunchy, so I try not to participate, if I can help it. Here, I can be far more comfortable.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    sluts - what I do with water isn't easy but I've gotten used to it. I drink it (more like chug it on some days) when it's warm. I can't chug ice water. even if it's not warm, room temp will do. I just do the plain 'ol water. I found out that warm/room temp water is better for you than ice water so that has made me to keep that up.

    I've never ventured into the other rooms because I think I would be the one that would be too raunchy or disgusting and not them. :0/
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Carol – hang in there! When I had a yucky roommate a few years ago I did not like to come home, I had to get that changed! Some agreement between you and your son would make it better.

    LOL! That reminds me of when I was going to 'art school' . . . I had an efficiency apartment to share with another art student. Bad, bad, bad idea . . . an efficiency is only meant for 1 person; she was a 'neat freak' and I would come in and drop my stuff (until I could or wanted to get to it). She literally drew a line up the walls, over the ceiling, back down the wall, and on the carpet with tape. I was to stay on my side and she would keep her side totally minimalist. Hard to do when you are going to school 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. She even did the same with the bathroom and kitchen area (but not as bad in the bathroom). Kitchen cabinets were the same. I had 2 and she had 2 and I could have half of the fridge and 2 eyes on the stove. I never cooked because I worked in a deli and worked swing shifts. There early in the AM, for lunch, and closed up between classes - it was only a block and a half away. We did not last long. I had been in a 3-bedroom apartment with my BF and two of her college suite-mates and we got along beautifully; until the landlord kept coming into our apartment when we were not there - snooping. My Daddy told us to set a trap, leaving a piece of folded paper up over the door that came into the apartment which would drop off, or leave cabinet doors open or chair pulled out from table. We decided to do more than that.

    I drew a nude of a boy I was dating at the time . . . with no head . . . and we hung it into the back of our walk-in closet on the wall; stacked up all the beer cans and coke cans we could dig out of the dumpster, putting a piece of cardboard with a string attached to it between the wall and the cans and tied it loosely to the inside door handle. The door was bad about sticking and you had to pull it hard to get into it. We left it open just a little bit; and when the first one of the 4 of us came home - there were cans all over the room and the picture was gone. Later that afternoon, we got called to come to her office and when we did my Daddy and another one's Dad was there talking to her. She had not wanted to rent to us in the first place because we were all 'underage'. When we got there and she was telling our Dads we were having wild parties all the time . . . she pulled out the drawing that was rolled up and showed it to my Daddy. He looked at it . . . for a lot longer than I was comfortable for him doing, and then turned and showed it to my friend's Dad. He looked at it again and told her 'this proves nothing other than the money I am paying to send her to art school is certainly paying off'. If I could have dug a hole and dropped into it, I probably would have. Had to go live with my grandmother for 6 months until I finally convinced them that I was having to leave her house an hour-and-a-half to get to Atlanta to go to class (rush hour both ways). That is when I became roommates with this 'neat freak'. I was able to work and go to school and rent my own place. It was a place full of 'older people' but they loved me, were interested in what I was doing at school and would sometimes invite me over to eat. It was a great apartment and much bigger too - also an efficiency apartment. In an old building with character.

    Then I met husband-to-be and moved in with him (for about 4 or 5 months) before our wedding date. He's been the best roommate of all I have had. Still together after 43 years. Wouldn't trade him for anything.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Friday ! ! !

    I want you all to know that I read every word, and offer hugs and prayers to everyone. But sometimes I get so involved in what I am reading about your lives that I forget to change pages and post a response. Here are the times when I actually remembered:

    Becca – Congrats on getting your DS to work out this summer. I have found some boys to lift weights with my DS, so he should have more fun than going to the gym with me.

    Barbie – I just can’t get over the fact that you made that sweater (much more talented than I ). It looks very nice on you in the new picture.

    Janet – Congrats on still being off nicotine. I know you can do this, and it will be tough. I hope we can help.

    Katla – Congrats on a lovely evening. Pleasant conversation is so important.

    Joyce – thanks for the beautiful paragraph about singing in the choir. I miss singing also. I look forward to the day I don’t have to truck DS around, and can just take myself to church. I have not chosen one in my new area yet, but the Milwaukee area has thousands to choose from. I also wish I could drag myself to one of the local bars that does karaoke, because that could help a little to get me through until I can go back to church. I envy you! And thank you again for sharing. It warmed my heart.

    Sharon – Hugs ! ! !

    Yvonne – Root Root for your ½ marathon. Don’t give up !

    Ydaily, etc – My DH is SO bad at supporting me, that yesterday when he texted me “not showing up” I didn’t even remember that he stated he would meet me to work-out; I’m just that accustomed to him letting me down when it comes to exercise, that I don’t really pay attention. I get my motivation from within, and from everyone here on this thread.

    Lhannon – Have fun shopping. Buying smaller clothes is so exciting and motivational.

    Chris in MA – Nice job on the mapmyfitness and sports bra purchase.

    I did NOT wake up in the middle of the night last night, so I ate my yogurt before breakfast, then ate my eggs a few hours later (and will log it all, I promise). DS and DH wanted Subway last night after grocery shopping, so I tried the new shirachi chicken salad. It was HUGE, and I was stuffed after only 1/2 (but I ate all the meat). When I stepped off the scale DH said "lose a pound? You have that look on your face". How nice that he is able to notice alittle; it made me smile even more. Unfortunately, it was the 2 pounds of water I added a few days ago, but still keeps me motivated. I rode the bike for the 8 minutes I could squeeze in the morning, because I just couldn't get DS motivated to get out of the house in time (and it didn't seem like he was doing it on purpose this time, so he did NOT get a punishment, but I will likely make him do planks with me tonight). i will use the handbike during lunch, then get back on the bike after work for at least 7 more minutes, longer if my knee isn't giving me too much trouble.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif Cheri, the cute graphics come from freesmileys.org

    smiley-cool05.gif Lillian, my husband knows that my journey is not only about weight loss but primarily about health and longevity...I will never have a swimsuit body, but I want a body that will serve me well for several more decades.....I read "The Happiness Project" several years ago and quote it all the time....I also get Gretchen Rubin's happiness quote and blog sent to me by e mail.

    <3 Barbie
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    smiley-cool05.gif Cheri, the cute graphics come from freesmileys.org

    smiley-cool05.gif Lillian, my husband knows that my journey is not only about weight loss but primarily about health and longevity...I will never have a swimsuit body, but I want a body that will serve me well for several more decades.....I read "The Happiness Project" several years ago and quote it all the time....I also get Gretchen Rubin's happiness quote and blog sent to me by e mail.

    <3 Barbie
    Thanks Barbie! Love the cute animated smileys! smiley-dance008.gif

    My daughter recommended "The Happiness Project" to me awhile ago. I will put it on my reading agenda.
    In total agreement with the "want a body that will serve me well for several more decades" statement.

    Cheri in Fairlawn
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Dreamwriter: Sending hugs and wishes for patience on your part and also your DH’s part. :heart:

    Heather: It sounds like things are going well for you and DH. Yay! Congratulations on being the strong one, and sending hope that it is a short-term situation. :wink: Sleep well.

    Cynthia: Congratulations on the new job. Liking it is a blessing. I hope you adjust to the commute soon. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa: People like different things. I like living in a small town near a big city. I wouldn’t want to live in a big city. My friends who are city dwellers tell me they live in their neighborhood and have easy access to lots of great cultural stuff using public transit. Different strokes... :laugh:

    Nurseadair: Congrats on your hubby’s improved health. I take calcium plus D3 supplements and have been doing it since my gynecologist advised it years ago. Last time I was checked, I have mild osteopenia. I don’t want osteoporosis. :noway:

    Lillian: I wonder if I can get The Happiness Project through my local library. It sounds like a good read. Show your DH pictures of 1956 Glamour girls. They weren’t all shaped like Twiggy with surgically enhanced boobs. :noway:

    Mia in MI: Congratulations! We’re here all weekend, too. :flowerforyou:

    Kim: Have a great vacation. :flowerforyou:

    I have a busy day ahead and I”m really pleased about it. Yoga, followed by an adventure meeting my cousins across the river, and then horseback-riding lesson. Whew! I am surprised and pleased to have a day with this many good things in it.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    well good morning again~
    I unfortunatly picked up a tray and forgot to put gloves on and was sent home from work... I dont need, this!!
    my stomach is in knots.. I dont , like forgetting things, getting scolded, and or possibly fired..Im sure i will be the talk of the office today.. and will try and see What I can find on line for jobs.. :'(
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Barbie ~ you look beautiful in your red sweater.

    Katla ~ I am 5'1" I carry my weight in my waist and stomach thus the large pants.

    Sylvia ~ as others have said, take care of yourself. Your son and grand children and hubby need you there.

    Penny at the Pole ~ good luck on your marathon.

    Lisa ~ Please don't take this in a bad way but I love hearing about your life and your family. I thought I grew up in a very disfunctional family but have realized lately that perhaps it wasn't much worse than many others have gone through.

    Lenora ~ congrats on your prize winning painting. My 3 yr old grand daughter is all about drawing, cutting and pasting. Hope this love stays with her.

    I spent about 4 hours with my mom. Took her to Walmart and she had to sit in the car because there were no wheel chairs available and I didn't put hers in the car. Then to the DQ where we had a picnic in the car. Thank the Lord there was a nice breeze. Anyhow, was exhausted when I arrived home.

    Too many posts to comment but I love reading about you and your lives.

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Lenora – Congrats and getting Honorable Mention for your painting. Are you a professional artist? Do you sell your work? Ah! I just got to the post where you would like to figure out how to sell your work. I hope you do this. I find putting a price tag on my work to be the hardest part of selling my art. Yes, post office workers are legally obligated to put those blasted flyers into your mailbox. Not delivering your mail is a Federal Offense.

    Janet Myrtle Beach, SC – I giggle every time I see your screen name. It makes be hum a few bars of “Time Warp.”

    Joyce, Indiana – Thank you for your lovely words on what music means to you. It sent me off on a happy remembrance of times when music in a church filled my soul with joy. Probably not the best thing to do when I should be working but it has certainly helped to set the mood for today’s tasks at hand. Thinking about what music means to me added a task to my to-do list. When I was a teenager Dad got assigned to work in England. I became a bell ringer for 2 years before I moved back to the Sates to go to college. I know churches here do not have manually operated bells, but some do have hand bell choirs. I need to see if I can find a hand bell choir near me. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Penny at the Pole I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow and cheering you on for your Half Mary.

    lhannon062709 – I just had to laugh when I read your post about how happy you are to be in size 14 from an 18. It just emphasized how each of us are at different places in this weight loss journey and yet, we have many of the same experiences. I still remember how thrilled I was when I dropped a second pant size. Now I’ve dropped from 36 to 18 (where you started) and am ecstatic to be in an 18. I love shopping in our local thrift stores. No sense spending all that money on new clothes that I’ll be wearing for a few months.

    Your solitary ranch life sounds idyllic to me. I’m in a suburb in the outskirts of a smallish town. We don’t have streetlights and I love to stand outside on nice nights and look up at the stars. I sometimes wish we were even further out in the country.

    csofled – Great post about struggles. I know I tend to talk mostly about the victories and happy things in my life. This is because I can wallow in what I did wrong, didn’t do, etc. So I need to reinforce the positives. This doesn’t mean that I don’t want to hear about someone’s struggle or that I will never share a struggle of my own. Friends share the good and bad alike.

    Chris in MA – Thanks for the info on resqwalk. What a great motivator to get more steps in the help the animal shelter of your choice. I’m sharing this one with everyone I know. Great job at your food choices during the birthday celebration.

    Mia in MI

    June goal - log food every day
    Word of the month – persevere
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    smiley-sleep012.gif When I wake up in the morning, before I open my eyes and look at the clock, I remind myself that if it is really early then I have extra time for the things I need to do and if it is late, then I got lots of sleep---either way it is a good thing. :)

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
    This is so lovely! Thank you.

    Alison: what?? I can't imagine that what you did was so bad they had to send you home. I'm sorry you're being treated like that. ((hug))

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    well good morning again~
    I unfortunatly picked up a tray and forgot to put gloves on and was sent home from work... I dont need, this!!
    my stomach is in knots.. I dont , like forgetting things, getting scolded, and or possibly fired..Im sure i will be the talk of the office today.. and will try and see What I can find on line for jobs.. :'(

    So sorry for your troubles today! Hopefully everything will work out for you in the long run.

    I noticed that you live in Portland, CT. We lived there many years ago when newly married. Our 2 children were born in Middletown at the hospital there. Our daughter went to Valley View Elementary for kindergarten before we moved to Florida. We lived on Wildwood Road. Wonderful small town! We will always hold Portland dearly in our hearts as the place we began our family.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon! Just a quick fly by...

    I got some unsettling news at the orthopedist's yesterday. According to my x-rays, at some point in my life my shoulder and clavicle have been broken. Since I don't remember having a shoulder injury, it truly makes me wonder when and how it happened. Even though I grew up in fairly violent household, it makes me nauseated to think this could have happened when I was a toddler. I am scheduled for an MRI next Friday and then a follow up with the orthopedist the following week.

    Alison - I am so sorry!!

    Thanks for all of the support that y'all provide!

    Carol in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! I'm feeling much better this morning. Thanks for all your concerns. I had three bad days in a row where I needed my nitro pills, so it was good that I got it checked out. The heart enzymes were all good, and nothing showed on the ekg, xray, ultrasound, or mri. The blood tests were normal and the blood pressure was the best I've had lately. I guess it helped just knowing all that, so it wasn't totally worthless, no matter how hard I grumble about it. Apparently I have "stable" angina, which is somehow better than the unstable kind.

    I took the kids to camp this morning and stopped at a couple of yard sales. At one I bought a nice mat cutter (it's an art thing, for those who don't know $139 value) new and still in the box for $5, and at the other I bought three bracelets. I intended the bracelets for the girls, but how do you divide three bracelets among two girls? The answer is - I'm keeping one for myself! It's kind of a enameled thing with peacock feather designs on it. It fits too, and looks good with my fitbit.

    I needed that mat cutter like I needed a hole in the head, but heck, I couldn't pass it up. I've only cut three mats in the last 5 years or so, but this is much better than the one I have. Who knows when I might need it.

    I just got e-mails with ELEVEN new drafting jobs, so I'd better get busy. I hope you are all having a great Friday.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    JanetM - I can’t tell you how many times I have had to read and respond in chunks… hang in there!

    Mom216 – welcome, cute dog!

    Katla – I love that the visiting was more fun than the band, I’m guessing this was a free concert in the park…we have those and sometimes the bands are amazing and some times not so much.

    Heather – thanks for the fish “tips” I weighed the thing and it’s 5lbs… so some is the head tail, and skin, but that is a lot of fish for just one person, I think I’ll do it when I get back from vacation.

    Penny - You’er a winner before you even start!!! Great job… now just time to run, walk or crawl your way over the finish line!

    Cynthia – I am glad to hear you like the new job… the tired and joint pain is a real drag though… Do you think in time you’ll get into a routine that will help with the tiredness?

    Lisa – glad graduation was good, what a big family…I always wished I came from a big family.

    Nurseadair – welcome back, glad hubby is back to health… being a caregiver is really tough.

    Margaret - It is great to hear about the challenges with your Mom’s house, while my mom is still in great health, it will land on me to sort it out and sell it went the time comes, and remembering to de-personalize it is going to be important.

    Chris - I love hearing about the “awards” for fitness…anything to help stretch my budget… Have you hooked up with Achievemint.com, I linked my fitbit and mfp and earn points that turn into cash… Love that!

    Lenora – Love the apartment story, I too lived in an apartment full of older folks for a while and loved it, as they loved me, I got fed by some of them and enjoyed all the stories, and helping with little things like carrying heavy bags…

    Alison – if they fire you for being human – bad on them! I know you have to be germ phobic, but the tray could be re-sterilized I am sure. Look at this as some time for just you.

    So it is not yet 10am here and it feels like an uproar! The mow and blow guy was here, the street in front of my house is being re-paved, big equipment and the beep beep beep when they back up! Kinda Crazy! But it is only supposed to be another hour then all will be done.

    June goals:
    Walk every day 180 miles for the month (in May I did 175… thought maybe a higher goal would be good)
    NEW – 1 plank every day – and log them here - 4
    Log everyday
    Eat slower
    do 2 fun things every week - week 1 – no traditional fun – but working hard to get all embroidery jobs done, clean up clutter inside and out, so that my doggy sitter will not have that to deal with, and the house will look nice when I get home.

    Kim from N. California
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    :* Allison - I hope you can feel my hugs all this distance away. It is a sad fact that if a supervisor (or any employee) decides to sabotage a persons' employment, they will start looking for things to complain about. I hope your online search is a positive experience. I have confidence that there is something better out there for you, and faith that you will find it soon ! ! ! More Hugs ! ! !
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    edited June 2015
    Alison( (Hugs)). For me the gloves would be more for my protection given you are working in a hospital environment. It is sad it has to be that way in a hospital setting. The power of real human touch can be such a powerful healer. The times we live in makes this difficult.

    I found that when I made mistakes in my job that if I could be proactive and show how I learned from the mistake to keep it from happening again it usually went better for me. If necessary I do apologize. This was not always an easy step for me to take like you I do not do well when scolded.

    Just like I am keeping the broken lawn mower blade to remind myself to take 5 minutes to trim the grass under the tree rather than risk breaking another blade. Mistakes do have a lesson to teach us. The tree, me and lawn mower will be better off if I do not do this again. I did apologize to the tree and immediately pruned it to compensate for the root damage.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,816 Member
    Alison ... They are bullying you! Do not let any of them get under your skin ... They are not worth your time or energy. Deep breaths girl, deep breaths!

    Jules ... You and your husband are inspirational.

    Go Penny !!

    Struggles .... Yep, we all have them. No such thing as a charmed life...

    I cannot comment on every post ... But I love those of you who do!

    Joyce ... Beautiful reflection on what music does for you. I know you mention that your MS affects you cognitively ... But I see no evidence of that in your writing.

    Speaking of writing ... I spent two days reading our resident writers' books! Both were hard to put down so now I have work to catch up on.

    Went to funeral for neighbor ... They have a suspect in the hit and run ... Young girl driving parents' car ... Very sad all around.

    As for my son not learning how to do laundry ... DH does not have the last say there. While DH might have gotten away with that growing up, I want my future DIL (assuming there will be one) to not hate me. So DS WILL learn this summer...

    Busy weekend planned and doing so-so on my goals ... One day is spot on, next one is a disaster! Working on consistency.

    Beth in WNY