Going all the way on the first date.



  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I would never tell, if I did, or did not.
  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    I get them to wait so long they are begging for it haha! Seriously :)
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I only go all the way to the restaurant of his selection. -I was young once, but now (at 42 years old and never having been married) I want to be able to still count to the number on my bedpost if you catch my drift.

    You know, I find this interesting. Most older women are more apt to not want to waste time.

    Did you just call me OLD????

    I think you forgot something...

    "You know, ma'am, I find this interesting..."

    Old-er. And it's cool, I like cougars. :wink:

    Also, I use ma'am as a matter of habit for any woman.
  • jonbobfrog
    jonbobfrog Posts: 294
    I cannot believe any of the ladies on here are providing answers! Inappropriate question in the first place. This is not a dating site.

    Wanna go for drinks sometime? You sound like so much fun.

    Thank you! I wanted to say something but didn't know what ... this was great! :o]
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    if there's enough alcohol involved, yes. if he sent me junk pictures beforehand and he measured up to my standards, I might just skip the date :wink:

    I kid, of course. I have no set 'limit' on how long I wait. First date. Twentieth date. Whenever it feels right.

    You got Kik and low standards?
    Of course. However, my self esteem might start getting better with the more weight I lose. Chubby girls got to put out to keep up, you know :laugh:
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    lol my now husband waited 11 months to go "all the way" with me. No it wasn't our wedding night either, but I did make him wait until he proposed, this way I knew he wasn't gonna just sleep with me and ditch me. That hurts when guys do that because sex is more than just sex for most of us ladies like myself. After the guy I was with prior to my husband used me like that and then never talked to me after I gave it up to him. I was not gonna put out unless I knew the next guy was here for the long haul.

    I wish more people realized the wisdom in this. Thanks for sharing!

    As a guy I am often appalled at men (even myself sometimes -- in the past mind you) and that is why I've taught my daughters (and continue to remind my beautiful wife) men are pigs -- ALL men are pigs.

    Sadly, sex has become a simple form of entertainment and with modern methods has little consequence other then damaged pride and hurt feelings.

    I'm a firm believer in responsibility and honor, my wife is too :)

    My husband tells me and my friends that might be having guy issues how horrible men are. lol Yea, plus I had a ex friend who was married but had a open relationship. they kept trying to get me to join in with them. I was like HELL NO, I am a one guy kinda of girl. It's disgusting in my opinion. Maybe I'm just too prideful of my body, idk. Thank-you for the kind words :flowerforyou:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I cannot believe any of the ladies on here are providing answers! Inappropriate question in the first place. This is not a dating site.

    *pats the newbie on the head*
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    I would. Because I like to rock out with my taco out.

  • loopylin32
    loopylin32 Posts: 63
    I get them to wait so long they are begging for it haha! Seriously :)
    thats the way... dont let em obectify u hun lol :)
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    lol my now husband waited 11 months to go "all the way" with me. No it wasn't our wedding night either, but I did make him wait until he proposed, this way I knew he wasn't gonna just sleep with me and ditch me. That hurts when guys do that because sex is more than just sex for most of us ladies like myself. After the guy I was with prior to my husband used me like that and then never talked to me after I gave it up to him. I was not gonna put out unless I knew the next guy was here for the long haul.

    I wish more people realized the wisdom in this. Thanks for sharing!

    As a guy I am often appalled at men (even myself sometimes -- in the past mind you) and that is why I've taught my daughters (and continue to remind my beautiful wife) men are pigs -- ALL men are pigs.

    Sadly, sex has become a simple form of entertainment and with modern methods has little consequence other then damaged pride and hurt feelings.

    I'm a firm believer in responsibility and honor, my wife is too :)

    So you've had your share of fun while young, but now you're teaching your daughters that "all men are pigs" and that having sex is somehow affecting how "honorable" they are.
    Cool beans.
  • blackgirlfit
    blackgirlfit Posts: 120 Member
    Generation Z are all going to be easy sluts. I have my reasonings. I would list them.. but i don't want to derail this thread with my social conformist theories..
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Yes there is exceptions , like buying me expensive gifts..plastic surgery , diamonds, or vacations ........lol

    I'm just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    well I did with my boyfriend I'm with now, and we've been together for almost 4 years now :) It was really out of character for me though considering he's the third guy i've been with :p The connection was really strong though, felt like I had known him forever after just one date :) He's been nothing but a gentleman our entire relationship, so definitely no effects there :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Question for the ladies. How many of you will go all the way on the first date? If not; why? If you do, do you feel that the guy will look at you differently and you won't be able to form a meaninful relationship?

    I never go all the way on the first date. No bs. Why? Because, first off, for me at least, dating is to see if me and this guy are compatible for a relationship. I wanna get to know him. I want to know about his family, his dog, his friends, I want to be friends with him first. You can't get to know a guy if you let him hit first night.

    Do you get all your vacation benefits, sick time, and what not the first day you work?

    Thanks for this post :) It's nice to see there are 'ladies' on this site! :)

    (note for the other ladies, I won't quote all of you but I'm glad to see you exist in numbers here!)
    It's lovely to see misogyny alive and well and right out there in the open. :-)
  • freebirdjones
    All the way to where?

    My first date we went for coffee and then a movie and we walked all the way.. We are now married :heart:

    It would be funny to see someone stop on their way to a restaurant.. Guy: why are you stopping, we are almost there, Im hungry. Girl: I never go all the way on the first date, I just can't walk any further, sorry maybe next date :laugh:

    I think I'm too funny :tongue: but in all honesty, I think it's all up to the person and I would just suggest some damage control in case you have lots of first dates, don't want to spread anything icky around you didn't know you had :sick:
  • cbarn025
    cbarn025 Posts: 939 Member
    You think it's just generation Z or is history just repeating itself?
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    Question for the ladies. How many of you will go all the way on the first date? If not; why? If you do, do you feel that the guy will look at you differently and you won't be able to form a meaninful relationship?

    I never go all the way on the first date. No bs. Why? Because, first off, for me at least, dating is to see if me and this guy are compatible for a relationship. I wanna get to know him. I want to know about his family, his dog, his friends, I want to be friends with him first. You can't get to know a guy if you let him hit first night.

    Do you get all your vacation benefits, sick time, and what not the first day you work?

    Thanks for this post :) It's nice to see there are 'ladies' on this site! :)

    (note for the other ladies, I won't quote all of you but I'm glad to see you exist in numbers here!)

    You can still be a 'lady' if you have put out on the first night :huh:

    Depends on how many times you put out in my eyes... For me it was a one off.

    Girl i used to work with on the other hand... she used to put out to about 6 diff blokes in one night :sick:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Generation Z are all going to be easy sluts. I have my reasonings. I would list them.. but i don't want to derail this thread with my social conformist theories..

  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    lol my now husband waited 11 months to go "all the way" with me. No it wasn't our wedding night either, but I did make him wait until he proposed, this way I knew he wasn't gonna just sleep with me and ditch me. That hurts when guys do that because sex is more than just sex for most of us ladies like myself. After the guy I was with prior to my husband used me like that and then never talked to me after I gave it up to him. I was not gonna put out unless I knew the next guy was here for the long haul.

    I wish more people realized the wisdom in this. Thanks for sharing!

    As a guy I am often appalled at men (even myself sometimes -- in the past mind you) and that is why I've taught my daughters (and continue to remind my beautiful wife) men are pigs -- ALL men are pigs.

    Sadly, sex has become a simple form of entertainment and with modern methods has little consequence other then damaged pride and hurt feelings.

    I'm a firm believer in responsibility and honor, my wife is too :)

    So you've had your share of fun while young, but now you're teaching your daughters that "all men are pigs" and that having sex is somehow affecting how "honorable" they are.
    Cool beans.

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