Things people do at the gym, that you hate.



  • w734q672
    w734q672 Posts: 578 Member
    Cross-Fit. The whole kipping thing makes me want to strangle a gold fish.
  • toiletski
    toiletski Posts: 126 Member
    Do guys hate it when they are hit on or ogled at the gym though?
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    toiletski wrote: »
    Do guys hate it when they are hit on or ogled at the gym though?

    Don't know, never been hit on or ogled at the gym. I'm not very approachable though.
  • ski709
    ski709 Posts: 49 Member
    The guys that walk around naked in the locker room having conversations with other naked guys. Usually one of them has a leg up on the bench letting all their *kitten* dangle. Can't un-see some things.
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    ski709 wrote: »
    The guys that walk around naked in the locker room having conversations with other naked guys. Usually one of them has a leg up on the bench letting all their *kitten* dangle. Can't un-see some things.

    Guys who look at my dick in the locker room.
  • kwiet_storm
    kwiet_storm Posts: 56 Member
    sandiek256 wrote: »
    Have you come across people who keep hogging the machine? Constantly playing on their phone. People who sweat a lot, leaving marks on the machine? Folks, share your experience..

    My pet peeve is people who bring their kids with them and let them "play" on the nearby machines while they work out.
    Fortunately at my gym which I attend no kids been in the gym. Only once but were at the desk with their parents asking for info. Most gym wont allow parents to come in with their children.
  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Careful of what you say about kids around here. You'll have all kinds of vitriol thrown at you and get accused of being a reincarnation of WC Fields.
  • PuddinPiePrincess
    PuddinPiePrincess Posts: 51 Member
    Girls who wear a gallon of make up
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    Girls who wear a gallon of make up

    Why do you hate that? How does that have an affect on you?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    ready4_50 wrote: »
    ready4_50 wrote: »
    ready4_50 wrote: »
    ready4_50 wrote: »
    ready4_50 wrote: »
    ready4_50 wrote: »
    ready4_50 wrote: »
    When they stand there and watch you! :confounded:

    A lady was touring the gym yesterday and she had her little boy with her. Little man stood there and watched me on the treadmill for a good five straight minutes. It was actually starting to creep me out. He didn't even blink. lol

    He could have had autism, or a mental handicap or he could have just been interested in the treadmill because he had never seen one before? Seriously the judginess in this thread is ridiculous. And YES I just said judginess and no I don't care if it isn't a word or if it is or isn't spelled correctly just in case someone wants to go there.

    Sounds like someone missed her nap.

    Nope, just don't really care for people judging others when they have no clue what these other people go through or what their circumstances are. If I saw a young boy staring at me on a treadmill for 5 minutes straight (because I have small children and I know that they don't have the best attention spans) I would ABSOLUTELY NOT think this child was creepy but thats just me I suppose. And taking a nap has nothing to do with being a decent person. SMDH!

    here's an idea. If the thread hurts your sensitivities so much, why do you even bother hanging out here. There's a lot of things in this world that offend me and you know how I handle them? I don't go near them. Then again, that's just me. Maybe I'm the one who's got it wrong. SMDH!!!!!

    You mean like the little creepy boy? So calling an innocent child creepy on a public forum = not going near them. Got it. Thank you so much for clearing that up for me.

    Aw, get over yourself. I didn't not say "creepy" little boy. I said that I was creeped out a bit and he did seem to have a nice mom and family. I'm am very underwhelmed by your phony outrage Ms. Branflakes.

    And I am underwhelmed by your ability as a grown adult to take ownership of the things that you say. And also, I have zero desire to get over myself, I quite like being me, but thank you again for your concern.

    But I did not say "creepy child" and will not own up to it. You know, something tells me that you have a long laundry list of things that you like getting pi@@ed off at. You might want to check this one off the list and move on to something else. I'm pretty much done here. You have a nice day!

    Ah the internet, and lack of tone when typing. My dear, I am not pi@@ed off at all, and it takes alot to actually pi@@ me off (did I mention I have small children) with that comes the patience of a Champion! LOL! Offended would be a much better word. No sweat off my back at all. You have yourself a wonderful day, and I really hope you don't run into any curious children in your endeavors. :wink:

    I happen to be the uncle of 7 nieces and nephews and I helped raise a few of them and I'm God Father to 2 of them, including a niece who is 3 weeks old. So there's no fear of children here.

    And I happen to be the aunt of a mentally handicapped niece that would be the one staring at the treadmill for probably a lot longer than 5 minutes creeping you out. And I also did not say anywhere that you were afraid of children, you in fact were the one who said fear. I just said I hope you don't run into any. Cheerio!

    So based on this whole little exchange, you've come to this conclusion that I have a hatred of special needs children. Good God woman, you're something else! By the way, if you ever take any exams like the LSAT, the GRE or the GMAT, there's a segment of the exam called "Critical Reasoning" that tests your ability to arrive at a conclusion based on the premise/evidence presented to you. You would fail that section miserably!!!!


  • rebmcfarlane
    rebmcfarlane Posts: 1 Member
    I encountered something so annoying today i used my first post on it. A person beside me at the gym loudly chewing on gum and popping it every couple of minutes. She then concluded the annoying parade by not wiping down her machine!
  • Gabrielm80
    Gabrielm80 Posts: 1,458 Member
    People that just hang out around the weight machine that you can just for different workouts. You have been here two hours and done about only 15 total minutes of work out. How about you and your friends spot each other instead of talking about what girls you have, will be or want to bang.
  • Tialuna18
    Tialuna18 Posts: 9,591 Member
    People who radically drop weights once their finished, making a loud Bang and making everyone quickly turn heads. I always worry someone's going to get hurt. : /
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    I've stated something like this in this forum before, and got loads of hate, but oh it goes again.
    At my previous employer, we had a fitness center. It wasn't large by any means, but it had a fair amount of equipment given the amount of employees versus the number that actually used the facility. Some days (Mondays) would be busier than others and all the machines would be in use.

    I would see people on the treadmill, not running or even power walking, but just walking.......not with weights or incline, just walking.......not at any accelerated rate, probably walking slower than the speed they walked to get from their desk to the fitness center in the first place. Why? You could have put some comfy shoes on, walked from A to B, still remained indoors (the route from almost anywhere to the fitness center was indoors), and not worried about having to change clothes, or use up a machine that will be used by someone who was going to use the machine as more than just a means to pat themselves on the back, justify eating crap for lunch, and then griping why they aren't losing weight.

    Why use the treadmill.......was the walk from your desk to the fitness center so invigorating that you felt like simulating it while reading a book?

    After replaying this rant in my head, I guess my gripe isn't necessarily with the ones using the machine, it's the ones who use the machine in the manner I described, go out for lunch, and then come back to the office dejected and saying "I don't know why I'm not losing weight, I workout everyday." (I worked in an office with quite a few people who were "trying to lose weight" and also ran a group fitness I've heard quite a bit of whines and gripes. I'm not a complete *kitten*, I did offer my two which some were receptive and others just blew me off.)

    Please let the hate flow. You won't be the first, and definitely won't be the last (I'm very opinionated).
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    Tialuna18 wrote: »
    People who radically drop weights once their finished, making a loud Bang and making everyone quickly turn heads. I always worry someone's going to get hurt. : /

    What if the weight is heavy? Am I supposed to risk injury to let it down slowly and silently?
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    When guys go in to the gym to chat it up with their friends.

    I've seen this more often than I can count. A group of 3-4 guys huddled around the bench press.
    One guy will do a set, then they will *kitten* for 10 minutes before the next guy would get down on the machine and do his set..........lather, rinse, repeat for 30-45 minutes (this was at our work fitness center, during lunch).
  • for_ever_young66
    for_ever_young66 Posts: 2,878 Member
    I've stated something like this in this forum before, and got loads of hate, but oh it goes again.
    At my previous employer, we had a fitness center. It wasn't large by any means, but it had a fair amount of equipment given the amount of employees versus the number that actually used the facility. Some days (Mondays) would be busier than others and all the machines would be in use.

    I would see people on the treadmill, not running or even power walking, but just walking.......not with weights or incline, just walking.......not at any accelerated rate, probably walking slower than the speed they walked to get from their desk to the fitness center in the first place. Why? You could have put some comfy shoes on, walked from A to B, still remained indoors (the route from almost anywhere to the fitness center was indoors), and not worried about having to change clothes, or use up a machine that will be used by someone who was going to use the machine as more than just a means to pat themselves on the back, justify eating crap for lunch, and then griping why they aren't losing weight.

    Why use the treadmill.......was the walk from your desk to the fitness center so invigorating that you felt like simulating it while reading a book?

    After replaying this rant in my head, I guess my gripe isn't necessarily with the ones using the machine, it's the ones who use the machine in the manner I described, go out for lunch, and then come back to the office dejected and saying "I don't know why I'm not losing weight, I workout everyday." (I worked in an office with quite a few people who were "trying to lose weight" and also ran a group fitness I've heard quite a bit of whines and gripes. I'm not a complete *kitten*, I did offer my two which some were receptive and others just blew me off.)

    Please let the hate flow. You won't be the first, and definitely won't be the last (I'm very opinionated).

    I happen to agree. I'll share some of the hate with you I suppose.

  • Tialuna18
    Tialuna18 Posts: 9,591 Member
    Tialuna18 wrote: »
    People who radically drop weights once their finished, making a loud Bang and making everyone quickly turn heads. I always worry someone's going to get hurt. : /

    What if the weight is heavy? Am I supposed to risk injury to let it down slowly and silently?
    You're risking injury by stacking/ trying to go too over a proper weight limit. No ones asking for it to be slowly but the point of lifting is to have control and dropping it like a shot put isn't controlled.
  • Horrorfox
    Horrorfox Posts: 204 Member
    Tialuna18 wrote: »
    Tialuna18 wrote: »
    People who radically drop weights once their finished, making a loud Bang and making everyone quickly turn heads. I always worry someone's going to get hurt. : /

    What if the weight is heavy? Am I supposed to risk injury to let it down slowly and silently?
    You're risking injury by stacking/ trying to go too over a proper weight limit. No ones asking for it to be slowly but the point of lifting is to have control and dropping it like a shot put isn't controlled.

    Exercises like Deadlifts and Power cleans aren't safe to put down gently, but if you're dropping dumbbells after doing curls, then that's just dumb.