MFP Cycling Club



  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Gwynh wrote:
    It would be so cool if some how, some day we could all meet and ride together. hehe. :huh: But, I doubt that will ever happen.

    That would be really cool for sure, and imagine the gabfest we would have :laugh:

    All of you who get to ride regular with a group, count your blessings, us lone riders would love a group ride!

    We may not be able to ride as a group right now, but we at least get to share or rides here online! :drinker:
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    Looks like I'm without a bicycle until, at least, Friday so Tuesday's sprint and whatever I can get in on Saturday (assuming I have a bike) will be it for the week.. I may have to actually resort to hitting the gym! :ohwell:
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Looks like I'm without a bicycle until, at least, Friday so Tuesday's sprint and whatever I can get in on Saturday (assuming I have a bike) will be it for the week.. I may have to actually resort to hitting the gym! :ohwell:

    Do you think the stationary bike will give you your fix......:noway:

    That is one reason I do all my own maintenance, it the bike is out of action, at least I'm working on it :bigsmile:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    It would be so cool if some how, some day we could all meet and ride together. hehe. :huh: But, I doubt that will ever happen.[/quote]

    That would be really cool for sure, and imagine the gabfest we would have :laugh:

    All of you who get to ride regular with a group, count your blessings, us lone riders would love a group ride!

    We may not be able to ride as a group right now, but we at least get to share or rides here online! :drinker:
    [/quote]"" Hmm, the little quotation box isn't working...:grumble:

    I usually ride on my own. Weekends I get together with 2 friends, but not every weekend. 40miles alone can be pretty lonely.:tongue:
    Yeah, it's too bad we're scattered all over the world. A group ride would be fun!
    Just a side note... I may have lost my mind... I'm registering for a half IRONMAN triathlon that's taking place in upstate NY next summer. Registration opens in November. I'll keep you all posted on the training. Again... I may have lost my mind. I think I'm still on a high from last Sunday's ride. Isn't that supposed to wear off after a few hours? It's been 4 days!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    @Skywalker. Good luck on your half-IronMan. The swimming would kill me as I never learned to use my legs and just pull myself through the water with my arms.
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Yep, Skywalker, you have lost your mind.................. in a good way! :bigsmile:

    I could not do one, I am a lousy runner.

    I used to play football, I was big, but not huge, I played offensive line. We would run and run and run, wind sprints, and laps, and then more laps, and I could do the running, but I was not good at it. One of my coaches on day said to me "Look at Travis run, he barely bends a blade of grass where his feet touch the ground, when you run, you leave DIVOTS in the turf" :bigsmile:

    The swimming would be fine and the cycling I could handle at some point, but that running, it just kills me.

    Best of luck on your Half Ironman, that will be a great achievement for you!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Thanks Stu and tipusnr. I've done each of the distances/events by themselves, but never all at once. I swam in a half Ironman on a relay team about 5 years ago, I've done the cycling distance, and I've done a full and half marathon. I do hate running though. It's killer on my knees. Once I get something in my head though, I have to follow through and I have to finish. I have a year to plan, so I'll just start slowly for a few months and then get serious after the new year. Yes... I have lost my mind. :laugh:
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Once I get something in my head though, I have to follow through and I have to finish. I have a year to plan, so I'll just start slowly for a few months and then get serious after the new year. Yes... I have lost my mind. :laugh:

    Sky, the situation is becoming unreal. When I joined mfp I thought I was dealing with fat people trying to lose some weight like myself. Turns out that we have Ironwomen, Stu pulling 50 kg carts all over Tokyo, ladies riding 100 miles + per week, men in tights ... Bloody hell if we keep up at this pace we will certainly have our cycling club meeting at the next Olympics :laugh:
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    About various posts:
    I like men in tights.

    I like the idea of a MFP Cycling Club "reunion." Nothing is impossible. Unlikely, maybe, but not impossible. We could do it, even if only a few of us could, we could post pics online for the rest of the group to "join" us.

    Today I was meeting a potential client for the first time, and in describing a coworker, she said, "she's as slim as you are, maybe not quite, though." I almost fell out of the chair, but managed to keep my cool. I'm not the fat biker anymore. I might be the slow biker, but maybe not the fat biker.

    Thanks to all of you for having an impact on finding my way back to good health. I am grateful.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Thanks Stu and tipusnr. I've done each of the distances/events by themselves, but never all at once. I swam in a half Ironman on a relay team about 5 years ago, I've done the cycling distance, and I've done a full and half marathon. I do hate running though. It's killer on my knees. Once I get something in my head though, I have to follow through and I have to finish. I have a year to plan, so I'll just start slowly for a few months and then get serious after the new year. Yes... I have lost my mind. :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Sky...I like your attitude :wink: I find running hard on my (older) body. I used to run as fast as the wind....many moons ago. Now I like to ride my bicycle. It is plenty of workout for me!

    :heart: :heart: Rebel :heart: :heart:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Sky, the situation is becoming unreal. When I joined mfp I thought I was dealing with fat people trying to lose some weight like myself. Turns out that we have Ironwomen, Stu pulling 50 kg carts all over Tokyo, ladies riding 100 miles + per week, men in tights ... Bloody hell if we keep up at this pace we will certainly have our cycling club meeting at the next Olympics :laugh:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    When I joined MFP last summer, I was over 190 lbs and before that I was 215. I'm at 168 lbs right now thanks to help and motivation from MFP. Signing up for events helps my motivation too. Once I register for something, I have to train. I haven't broken any records. I just try to finish. I hope to reach my goal weight before I get serious about Ironman training. That will help my knees a lot. I was around 180 lbs when I ran a marathon and my knees paid for that. If I can get down to 145-150 by race day, that should take a lot of pressure off my joints. :tongue:
    I like the idea of our cycling group being in the Olympics! :laugh: Or maybe we should meet at Mt. Olympus. Isn't that in your neighborhood? :laugh: :drinker:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    :flowerforyou: Sky...I like your attitude :wink: I find running hard on my (older) body. I used to run as fast as the wind....many moons ago. Now I like to ride my bicycle. It is plenty of workout for me!

    :heart: :heart: Rebel :heart: :heart:
    Thanks Rebel! :smile: Running is hard on me too and I do NOT enjoy it. Plus I don't know how my hip will fare. I could do a full Ironman if they cut out the run. :laugh: I have this idea that I want to do this stuff by age 40. As it stands, I'll be 38 in a few months. Talk about cutting it close! :laugh:
    :heart: beck
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm the newbie who was scared to join. I have to admit I have not done any of the goals I set - stationary bike, check my bicycle, take it for a spin. HOWEVER I am still reading this thread and I'm pretty motivated. So maybe that should be my new goal - just read this thread every day and get psyched up, lol! (baby steps...)

    Thanks for the encouragement. You guys are an inspiration.

  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm the newbie who was scared to join. I have to admit I have not done any of the goals I set - stationary bike, check my bicycle, take it for a spin. HOWEVER I am still reading this thread and I'm pretty motivated. So maybe that should be my new goal - just read this thread every day and get psyched up, lol! (baby steps...)

    Thanks for the encouragement. You guys are an inspiration.

    Nothing wrong with that. Mental preparation is just as important as physical... Maybe even more! :happy:
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Once I get something in my head though, I have to follow through and I have to finish. I have a year to plan, so I'll just start slowly for a few months and then get serious after the new year. Yes... I have lost my mind. :laugh:

    Sky, the situation is becoming unreal. When I joined mfp I thought I was dealing with fat people trying to lose some weight like myself. Turns out that we have Ironwomen, Stu pulling 50 kg carts all over Tokyo, ladies riding 100 miles + per week, men in tights ... Bloody hell if we keep up at this pace we will certainly have our cycling club meeting at the next Olympics :laugh:

    Hey, that is Stu who is still 85 pounds over weight pulling that 55Kg/120 pound cart around Tokyo :bigsmile:

    My point is that while I'm still badly overweight, I am much healthier than I was 8 weeks and 30 pounds ago and I can now do more stuff. We have a good quality treadmill at the house, like one you would see in a fitness center, got it stupid cheap when a guy I knew was moving out of Japan, someone else had agreed to buy it and the day before he left, that someone back out. I did not want/need a treadmill, but the deal was so good, I had to take it, I have very seldom used it, as I said, I hate running, but, with good running shoes and on the springy surface of the treadmill, I think I will give it another try, or at least fast walking :bigsmile:

    We are all at different places in our journey to fitness, look at Skywalker she is racing towards her goal, and she is bringing us all along for the ride, with her enthusiasm and good humor!:flowerforyou:

    It does not matter where you are on the journey, just keep, keeping on, it is a lifestyle change, it is a choice to be healthier, and we are all doing it, and all earning the benefits of our choices and our actions :happy:

    Shari, good you are still reading, who knows when you get out there on the bike, today, this week, next week, it does not really matter, in that you too have started your journey and while baby steps may seem small, we all take them at the beginning, (and sometimesin the middle too, or at least I know that I do) but the steps have been taken, that's what counts, even by just reading this thread and wanting to get on the bike, that is progress :bigsmile:

    Shari, you are with us and I have every confidence that you will get on the bike and put some miles in too, when you are ready at your own pace.

    I've never been to the Olympics or even Mt. Olympia, I've seen it in the distance a few times, but I've never been there, and yeah, nothing is impossible, you bet :drinker:

  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    I guess that leaves me to be one of the "men in tights". I much prefer Monthy Python but a comedy's a comedy. I spent most of my life underweight so having a few extra pounds was quite a shock when I entered my 50s. My wife has a quite different background and many people believe that I'm here and doing what I do to support her ("such a loving husband"). I DO want to support her efforts to get healthier but the fact is that I'm doing this for ME! The challenges, the goals, the successes and failures, are MINE!

    Thanks to all of you for the continued support, encouragement, and inspiration. You are my daily fix of reality and warmth. Without people like you it would be all too easy to stray and meander through life until I actually have a weight problem that others can notice. Keep up the good fight! :drinker:

    P.S. I was reading through some of the earlier posts and noticed that quite a few members have not posted in a while. If you are still out there lurking - let us know how you are doing!
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Well Tip, the reason I'm not wearing tights now is that I've got a ways to go until it would not be embarrassing, but once I get down to my goal weight and tone up, I'll be showing off what I have worked so hard to gain :bigsmile:
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    I just wanted to say that I'm not leaving the cycling group, but I have started the "Couch to 5K Plan" :happy:

    I needed to get a quicker workout in some days and it has been raining a lot lately, which curtails my bike rides :grumble:

    I have a good quality treadmill, and I've hardly ever used it, I don't really enjoy running, but, with the rain falling (it IS typhoon season here) and it being so hot out, I figured I'd add running to my exercise routine to shake things up a bit.

    Not to worry, I'll still be around to bore the heck out of you with all things cycling :drinker:
  • khskr1
    khskr1 Posts: 392
    I can't believe I missed this thread before! Count me in! We like to try and get on our road bikes at least 2x's a week, but lately it's just been once. Too freakin' hot!! My goal was to do a 50 in September but am not going to make maybe by the end of October!