NSV - Ladies, why do you get mad when this happens to you?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I know some women get all geeked about someone looking at them. Hello - if you don't want them to look at you then don't look good.
    Are you freaking kidding me with this statement?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I'd recommend that everyone who doesn't understand the problem start here:

  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    Haha! Women love the attention and they ***** about it to other women to brag and ***** about it to men to get yet more attention. Not fooling anyone!
  • katiej080810
    it doesn't make me think they don't care what I"m saying hahahahah. If they glaze over and don't reply when I ask a question then maybe we have a problem, but if they can follow my conversation and contribute I don't care where they look. And I always figure if a girl didn't want people to look, I guess she would wear a turtleneck.

    I agree, my husband and I have talked about it. Sure there are the creeps that just want to stare and get the message out that they would have sex with you if you'd let them. Then there are the sweet honest guys like my husband who see someone who is wearing an innapropriate skimpy top and his eyes automatically are drawn there, then he feels guilty and has to tell me about it like he did something wrong. I think women should dress modestly if they don't want to be leered at. If they are wearing shirts that reveal too much then they probably do enjoy getting the attention, even if they won't admit it.
  • katiej080810
    Haha! Women love the attention and they ***** about it to other women to brag and ***** about it to men to get yet more attention. Not fooling anyone!

    And this!
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    If I was a lady and every time I moved or just took a deep breath and the guy I was talking to looked down at my chest, I wouldn't get mad. I'd just say: "Thank you, thank you very much."

    This may be one of the most disgusting things I've ever read on this site, and that's saying something. Do you have a daughter? Or a mother? Sister? Wife, girlfriend, any female in your life you might feel the least bit protective of? If so, imagine some guy saying to her what you just wrote.

    If you want to make a woman feel good about herself, try doing what the woman in your story did. OPEN YOUR MOUTH, and use whatever language skills you can muster to pay her a genuine compliment. Try saying something like "You look great. You must work really hard to stay in the kind of shape." Don't stare at her boobs like a toddler who isn't sure what they are and then expect her to THANK YOU for it.
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    I think sometimes there are potential implications. I for one don't take offense when people, men or women, complement me in a non-creepy manner. Noe I've also had a couple of people ask me why I bother to go to graduate school as I am"pretty enough to catch me a rich man." Now THAT is totally offensive even if the people didn't mean it that way.
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    Here's the difference. The experience you described was a one-time, or at least rare event, from somebody that you at least know a little, and trust. If you had, for any reason, needed to let her know she needed to stow it because the attention was unwelcome, you had every reason to believe that she'd not only comply, but probably retreat in embarrassment. If what women routinely experienced was similar to that, I don't think most of us would have a problem with it.

    :flowerforyou: Thank you for taking the time to write this. Very well explained.
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    Because in our society women have their worth as a human being judged by how sexy their body is on a daily basis.

    Pretending to know how you'd feel and how you'd react after a lifetime of that is incredibly selfish, arrogant, and ignorant. It's nice to be objectified every now and then. It's not nice to be objectified all the time.

    A man checking his privilege? I think I'm in love!
  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    it doesn't make me think they don't care what I"m saying hahahahah. If they glaze over and don't reply when I ask a question then maybe we have a problem, but if they can follow my conversation and contribute I don't care where they look. And I always figure if a girl didn't want people to look, I guess she would wear a turtleneck.

    I agree, my husband and I have talked about it. Sure there are the creeps that just want to stare and get the message out that they would have sex with you if you'd let them. Then there are the sweet honest guys like my husband who see someone who is wearing an innapropriate skimpy top and his eyes automatically are drawn there, then he feels guilty and has to tell me about it like he did something wrong. I think women should dress modestly if they don't want to be leered at. If they are wearing shirts that reveal too much then they probably do enjoy getting the attention, even if they won't admit it.

    Take this argument just a bit further and it sounds exactly like "She was asking for it." It's a big problem that we accept the idea that men can't control themselves.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Haha! Women love the attention and they ***** about it to other women to brag and ***** about it to men to get yet more attention. Not fooling anyone!
    Oh yeah! I loved when I was 12 and 40-year-old men leered at me and boys on the school bus cornered me so they could touch them.

    Good times! Good times!
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves

    I think we're talking about staring a bit too long without realizing it as opposed to staring with an open mouth and putting my hand down my pants.

    I'm sorry but that made me LOL
    Clearly there is a line somewhere. I just find it funny that so many on this thread can't seem to understand how confusing it is to men when you wear something that clearly "shows off" your breasts but yet you get mad when you catch someone looking. Making vulbar comments or making physical contact? Clearly that is out of bounds. You catch the good-looking guy down the hall checking you out as he walks past your desk? And you are mad at that? Really?

    No I get it. I don't think you're talking about my posts, because I've been upfront about not minding if someone sneaks a peek. Heck, I'm showing cleavage in my profile pic. If you didn't notice, I'd be surprised. I noticed your arms. But I think most people are going from the example the OP set (where is he anyway?). He's talking about someone who was so distracted by his muscles that she couldn't stop staring.

    I want to be careful about re-opening pandora's box, but it reminds me of a discussion I started recently. If someone wants to flirt and get all naught on chit chat, have at it. Maybe I'd do that. I dunno. But when a newbie posts that she wants to run but can't find a sports bra to hold down the girls, there's always the unwanted comments. To me, it's the same thing. Unwanted creepiness, and I guess I'll die on this mountain here because I'm just not accepting that behavior.

    I don't think you need a class. I think you've got a pretty decent handle on what most are saying.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    And the bottom line is we, as women, don't really know when that creepy, leering, asshat is going to grab us, throw us down, and rape us. ALL women must think like this in the back of our minds at ALL times because the statistics don't lie. 1:2 women have been sexually abused / assaulted by the time they reach adulthood.

    I'm so very sorry that you live your life thinking this way, but I will not. I refuse to go through life assuming that I could be a victim at any second. There's reasonable caution you can take in life without living in fear. I hope you can find a happy medium.

    And while sexual assault/abuse rates are alarming, 1:2 is likely just a touch high.
  • SarahSmilesCA
    SarahSmilesCA Posts: 261 Member
    Your bicep =/= woman's breast


    try again.

    This...most men enjoy a woman admiring their biceps...it is very uplifting and really non sexual (unless some girl is licking her lips while leering at you lol). I even enjoy when I get compliments on my muscles...I work my butt for them so I take it when I can get them.

    Breast? Breast are sexual. Period. I don't care what people say about our society and all that BS. When a man looks at my butt or my breasts it gives me the creeps, that is unless it is someone I WANT looking at my breasts and butt.
  • x_cinder_x
    x_cinder_x Posts: 118 Member
    Took a bike ride on an old rail trail through some of the neighboring counties. I ran into an old friend who's kids used to be in Sunday school with mine, hadn't seen her face to face for a few years. We exchanged pleasantries for a few minutes and caught up on the kids, I gestured a bit when I talked. (not that much, its not like I'm Italian) She broke face/eye contact every time I moved. I paused a bit after a while and she'd look back up at my face.

    I told her I started at the trail head, she assumed I started at the one a couple miles away but I actually started at the other end of trail in the next county. I made a hitch-hiker fist with my hand lifting my arm pointing back over my shoulder with my thumb to the other end. I saw her eyes pop.

    "Holy Freakin' God, look at those guns,... how did you do it, you look great!"

    If I was a lady and every time I moved or just took a deep breath and the guy I was talking to looked down at my chest, I wouldn't get mad. I'd just say: "Thank you, thank you very much."

    Would you be as excited with your "Thank you" if it was another dude admiring your guns in an overly sexual way? I mean maybe your one of the cool guys that are not hypocritical and would be. However, most dudes get creeped out when you turn the tables like this. Bottom line is unwanted attention is not always a good thing.
  • alfiedn
    alfiedn Posts: 425 Member
    I have to admit, I didn't read all the comments, so I apologize if this has already been said.

    Anyone has control over their muscles to some extent. You can work hard and gain them.

    Breasts aren't something that you can control much, short of surgery (which I, personally, feel isn't something you should have to do to be attractive, etc.). They are what they are. They're large or small, perky or saggy, simply because that's how we are built. Yes, a good bra can go a long way, but it is largely out of our control.

    I love to be complimented on things I have chosen: a good haircut, clothes that fit well, my talents and achievements. Breasts are not one of those things.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    it doesn't make me think they don't care what I"m saying hahahahah. If they glaze over and don't reply when I ask a question then maybe we have a problem, but if they can follow my conversation and contribute I don't care where they look. And I always figure if a girl didn't want people to look, I guess she would wear a turtleneck.

    I agree, my husband and I have talked about it. Sure there are the creeps that just want to stare and get the message out that they would have sex with you if you'd let them. Then there are the sweet honest guys like my husband who see someone who is wearing an innapropriate skimpy top and his eyes automatically are drawn there, then he feels guilty and has to tell me about it like he did something wrong. I think women should dress modestly if they don't want to be leered at. If they are wearing shirts that reveal too much then they probably do enjoy getting the attention, even if they won't admit it.

    Right, I guess I'll just start exercising in a burka from now on. It'll make swimming laps a little awkward, but that way I can conform to your expecations.

    Do we really think that men are so lacking in self control that they can't realize what they're doing and stop leering like imbeciles? How the heck can we trust men with the keys to nuclear devices when their URGES are so close to the surface? How have world leaders not all blown each other into the Stone Age when they got an overwhelming MAN URGE? Oh wait! Men can actually control their URGES for hours, days, weeks at a time!

    Which is good, because many of us women would really like to be able to exercise outside in nice weather without having to wear a turtleneck .
  • kimbtaylor1
    kimbtaylor1 Posts: 210 Member
    Took a bike ride on an old rail trail through some of the neighboring counties. I ran into an old friend who's kids used to be in Sunday school with mine, hadn't seen her face to face for a few years. We exchanged pleasantries for a few minutes and caught up on the kids, I gestured a bit when I talked. (not that much, its not like I'm Italian) She broke face/eye contact every time I moved. I paused a bit after a while and she'd look back up at my face.

    I told her I started at the trail head, she assumed I started at the one a couple miles away but I actually started at the other end of trail in the next county. I made a hitch-hiker fist with my hand lifting my arm pointing back over my shoulder with my thumb to the other end. I saw her eyes pop.

    "Holy Freakin' God, look at those guns,... how did you do it, you look great!"

    If I was a lady and every time I moved or just took a deep breath and the guy I was talking to looked down at my chest, I wouldn't get mad. I'd just say: "Thank you, thank you very much."

    I've never really been bothered by it....but then again I really don't have boobs. LOL But I do get comments on my figure and as long as they are respectful it doesn't bother me.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    If I was a lady and every time I moved or just took a deep breath and the guy I was talking to looked down at my chest, I wouldn't get mad. I'd just say: "Thank you, thank you very much."
    because that look is very often accompanied by
    - them blocking your path
    - some sort of lip smack or lip licking

    it's not the lookers that i want to face punch, it's those creepers who act like they're going to try to drag you into a windowless van.

    not to mention this is a novelty issue for you. trying having to deal with that since you were a teenager and even had to deal with unwanted touching. ahhh if only it were a cute little quick glance
  • PrimalSiren
    PrimalSiren Posts: 144
    I've actually never been bothered by this at all, and I've ALWAYS had huge (real) breasts. Men are attracted physically before anything else and I've always used that as motivation to look good so at least they have something fit and sexy to look at. If anything I feel a little bit intimidated by a man staring at my body because I'm shy and feel totally awkward about it, up until recently I've never really pictured myself as someone that would get any kind of attention anyway. That said, it seems like most women are really sensitive about having a man's attention focus on her body because of their OWN insecurities. I've known a lot of women to say they hated knowing a man was oogling over them, but kept talking about it with a smile on their face because they loved the attention they were getting. *shrugs*
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