

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Nancy...it must be so distressing and frustrating to have to redo everything you enter on MFP. I've been very fortunate, I can enter on my PC at work, iphone when I'm on the go and ipad at home and it all synchs beautifully. To make it even better, it integrates with my fitbit sharing the info between the 2 sites. I hope that you get it all to work soon. Have you tried the help forums on MFP, there may be some help there.

    Chris in MA
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Penny, I’m guessing today is pretty much all daylight for you when you are at home? I still can’t imagine living where some days are all light and some are no light.

    DJ - Yeah, daylight all the time now. Back home it's been constant daylight since the beginning of April and it will stay light until mid-September. Thus the standard cry "Let's party till sundown!" (That joke gets really old after a year or two up there.)

    Swedes celebrate Midsummer's Eve with great gusto, dancing around a flower-bedecked pole. Norwegians celebrate St. Hans around a big bonfire. At home there's a substantial St. Hans celebration even though the bonfire doesn't light up much of anything in the 24-hour daylight. But I've been at parties where the bonfire was great for getting warm! Snow isn't at all uncommon at "midsummer" festivities.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I am pages behind because I have a house full of guests, and will not be able to finish catching up at this moment. DS and DDIL are here. DS’s best friend from grade school and his family were here yesterday and we had a lovely visit.

    Regarding tickers, I write the majority of my posts on a word document and have the document itself saved with the ticker code on the bottom. That way it usually posts with my messages. My goals for the month are also saved on my word document.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Miriam......Wonderful colors. Can't remember where you are from. I believe that here your home would be called a "painted lady". If you (or anyone else) googles "painted lady houses" you can see some other wonderful examples. I've always loved them!!!!

    Yanniejannie- I looked up pictures of painted ladies for years before I could decide on a color scheme. There are so many pretty ones. But I just kept coming back to bright yellow and teal. When I started scraping off all the layers of paint, I discovered that the original color was.... bright yellow and teal. Somehow the house was talking to me since it was not at all evident until I took off the harvest gold, and then icky green.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    morning peeps -
    eyes are SOOOOOO much better. the drops are doing their thing. don't have a contact in the right eye and wearing my old lens prescription in the left eye. doc seems to think the new lens weren't fitted for me well, i don't know. hurt like a mutha tho!!. i was glad the sand was packed hard enough that i didn't need to wear googles, should have just in case if i was smart.

    i was just skimming thru all the posts so if i don't answer your question, please ask me again.

    someone asked if i had always been like this or how much did i loose. well. at my heaviest (i'm 5'5", i used to be 5' 6-1/2 i swear) i was 198 and that was after my husband died and i was 36, he was 34. when he died i was an aerobics instr. so i was pretty fit then, i gained weight slowly after that because i stopped working out and depression set in. i'm about 132 now. growing up i was ULTRA skinny. as far as being this athletic, i would say i am more strong, healthier than i have ever been, even when i used to teach because i didn't ride or do any lengthy running then. gotta go to the gym now, will write later. thanks for everyones concern for my eyeballs. i'll be back
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    oh legs feel fine, don't hurt at all
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Damitjanit- My house was built before 1900, but I don't know how much before. There are some cement patches in the basement in the old coal cellar that have the names of the three girls who lived here, and a friend's name, and the date of 1900. I don't know if they did that when it was built or during a repair. The original owner was a doctor named Gardener, which is so funny since people, even doctors, have often thought I was a doctor (I read medical books for fun) and I am a master gardener. The original hitching post is out front. I am beside a Methodist church, which feels like home since I grew up in the rectory beside my dad's church.
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »

    Right now I'm on a roll and the pounds are just melting away. Right now it feels easy. But it's a mystery to me why what feels easy now has felt so impossible at other times. I've been trying unsuccessfully to lose weight for seven years. Now suddenly it's working. I'd love to find the magic key and share it with everyone, but all I can really say for certain is I'm eating less and moving more. That simple. That hard.
    I know exactly how you feel Penny, why is it working now?! Bit so grateful that it is finally working.

    Chris in MA
  • elizabeth50inCalifornia
    Hi Ladies, Just touching base. Following my food plan very well. Still haven't added a regular exercise plan. Getting lots of walking in; just at work though. Scale seems to be stuck at the same number, won't budge. I've been yo-yo dieting for 30 years so I think my body knows how to hold on to the fat when I try to do something about it. Went to trader joe's last night and found some new protein bars to try. 3 carbs 20g of protein. Just staying the course, it has to give eventually...it's just math, after all. Hope you all have a beautiful day.

    Elizabeth in California
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Finally caught up reading. Was four pages behind this AM.

    Penny, what a lovely place you are in. Just beautiful.

    Miriam, I love old houses and love to see the ones that have been converted into museums that the public is allowed to visit. My brother lives way, way out in the country in a Pre-Civil War house. He has spent the last 40 years renovating it and I'm a bit sad to say that he did not keep to the original style although it is lovely still.

    I just made cupcakes to take for a Father's Day dinner. They fell in the middle (dimples). But, they are delicious and so easy. You mix one box of Angel Food cake mix with a can of prepared lemon or lime pudding. Bake at 350* for 20 minutes. Make sure you spray the pan with cooking spray.

    Took the quiz and I am a bear which I kind of thought would be the case. I like a variety of foods. Can't eat sweets...the cupcakes I just mentioned made me feel bloated and uncomfortable. :'(

    Carol ~ Peach
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    As far as getting junk mail from that survey, I did get an email afterward telling me they had signed me up for a Bear Diet Newsletter. Didn't ask for that. If you tried to do the survey and couldn't, check your spam folder. When I put in my email address they sent me a email with the link to the survey.

    Thanks for the sweet comments about Molly. I do think she is beautiful, but she is dumb as a box of rocks and spoiled rotten. She is hubby's favorite and she knows it. She starts fights with Spot (who fights back) and has Bruno so well trained that he cowers if in close proximity to her, like in the van. She lies on the floor, right in the middle, and spreads her skinny self out to take up as much room as possible, then if either of the boys get too close, she snaps at them. And she can't be around the kids or strangers because she bites. I've been looking into getting a muzzle for her. Most whippets have wonderful gentle personalities, but not Molly. We took her to training classes, but she didn't do well no matter how hard we tried, and to be honest, we gave up. Actually, she wasn't so bad at first, but in one of the dog training classes the instructor KICKED her to teach her not to jump up on people (I'm not kidding!) and she's never been the same since. It was through the city parks and recreation center, and I filed a complaint but they just refunded my money and let her keep teaching. That burned me up. Molly was on the floor writhing and whimpering in pain, and the woman said, "oh I didn't hurt you!" Then, as I was walking out the door she apologized and said "I didn't mean to kick her that hard." I took her to the vet the next morning and he said she was just bruised, so nothing was broken, but still, I was really mad about it. So, I've wondered for the past 8 years if that was what destroyed her sweet personality.

    We didn't get to sleep at the lake last night after all. As we were getting ready for bed hubby discovered that he had forgotten to bring one of the pieces to his cpap machine. Both of us were scared for him to try to sleep without it, so we packed up and went home about midnight. Better safe than sorry.

    Well, I hope you are all having a great Sunday. Happy Father's Day to your DH's.

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Carey.......and anyone else lucky enough to be with their dad today......please give them a hug from me. Especially loved today's quote; thank you.

    DJ.......Hershey's cocoa (powdered stuff you bake with), 1 tsp. sugar, and Silk almond coconut milk.......easy peasy thick and delicious. I had been making it with all skim milk, but this seems soooooooo much richer, and less cals, to boot. Now I just use about a half oz. of skim to wet and make the powder smooth before adding the Silk.

    Katla..........LOL, you get a pass to enjoy your company; so go, enjoy!!!

    Miriam.........How positively amazing that the house "spoke" to you like that about the colors!!!! BTW, one of my good friends in Fl. has never been under double digit cat ownership in all the years I've known her.......all rescues.

    Barbie.......I still think it all comes down to willpower because you can plan and strategize all day long but unless you have the willpower to implement and the willpower to stick to that strategy it's all for naught. Sorry to disagree with your authors' statement. I've had great strategy that I've caved on too many times due to a dip in willpower. A plan is very important; sticking to it is even more important to me.

    Off to make DH's Fathers Day meal............Frito/hamburger/cheese casserole (again, not my choice).


  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited June 2015
    SSC1958 wrote: »

    While following up a link that someone had sent I came across link to the best diet ever. acaloriecounter.com/diet/
    There seems to be a lot of common sense written in here, although figuring out what my caloric intake should be is interesting since I seem to be at maintenance at 1200 calories (which is what MFP set me at and so did the Dietician). Using the first 2 different methods on this site my caloric intake for Method 1: 2268, Method 2: 1472

    I did do all the math as to how many grams each macro I should have in each scenario.. bottom line is that the recommendation is to up protein to 160g / day if I want to build muscle. I did up my calorie intake yesterday and did get over 75g of protein..guess what the scale went down this morning. I'm going to increase my daily intake for the next couple of weeks and see what happens.


    Carey, my dear, I'm about halfway through the site you cite :) - and there's a LOT, but honestly, one of the best I've ever seen. The calorie load does seem excessive--but you're seeing a similar excess to me, which makes me wonder if it's worth it to go ahead and try to at least get the protein levels up to 1g per pound of body weight when you're trying to lose. 180g would be almost triple my current amount (720 calories of protein alone!), but even trying to yank it to around goal weight (134g, or 540 cals) would be interesting. I need to do something that steadies my losses and keeps me from these ungodly stalls.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @DJ -Janetr, okay if you want all the help we can give you, you have to make a deal with us. Be totally honest with us about what you eat and drink and your exercise. That doesn’t mean you can’t still lie to yourself (not that you would do that) but be totally honest with us. And we will encourage you and whip up on you when needed, and just ask that you do the same for us. We are all so different and yet so much alike. That is why this group makes this journey so much easier and doable. We can do this!!!

    You got it, its a deal!! Thanks.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    Went to Stowe with DSIL this afternoon. Amazing landscaped grounds with baroque "follies" all around. My word, the owners spent a FORTUNE, literally.
    This morning I found the street where my grandmother lived when she was a child, though her house has gone. I also found my grandfather's brother's name on the 1st World War memorial in the parish church here.

    Penny - can't wait to share your country. Amazing!

    Loving the old houses. Absolutely stunning. :flowerforyou:

    I am sooooooo tired. Hungover and woke up at 4.30. But managed to walk round Stowe for an hour and a half. Can't do much more posting - falling asleep at 6 pm. ! ! ! !
    Got to be in fine fettle for tomorrow's meeting with an old schoolfriend in London. She hasn't seen me since I lost weight. :)

    Bye for now. Heather UK
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Carol (my oldest sister's name by the way), I help out a fellow that has had two severe brain injuries. When he FINALLY got on disability, after being denied initially, he got a lump sum payment back to when he first applied. I helped him find a small house in a tiny town near me. When we got the title to it, we discovered that the original part of the house (just two small rooms with a very low, 7', ceiling) was pre-Civil War! The original owner, a young man not married, died in the Civil War (it even lists the battle) and his five siblings inherited it. So cool to this history buff.

    Sylvia, did the "trainer" kick your dog, or put her knee up when she jumped? Putting the knee up is a very common training tool, and usually doesn't injure the dog at all. But whippets are so small boned, it may bruise with them. Poor puppy. It is so tough when a tender hearted animal goes through something like this.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    edited June 2015
    Penny I have relatives in Sweden, they celebrate midsummer with the flower pole.

    Lisa and Grits I agree about the salt. Now because of the war on salt some are becoming Iodine deficient. Salt on tomatoes. Yum.

    Yes Lisa DH is a hottie.

    Sylvia I hope that instructor learned not to do that. If not I hope that instructor is no longer practicing. Our neighbor has a dog who was abused by her owner who was an older man. She gets quite upset around older men even if they are walking on the other side of the street.

    Mary we did not get to go into the homes. It was set up as a garden tour. Our guide also talked about the histories of the homes and area.

    Heather sobering to find your grandfather's brother. I did visit Ypers. Their museum depicts the devastation of WWI.

    #10 Kids in the back seat cause accidents. Accidents in the back seat cause...kids.
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • SlenderClassyElegant
    SlenderClassyElegant Posts: 62 Member
    edited June 2015
    Eating kale salad at 10:30 in the morning! Trying to fill up on something green QUICKLY before I eat something white! (like cookies, donut, cake, etc. :wink: )
    SSC1958 wrote: »

    Time to get off the computer and go call my Dad who is still fit and fabulous at 83!

    Carey: Thanks for reminding me; I need to give my dad a ring too. He's 74, the kindest and most hard-working man I've ever known. :)


    ~Jen from (beautiful, clear weather today!) sunny northern California
  • Charm4u76132
    Charm4u76132 Posts: 94 Member
    Happy Father's Day, Everyone. Glad to read your posts and see that you're all doing well. Wishing happy visits for all who are celebrating with Fathers and families today.

    After eating very little yesterday and exceeding my exercise plan, the scale is down this am. I've now lost 10 lbs. during the past month.Finally moving beyond the hated plateau and in the right direction, but had to force it to cooperate. I can definitely relate to how difficult and frustrating it is sometimes when we work hard but don't see the results or hit a plateau.

    Just -1.4 lbs more and I'll officially no longer be in the dreaded obese category. I was very slender until my thyroid and hormones crashed going menopause. Unfortunately, I quickly gained 70 lbs! (from 115 to 185 and even 199 at a temporary high point). One month ago, I weighed 185. This morning, I'm now at 175.4. As a previously slender person, who would have ever guessed that I would say this: It feels great being very close to the next lower bmi category of 'overweight'!

    Take Care and Great Job on all Your Success! - Nancy in Fort Worth
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member