Feel frustrated!



  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    CBR500 wrote: »
    No it's not poor. Me.. Just because to you it's looks like in not really weighing things does not mean I'm not.. I do weigh 5 g of butter.. I do weigh the gap and take if a bit from one slice of its over.. Just because I leave the entry as 5 slices does not mean I did not weigh it.. As I have said before I have been shopping and got fruit and vegetables and some meat and fish.. Yes I did get a bag of frozen mixed vegetables too as they are cheaper and I'm on limited funds.. But I got fresh veg to use in a stew with less than 5% fat mince.. This will make 6 portions of food for me which I can freeze and use when I need too.. I will weigh everything I put in it and the weigh it into 6 equal portions then divide the total calories by 6.. It might be slightly off but it's the best I can do when batch cooking.. Just because some of you think it looks like I'm doing it wrong does not make you right.. Just because you don't believe I would cut of bread to make it weigh the right amount does not mean I didn't acctually dO that...

    That's what happens at MFP when you post something... you can't control where people go with it. You get the people who come in here with their own battle to fight, and you get some that try to help. It's up to you to weed through it all and figure out where your path lies. You've said you're weighing your food. You've explained some of your food choices this week. Just focus on moving forward and doing what you need to do. A calorie deficit, a more balanced diet if possible (for health more than weight loss) and give it time.

    Keep in mind that a lot of us have only been trying to help you.
  • alliesgettinghealthy
    alliesgettinghealthy Posts: 87 Member
    CBR500 wrote: »
    My problem the past week has been money.. I was just trying to use up what was in the house as I had no money atall... I am writing a shopping list and have £40 to shop for the next week.. I'm going tomorrow and there is veg and fruit in there :) I know it's not been great but I do weigh and measure everything.. I will take on board about the cup.. It was dry weight rice but will weigh I future

    Wait do you mean that you measured it dry then entered it as a cup? If so dry rice and cooked rice have a very large difference in calories per volume. I think it's like 170 calories for 1/4 cup dry so that would be 680 calories of rice. That could definitely be a factor if that's what you're doing. I may have interpreted that wrong though, apologies if I have.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    CBR500 wrote: »
    My problem the past week has been money.. I was just trying to use up what was in the house as I had no money atall... I am writing a shopping list and have £40 to shop for the next week.. I'm going tomorrow and there is veg and fruit in there :) I know it's not been great but I do weigh and measure everything.. I will take on board about the cup.. It was dry weight rice but will weigh I future

    Wait do you mean that you measured it dry then entered it as a cup? If so dry rice and cooked rice have a very large difference in calories per volume. I think it's like 170 calories for 1/4 cup dry so that would be 680 calories of rice. That could definitely be a factor if that's what you're doing. I may have interpreted that wrong though, apologies if I have.

    like i said she has some errors in her diary...

  • CBR500
    CBR500 Posts: 67 Member
    CBR500 wrote: »
    My problem the past week has been money.. I was just trying to use up what was in the house as I had no money atall... I am writing a shopping list and have £40 to shop for the next week.. I'm going tomorrow and there is veg and fruit in there :) I know it's not been great but I do weigh and measure everything.. I will take on board about the cup.. It was dry weight rice but will weigh I future

    Wait do you mean that you measured it dry then entered it as a cup? If so dry rice and cooked rice have a very large difference in calories per volume. I think it's like 170 calories for 1/4 cup dry so that would be 680 calories of rice. That could definitely be a factor if that's what you're doing. I may have interpreted that wrong though, apologies if I have.

    No it was cooked.. I cooked the rice.. Took a cup measure and used that for my self and my
    Partner had the rest..
  • CBR500
    CBR500 Posts: 67 Member
    I put 3 cups of uncooked rice in the pan but when it was c
  • CBR500
    CBR500 Posts: 67 Member
    CBR500 wrote: »
    I put 3 cups of uncooked rice in the pan but when it was c
    Was cooked I took out a cup using the same measure for myself and the rest my partner had.. Well what he could eat.. Is that not right?
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    CBR500 wrote: »
    CBR500 wrote: »
    I put 3 cups of uncooked rice in the pan but when it was c
    Was cooked I took out a cup using the same measure for myself and the rest my partner had.. Well what he could eat.. Is that not right?

    You would have been better off weighing it. Measuring cups and spoons are used to measure volume, not weight and depending on how tight you pack it in and how much you are able to fit in the cup, the calorie count can be off by a little or by a lot. Weigh everything.

  • CBR500
    CBR500 Posts: 67 Member
    I didn't pack it.. Just scooped some out of the pan and levelled it off but will weigh this week if I have rice
  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member
    Money is tight in my house too. I aim to eat eggs and an apple for breakfast, yogurt and berries or a smoothie for lunch, and a protein, veg, and rice or potatoes for dinner. It's cheap, filling, and usually between 1200-1500 calories a day, depending on the quantity I eat. I don't eat like this every day, but it's the basic pattern I try to follow. We only have about $50 CDN to spend for 1-2 weeks to feed our family of 4. That's about 36 euros. Foods that we buy that are nutritiously dense, cheap, and easy to cook are rice, potatoes, apples, collards, kale, broccoli, beans, lentils, pasta & bread (not for me though!), eggs, plain yogurt, frozen berries, and frozen vegetables. If you have a deck or balcony try to grow your own kale, zucchini, peppers, tomatoes, or whatever veggies you like to eat. Kale specifically is super easy to grow! I also found that taking a B12 supplement and a multi-vitamin really helped me, so maybe talk to your doctor about if there are vitamins or minerals that you should be using to supplement your diet.

    I find if I eat bread or a lot of salt then the scale jumps by like 5 lbs. I have an app on my phone that lets me calculate my weight trend, because my weight can fluctuate a lot depending on my sodium/bread intake, hormones, if I have food digesting in my stomach from a day or two before, the amount of water I drink, if I've exercised, and if I've had a good or bad night's sleep. So I weigh in every morning, right before I get dressed. Maybe you could try this to get an idea about what your weight is actually doing?

    You said you had a fitbit? Try enabling negative calorie adjustments. And check back on previous days to see how the numbers change at midnight, to get an idea of how many exercise calories you should actually eat back.

    Also, I'm wondering if you have noticed a difference in your body? When I was eating far too little calories I wasn't losing, but my body was getting really squishy. Apparently if you are eating too few calories then your body is burning the fat, but filling those fat cells with water, so it makes it seem like the scale isn't moving. I don't normally drink, but having the occasional drink (just one, and within my calories) in the evening would make me lose like 5 lbs overnight, and the weight would stay off. So go by how your body feels too. If you have squishy fat, you'll know, because it feels so weird!!

    Please try to remember: this journey will take a long time. Just keep trying to do better, and make better choices, with the life that you have. Eat at maintenance occasionally, or as needed for sanity purposes. Read these forums, they are a great source of inspiration, and good motivation on your down days. You can to this, just don't give up!
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited June 2015
    oke i try to explain one more time lol
    I dont know why i do this but i just want you to understand it.

    I cook some rice and i take about 3/4 cups and make an entree in MFP for it ( so i MAKE the entree) i log 1 cup of rice and put in 110 calories, 0 salt, etc etc

    Now you are going to log your rice the next day...you find an entree ( my entree) 1 cup of rice 110 calories

    Which isn't right. I brought a wrong entree in isn't it? I logged 3/4 cups for 1 cup...You dont know that!!!

    Now the right way to do it is
    go to the UDSA site look up 100 gram of rice
    go into MFP database and see if there is an entree that is the same as the USDA site.....Now you have the right calories....always!

    All entrees in the database of MFP are made by the users. A lot of them are wrong..why? well its their journey and they or dont care, or dont need to be accurate. Others make exactly right entrees and it is a task to find them

    now another option is to make all your own entrees.
    How...take your potato or rice...weight it! go to the usda site. Look it up
    And make a new food entree here at MFP.

    For brands like Albertson milk, Tesco ham etc etc go to their site and check it! make your own entree again in MFP or check if there is a right entree that says the same.

    So i didn't say anywhere you are lying Read back! nowhere
    My intention are helping you. I didn't patronize you at all. But i tried to make clear were it can go wrong.

    I agree that 12 days isn't much and you can wait longer. But in my eyes to be fair...when you have 50+ pounds to lose, most people lose right away the first week if they eat in a deficit.
    So my strong opinion is that you are NOT in a deficit.
    And i try to make you understand to be accurate ( which you try i know) but unknowingly you have the wrong entrees.

    so dont give up get your logging sorted out. And you will lose weight. :)
    And it is cheaper to cook your self than eating by Burger King ;)
  • lindasfisk
    lindasfisk Posts: 14 Member
    CBR500 wrote: »
    I feel like just giving up :(

    Don't give up! Your carbs need to be mostly in the form of fruits and veggies. Try upping your exercise and see if that helps. 12 days doesn't seem like very long to me to be expecting a drop. You will have a big loss all at once. Give it some more time. Watch the salt, that can make you hold water. Water is usually the first thing you lose.

    You can do this! We are all in it together. Everyone means well. Just hang in there.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I myself prefer to weigh ingredients raw, but some report excellent success using cooked entries. I think we used to link useful posts before the stickies got good, but it may be time again. Read he first post here OP and try to make sure you understand as much of it as possible:

  • jschleit
    jschleit Posts: 4 Member
    Question: Earlier in the thread it was mentioned that the OP drinks 2L of orange squash per day. This does not appear on her log. We don't have orange squash in the US, but in looking up the nutritional info I found that 50ml can have 4-10 cals. Multiply that out and it is 160-400 extra calories per day (if I am getting the correct item). Perhaps she should try 2L water instead of the orange squash? Try a slice of lemon in the water if you need some flavor.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    jschleit wrote: »
    Question: Earlier in the thread it was mentioned that the OP drinks 2L of orange squash per day. This does not appear on her log. We don't have orange squash in the US, but in looking up the nutritional info I found that 50ml can have 4-10 cals. Multiply that out and it is 160-400 extra calories per day (if I am getting the correct item). Perhaps she should try 2L water instead of the orange squash? Try a slice of lemon in the water if you need some flavor.

    As far as I can tell, 2 L would come to around 150 calories. It's not huge, but day to day it does add up.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    like i said its the logging The juice the rice it all is wrong. Couple hundred here couple there. it all adds up.

    Here another one or maybe she only ate one but her log says 8 biscuits

    she logs
    Fox's - Party Rings Biscuits, 8 biscuit 224 calories

    when you go to the fox's site you will see that 1 biscuit is 118 calories when she had 8 biscuits that would be 8 times 118 calories ( according to the Fox site.)

    Now i can be all wrong here. And maybe she only ate 1 biscuit...but i really see 8 biscuits in her log. So that should be over 900 calories!????

    Now i am getting confused lol
    oh well No use at all i think

    I tried

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You're not in a deficit.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    If the food diary is confusing, it's most likely wrong.

    I think OP has received the correct advice.

  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    CBR500 wrote: »
    CBR500 wrote: »
    I put 3 cups of uncooked rice in the pan but when it was c
    Was cooked I took out a cup using the same measure for myself and the rest my partner had.. Well what he could eat.. Is that not right?

    Since I got way overweight from eating too much rice....living for 15 years in Asia made me dependent on this food, I did some research and found out that for the average size woman 50 grs of dry rice is a normal portion.
    I avoided rice for almost two years as one of my trigger foods, but now can handle it ok. I usually re-bag a kilo of rice into 50 and 100 gr re-usable ziplock bags and with that I am fine. Three cups of dry rice is a lot for two people and quite a temptation for someone who is watching calories, unless you freeze it right after preparation.
    In general rice, pasta, legumes, pulses are weighed in their dry state, because then, no matter with how much liquid you cook your food, you know the exact calories. Guessing is bad, measuring in a cup is better, but not optimal for knowing how many calories you eat and most of all how many you have left, so you can have some more food.
    just take it one step at a time, if you need to ask, even if it is in a PM to avoid hassles in the threads, don't give up and with patience you will see success.

  • CBR500
    CBR500 Posts: 67 Member
    The orAnge squash is the sugar free one and has only 1 cal per 250 ml
    The biscuits are right, I checked in the packet and did not scan them
  • CBR500
    CBR500 Posts: 67 Member