
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    edited June 2015
    Alison - ((((HUGS))))) I think it is time you found a place to work that LOVES you. <3

    Penny - Fly tomorrow! ! ! I'm sure you will. :flowerforyou: I will message you about my books. I'm sure everyone on this thread is fed up hearing about them! ! ! :laugh: Perhaps you could message me about where you are?

    Good day today. We went to the garden centre and bought DSIL'S birthday present - a big, cream, glazed planter. I added some v classy gardening gloves as my contribution. :) We also bought more geraniums! ! (Joyce?), some African daisies and some pink gerberas for our patio pots. We came back to find that DSIL had left another plant out of sight last week. DH planted it. Grrrrrrrr! Will plant the other stuff tomorrow.
    I did all the carrying of big plant pots etc. Wonderful to be able to do all that. Three years ago I was incapable of doing any of this. Losing weight, exercising and strength training has transformed my life. Barbie is so right - it's all about health and strength. But I also love looking good. :laugh:

    This afternoon we were watching a couple of episodes of "Escape to the Continent". One was set in France. I got the nostalgias! ! ! ! I think we might take a quick trip soon. It is my soul country. <3 I then muted the idea to DH of maybe going to a Southern French city or town for a couple of weeks in December to live for a couple of weeks, maybe three. DH said he could entertain that idea! ! :drinker: I thought that time of year might be lively with Christmas coming. DDIL is hosting Christmas this year so I won't have lots of preparation to do. :) I would love to live in France, but there are so many reasons why not, including the grandchildren, but a few weeks off season is a good compromise for the moment. No garden worries that time of year. :D

    Had delicious dinner of duck leg and fresh spinach with creme fraiche. Heavenly! I am counting 250 cals.

    Sylvia - DH asked me to copy him your cartoon! ! ! !

    Heather UK
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Heather UK – Hooray for having the stamina to work in your garden. That is a huge victory.

    Lunch was a minor disaster today. Today was the an outdoor bar-b-q with the proceeds going to our local hospice. I used the fact that this was for charity to justify having a grilled hot dog and Cheetos. It totaled up to 470 calories and wasn’t even that tasty. Afterwards was my department birthday celebration. A 1 ounce piece of cake is 104 calories! Did I think to look it up before I ate it? Noooooo. OK. I need to consider this a lesson learned and just move on with good choices at my next meal.

    Mia in MI

    June goal - log food every day
    Word of the month – persevere
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Another day of mist/drizzle. On the bright side, a couple cosmos have opened, the lantana looks fine, and the balloon plant is ready to burst open. Read all, but my brain is pretty much mush. Made it to gym for ladies light aerobics then a bunch of errands, took DD her lunch, and grocery. Chicken alfredo tonight with plenty of mushrooms and broccoli.

    lhannon.........I keep wondering, are you anywhere near San Angelo, had good running buddies move there years ago.

    Sylvia........Glad you are OK; loved the cartoon!!!

    Cynthia........Sorry the commute is doing a job on your joints. Better days ahead as you acclimate.

    Carol.........Oh, my, broken bones. I have a healed collarbone that I have no memory of breaking that shows up on xrays too.

    I stepped on the scale today for the first since I had my big shock of the gain after my month of denial when I was off here. Down four and a half pounds. I am so grateful that my body still responds to my attempts when I've gone up and down these 20 to 25lbs. soooooooo many times.

    Mia........Great attitude!

    Out to do some weeding!

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Cheri: I think it should be a fridge magnet too. I really need to read more carefully my mind went to uterus instead of utensil...no idea why :laugh:

    Terri: I'm trying to get my sons to eat healthier as well and even though I'm the one doing ALL the planning, ALL the cooking and ALL of the cleaning they still eat a lot of fast food. Most of the time they can't even be bothered to take leftovers for lunch...Grrr >:)

    Sylvia: It's very common for women not recognize cardiac symptoms, my doc says anything weird above the waist should be checked out. I'm glad you took the precaution of going to the ER and very glad everything turned out ok. Did you know that a large percentage of people who expire from heart attacks are found to have antacids in their stomachs?

    Becca: So glad you're feeling better. Who knew you could be too slim to join the Navy!!!

    Sharon: If hubby is not happy with the house maybe HE should do something about it. With so much on your plate, maybe you should keep your goals simple and easy to accomplish for June...just pick one to concentrate on. I vote for "spend more time on my deck" :smile:

    Heather: I love how you make cooking seem so easy to do and your instructions are awesome. Are you sure you don't want to write a "How to cook..cookbook"? :laugh:

    Penny: Root Root!!!

    Lillian: I'm on the hold list for "The Happiness Project" as well, I think I was #50 when I signed up...could take a while. :)

    LisaH: Glad you're enjoying the trip...and the shopping!

    Mia: 5 days! Yabba Dabba...you CAN do it!

    Pip: Why is room temp water better for you?

    Lenora: That was a cute story with the nude! Too bad it back fired. ROFL

    NCCarol: Sorry to hear about your shoulder..at least it's being looked at now. ((Hugs))

    Sylvia: LOVE the cartoon...it's going on my fridge!!!

    Went for a hot stone massage last night...my absolutely most favourite treat! The masseuse asked me what had changed in my life since she's noticed a change. She couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was but apparently the vibe was different and she could feel the difference in my body. I'm attributing it to eating better, getting more exercise and reduction of stress and more positive attitude. You ladies are a big part of that equation. I'm so glad I found you! Thanks for all the support.

    Thought for the day: Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. There's going to be stress in life, but it's your choice whether you let it affect you or not. - Valerie Bertinelli

    June Goals:

    1. Do menu planning for June (in progress...3 weeks almost complete)
    2. Eat 3 meals a day
    3. Log all meals
    4. Plan and Do one fun thing each week (W1: Hot stone massage and weekend of Tai Chi with friend)
    5. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for 30 minutes.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    this is great info on when it's good to drink cold vs warm or room temp water. I just have gotten used to room temp water all the time:
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Ello' all you FIIINE ladies, it's your Becca by the beach! Ok I am waaay too cheery for my own good... haha... I had the best salad ever for lunch, just spinach, some strawberries, almonds, English cucumbers and a light sour cream and fat free Italian dressing. YUMMO! Im on my spinach high now...weeeee..
    Had a nice walk with my TOPS pals this morning. My husband walks on the same path but walks quicker, so he started first, while I was waiting for the others to show up. Then when my husband and I meet on the trail, him going back to the car, and me going forward, we intertwine our arms and do a jig, and he kisses me on the cheek. Ok is it strange to be utterly in love with your husband of 30 years? :-)
    Love summer eating, does anyone else?? All the fresh veggies, and fruits! Don't get me wrong, I love the winter and fall soup making but the strawberry I had for lunch...(I get more plus raspberries with yogurt for my snack today) it was like a red jewel and so crisp sweet.....
    Summer takes me back to my childhood. When I thought summers were a year long. When I would roam our garden and take a carrot, (wiping the dirt off on my shirt), pick some sweet peas, grab a handful of cherry tomatoes (not quite yet for them), and peek at the marionberries looking for the longest one. I PLAYED in the garden and my momma called me "the radish girl" because only I could plant them. When they did, the worms got to them or they were woody. Good times :smiley:
    This weekend is the Rose Festival in Portland. We saw some of the ships sail by, but really its just too crowded for me. I get stressed out in big cities, even if it is the city near to the homestead in Gresham/Boring. So I avoid them. Maybe because I had to deal with the city when my husband had to do the 3 x a week aftercare from his liver transplant. When I drive back to the coast here, my blood pressure goes down considerably once I hit Seaside.
    Enjoy the day people!
    Becca by the beach
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just got back from playing golf. Had fun but am really tired. I'll be back later.
    SuebDew in TX
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Heather UK - that is so cool about the trip and your husband wanting to be with you!
    (later) Yeah, makes sense to use the time when you can't sleep. "A buzz in the Meadow" - I'll have to look for that. I was fascinated, as a kid, by a pair of books titled "The Life of the Bee" and "The Life of the Spider."
    Your garden sounds wonderful! So does your risotto.
    Larry had spinal fusion in February, so I'm also in the suddenly stronger situation. I'm trying to get him to walk.

    Toni - I've lost a phone and a camera in a bayou. Phone was insured. Camera not.

    Beth in WNY - another note for streetwalkers: Walk facing traffic.

    yanniejannie - <<sending waves of strength.>> You're doing well! You can keep it up (and off)!

    Miakoda - nice to meet you! You've sure come a long way.
    Me, I grew up with a mother who was OCD about tidiness (I now know because she was scared she couldn't stay tidy otherwise) and fat. The Fat Wars started when I was about 12. She weighed me every morning, having fits if I went past 125 pounds (at 5-foot-7.5).
    I went to college 500 miles away and "ballooned" to 145, five pounds below my current goal weight. My weight's been up and down ever since. I got to 145 about 15 years ago thru Weight Watchers, then gradually regained to my peak of 213. Doctor told me I was near diabetes and to cut out all "white carbs." Which, of course, meant cutting out all those chips, chocs and ice creams as well as swapping white bread for whole grain, brown rice for white. Much to my surprise, I lost weight without going thinking about it all the time, as I had on WW. But I've stuck at the 165-plus-5-minus-2 range for nearly a year, and decided to get serious about heading toward 150.
    Found MFP and discovered I'd joined before, so briefly I didn't remember it. I've been at MFP a couple-few weeks now, and just found this crowd at the end of last month.
    And, just on the off chance, google
    bell ringing "City, State".
    I know there are some full-scale bell ringing. (Have you read the Dorothy Sayers mystery that hinges on a ring of bells?)
    And WOW! 36 to 18 is absolutely terrific.

    Lestan48 - looks like a good plan your sports nutritionist gave you.

    Stormywaters - here you've got a whole crowd. :) Are you walking or doing other exercise? That can help get the metabolism moving, as well as the rest of you. :)

    Molly's Sylvia - Interesting about Google Photos. I'll have to think about that.
    ER?? Glad it was a false alarm. But they got alarmed because women's symptoms for heart attacks are often more subtle than men's. (Maybe because women don't have to be hit over the head before they'll see a doctor?)
    YAY on the good BP.
    And the new drafting jobs.
    Like the doc cartoon.

    Rosie - I'm thinking of getting my long hair lopped off. It's all frizzy, and hot combs don't smooth it. Need to find someone who has a curly style that I realy like so I can ask who does theirs.

    MNMargaret - <<hugs>> about the house.
    My mother had geraniums, and I thought they looked nice. But my main association with them is one of A.A. Milne's poems for children, about a dormouse who lived in a bed of delphiniums (blue) and geraniums (red). http://www.glirarium.org/bilch/literatur/doctor.html

    Penny - neat stylist story.

    Grandmallie - sory about the bad night, and problems with the fbflex.
    Not to mention getting sent home from work. That sounds awfully major for the infraction.

    Barbiecat -- WOW! Thanks for the pix - you're an inspiration. You looked pretty decent at top weight; now you're amazing!
    Larry's supportive, too, but I have never been able to get him to cook healthy (he's been the chief cook since losing his job a while back). Now I just ask him to recite the ingredients of whatever he's making, so I can figure out a legal amount, and ask him to 'wave a box or bag of friz veg for me.

    csofled - cool idea, of a purposeful "fail." I've read that Persian carpet weavers purposely included a mistake in every rug because only God is perfect.
    Also like the tracking rhymes.
    And the post about struggles. I'm always better at starts than finishes, and I'm just starting (again).

    Katla - very cool about your sailing friend.
    I know there's a list of acronyms and abbreviations somewhere, but can't find it just now. NSV = New Self Vision?
    And what's a dock box?

    Tere - yogurt is just fine in oatmeal. If I want it to stay really hot, instead of yogurt I'll add 1/3 cup dry skim milk and stir it up before adding water. Another way I get in my calcium is by adding 1/3 dry skim to a cup of hot coffee. When I feel like a 40-calorie indulgence, I'll also add 2Tb no-sugar-added Nesquick.
    As for the double ham biscuits, you know you shoudln'ta. Now just don't do it tomorrow. :)

    Joan - my sympathy to your daughter. I had mine tonsils and adenoids out at age 6, and didn't want to eat for a week. My parents had told me I could have all the ice cream I wanted, and I didn't want any. I felt so cheated!
    Great loss!

    NCCarol - No room in my house to walk, and it's my fault. Luckily, mornings have been (amazingly) cool here in New Orleans, and the office building is air conditioned. I counted office steps yesterday: Around the block is 500, and around the hall is 150 if I go twice through the elevator cut-through.
    Today's the start of my weekend, and I shocked myself by walking 3 miles before breakfast. I didn't mean to walk that long, but walked out into another neighborhood, and then had to walk back. Woulda felt so silly calling a cab. :) (Even though my right hip hurt a bit.) My first 280 steps, though were walking in place while combing my hair, brushing and flossing.
    Apple fritters! Our office used to be above a cafeteria that made awesome apple fritters. I'd have one for breakfast ... until I realized that all the sugar in those suckers was why I had to drink four cups of coffee over the next hour. My breakfast sugar was putting me right to sleep.
    Sorry about the health issues, and sadness over returning home.
    My older brother lives in Pittsboro. Pretty country.
    Sorry to hear about the shoulder and clavicle. For whatever it may be worth, I broke my shoulder blade falling off my bike when I was 6 or 7. I'm lying and making noise and this man comes out of his house and starts poking at me. I look up and say, "Only a doctor is supposed to touch an accident victim." He looks back and says, "I am a doctor. You have a fractured clavicle." But breaking the shoulder too does sound like more than a simple fall.

    ydaily - very cool about the house! And yes, moving boxes and unpacking takes work. Weigh each box. Lift it 10 times. Then unpack. ;-D
    Great story about the underpass -- was there room for the locomotive and your car???

    Mia from MI: 3 cats here. From senior to junior, they're Smoke Jaguar (gray, male, named after a Mayan king); Lydia von Schnurrenberg (tortie, first name from the sheltr, after Lydia the Tattooed Lady; Schnurr means purr in German); Jessica Nightshade (adolescent tortie-and-white; Nightshade was shelter name, Jessica from Larry's brother, who lives with us).
    Yay on the logging streak!

    Jules - I was talking about buying a new camera for my 63rd. Larry said, "Just tell me which you want." I said, "What I'd like from you is a massage." Still hasn't materialized, though I showed him several on Groupon. <sigh>
    Your husband's got a tough row to hoe. Y'know, I might agree w/ him about the food, too.
    Good losing!

    JaneMartin - glad your mom's doing better.

    Vicki GI NE - best of luck for the rally! Sounds like a busy but fun weekend.

    Terri - some easy to make, package and (if you want) freeze multiples:
    burritos with whole-wheat tortillas.
    Lasagna (healthier than fast food, anyway)
    Roast and cut up a chicken or two
    Not plastic baggable, but can be saved in single-serving containers (or in bigger, then served out) - almost anything from a crock pot. I've recently been trying recipes from Slow Cooker Revolution by America's Test Kitchen, and haven't yet struck a stinker. Have modified some of the recipes to add more veg or beans.
    YAY on no midnight wakefulness!

    GRITS/Lenora - congrats on the painting award!
    AND on having to shrink your jeans. I've gotten from too-tight 20W to straight 16. Trying to decide whether to buy another couple pair in that size or wait for 14.
    Would it help to time the water? I cup after brushing teeth, and a cup when you first sit down to work, one at 10 and 1 at lunch and you'd be done with the first quart.
    So your doc wants you drinking 16 cups a day?
    I keep a 32-oz straw-thru-the-top mug at my desk. Refill it so often I wonder if I'm drinking too much water.

    Becca - sorry about the "healthguilt". If that happens every week, I might say something to the leader.
    Any chance the folks in the Navy recruiting office might be able to help your son find an exercise program that fits his needs?

    mimarg - welcome from another newbie! 15 pounds since the start of the year is great! Yeah, it's slow. I'm supposed to be losing a pound a week. It doesn't *feel* like it, she whined. So I'm trying to concentrate on other goals, the calories and walking.

    poop-or-pip - if pip was your husband, use a signature for an instant makeover. :) If you like bats, there's a group of small bats called pipistrelles. Pippi is fun, too.
    I'm amazed at your workouts!

    SC Janet and Kim from Calif - Larry expects to come home sometime today. Thanks!

    Katie - so your niece and I are neighbors. :) I'm in a neighborhood where all but three streets (including, thank luck, mine) are named after holidays and Santa's reindeer.

    Lilian - I know about the all day driving thing and difficulty getting in walks. Good luck! (I have cousins in Saskatoon and Toronto..)

    Joyce - I'm in a chorus, and we also have more altos than sopranos.

    dreamwriter - yikes! Sounds awful, with the vein blowing.
    And sorry about the spousal nitpicking.

    Polar Penny - I'm rooting! Penny! Penny! She's our gal! If she don't do it, nobody shall! :)

    Cynthia - sorry about the joints and exhaustion, but a good job is a wonderful thing.

    Lisa - I have noticeable boobs, but still sometimes get called sir in person, possibly because I have a deep voice and don't use makeup. On the phone it happens alla time.

    Nurseadair - sorry to hear about your husband's illness, and glad to hear he's back in health. Would calcium supplements help? I often mix 1/3 cup of dry skim with my coffee for the calcium. And eat a fair amount of yogurt.

    Chris - way to go on the birthday dinner! AND on the mapmyfittness credit.
    What book did you choose? (My first online home is the Internet's oldest forum for readers and writers.)
    I'll have to look up resqwalk. (makes me think of seagulls squawking)


    Much to my amazement, I walked 3 miles before breakfast. (I think I mentioned that upmessage, but I'm still astonished.) Had carrots, leftover roasted cauliflower (guesstimated at calories, because it's from a local supermarket chain that doesn't post its inhouse recipes or nutritional info), yogurt and cherries for breakfast.

    I guess it's not surprising that I'm hungry again, since it's 3:15 pm. Larry just called; he's getting sprung from the hospital, so heading across the river.

    <blink> I've been on this discussion thread for 5 hours?!

    May have to discipline myself and read/answer less.

    Except not being here 2 days got me to the 5-hour point.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke:


    A man was driving along the highway, and saw a rabbit hopping across the middle of the road.

    He swerved to avoid hitting the rabbit, but unfortunately the rabbit jumped in front of the car and was hit.

    The driver, being a sensitive man as well as an animal lover, pulled over to the side of the road and got out to see what had become of the rabbit.

    Much to his dismay, the rabbit was dead. The driver felt so awful he began to cry.

    A woman driving down the highway saw the man crying on the side of the road and pulled over.

    She stepped out of her car and asked the man what was wrong.

    "I feel terrible," he explained. "I accidentally hit this rabbit and killed it."

    The woman told the man not to worry. She knew what to do. She went to he car trunk and pulled out a spray can.

    She walked over to the limp, dead rabbit, and sprayed the contents of the can onto the rabbit.

    Miraculously, the rabbit came to life, jumped up, waved its paw at the two humans and hopped down the road.

    50 meters away the rabbit stopped, turned around, waved at the two again, hopped down the road another 50 meters, turned, waved, and hopped another 50 meters.

    The man was astonished.

    He couldn't figure out what substance could be in the woman's spray can!

    He ran over to the woman and demanded, " What was in your spray can? What did you spray onto that rabbit?"

    The woman turned the can around so that the man could read the label.

    It said: " 'Hare Spray' Restores Life to Dead Hare. Adds Permanent Wave."

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    well had to tell the hubby, at least he didn't yell at me.. but I am worried.. who is going to hire someone at 55 years old..
    made something new for him.. chicken strips but dipped in egg then bisquick mixed with cheddar and bacon bits, then baked he liked it ;)
    going to check out linkdin and see what I can update
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    barbiecat wrote: »
    smiley-cool05.gif Cheri, the cute graphics come from freesmileys.org

    smiley-cool05.gif Lillian, my husband knows that my journey is not only about weight loss but primarily about health and longevity...I will never have a swimsuit body, but I want a body that will serve me well for several more decades.....I read "The Happiness Project" several years ago and quote it all the time....I also get Gretchen Rubin's happiness quote and blog sent to me by e mail.

    <3 Barbie
    Thanks Barbie! Love the cute animated smileys! smiley-dance008.gif

    My daughter recommended "The Happiness Project" to me awhile ago. I will put it on my reading agenda.
    In total agreement with the "want a body that will serve me well for several more decades" statement.

    Cheri in Fairlawn

    My computer security will not allow me to get any 'smiley faces' or 'emoticons'. BOO!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early evening beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Penny :) Cheering you on!!!

    Anamika :) So good to see your post!!!

    Katla :) I love outdoor concerts, we have many here in the summer! Glad you enjoyed the conversation! Hope you`re having a fun adventure today!

    Sharon (dreamwriter) :) Hope you`re feeling better today! I know you`re looking forward to receiving your test results! I could tell you what I would tell your DH, but it wouldn`t be nice, so I`m just gonna keep my mouth shut >:) ! Hope you get back to counseling soon!

    Lisa :) Hope you`ve had fun shopping today. I love that you`re buying jeans in all the sizes!! Wear the ones that fit and hang the smaller ones up where you can see them…your prize :bigsmile:!!!

    Margaret :) The property the house was on is part of the 30 acres I own, hubby carved out an acre lot on the corner of our property and built our “starter” home. He said when we built our “real” home, he would donate that one to the fire dept for training purposes…it just took me a long time to let it go.

    Lenora :) I love your story of sending the shredded paper back…that is priceless :laugh:!!! I told my mailman he could keep those flyers too, he said he would be breaking the law if he did… LOL what a time you had….I love the response from your dad about the nude :laugh:!!!!

    Chris in MA :) Congrats on the credits and the great sale!!! Enjoy the book club!

    Terri :) I read everything I just don`t have time to respond to everyone …my behind goes numb if I sit too long! So glad you didn`t wake up in the middle of the night for a snack…woo hoo!!!

    Alison :) I`m so sorry to hear about your work situation, seems those girls have it in for you anyhow…you would be much happier working somewhere else!

    Carol in NC :) Yikes!!! I knocked my shoulder out in high school playing tennis…I`m hoping your broken bones were not caused by violence…wow!

    Yanniejannie :) The sun came out for a bit here today, it`s cloudy again now though. Congrats on the 4 ½ pounds gone!!

    Carey :) A hot stone massage sounds divine!!!! Love the quote!!!

    Becca by the beach :) You are a breathe of fresh air! I love your upbeat happy posts! What a sweet hubby you have <3 !!! I remember thinking summer lasted forever when I was young, now it seems to fly by, but I still enjoy every minute of it B) !!!!

    Suebdew :) It is so good to see your post!

    Janet M :) Congrats on your 3 mile walk!!!

    Time to get off this silly computer, it`s Friday fun night tonight…must go get myself ready!

    Have a wonderful evening ladies!!! I wish you all health and happiness!

    DeeDee in NC

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    evening ladies~
    depression has set in, DH is not really talking to me because in the back of his mind he thinks I will lose my job, I have alot of smarts when it comes to all the different jobs I have done over my lifetime, and I still have at least 10 if not 15 more years before I can truly retire...
    I am tired~ of being pooped on .. I try and do everything for everybody and nobody could care less about me, I guess I am just having a pitty party for myself and will have to put my girl panties on and deal with it.. and pray about it...
    I would just love to get away for a long weekend, but I dont see that anytime in the near future either...
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    HELLLLLLP I've fallen behind and I CAN'T CATCH UP!

    There are so many posts I want to respond to but I'm only up through page 10! I have been reading furiously and giving thoughtful responses to all of you - they are just not typed out (kinda like the "Dear
    Abby" and "Letters to the Editor" thoughts I never actually wrote and sent!).

    It is my knee that is dodgey - sorry for the confusion!

    I am loving how so many of you new gals have jumped right in! The more the merrier!

    Janet - thanks for the ((hug)). It has really helped my knee feel all better!

    Heather - A big part of me is so glad hubby will go on the cruise. Another big part of me is disappointed because I thought we might get out our transporter and all of us "Snow Babies" could come along on that trip! Think we would be too much for your hubby!?!?!

    Sylvia - You have a thing for hospitals, girl. Praying everything is okay.

    Well - I am going to try to read a little more if I can after I book my Southwest flight to Kansas to see my sister in July. This is the last day for their cheap get away fares and it will save sooooo much. Glad Southwest flies into Wichita from Nashville now.
    EVERYONE and I do mean EVERYONE - you mean a lot to me. I know this journey is so much better with this group of friends!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    81824br5uyrfrsr.gif Tomorrow I go to an all day line dance workshop. We leave at 6 AM....drive two hours....dance all day ('til 10 PM)...stay in a motel overnight and drive home in the morning. I taught my line dance class this morning, spent most of the afternoon with Jake at the cardiologist (a good visit, his heart is no worse, and they tweaked the defibrillato/pacemaker so he should get better results from it that will help him feel better)......I've walked the dogs and spent time with all of you, but I still haven't packed my suitcase and I need to get to bed early so I can get up early enough to walk the dogs before I leave.

    :) Alison, do not be discouraged....treat yourself well and there will be a solution.

    <3 Barbie
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Alison, I went backwards looking for what's going on, and I couldn't find it. I'm sorry I missed it before. It's no wonder you get depressed, and it's no wonder you let people walk all over you since your husband has been pushing you down for so long. You don't deserve this, that much I'm sure of. Take care of yourself first. Keep us posted.

    Toni, I really hate hospitals, so it's a real effort for me to go at all. Sometimes that means I don't go for treatment when I should. I'm having trouble keeping up too. It's overwhelming.

    DeeDee, I'm so glad you are enjoying retirement.

    Tonight we took the little guy (and DGD#2 and step grandson) to his baseball game. Hubby stayed at the ball park with them while I took DGD#1 to her overnight camp out. By the time I got back the game was over. I missed the whole thing. Hubby said Ian actually stopped the ball once and of all of them Ian seemed to know what was going on the most. I'm amazed. He never pays attention to anything! So, we got home and finally got to have our dinner at 7:00, which is late for us. Then we started to walk the dogs but two out of three slipped their collars and ran after the neighbor and her dog. It was a circus! When we finally got them back, we just came back in the house.

    I hope you are all having a great evening.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of Peak 10 More Cardio Interval DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Stephanie Vitorrio's Body Target DVD

    Barbie - you can tell us the truth. We know you shrunk that sweater, it's not terrible to fess up!

    MNMargaret - I appreciate when people comment because I, too, sometimes miss things. NSV = non scale victory like your clothes fitting better

    JanetMMcC - hope your man is better real fast. What happened? I must have missed something.

    minimarg - congrats on the great weight loss

    Kim - for as long as I've lived in NC, I have never been to a Bojangles or a Sonic. They just don't interest me at all. Haven't been to a Hardee's in a LOOOONNNNGGG time.

    - from everything I've heard, the customer service at fitbit is great. I don't own one. Guess it's because I'm vain and don't want an activity tracker on my wrist. I do want one that is waterproof so I can wear it in the pool. I'd also like to see my stats displayed right then and there, but I also would want a small one. I want everything, don't I? what's this about your job?????? When I get in a depression, Vince always tell me "go to the Y, just go to the Y". Exercise really does help

    Janet - so glad you're starting back exercising. A little bit at a time and in no time you'll be back where you were. Congrats on quitting smoking That's one of the best things you could have done for yourself

    - welcome!

    anamika - welcome back! You've been missed

    Joyce - I told Vince that he didn't have to buy coffee at KK, and to my surprise, he said that he'd only go there if he was going that way! Enjoy that donut (and don't forget to log it!)

    dreamwriter - welcome back! Hoping for the best for your tests. How scary that they blew you vein!

    Heather - I knew you'd know about cooking the fish!

    Penny Pole
    - good luck at your half marathon. Lots of cheering from NC, that's for sure. There is no way that I will ever be able to get Vince to go walking with me. Mainly because he knows me too well and he knows that if someone stops to talk to me, I'll stop and talk to them. He'd rather ride bikes, but right now he doesn't have one.

    Lisa - even tho hotels have computers, I usually take my laptop with me. Every hotel I've ever stayed at had a coffee maker in the room and they usually had free coffee in the lobby (for business travelers mainly)

    - welcome! Tell us about yourself and what happened to your husband. Hope everything's fine now.

    Just read the obituary for my neighbor. The funeral is going to be on Sunday. To me, that's just a weird time. We should probably go since it is our neighbor

    Poop - love reading your workouts. I don't even want to THINK about what you do with water

    Chris - thank you for telling me about that app. Maybe, just maybe, if Vince feels that he's helping cats, he'll go for a walk. Worth a try. Sounds like you did real well at the dinner. I really prefer calamari when it isn't fried. What a great buy with your credit!

    Carol in NC - I am so so sorry about your injury. I'd be upset, too, wondering if it happened when I was a child.

    Beth - so sorry for your neighbor

    Cut the lawn today, I also used the weedwacker then went in the pool. Couldn't disappoint Vince and not go in. We need to run Rover -- maybe tomorrow

    - I'm with you, I love the summer eating. And going to the farmer's market...fantastic. You and your husband, I'm sure, look so cute

    Tina - may times I'm the same way, there are so many posts I'd love to comment on but I just don't get around to it. Everyone -- know that I read the posts and have only the best thoughts for all of you

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 13.42min, 12.9amph, 2.9mi = 72c
    jog- 20min, 2.0incline whole run, 6.4speed, 2 6.4speed burst last 2 min, 9.32ap, 2.10mi = 193c
    floor exer.- 20min, 16knees bent, 16knees up, 16legs straight up, repeat 5sets, 240total, , legs out/up to chest, scissor up, repeat, 2 sets = 39c
    ride gym 2 wk- 52.09min, 13.1amph, 11.4mi = 425c
    ride dome 2 hm- 14.57min, 9.8amph, 2.4mi = 175c
    total cal 904

    grandmalle - i love and care about u.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    got my compression socks from amazon.. see if these work too!
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Sounds like everyone is busy,busy & doing well.I am such a plodder,one foot in front if the other.Bought 4 new T tops to wear at home. Love ragged old comfy clothes,but don't want to scare anyone who comes to the door....... :s
    We had Chinese for lunch,so good. Next time will be my choice,usually Tx Roadhouse.DH would as leave eat at home,but once there,enjoys eating out.
    Missing my girls....they are together inFl,along with our Grandaughter......having a great time.The Fl DD sees ortho Dr this mo. She thinks knee replacement surgery is a real possibility. She is 48, with a lot of years yet to work.Hate when the girls hurt.

    The Memorial golf is going on & I spend too much time watching on here or TV. Planning to drive to Amish area tomorrow.They have a 2nd hand store where we poke around ,bulk stores,also great sandwich meat & cheese of all kind.Then back home in time to watch golf.Gonna be a nice wk end. Hope you all have a good one too. Pat