Have you tried GLP1 medications and found it didn't work for you? We'd like to hear about your experiences, what you tried, why it didn't work and how you're doing now. Click here to tell us your story




  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Allison, I am sorry your husband is a jerk. Oh to be...hmmm where are you? I need to have an "Alley Chat" with the man and tell him whats up. I do have an authoritative "Chiefs Wife" voice, and my dear sweet Mother gave me the talent of putting a "demonic twist" when disiplining children. Its a gift really.... I remember when my sons were small we could be at a store and I could snap my finger and point to my side, and ba'am they would be right there. New Moms would be all...umm how did you DO that?? lol What if when he is talking silly being all bossy you just put your hands over your ears and yell "LA-LA-La, I am not l-is-ten-ing to you-u". ((((hugs)))) I am just lightening the mood but hey, you can adopt me if you wanna... I have sister-in-hearts all over the world. :-) Say the world and mentally the documents will be sent friend....

    lmao, my kinda woman!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,583 Member
    Well - some good, some very good and some bad this pm!

    I did my rental accounts! :drinker: That was one of my June goals. :D So the big pile of stuff on my desk is all filed. :D

    Then I plucked up all my courage and rang the Sales dept. of my rental company. I have started the ball rolling. I may have to apply for a lease extension, even if I leave it to the next owner to buy it. :cry: I am ready to take a hit on the value, but I want to spend the money so I am not going to agonise about my stupidity. The very sensible woman I spoke to is going to value it ASAP. Phew!

    The bad was when DH came home from the grocery store. He was upset because someone had stolen the socks and hat he bought out of his trolley. Then I asked him why he had only bought me one box of microwave popcorn when I asked for 3. Ooooops! He had spent ages looking for it, I hadn't given him the right description, etc etc so he wasn't sure if he had bought the right thing. I shouted that I had told him properly. :sad: He walked out of the house, but I got him back. He hates being criticised in any way, but I think he is feeling better now as I made him a cup of tea. I KNOW I told him the right thing. :laugh: Note to self : do not lose your temper with DH. (But I told him at least three times!) :laugh:

    Also weeded and picked beans. Now to cook popcorn, give DH a cake and do my nails.

    Love to all. Heather in windy Hampshire UK
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    Mia – the link for the picture worked for me, even though it was about 4 times bigger than my screen. But I love it, love the color, and admire that fact that your DH had an opinion. My DH never has an opinion either, so I would definitely run with it.

    Kim from M Cali – Hugs and good thoughts for your trip. I have a relative that is similar (though not nearly as bad). She actually had the nerve to say to me “what the he11 happened “ on the day my sister passed in my home. Then, when I asked for an apology a few weeks later, she blamed it on stress from the situation. Really? She had stress that day? And when we had meals together, even though plenty of non-meat items are offered, she gets mad because we didn’t make something specifically vegetarian for just her. Granted, this is nothing like cancelling your hotel reservation. You deserve constant Prayer to get through your time with her. And you will be getting it from me!!!

    Dlevens – Welcome. Does your daughter also use MFP? My DS does sometimes, because I want to make sure he gets enough protein and healthy food while in the midst of growing and sports. // I feel like logging gives me a sense of control. And while he doesn’t mean to, my DH can sabotage very easily, just because he doesn’t care what he or I looks like. Hugs for success, and I hope the support here will help. I also love the advice from Lisa.

    Allison – Can you sneak some Prozac into his supper? (lol) You ARE kind and beautiful, and worthy of happiness.

    Love the snail!

    Today is the big day for DS to get his new weight lifting program. His Personal Trainer is calling it a "big boy" program. DH is bringing him and staying for the entire time. I can't wait to see how he will look by the end of the summer. I should take a picture today, so I have a before/after.

    DH was asked to coach and manage the All Star baseball team in it's attempt to qualify for the Little League World Series. Last night he was told the first qualifier is July 11, so now he can't do it because DS starts Junior Gold National Bowling on that same day. What a bummer. :/ That would have been fun for our entire family.

    Yesterday I was feeling extra heavy and bloated, so I stuck tight to my eating and exercise plan. I also linked the pedometer on my phone to MFP on my phone, and found that I walked 300 calories more than I thought (which originally took me under 900 cals for the day), so I had added a glass of milk before bed (please keep in mind my memories of these numbers could be wrong, since it was almost 9:00pm last night when I had this "awakening"). All the water and consuming the correct calories finally showed a slight loss on the scale. I really need to be more careful with weighing and calculating my exercise while I'm still this heavy, because I do NOT want to lose muscle. Anyway, I was also feeling extra energetic after the milk, so I did another set of planks. This time I limited each direction to 30 seconds, but lifted off knees to toes for an additional 10 seconds. I haven't been able to get up on my toes in decades. Hooray for that NSV ! ! ! I am totally re-motivated today, and looking forward to renewed health and wellness (and better fitting pants).

    So, welcome to everyone who is new to us.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    morning peepheads-

    annr - yup, party over hereeee!!!!

    gmimmersilver - you found the right place... you got this!!

    exermom - that was a cannondale bike that is a very sturdy bike, it lasted him over 18 years of everyday riding until that day.. i have an extra bike that we are going to donate to this guy that fixes them up (nothing wrong with that one) and teaches people w/learning disabilities how to ride and to change a flat, learn the bike rules, etc... he gives them the bikes. WHO'S POOL IS THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    = welcome, actually i have tons to say about that but i would take up too many pages. you have to live in your body, not them. you will suffer the consequences of continuing weight gain, not them, you will have to deal with the issues of health proplems that may come up not them. if it gets too bad, your husband may THEN have to deal with it too, like taking you to doctors, helping you with your meds etc...my family is an old fashioned mexican family, AS SOON AS i see them, they say, want something to eat? when i go see mom, quieres algo de comer? aka want something to eat? all i say is no thanks, or i say we can go where ever, and i just don't eat if i don't want to. as time has gone by, they have gotten used to the idea, i'm not part of the stuffing my face family.

    grandmallie- you know you said your husband says he talks nice to the kids and dogs w/you, reminds me of mom, EVERYONE thought she was the nicest kindest loving giving person but to us kids, holy poop!!

    another beautiful ride in this morning to ride in to work. I have to keep talking to myself to take it easy and use lower gears so I don't overwork my legs.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!
    For those wanting help with willpower or won't power - logging, logging, logging is the key. When I lost weight over 18 months I missed about one day of logging. You need a strategy and a plan. I do not have willpower, but I do have a strategy. I always log, I know how much I can eat for each part of the day and I have suitable food available. I am no saint and sometimes alcohol makes me a bit more reckless, but 18 months after I attained my goal weight I am still there. I can never stop logging and do not intend to. If you're not logging you're not doing it. Similarly I have stuck to my exercise regime through thick and thin so that I can eat enough food for me not to feel deprived. This is the key for long term health and fitness. This is for ever and ever and ever. If you are not enjoying it right now you are never going to stick with it. I wish all the new people and the backsliders well, but there is no magic pil, just upping your exercise and logging everything until you find a happy balance you can live with for the rest of your life. And don't expect others to understand. Most people think I am obsessed and crazy! ! :laugh: I never mention it to friends and fsmily unless they ask, apart from DH who thinks I am obsessed, but would rather have me healthy and not the crippled mess I used to be.
    Love Heather in UK

    Very well said and TRUE! Thank you!

    Cheri in Fairlawn

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rebel Renny and Lisa: I liked this, too: "If you slipped and dropped an egg on the floor and it broke, would you stand there and drop the rest of the dozen? Or would you put them back in the fridge to use for another time? It's a broken egg, not a broken life." Many women have reported that they had to “start over” again because they overate on a particular day. I think “starting over” is emotionally draining. All a person needs to do is keep logging and staying within her target calorie limit. Each day starts with a clean slate for everyone. :heart:

    Yanniejannie: I understand about the stable machines. I’m sure you’re right about the overload problem. Our local laundromat has some large capacity machines to handle bulky items. :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: It sounds like you had a good visit with your mom. My mom was in a rehab center for a while and her clothes tended to disappear in the laundry there. Later, we moved her into an assisted living/retirement center and had no problems with missing clothing, although some money disappeared. The suggested practice there was to keep money in the safe down at the desk rather than in one’s own room. :flowerforyou:

    Glimmersilver and all Newbies: Welcome to a wonderful group of women. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: Your snail is FABULOUS! I’m sorry to hear your Ladybug paint chipped. Is it a problem with the paint? I hope the new one doesn’t do the same. :noway:

    Lillian: We share the 10pm bedtime goal. My core goal is a minimum of 7 hours sleep. I’m doing better and have been feeling much more mentally sharp. Good luck to you. :flowerforyou:

    Kim: You are a wonderful godmother. Is Ms. Poop Distributor the mom? Hang around with positive people as much as possible during your trip. Take care. :heart:

    Joyce: I’ll keep your DD in my prayers. :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Dlevans_59: Lisa has given excellent advice. So have Barbie and Heather. Here are my thoughts. Invite your DD and DH to go on a health kick with you. Let MFP set healthy calorie goals for each family member who is participating. You can attempt to maintain your current weight, lose a few pounds or gain a few pounds. Each of you will likely have a different goals and a different calorie allowance. You can all deal with those differences with portion control. Plan to measure portions for each thing you eat so that you can count the calories accurately. One may get a larger helping than another, but each should eat their whole portion. There are groups here on MFP who are specifically working on eating disorders and your family may find them helpful. If your family declines your offer to work on health together, do it for yourself. Sometimes the best way to lead is by setting a good example. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Love the “newborn baby” joke! :laugh:

    Heather: Congratulations on taking action on your rental! It has been a problem as long as I’ve known you and likely before that, too. I need to take some action regarding estate planning. We don't have a huge estate by any means, but I want to see that it goes to my kids and NOT to the tax collector. :noway:

    I’m taking a day off of zumba/spin class because I have a long todo list and I also feel the need for a day of rest. Our longtime friends are interested in the house next door to us that is for sale and will be coming for a visit so they can see it. I have the entire guest bed covered in family pictures that I’m planning to hang in the stairwell. I need to get that project done!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Middle of day catch up.

    Michele in NC – Love the snail! I really like the sections that combine the yellow and orange. Brings it all together nicely. Bet you didn’t have a clue, but I like bright colors.

    Kim from N. California – Enjoy the time with your God children and let the negatives slide off like water on a duck’s back. May the choices you make in how you spend your time bring you joy.

    Joyce, Indiana – Wow! Your daughter works in an actual cave. I thought perhaps a basement with no outside light, but you really meant a cave. That is so awesome. Not sure I would like the porta potty part though.

    Donna – Would it help your husband at all for you to tell him that logging your food is not a way to limit food, but is a way to ensure you eat sufficient calories and the right balance of protein/carbs/fat? He may need reassurance that he will not have to see another loved one walking the path of an eating disorder.

    Tere in Richmond VA – Who cares if you know the right names for the exercises. You are doing them. That what counts. Good for you.

    Molly Whippet – I’m enjoying your jokes. Keep ‘em coming. I’m starting to count on you for one good chuckle a day. I believe hugs and laughter are essential to my well being. I try to place myself in a position of getting as much as possible every day. That way the memories sustain me when the dark times hit.

    Terri in Milwaukee - Great job on the Planks! Love seeing you stuck tight to your plan when you weren’t feeling at your best. Thanks for letting me know you could see the picture, but it was huge. That gives me a clue as to why I did not see it on my computer and how to fix it for the next time I post a pic.

    Pip/Poop – I love reading about all you do. You have such a great attitude it makes me grin to read your posts.

    Mia in MI

    June goal - log food every day
    Word of the month – persevere

  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    @dlevans_59 - Donna - First, welcome to the group.

    Second, my now-ex-husband was much the same way... he would sit by me with a bowl of candy, no joke. One of the many, many reasons he's now my ex. Two explanations you can give your husband, as politely as you choose to give them. The first is one from my flight attendant days.

    You can't save your daughter with the eating disorder unless you save yourself, much like you have to put your own oxygen mask on first should they drop down on a plane, THEN you assist the child sitting next to you. You don't have an eating disorder, you are eating healthy foods, in healthy amounts (I assume). That's modeling important behaviors, not encouraging sick ones.

    Two - does he WANT you to be around? Or would he prefer you to be dead? Hopefully, the answer is he wants you there. That's what you're trying to accomplish with eating healthier.

    Maybe it's easier for us because my husband's nine years younger. He knows I'm doing this because once I hit 90 years old, I plan on being healthy enough to kick the snot out of those 80-year-old chippies that will be swarming around him like honeybees. :wink: Just saying. He's kind of hot.

    Love this!!! My hubby brings out the chips at night. my worst downfall but am learning to stick to my goals and say no thanks Hon !!
  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    my goal this month, is log in here daily . I have not been on for months and gained 3 lbs. Log my food daily and get 20 min.exercise daily. stay within 1200 cals daily. Great group !!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    miakoda - thanks, just doin my job - my LIFE is to make u smile :0)

    jeanniebean- waytago gurlfriend!! REFUSE those chips, just say I REBUKE THEEEE!!!!!!!
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Joyce...I used to ship frozen food to caves somewhere in the midwest. I'm amazed that they are still using caves for cold storage.

    Chris in Ma
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,691 Member
    Dlevans - So it is pretty clear that DH (darling(?) hubby) is scared – would he be open to be educated? Have him sit with you at MFP – show him your weight, measurements and show him your goals?

    The other thoughts is are you not attending the family gatherings, or just not eating the food that fits? If you are not attending, maybe you could be there and enjoy to companionship but bring your own “sweet” plain yogurt with fruit?

    Alison – Anger management is what he doesn’t have! And we all have stress, it goes up and down, but we don’t take the stress out on our loved ones. His behavior is not acceptable.

    Heather - Good job on calling and getting the sale started. I don’t like others shopping for me if I need something specific…

    Terri – thanks!!!

    Katla – yeah Mrs. Poop is the mom… and she poisons groups very quickly, between being someone who folks are a bit afraid of, she is also financially loaded so she buys off folks too.

    June goals:
    Walk every day 180 miles for the month (in May I did 175… thought maybe a higher goal would be good)
    NEW – 1 plank every day – and log them here – 7 (missed one day, just flat out forgot!)
    Log everyday
    Eat slower
    do 2 fun things every week - week 1 – no traditional fun – but working hard to get all embroidery jobs done, clean up clutter inside and out, so that my doggy sitter will not have that to deal with, and the house will look nice when I get home.

    Kim from N. California
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,583 Member
    Having a hard time tonight staying within cals. Still there at the moment. Got 153 left. :ohwell: enough for a piece of cheese and an apple. It's a combo of the tiff (now absolutely fine) with my beloved DH :love: and a sundowner! Don't like arguments!
    I think it might be a combo of his op (no nooky for a while) and having his stuff stolen from his trolley. Will be giving him love . :love:
    Will stay within cals if it kills me. :laugh:

    Heather UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,583 Member
    edited June 2015
    Kim - sending you love and strength for your visit/trial/hols. When it all goes belly up, just imagine us all right beside you and giving you a loving squeeze. <3

    Heather UK
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    I am needing to decide about getting a new laptop or having the viruses cleaned up on this one! Was able to get on today for a minute. I'm 14 pages behind and know I will never catch up so I won't try. Darned computer!!!!! Even though I have been missing you, I have managed to drop 6.4 lbs. Who knew being honest with myself and doing more cardio would cause such a great result! Of course I am sure your kicks and hugs have helped a lot, too.

    Have a great day! I hope I will be able to figure out if anyone has some monumental news. Don't know what the computer will allow me to do. I have an android phone and I can't find the "Community" on it.

    TN Toni - getting closed to Onderland
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    Heather the magical qualities of tea. Having a mango ice tea as I type. No sugar!:drinker:

    Sylvia I would laugh but it is so true!

    Got my mom out in the small garden at the home she is staying in before it got too hot.

    I read a book on happiness years ago. Unfortunately I do not remember the title or author. I liked how he talked about listening to how you speak. If there is VERB in your speech you are not happy. Victim, entitled, rescue, or blame is in your speech you need to look at your situation and try to change what is possible and let go of the rest. I found it is a good tool for me when I slip into one of the VERBS I try to right myself before I get in too deep.

    :heart: MNMargaret

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Popping in to say hello and Hope everyone has a great day! <3

    TN Toni :) Congrats on the 6.4 pounds gone...woo hoo :bigsmile:!!!!

    Heather :) Hope your DH is happy now <3 !

    Kim :) I'll be sending you good energy while you're on your trip! Don't let anyone ruin your time!

    Michele :) Love the snail, he or she is so cute, I love those colors together! Did you have any thunderstorms yesterday? we had a big one here, dropped lots of rain, I'm sure my lawn enjoyed it!

    Jane Martin :) I hope you're feeling better :flowerforyou:!

    My allergies are getting the best me today, horrible headache, stopped up ears and my throat feels like it's coated in pollen :sick:, I took a Zyrtec and some Advil and I think I will go take a nap...surely that will make me feel better :wink: .

    Have a wonderful day ladies <3

    DeeDee in sunny NC B)

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! Taking a break from packing and went swimming this morning. I also stopped and picked up some flowers for my new house. I am getting so excited it seems like the days are just dragging by.

    Heather-thanks for the input I logging. I have had to unfriend everyone from MFP because I found that I did not want to log my actual food intake. Not because I was over calories but I do have an extreme sweet tooth. So now if people want to be friends with me this site is where they will find me.

    MNMargaret- have a nice visit with your mom.

    Sylvia-great joke!

    Caz- what kind of weight training do you do? I do strong lift 5X5. Welcome to this thread. There is a lot of motivation and support here from everyone.

    Terri - congratulations on being on your toes! Great job with getting that scale to go downward.

    Michele- I love your pool! When is the pool party? Now we have the beach at Janets, the bikepath at my house and now the pool party at your house... There's something fun to do in every buddies neck of the woods. We should hit one place each year.

    Pip - everybody thought my dad was the nicest person in the world as well, we saw a very different person.

    Katla- i'm going to make a area for family pictures at my house as well. That is a good project.

    TNToni - congratulations on your weight loss!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited June 2015
    Drizzle early am, sun and humid heat since. Hydrangea and balloon flowers open today; hydrangea not looking especially prolific this year (maybe because its shade tree is gone), one of those river birch I had removed. One of those kind of blah days...........found myself crying earlier at an ageing dog in a dog food commercial.

    Got caught up with some relatives by phone; learned that a 2nd cousin (younger than me by at least ten yrs.) has had a stroke. Awful. She is some sort of high powered lawyer so maybe the job played a part???

    Spent a good amt. of time trying to solve a dental billing problem.......between the ins. co. and the dentist office still not sure who screwed up but it's being refiled. Thankfully, everyone I spoke with was helpful and pleasant which goes a long way these days.

    Proud to say those infamous brownies are gone w/o me having a nibble. Have one more serving of my precious cheese.

    Gemma made friends with a real (purebred) basenji at the dog park yesterday evening. Could see the differences with them side by side; she's heavier boned and a little bigger and her forehead wrinkles are not as pronounced. It was a sweet red and white with nice owners.

    Chris......Why would you ship your frozen food to a mid west cave?

    Joyce........I'm STILL shredding; need any for gifts this year?

    Kim.........Hard to believe anyone would have the brass to do that; does she not want you to come, or does she want you to stay with her? Anyway, she sounds absolutely toxic......sending massive waves of self control to you!!!! We KNOW you will handle her with grace.

    TnToni....MAJOR congrats on the 6.4 lbs!!!!!!!! I agree, it's getting harder and harder to keep up.

    Heather......Hmmmm.......personally hoping you are having a great night (fireworks included), whoo hoo!!!!!

    Michele.......WOW! Got a bargain you would have loved.....$5.00 coupon off during a five minute special on 5 8oz. bags of Kraft shredded cheese!!!!! I think the bill for all 5 was 2.50, how's that?

    Penny.......Safe flight!!

    tere.......funny dh!!!

    Terri.......the LL world series is played near where I'm orig. from in PA......but I never made it there!

    Dee Dee.........Hope you are feeling better by the time you read this!!!! Hugs!

    Welcome newbies!

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I am needing to decide about getting a new laptop or having the viruses cleaned up on this one! Was able to get on today for a minute. I'm 14 pages behind and know I will never catch up so I won't try. Darned computer!!!!! Even though I have been missing you, I have managed to drop 6.4 lbs. Who knew being honest with myself and doing more cardio would cause such a great result! Of course I am sure your kicks and hugs have helped a lot, too.

    Have a great day! I hope I will be able to figure out if anyone has some monumental news. Don't know what the computer will allow me to do. I have an android phone and I can't find the "Community" on it.

    TN Toni - getting closed to Onderland

    If you have viruses and malware on your computer it will slow it down and make it 'stop responding' to a lot of things. CCleaner and Malware Bytes are 2 free programs to get off the Internet and let them scan and then you can repair or quarantine anything that might be on there. Also, make sure your 'updates' on your programs are also up-to-date, too; including your browser. Also you can delete your history and cookies . . . that will also help your computer work more efficiently. I have a 'technical team' that I am extremely happy with. I can call them as many times a day as I need to during their opening hours. It's sort of expensive in a way; but, I use them a lot, so I feel like I certainly get my money's worth and you can either pay them all in one lump sum or have it deducted from a credit card monthly - and what is best is - you are talking to a person in America and not trying to understand someone with a thick accent. You can add up to 5 devices such as desktop, laptop, smart phone, printer and anything else that is covered under their program. I wouldn't be without them. I am certainly not computer savvy by any means. Hope you are able to get your computer running like you want it to.

    I had to get a new laptop and I also bought one of those 'things' that you put in your lap so it won't get overheated; that is the reason my laptop died.