

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,208 Member
    edited June 2015
    Janet SC - I LOVE YOU! ROFL!

    Carey - so glad you are getting on with the spices. :flowerforyou: Hope that was LITE coconut milk!

    Margaretturk - I do feel for you with the house clearance and selling. I get very attached to places and things and I'm not good with change.

    GRITS - Monkfish is a very dense white fish that holds its shape well. I use it for tandoori kebabs as it doesn't fall off the skewer. It also only has one big bone down its spine and no little bones. I buy it boneless in 1kg boxes from a travelling frozen fish van.

    Penny - my recipe is a standard tandoori marinade, the same as is used for chicken. I actually just throw in my spices as I feel like it on the day. I marinade it in yoghurt, lemon juice, garlic, salt, pepper and the ground spices, but you could use a tandoori paste from a jar. Today I used paprika, chilli, coriander, cumin, garam masala, tumeric and a lot of ground ginger. Spices have helped me stay on track with my eating as they can make any veg, chicken, fish taste like a fabulous feast. If I eat delicious food I don't crave so much of it. If I eat bland food there is never enough! My tastebuds need to sing!

    Love to all. I so appreciate you all. Because I said on this thread I would write this pm, I did, even if it was only 300 words. As it was difficult material I feel that was an achievement. You really do keep me on track. :love:

    Heather UK
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    Hope everyone's day is off to a good start. I wanted to share a NSV milestone I had last evening. Two years ago we moved into a house that has a gigantic mirror wall just inside the front door. I immediately wanted it taken down. I wasn't going to suffer seeing my image in that mirror every time I stepped in the foyer of my home. The hubs wasn't buying the reason nor expense of having it removed. So I have become quite adept at averting my eyes whenever I needed to go out the front door or do anything in the room it reflects back into. Until last evening...we were going out for date nite to the local theater to see Oklahoma and as I got dressed I decided to try on some dress jeans and a top I had thus far not felt comfortable in size wise. Lo and behold the pants zipped with ease and the top as well! Feeling this new found comfort I decided to take a look at how I really could be seen in this outfit. The only mirror in the house to give me a full view was that danged mirror in the foyer! We became friends last nite! I even ventured to take a full length picture of myself....something I never do! And to put it fully out there and own it I am posting it here!!


    You look GREAT! :D This is so AWESOME>
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    JanetMMcC – Yes, please, if you’re willing to send an invitation to your home forum, you can reach me at lisa@lisachannon.com. And rock on with your bad self! And I haven’t heard exclamation points called “bangs” since I was managing editor of a newspaper back in the twilight of the last century… My old boss threatened me with mayhem if I used them. Ever.

    – thank you for the New Zealand flag, I THINK I’ve got everyone pretty much covered below with my flag wavers… any countries I’ve missed, guys? We’re a pretty diverse group, and my apologies I forgot our Canadian sistren… I tend to think of y’all as us. Which, on reflection, you may not actually consider a compliment.

    Heather in the UK – loving the pictures of the grandbabies…
    Carol/Peach – sorry the family is so frustrating right now.

    Mom216 – Yeah… there were some good things about my ex, but the day I woke up, looked at him and thought “I’d rather die alone than live with you,” was a big sign… My sister, who lived in mountainous Arkansas, said her signal was rooting for her now-ex-husband to drive off a mountain on the way home… everybody has their wake-up call, and then it is time to go!

    Carey – love the saying “Dreams are renewable…”

    Lillian – congrats on a year of logging on MFP!

    DamitJanit – I kind of like DamitJanit, but we can call you whatever you would like… and congrats on busting the 400-post mark.

    Nancy – I’m sorry about your friend… but unfortunately, you’re right, it’s exactly like alcoholism. Unlike alcoholics, however, we MUST indulge in our addiction at least twice or three times a day. Alcoholics can quit cold, smokers can quit, drug addicts can stop cold turkey. If we quit our addiction, we die. Your friend’s overeating for some reason that has nothing to do with hunger… but until he knows what it is, he won’t stop, and indeed, probably no longer can without some major epiphany of some kind. Mine was when I was thinking about the fact that you never see really, really heavy people over 70 or so. And I clicked to the fact that really, really heavy people don't GET old. This is the perfect place to vent – we’ve been in his shoes, most of us, and many of us in yours too. I’m so sorry.

    Pip – holy crapolini, nearly 3 years on MFP? You are studly. Speaking of which, Kirby is indeed a handsome devil (thank you, Alison for that reference… :)) I love men who age well, and he is definitely one. If I remember, I’ll post a pic of my cowboy DH someday… He’s aging well, unlike the ex… And I love the way you remember who you were in the gym. I managed a gym for a bit, after I got most of my weight off, and it was enormously rewarding to be able to help people who needed it… I got to work a lot with before and after bariatric surgery patients, since I was one, and I loved it. Helping people who have been scared to try, and keeping them from giving up—it’s an honorable thing.

    Daysie the dog was none too happy to be put back outside after the storm last night—we do bring her in for thunderstorms because she gets so stressed otherwise. She lives outside, so It’s one of the few times she gets to stay inside all evening, and she was basically UNDER the reclining loveseat most of the night as the thunder and lightning show was pretty noisy. The look she gave me when I told her it was time to go outside last night promised a half a lizard will be dropped on my foot halfway through my run this morning…

    Love all the photos…. The clematis are beautiful, Greece, Norway, and the Kirby, I feel so lucky to be part of this group!

    Got bread rising on the stove – my mother’s recipe for yeast rolls, modified with added wheat bran and much less sugar. I make it about once a month, freeze 3/4 of the dough to make into sandwich rolls each Sunday, so Corey (DH) has fresh bread each week. Much easier than trying to keep bread fresh in this climate, or even keeping it—if you forget to buy it, driving 45 minutes back to the store to get it just isn’t in the cards! I won’t eat them—they’re about 175 calories each, and more carbs than I usually want at a sitting.

    But I’m using part of this week’s dough to try to make those 100-calorie flatbread sandwich things that you see now in the store. I use tortillas now, as I’m used to them, and it’s the southwest… but the same thing applies as for bread. You run out, you’re screwed. I’ve tried for years to learn to make them without success--mine just don’t turn out, even from pre-made masa harina. We’ll see if rolling out flatbread works from a yeast-raised dough! Have a feeling I’m going to end up with tiny hockey pucks.

    The DH just showed me that RevereWare has a set of their copper-bottomed stainless steel cookware on sale, heavyweight, for $69 on Wayfair, if you've been looking. So tired of "wearever" non-stick that lasts less than a year... he's the cook, mostly, but is hard on non-stick surfaces, bless him.

    Hope it's a peaceful Sunday for those on this side, and that your week begins well for those on the other side of the ponds...

    Warmest regards,
    Lisa H in West Texas

    Australia, Canada, Greece, Norway (for Penny's temp digs!), UK, US... anyone I missed?

    Yes, and TEXAS!!! :)
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Much as I love ALL of you dang people, I categorically refuse to go down from country to state level... thus Australia, Canada, and US, and not Saskatchewan, Tasmania, Texas, etc. I'd be here until I fell down! smiley-shocked003.gif LOL...
  • photomom125
    photomom125 Posts: 4 Member
    edited June 2015
    Photomom in CT

    I'm new to this group and am a lone wolf in my fitness quest. It would be great to have accountability partners.

    I started this quest after being knocked out of commission by Fibromyalgia. In January I came across the Outlander series on starz and the hunky star started MyPeakChallenge to raise money for his favorite charity. That got me off the couch and setting goals.

    1st goal-walk a mile on a treadmill in an hour or less by 3/16. Goal complete. Challenge for me moving and I've been on the move ever siPhotomom in CT

    I'm new to this group and am a lone wolf in my fitness quest. It would be great to have accountability partners.

    I started this quest after being knocked out of commission by Fibromyalgia. In January I came across the Outlander series on starz and the hunky star started MyPeakChallenge to raise money for his favorite charity. That got me off the couch and setting goals.

    1st goal-walk a mile on a treadmill in an hour or less by 3/16. Goal complete. Challenge for me moving and I've been on the move ever since.

    New goals:

    Work out 4-5 times a week
    -2 strength training sessions a week
    -1 hike a week
    -2/3 cardio a week

    I gained 30 pounds on lyrica, off that, struggled to lose 25, goal is to lose 60 lbs total. Need motivators to keep moving and focused on getting healthy and strong. Can you all help me?
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Daysie the dog was none too happy to be put back outside after the storm last night—we do bring her in for thunderstorms because she gets so stressed otherwise. She lives outside, so It’s one of the few times she gets to stay inside all evening, and she was basically UNDER the reclining loveseat most of the night as the thunder and lightning show was pretty noisy. The look she gave me when I told her it was time to go outside last night promised a half a lizard will be dropped on my foot halfway through my run this morning

    Thanks for the "looking great" and "awesome"! I am trying really hard to love the way I look these days. It's a mental game for sure.

    Our dog Pokey hates thunderstorms. She gets to all panting and hyperventilating anytime a storm comes into the vicinity. We started giving her melatonin in a scoop of peanut butter. Seems to calm her nerves enough that she will settle down (usually under something like the recliner or under a bed) and sit the storm out.

    Tomorrow is day 100 for me on MFP! Last jaunt on here I lasted a measly 36 days. My 26 yo daughter and all of you are my inspiration to stay the course. Rosalyn is on day 125ish and has lost 22 lbs. on her journey. You guys are helping me keep it real.

    I may not comment on everything I see and read but I want you to know that I read these boards several times a day. Your accomplishments and goals and failures and pictures are all inspiration to me!

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,941 Member
    Csofied, I love the picture. That top is gorgeous. That is something I would buy and wear. Serious NSV!

    On the topic of overweight friends, I'll chime in from the other side. I have a good friend who used to be the same size as I. She got diet pills from the doctor and dropped close to 100 lbs, too thin really, but she had always wanted to be thin, so I was happy for her. I dropped 30 and plateaued. All she wanted to talk about was her weight, and she took every opportunity (or so it seemed that way to me) to remind me that I was still fat. I did not appreciate it. I know what I weigh and I know that I could stand to drop a few more, but that doesn't mean I want everybody to keep reminding me of it. Here's an example. When getting up from my chair one night, my slippers caught on the carpet and I fell, twisting my ankle. When I told her about it, she said "oh my, if that had happened to me when I was fat, it would have done some serious damage." Didn't even ask me if I was okay, could she do anything to help, etc. I finally quit making an effort to be friends with her. I'm sure she told people I was jealous because she was skinny and I was fat. I didn't care. I decided I didn't need friends like her.

    I realize that is not your attitudes, that you are coming from a point of love and concern. But all we can do is love people as they are. They will change when/if they are ready. And nobody wants their faults pointed out to them constantly.

    We do tend to obsess a bit about fitness, calories, healthy eating, etc. when we are in full MYP mode. It is great that we can come here and be surrounded by like-minded people so that we don't have to bore our friends/spouses/families who aren't as in to it as we are.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Sunday ! ! !

    Grits - Your love and drive is amazing. Keep being a great role model, and take care of yourself, your son, and those grandchildren. Hopefully your daughter-in-law will eventually catch on, slowly is okay.

    MIchele - The DVD's were on a clearance end-cap. I guess I was just at the right place at the right time.

    DamitJanit - I did the haircuts for DS and DH. I used to cut my Dad's hair, too, but now my arthritis is too unpredictable, so he goes to a barber shop . I only cut my layers when it hangs funny, and go have someone else cut it off to donate every 2-3 years. I do pamper myself with facials or massage or whatever when DH gets me a gift certificate, or when I can find both the time and the money. My "usual" masseuse uses stones on my spine while massaging the rest of the back 1/2 of my body, so I get the best of both worlds. // lol about the earrings.

    Becca - Thanks for continuing to share with us. You have my full admiration.

    Katla - Hugs for your neighbor and all her loved ones.

    Janet MMCc - Those look just like shrugs made from lycra. What a great idea, and simple, too. // Sorry your run got derailed. Just keep doing what you can.

    Lillian - I prefer to shop without DH, because he buys so much junk, and so much that is not on the list. Hugs to you for taking him.

    Joyce, Mary, etc. - I used to have a CPAP machine, and my Dad has one now, and they are barely audible. Maybe they are just getting better and quieter? // Joyce sorry about your A/C. There is a Freon product that also seals any leaks, so I hope your A/C guy used that.

    Penny - Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

    csofled - Marvelous picture, and congrats on everything fitting and looking great.

    "Shooters sleeves" are popular around here with all the athletes. They wear all different designs and colors for all different reasons. I bought pink when I broke my arm, since I had an off-white cast. Now DS wears them (yes, even at 14 he is secure in his masculinity) to keep his elbows warm during cool evenings at baseball, or before he starts bowling, etc. They are even available for legs.

    I can't remember if I mentioned DH's breakthrough when we went out for Supper on Friday. He suggested a restaurant, then waited patiently while I checked to see what I "could" eat. DS decided his morning protein will be chicken or burgers, so I will relax on the eggs for awhile. Plus, I found protein bars and drinks for him to take to basketball camp for post-lifting.

    DS was selected for the baseball All Star team, but the first tournament is while he is bowling, so he was replaced with one of his best friends, which makes us VERY happy, because he will be the only 13 y.o. on the team. I hope they do well, so we can watch one of the following tournaments.

    As soon as I log back into my phone I will post one of the pictures I took of the 2 of them while lifting.

    Welcome to everyone new. Congrats to everyone who had a loss or NSV.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (hot and raining, so probably no baseball practice again today)
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    edited June 2015
    DeeDee: I'm glad you're enjoying the thoughts of the day. I find them encouraging and hoped others would as well.

    Pip: Love Kirby's new do...it really suits him. Big congrats on the 1050 days of logging... respect-046.gif

    Mary/TNToni:I really enjoy Tai Chi, it helps me manage my stress levels which were so high for so many years. I still don't remember all the moves either, apparently it can take a year or more...but I can follow and that's all that beginners need to do. I'm looking forward to the day that I can do a set at home on my own. happy-096.gif

    JanetM Never thought about rounding. I checked it out...nope too big a difference to be rounding. Here's one example: Fat consumed: 68, Saturated Fat:23, Polyunsaturated fat:5, Monounsaturated Fat: 5, Transfat:0. That leaves 35 unaccounted for. I hate it when numbers don't add up...yep I know I'm an*l. :laugh:

    Penny: Love the picture, its so majestic. Thanks for sharing!

    Cynthia I'm excited for you...glad the scale is finally shifting in the direction you want!

    Lillian So glad you're finally getting some rain. We have gotten a little too..not nearly enough though.

    Janet: My earrings still fit too... smiley-laughing013.gif

    LisaH:Love the flags makes me realize how international we are here.

    CheriLooking good gal. respect-046.gif

    Heather:Thanks. Unfortunately, I didn't know there was such a thing as light coconut milk..heck didn't even know coconuts had milk. :laugh: Oh well next time! Any suggestions as to what to do with the rest of it?

    Welcome to everyone new and congratulations to all who are experiencing victories!

    I simply must get some house work done today. I've been spending too much time on the computer trying to determine if I can figure out what I'm doing wrong with my intake. One thing that seems to stand out is that my protein intake is way lower than I thought it was. I'm going to make sure that I have protein at every meal and see if that will help. I don't want to have to add complexity to my menu planning if I can help it!

    Thought for the day: “Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.” – William Feather

    June Goals:

    1. Do menu planning for June (complete)
    2. Eat 3 meals a day
    3. Log all meals
    4. Plan and Do one fun thing each week
    (W1: Hot stone massage and weekend of Tai Chi with friend...Oops that's 2 things...oh darn
    W2: Lunch with a friend, going away party for co-worker... 2 more...yay!)
    W3: Pedicure
    5. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for 30 minutes.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    csofled you look mahvolous dahling :) Nothing better than liking how we look in the mirror, better yet is liking ourselves on the inside. Way to go, keep up the good work.

    Welcome to all the new ladies. You have found a great group for support and encouragement.

    @Pam in Dallas - we're almost neighbors, I live up the road in Oklahoma City.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    Lisa H in West Texas I think your "flaginess" is unparalleled. :)

    BTW I have a daughter in Lubbock.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Cheri: you could try a Thundershirt for your dog. It helps mine (some).
    Carey: thanks!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,700 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    well got up early and went grocery shopping, again I went to 3 stores.. by the last one was about to have an anxiety attack.. and the reason? because I again spent almost 300.00 again. and I knew what was gonna happen when I got home...
    you know I try I really do.. I go over the circulars see whats on sale and then sit down and write a list, and then figure out what to make..
    So again I get woofed at, not as bad as last time but still..
    I said you see how long it takes me to write a list, and get stuff together..
    so he calmed a little bit..
    Hope everyone is enjoying there weekend..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,208 Member
    Cheri - must just duck back in and tell you you are looking goooood! :flowerforyou:
    How great when the mirror is our friend! Like Sylvia I'm not too keen on close ups, but my DH doesn't seem to have a problem with my saggy bits. He's just delighted that I have functional mobility. :drinker:

    Heather UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,208 Member
    Alison - I call it "forward loading" - a recognised economic technique. :flowerforyou:

    Heather UK
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    Hope you're all having a Super Sunday!

    Aubrey (yorkie) and I went for a wonderful morning walk, including walking around our new on-site dog park. Walked back, checked the time on my phone. Discovered we walked twice as long as I had thought. B)

    Unfortunately, the scale barely moved this week despite staying exactly on plan with everything. Shed 6.2 lbs. in 9 days, but very little since then. The first week I was eating a few more calories, so think I need to increase back to that level. Am continuing to follow my plan exactly until I talk with my health coach on Weds.

    In the past, I would just throw up my hands and quit. NOT this time. I have made a definite decision that I'm determined and will continue long-term. This is a lifestyle change for me--back to health, fitness and wellness. Becoming active, slender, sexy and confident again. I'm so grateful to have found MFP and this wonderful group.

    Started a fantastic plan on 6/1, based on my DNA. Now I know the exact % of carbs, proteins and fat, plus the exact type and duration of exercise my body needs. Thankfully, slow steady cardio for a longer period of time is the key for me. HIIT does not work for me, as confirmed by past lack of results and the DNA test. Thank god, something is finally working--and great. After 9 years of trying everything that only resulted in failure and frustration for me, this is the miracle that I've been hoping and praying for. Thank god, something is finally working--and great.

    I can truly relate to everyone here who has struggled. Also everyone who has really tried their hardest, but didn't get the results they wanted. My heart goes out to my fellow sisters on this journey together.

    Fortunately, I'm feeling great, shedding pounds and inches. 'Cankles' are gone. Cellulite on my thighs is disappearing. My legs are becoming more shapely. Tummy and fanny are shrinking too. No longer look like a giant pear. It's great to read about everyone's progress here. This is AWESOME!

    When I shed just 2.3 more lbs., I will no longer be in the BMI obese category. I will be in the overweight category and working my way towards the healthy weight category. Yesterday, I decided that when I hit this goal, I'm willing to try salsa dancing and find a group. :smile: This will be a huge, positive step forward.

    My overall goal is to shed at least 60 lbs. I will turn 60 on Dec. 4 this year. Guess I could call this my '60 by 60' challenge ha ha. Thankfully, I have a strong start. In the past 3 weeks, I have released 8.2 lbs. Love my new, healthy lifestyle, MFP app and the fabulous group here!

    Have a great day. - Nancy
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    Adding Texas to the list of countries was meant as a friendly joke. At one time we were our own country! :)

    - Nancy from Cowtown (FW, TX)

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,544 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,544 Member
    B4 the run