MFP Cycling Club



  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Welcome RMX982!

    Congrats on getting back on your bike, my first suggestion would be to make sure you have a helmet and some gloves, my second one is to go out and enjoy yourself :bigsmile:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Personal milestone met and passed!

    Not bad for a fat guy on an old mountain bike I figure! :drinker:

    Pinch me, I'm living a dream! :laugh:

    Fantastic!! Well done on beating that hill :drinker:

    I still struggle majorly on hills but then my bike is a cheapy and the gears are rubbish lol

    Should be getting a beautiful new one in the next couple of weeks :happy:

    Keep on keeping on x
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    I'm excited and a bit scared to be joining your cycling club. I'm a 56 yr old female who is about 35 - 50 lbs overweight and definitely out of shape. I joined this site yesterday after seeing the Today Show segment, and have already formed a Today Show club here for similar new joinees.

    My husband would really like us to get into cycling. A couple years ago we did quite a bit (for us, lol) and it was pleasant. I'm hoping a club like this will get me motivated. I need to get into better shape before my DH and I start riding together. I'm pretty wimpy and he is not. Also, I'm afraid of roads with cars. Most of our riding has been on carless paved trails.

    I need to set a goal. Today I will do 15 mins on the stationary bike to start getting in shape. Tomorrow I will get my bike out and make sure everything works. Then the next day (Thursday) I will take my bike for a spin. I will report back each day.

  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    @dinos, Didn't realize until now you were also doing C25K. I finished week5, day2 this morning.

    Lisa, I'm in week 7 now. It's just non-stop running, no intervals anymore. All I can say is that I manage to run the distances required, but I'm not enamored with running. It is a lot harder than cycling because you have to keep your heart beat much higher and you don't get the chances that the bicycle gives you to slow down and take a break. It is very effective though, so I keep doing it.
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    I'm excited and a bit scared to be joining your cycling club. I'm a 56 yr old female who is about 35 - 50 lbs overweight and definitely out of shape. I joined this site yesterday after seeing the Today Show segment, and have already formed a Today Show club here for similar new joinees.

    My husband would really like us to get into cycling. A couple years ago we did quite a bit (for us, lol) and it was pleasant. I'm hoping a club like this will get me motivated. I need to get into better shape before my DH and I start riding together. I'm pretty wimpy and he is not. Also, I'm afraid of roads with cars. Most of our riding has been on carless paved trails.

    I need to set a goal. Today I will do 15 mins on the stationary bike to start getting in shape. Tomorrow I will get my bike out and make sure everything works. Then the next day (Thursday) I will take my bike for a spin. I will report back each day.


    Welcome Shari!

    Make sure you have fun on the bike, that is paramount, if it is NOT fun, you won't be doing it for long, and please, wear a helmet!
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Congratulations Stu, that is a very impressive effort. How good is it when you finally reach a goal?
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    @dinos, When I was in college, I used to run about 5 miles a day, and continued that until after grad school. Unfortunately, I eventually ended up with recurring ankle and shin issues, and about 10 years ago, my doctor advised me to stop running altogether, which I did. I'm running in a pair of Vibram 5 fingers shoes now, and it's the first time I've been able to run in what seems like a million years. I agree it's harder, but just grateful it's still an option for me. No injuries for now, but keeping my fingers crossed.
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    Rode with a crew that was training for Pelotonia and got my highest average speed ever at 16.6 mph over almost 23 miles with two good hill climbs and some rollers!

    I don't normally do sprints and am NOT comfortable in pace lines but my regular ride buddies were no shows. These four young men from a local insurance company were out training for the upcoming Pelotonia ride and invited me to join them. It seemed like a better idea than going out alone or trailering up without riding so I went with them. At one point we were travelling at over 31 mph (downhill) but I was concentrating on keeping my leg speed up and didn't notice it until the ride was over.

    Rain had just come through about an hour before but the 87 degree temp dried the roads quickly and the 73% humidity took it's toll as well. I'm NOT looking forward to tomorrow morning.

    The only negative is that the noise from around the pedal and crank is getting louder and more frequent under power. Everything is tight but, I fear the problem may be in the bearing inside the crankset. I have one more ride tomorrow night and then I can take it to the shop. I hope they can have it fixed by the weekend.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Just dusted off my Trek mountain bike that I've only used once since purchasing it. I'd like to start getting into cycling. I don't know enough about my cycling abilities to make a mileage goal yet, but I'll be able to come up with something after a few times riding. First ride will be over lunch today. I'm going to shoot for 3 miles, but I don't know how hard/easy that will be for me.

    Good for you! Welcome! :drinker:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I'm excited and a bit scared to be joining your cycling club. I'm a 56 yr old female who is about 35 - 50 lbs overweight and definitely out of shape. I joined this site yesterday after seeing the Today Show segment, and have already formed a Today Show club here for similar new joinees.

    Don't be scared. We're all here to support you! Welcome!!! :drinker:
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    I've been eying some cycling clothes, as it is now I'm just doing all of this in my Carhart T-shirts and shorts, they are all cotton and when they get soaked with sweat they weigh a ton, and are not very comfortable at all.

    I have not dropped 30 pounds, so i celebration, I got the go ahead to buy some real cycling clothing, it is all Mountain Bike stuff, which is looser fitting, no Spandex for me thank you, I got to watch it here in Japan, they still harpoon whales you know.......

    I know from past experience, getting the right shorts and jerseys will make riding much more comfortable.

  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    I got to watch it here in Japan, they still harpoon whales you know.......

    You are truly a joy and I so enjoy your postings! Keep up the good work, both on the biking and the posting!!
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Thanks tipusnr, I do try to entertain myself, so it is just that much better if I'm entertaining others, I hope to helpful some times too!

    Everyone, please keep posting about your rides etc, as they are an inspiration to me to keep at it!
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    I def. want to join!! It's kinda scary though LOL! I usually ride bikes with my kids late in the evening, usually only 2-3 miles a day. Once or twice a week. So I would def. like to bump that up to 1 mile at LEAST 3 times per week to start with and eventually 4 or 5 a day!!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I def. want to join!! It's kinda scary though LOL! I usually ride bikes with my kids late in the evening, usually only 2-3 miles a day. Once or twice a week. So I would def. like to bump that up to 1 mile at LEAST 3 times per week to start with and eventually 4 or 5 a day!!
    Nothing to be scared of! Just start small and work your way up. It sounds like you're off to a great start. :happy: Welcome! I'm so glad to see our little group growing. :drinker:
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Thanks, everyone, for the information on seats! Stu, that website has been quite informative! I am so new to all of this- who knew there were so many types of seats! Hopefully I can find a nice one soon, because mine is a pain in the butt- literally :laugh: This thread sure has been useful and encouraging. I can't thank you all enough for all the helpful advice you have given me! I have no riding buddies here, so you guys are all I have!! I'll let ya know what kind of saddle I get! :bigsmile:
  • gwynh
    gwynh Posts: 160
    I started back to work now (2 days). I got home earlier than regular, there was still lots of light....and lots of heat (94 F at 6 pm). I rode 5 miles, rather slowly, with my son. He tired out. :sick: So I turned around and did the same 5 miles again for a small total for me of 10 miles today. I guess that I will have to settle for smaller trips on work days and longer trips on the weekends.

    Welcome everyone to our club. It would be so cool if some how, some day we could all meet and ride together. hehe. :huh: But, I doubt that will ever happen.

    Most of the teachers are complaining about having to get up so early again. I on the other hand have been getting up early all summer to ride before the sun melts the tar off the road.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Just checking in... Planning another 60+ ride on the weekend, so I'm keeping my rides to shorter, more intense rides during the week. Nothing over 30miles until the weekend.:smile:
  • StuAblett
    StuAblett Posts: 1,141 Member
    Just checking in... Planning another 60+ ride on the weekend, so I'm keeping my rides to shorter, more intense rides during the week. Nothing over 30miles until the weekend.:smile:

    Great job, I'm hoping I'll get some mile in, but we have a typhoon headed our way, and even I'm not that crazy to ride in a Typhoon :noway:
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Welcome everyone to our club. It would be so cool if some how, some day we could all meet and ride together. hehe. :huh: But, I doubt that will ever happen.

    That would be great Gwynh, too bad we are scattered around the world. :grumble: