MFP Cycling Club



  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572

    I did 12 miles in about 1hr 20mins (will find out the race chip time in a couple of days I think), I struggled getting up the hills but really pushed myself, it was tough but brilliant :) and for a good cause,

    That's not bad time on a rented hybrid. You should be very proud of yourself. Welcome.
  • JennCh
    JennCh Posts: 63
    I'm a lurker of this thread and have totally enjoyed the discussions. I love cycling and try to get in a good ride three or four times a week. Today I did my first tour and thought I'd share with all of you my mishap. We had the choice of going 25, 50, 75, or 100 miles. I was determined to do 50 miles, so at the first turn around station, I said so long to my hubby who was doing the 25 and went on my way. I promptly took a wrong turn and ended up having to go the long way around to get back on track. I made it to what I thought was just before my turn around station, but several miles on, I realized I was lost again. I stopped to check the map and was joined by several others. We studied the map and realized we'd gone quite a ways in the wrong direction. At that point, I'd gone 38 miles. If I backtracked to get to the station then returned to the starting point, I would finish with a total of around 67 miles. I was so tempted to do it, but I hated that my hubby would be waiting for me for at least another hour and a half, maybe two depending on my pace. I ended up just calling him and having him come get me where I was. We laughed about this all the way home, with hubby really enjoying my directionally-challenged predicament. Regardless, I truly enjoyed the ride I got in this morning. My next tour is in September. Hopefully I'll do much better on that one.
  • gwynh
    gwynh Posts: 160
    Welcome Jenn!

    Sounds like fun. Good thing you enjoyed your ride. No fun getting lost. That is why I like to use google maps and get into the panaramic view of the area if I am going to bike a strange area.

    For those that are interested, I have skinned my road kills (3 total) and they are out in the garage drying. They will be mounted on a board and should make a great teaching tool.

    I am really looking forward to fall and cooler weather. I just can't stand this 105 heat (index of 110). :mad: Doesn't cool off much even in the evenings for an afternoon ride.

    My husband says that the big trucks are honking at me to let me know they are there and for me not to swerve out infront of them. But this my jumpy self, that will just cause me to swerve into them. :noway: Maybe I need to wear ear plugs. lol
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Welcome Jen!!

    Boy, you may have gotten lost, but you sure beat the 50 mile goal to pieces :bigsmile:

    gwynh, you skin your own road kill hand hang it in the garage :happy:

    Dunno why, but that just makes me smile! :bigsmile:

    I bet the kids at school don't mess with you :laugh:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Welcome Jenn! :drinker: I know how it is to do rides that aren't very well marked. The one I did last week was like that. My friends and I got lost a few times and consulted our map several times. At the end of the day, we had a good ride though. :happy:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    For those that are interested, I have skinned my road kills (3 total) and they are out in the garage drying. They will be mounted on a board and should make a great teaching tool.
    OMG! That is SO gross, and also pretty cool! :laugh: I, personally, would NOT have the stomach for that, but good for you for seeing the teaching potential. :tongue: Those poor little critters did not die in vain. :wink:
  • lauz45
    lauz45 Posts: 243

    I did 12 miles in about 1hr 20mins (will find out the race chip time in a couple of days I think), I struggled getting up the hills but really pushed myself, it was tough but brilliant :) and for a good cause,

    That's not bad time on a rented hybrid. You should be very proud of yourself. Welcome.

    Thank you! I'm even more surprised that my legs aren't aching today, I think the hot bath afterwards was a good idea :)
  • mookiemoo
    mookiemoo Posts: 46 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I have recently got back in to cycling although I too have my children with me when I go so i'm certainly not as hardcore as some of you.

    I'm missing riding terribly at the moment and my weight loss had ground to a halt since I stopped (bike seat broke and I have not found a replacement yet)

    I will invest in one of those mile tracker things and join in when I can although I probably only manage about 4 miles (it feels like 40 with a 33lb child on the back)

    but I just wanted to introduce myself
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    I did it, I did it............ I DID IT!! :bigsmile:

    Today I rode 46Km/29 miles :tongue:

    I went down to a place called "Daiba" they have this HUGE wind turbine there, it was NOT going for some reason today, even though it was windy...?

    I left late, like 5PM and it had cooled off a lot, came home in the dark..... Well, Tokyo never really gets "THAT" dark :wink:

    I think I like these night rides, I am going to get one of those orange and yellow vests with the flashing red LEDs on it and go for more night rides, way cooler, and a LOT less traffic too, not to mention fewer peds :bigsmile:

    The steed at the wind turbine

    At the 22Km/13.5 mile mark of the ride, yep I'm tired, but I'll stop for some cold water and a banana and then head home!

    Today, my wife and I had discussed going out to Costco for our monthly shopping trip, but today was the last day of summer vacation (we don't get a day off, so I tend to forget the rest of the country takes a few days off) the traffic on the express way was backed up for miles and miles.....

    .... sure glad I don't have to deal with that! :bigsmile:

    I also tried to take a pic of the night sky and skyline, but I was as the peak of a very long fairly steep bridge and I was shaking.....

    ...... and the light was fading, and.... hmm, can't think of any more excuses for the lousy pic :wink: Oh, I know, I took it on my iPhone, not the best camera out there :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    So, that is 2 hours and 23 minutes of riding and my cycling computer says 19.3Kmph or 12mph, still not fast, but lots of starts and stops with traffic.

    I just weighed myself for kicks 264 pounds :bigsmile: I was 269 this morning, now I know most of that will be water, I did drink about 3 litres on the ride, but I'm sure most of that will be back on tomorrow morning :cry:

    Oh well.

    I really tried to not shift down for the long sloping hills, also known as bridges, I just slid back in the saddle a bit and pushed harder, boy a few times did I ever feel the burn in my legs, but that is good,I'm building muscle!

    Now I need to eat, but I'm wiped, and it is 930PM here, and I've only eaten like 860 calories, I think I'll ask my lovely wife to cook me some chicken saute and have some genmai rice (brown rice) that will add some protein and some complex carbs :drinker:

    Oh, I did have about two small gulps of some new beer we have from a mirco brewery here, it is Mango beer, it was GOOD :drinker: OK that puts me over 900 calories....

    Whoo Hoo!

    That is a longer ride than I'm training for!
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    Hi everyone.

    I have recently got back in to cycling although I too have my children with me when I go so i'm certainly not as hardcore as some of you.

    I'm missing riding terribly at the moment and my weight loss had ground to a halt since I stopped (bike seat broke and I have not found a replacement yet)

    I will invest in one of those mile tracker things and join in when I can although I probably only manage about 4 miles (it feels like 40 with a 33lb child on the back)

    but I just wanted to introduce myself

    Welcome. I'll be looking forward to reading your postings. Regarding your comment about the child on the back of the bike. I know money is often an issue with children but, if the child is strapped into a seat behind you, you might consider a trailer as they are much safer in a fall. Additionally you can use the trailer to haul groceries and things.
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    @Stu. Well done! I could picture your ride from the description. I also enjoy hearing about living in metropolitan Japan.
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    @Stu. Well done! I could picture your ride from the description. I also enjoy hearing about living in metropolitan Japan.

    Thanks Tip, oh, and trust me, I can bore you to tears with stories of living in Japan :bigsmile:

    @mookiemoo, WELCOME!!

    Everyone is on a different level and that is cool, because we all enjoy hearing from EVERYONE about their success and their rides, don't matter if it is one of Skywalker's mountain climbing gut busting MONDO rides, or one of Gwynh's road kill adventures, Tipusnr's weekly rides, Lisa's quest to find the seat that fits her seat, Panda's ever longer rides, or Pinkgigi's riding down under, it all goes into the mix here and inspires us all to get out there and get fit and have fun on our bikes!

    heck today I had every excuse lined up, then I thought of all my MFP buddies who were out there today, sweating and working at their own pace and improving their lives and I thought, "Git-R-Dun" so I went, I' sure glad I did! :drinker:

    Now it is time for a hot bath, then a cold shower and BED :tongue:
  • mookiemoo
    mookiemoo Posts: 46 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I have recently got back in to cycling although I too have my children with me when I go so i'm certainly not as hardcore as some of you.

    I'm missing riding terribly at the moment and my weight loss had ground to a halt since I stopped (bike seat broke and I have not found a replacement yet)

    I will invest in one of those mile tracker things and join in when I can although I probably only manage about 4 miles (it feels like 40 with a 33lb child on the back)

    but I just wanted to introduce myself

    Welcome. I'll be looking forward to reading your postings. Regarding your comment about the child on the back of the bike. I know money is often an issue with children but, if the child is strapped into a seat behind you, you might consider a trailer as they are much safer in a fall. Additionally you can use the trailer to haul groceries and things.

    I did consider this but I am worried about my escape artist of a child getting out and me not noticing, I have used a trailer a couple of times on a group bike ride that I go on with some other ladies and I found the straps to be pretty basic where as the straps I had on the bike seat were fab (even I struggled to undo them lol)
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    Rained out for the second day in a row. Hope the weather will clear up a little bit later, and maybe I can give this other saddle a try.
    @Stu, I've ridden in the rain with rain gear, but since these are borrowed saddles, don't want to drag them out in bad weather. Also, we've had such heavy rainfalls lately that it's a safety issue. In any case, it has to blow over eventually!
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Good thinking Lisa, nice to find a shop that would let you demo a seat!

    Well this is what I had for dinner......


    Honey Mustard Lemon Chicken, boy was it GOOD!!
    My lovely and talented wife made this, YUM and at only about 225 calories, good for me too, I add about 100g of Genmai (brown rice) for about another 125 calories to make it a meal at 350 calories
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Welcome mookie!!! :drinker:

    Honey Mustard Lemon Chicken, boy was it GOOD!!
    My lovely and talented wife made this, YUM and at only about 225 calories, good for me too, I add about 100g of Genmai (brown rice) for about another 125 calories to make it a meal at 350 calories
    Can you send your wife here for a while? I have an extra room! :laugh:
    Man, that looks dee-lish!!! :tongue:
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    @Stu, when Skywalker is through visiting with your wife, please send her to my place. I would be happy to put her up for a few days!
    FYI - Still no break from the rain. Usually, it rains hard, and blows over. Apparently not today. :brokenheart:
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Sorry ladies, she is mine all mine! :bigsmile:

    I will pass along the recipes, it is NOT hard at all, heck, even I could cook it!

    Well, yesterday after the ride, I was at 264 lbs I knew that some weight would come back today, I drank about 3 liters of Mugicha and ate a bunch of watermelon too, because even though I drank about 3 liters of water on the ride, I was sure I was dehydrated.

    This morning I got up and weighed myself and I am at 264 :drinker:

    Maybe I should go on a long ride like every week!

    My legs are not nearly as wasted as I thought they would be, I do have my C25K run to do today, W1D2, but I think I'll hold off on that until the early afternoon.

    I'm still feeling great!

    Now for a healthy big breakfast! :happy:
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Hi everyone. Well I got 2 rides in and it was wonderful. I was afraid my legs would be mush but all the walking I have been doing has kept them bike ready. My wrist is killing me but that will take awhile to recover from the surgery.

    My favorite trail got nailed by the tornadoes and high winds we had last week. Trees down all over the place and had a mishap with on branch but it was just lovely to ride again. I missed it. 2 more days to ride before I start working my night shifts.

    Stu, love your photos. I always have my camera in my bike bag.
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Hi everyone. Well I got 2 rides in and it was wonderful. I was afraid my legs would be mush but all the walking I have been doing has kept them bike ready. My wrist is killing me but that will take awhile to recover from the surgery.

    My favorite trail got nailed by the tornadoes and high winds we had last week. Trees down all over the place and had a mishap with on branch but it was just lovely to ride again. I missed it. 2 more days to ride before I start working my night shifts.

    Stu, love your photos. I always have my camera in my bike bag.

    Whoo Hoo!

    Way to go, but don't over do it, that wrist has to heal, are you wearing a brace of some kind?

    Trail riding is a blast, so different from road riding, in a much shorter distance you usually get a lot more of a workout, because you are off the saddle so much and you have to use all them muscles in your arms and chest to keep on track and on the bike!

    Nowhere around here to ride trails for me :ohwell:

    When I lived in Vancouver Canada, I did a LOT of MTBing at Pacific Spirit Park that surrounds UBC, lots of great memories from there!