

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janet - too bad about your dinner experience! Although you got your meal for free it sheds a bad light on the restaurant. We can start moving stuff into the garage and cabin next weekend. We close on the 2nd so will have some time to bring things over. They have a renter that is there until the 1st. We close on our house on the 29th so will have to stay in the hotel 3 houses away from our new house. That is also where my DSIL and I go swimming. The only thing that is bothering us is that the FHA hasn't even done the appraisal on our house yet!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone. We had a stormy day here, but thankfully no tornadoes. The DGS's t-ball game was rained out though. The forecast shows storms every day for the next week. Oh joy.

    I've spent a couple of days doing some deep contemplation on this whole plateau issue. I know that I've been goofing off on the exercise aspect, and cheating a little here and there on the food. So, why am I doing that, sabotaging my weight loss? Well, I'm suspecting that it has a lot to do with loose skin. It's getting so bad that I'm totally grossed out looking at my upper arms, legs and stomach, and if I lose another 30-40 pounds, it will look even worse. I've got to get past that somehow. So today I put on my new size 12 yoga pants and went to the gym and did the weight machines. It's amazing how much better you feel about yourself in yoga pants. They fit somewhat snugly, and so the skin on my upper legs don't flop around. I wish they had yoga pants for the upper arms! And a yoga pants turtle neck to cover my turkey wattle.

    I hope everyone had a great day. Happy weekend!


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke is a repeat, but I still think it's funny. Maybe some of the new ladies haven't seen it:


    A student comes to a young professor's office hours.

    She glances down the hall, closes his door, and kneels pleadingly.

    “I would do anything to pass this exam," she says.

    She leans closer to him, flips back her hair, and gazes meaningfully into his eyes.

    "I mean," she whispers, "I would do anything..."

    He returns her gaze, "Anything?"


    His voice softens, "Anything?"

    “Anything," she repeats again.

    His voice turns to a whisper.

    "Would you ... study?"

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Ha ha Sylvia :D:D:p
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
  • chanagraves
    chanagraves Posts: 16 Member
    Hi guys... I'm new to this group and trying to figure out how things work
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Chanagraves- welcome! Tell us about yourself, your goals, what exercise you like to do, what you want to be called, where you live... Just join in on the conversation!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • lonemaple
    lonemaple Posts: 82 Member
    lonemaple wrote: »

    Sondra...I know what you mean about wanting to do exercise with a purpose. Besides walking the dog, perhaps you can take a walk to a store, post office or somewhere that you would normally drive. I have "learned" to do pure exercise. I put my elliptical in front of the tv and watch shows on netflix that I love and only allow myself to watch them while I'm on the elliptical. This has been working for me because I

    Gotta get some beauty sleep.
    Chris in MA

    Hi Chris, I appreciate the tips to make exercise more like "accomplishing something". I can see myself walking rather than driving. I love the elliptical idea.....now all I need is an elliptical
    I got an elliptical thru ebay a couple of years ago for around $150. I didn't have the $$ for a really expensive one and this one has been great!! Happy stepping!
    Chris in MA

    Wow!! Great deal. Thanks for the tip
  • chanagraves
    chanagraves Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks fanncy0636....I live in New Orleans and my goal is to lose about 50 more pounds.... back in 2010 I sthatd a weight loss journey and in about a year I lost about 90 pounds ever since then I have been playing with about 20 pounds back and forth... Well now I have been diagnosed with diabetes so I have gotten really serious.... I go to water aerobics at least 4 days a week and I ride my stationary bike everyday.... I thoroughly enjoy the water aerobics.... At one point I would walk in the park 3 days a week but I had to stop because doc said it puts too much stress on my knees.. So I ride my stationary bike instead.... I just want to communicate with folks that's one the same journey that I'm on.... just call me chanagraves!!!!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited June 2015
    changagraves - I've always wanted to go to NO! You will find a lot of motivation and support here. Come and join in on the fun! Congratulations on your weight loss!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Hope everyone has had a good day. Of course some of you are just waking up!!!

    Cheri, many of us who haven't seen the scale move just use our own body as a judge as to how we are doing. do you keep your own body measurements? I am bad in that I didn't take them at first and I also didn't take a picture. Can be humiliating but needs to be done.

    Yanni, congrats on the good night's sleep

    Lisa, had to laugh about your ex. I take it he isn't rim and handsome anymore.

    Janet, Myrtle beach, I didn't work for this guy. While I was working at the hospital, he was a family practice resident, a 3 year program. So when he finished and was ready to open up his own practice, the hospital was changing insurances and many would have to go to a different hospital for care if he wanted the same level of coverage. So many of the whole hospital staff left their own doctors and singed up to go to his office and have him as a doctor. I have never regreted it. My girls were at the age where they no longer needed a pediatrician, I no longer needed to go to a GYN for my annual exam. I feel like I had a part in raising him. He was one who would frequently ask the nurses things. We are the same way when we find problems when we eat out. We aren't boistrous about it. If it is truly bad we may ask for a change in our bill or something recooked. But we mainly are like you, we want to inform them and not complain. Sometimes it ends up being a fiasco as the manager comes out, his manager comes out, people are listening. Geez Louiz people, don't make a spectacle of yourselves about something that isn't warm enough. I don't like the word Clemantis for a flower either. It sounds like a venereal disease.

    terris mom, the blonde fur baby of your sister does look unhappy there.

    patceoh, when my MIL was in the nursing home she had a ring taken off her finger while she was asleep!. That wasn't the worst thing though. Everyone at the nursing home knew how suspicious she was. She was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic so she was suspicious. So one day her physical therapist gave her a pouch that went around her neck, long enough it went almost to her belly. It was very important for her to at least win 4 bingo games a week so that was 4 quarters she would keep safe until we came to take them home. It was always DH, myself and one son who would visit and call her. We also took care of talking to nurses about issues, doctor's, and buying her things like shampoo and bright red finger nail polish. So one year she wanted to buy us something special for Christmas <3 . She called up one of her sisters to do some shopping, then asked the office to draw out $300 from her account that she could give to her sister to shop with. The lady in the office didn't want to do it the way MIL was doing it but she insisted so office did it. So she gets the money out and puts it in her puch. Later that day the nursing assistant takes her for her bath. They have a manual lift to lift the patient up from wheel chair and put in bath tub. It takes two to do this. So while she is in bath tub, one of them must have taken her money. Later MIL checks her pouch and sees money is gone. She talks to the lady in accounting and that starts an investigation. She has yet to tell us about it since it was a surprise. Well it was a surprise all right. they end up finding the culprit, give her back the money and firing both nurse aides as they were both in on it.

    Jules, the movie was very good. Not good like movies like The green mile, Mr Holland's Opus, but a very action packed movie. The time we picked was 1 PM, I would have preferred 11 AM but Charlie was afraid he would miss taking his 12:30 medicine. So we got there at 12:20 since we thought the line would be long. Well we were the first ones in the theater! I would say it was about a 25% occupancy. But it was showing in about 6 or 7 theaters and that was just one location. Your rural health medicine sounds interesting. It reminds me of some books I have read about rural health medicine where the nurse is almost the only medical care they have. I think these books were based around the Appalachians in the coal mining area. I applied for home health nursing one time but it was only because I was a little frustrated at that time with my work and thought i needed a change. I didn't think that the pay different would be that great though. Glad I wasn't even considered for it.

    I had mentioned a couple of weeks ago about wearing my CPAP mask that it wasn't giving me any marks on my face. Well it is now. And now that I am taking Melatonin at bedtime and sleeping so wonderfully, I though maybe I could drop off the CPAP. So I did two nights ago. Terrible night's sleep, just awful. So mask was back on last night and my fitbit showed another wonderful sleep.

    Sorry ladies, as I read, I forgot to make notes. Did note all the newbies today.

    Welcome to Deb, Aly, HulaMama, becmaness150. avs810 and changraves. You have all come to the right place. Jump in feet first and tell us a little about yourself. It's like having morning coffee with lady friends here. Very few have had the privilege to actually meet some one here but some of them here I have been friends with I value them as good friends. We share each others victories, struggles, hard times, good times and just be together.

    Joyce K, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,766 Member
    morning ladies~
    slept like a rock last night..
    Pip~ I envy your stamina and grit~ Love you lots.. my life has been in such turmoil over the past year, I have to get a grip and start back on the journey and get to my goal and maintain...
    It has just been so hard.. with everything going on..
    I did it before I can do it again..
    today working until noon..
    DH is soo funny, asking how many strawberries I have left and how many jars of jam I have left, I like to share and give some away,but he want's to keep what I made for us.. he LOVES it lol
    going to a graduation party this afternoon.. we shall see what we have for food there.. but I will bring by large glass of ice water
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good morning everyone!

    Saturday is our newspaper reading day. I've done my exercises so I can read it with a clear conscience once I've done a bit of writing. :)

    One of the unexpected benefits of MFP is that I have discovered self discipline for the first time of my life. I was always very good at keeping my commitments to other people, but a wash out on myself. I can now say that I am proud of myself for sticking to this thing and making it a way of life. I used to just muddle through my own commitments, but with a stronger body has come much more self respect.

    With regard to using weights - I use dumbbells, not the real thing like Mary. (Kudos!) I started with 2kg ones from Amazon, looked up a couple of things to do with them online and gradually got bigger and bigger ones. The poor postman had to struggle down the path with two 9 kg ones! ! ! ! ! I bought "Strong Women Stay Young" which convinced me that using weights is the best way to keep old age at bay. It also obviously affects your mind! ! :laugh: I don't think I would have got my book out there without the confidence that reshaping my body has given me. All you need is a mat sized space. My weights all fit in my TV cupboard in the bedroom. I only spend less than 10 minutes on actual weights every day. It does give you a lovely shape.
    Sylvia - like you the texture of my skin is lumpy, bumpy and wrinkled. :sad: Especially my right arm which has lymphodema and used to be huge. I still wear an elastic sleeve on that arm. Don't like the way it looks. I just cover up. No capris, my ankles are awful. No sleeveless tops. Rarely skirts, hate my knees. I just wear tight things that cover me up and get loads of compliments. Good job it's rarely too hot over here.

    Janet - I will see how this gadget goes for the floppies. It was so cheap, with good reviews, it's worth giving it a try. :bigsmile:

    Greeting to the new people. Just join in. Great to see you!

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,766 Member
    The day ahead will suit you, but you mustn't expect miracles. Now is a time of healing. In the weeks ahead you will restore harmony to your energies and regain your fitness with improved diet and lifestyle. Your emotional life gets an overhaul as well, as you find the courage to confront certain unsettling issues.

    that is my horoscope for today~ very incuraging~(sp) never was a great speller sorry
  • metallaxi
    metallaxi Posts: 17 Member
    My deepest condolences for your loss.
  • metallaxi
    metallaxi Posts: 17 Member
    :) jogging over 1 hour on the road by the seaside where I live, nice summer morning cool breeze
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    edited June 2015
    :) Sylvia, I am fortunate that I am colder than most people and live in a place with cooler weather so my usual clothing is long pants and long sleeves. Dressed in clothing I don't display any baggy skin and when I look in the mirror fully dressed, I am happy with what I see. I don't know if I would be so happy about it if I had to wear short pants and short sleeves.

    :'( I wanted to sleep late but Bernie, the cat, wanted me to get up early so here I am, breakfast eaten and ready to begin the long dog walk, first with Brandy, the black poodle, and after about an hour, I'll take Sasha, the red poodle. :)

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington where the sun is about to come up


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
    Starting back to Minnesota.

  • kathyrain
    kathyrain Posts: 9 Member
    New here.....Kathy from Virginia

    Very informative and age-approprite thread here. Glad to have found you! I live in the DC area, have 2 teens, a husband and a yellow lab. Recently laid off and transitioning into real estate sales.

    I've been using MFP daily since the beginning of March. Original goal was to drop 17 lbs. Almost there, down 16, but have pushed it to a goal of 20-25. Tracking and regular exercise have really helped.

    I am an intermittent runner. Not marathons, but 5K at the most. Daily walker. In the past few months I've found a great fitness studio and have started classes in barre, TRX and Zumba. The combination is great. When my job was eliminated I finally found the time to exercise. I don't want to give that up again.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Down 3 lbs this week. Hooray!! Tracking and exercise is paying off. This week I'm going to work on getting more exercise in each day.

    Enjoying you all. :)

    Janet, Oklahoma City