Going all the way on the first date.



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Question for the ladies. How many of you will go all the way on the first date? If not; why? If you do, do you feel that the guy will look at you differently and you won't be able to form a meaninful relationship?

    I never go all the way on the first date. No bs. Why? Because, first off, for me at least, dating is to see if me and this guy are compatible for a relationship. I wanna get to know him. I want to know about his family, his dog, his friends, I want to be friends with him first. You can't get to know a guy if you let him hit first night.

    Do you get all your vacation benefits, sick time, and what not the first day you work?

    Thanks for this post :) It's nice to see there are 'ladies' on this site! :)

    (note for the other ladies, I won't quote all of you but I'm glad to see you exist in numbers here!)

    You can still be a 'lady' if you have put out on the first night :huh:

    Depends on how many times you put out in my eyes... For me it was a one off.

    Girl i used to work with on the other hand... she used to put out to about 6 diff blokes in one night :sick:
    Yay! More misogyny, representing both genders.

    Warms my heart.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    if there's enough alcohol involved, yes. if he sent me junk pictures beforehand and he measured up to my standards, I might just skip the date :wink:

    I kid, of course. I have no set 'limit' on how long I wait. First date. Twentieth date. Whenever it feels right.

    You got Kik and low standards?
    Of course. However, my self esteem might start getting better with the more weight I lose. Chubby girls got to put out to keep up, you know :laugh:

    That's why I have to get you now, before your self-esteem increases!
  • erikkmcvay
    erikkmcvay Posts: 238 Member
    It's lovely to see misogyny alive and well and right out there in the open. :-)

    Bull crap. Suggesting that I hate women because I believe a lady doesn't have sex on the first date is childish and naive.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Question for the ladies. How many of you will go all the way on the first date? If not; why? If you do, do you feel that the guy will look at you differently and you won't be able to form a meaninful relationship?

    I never go all the way on the first date. No bs. Why? Because, first off, for me at least, dating is to see if me and this guy are compatible for a relationship. I wanna get to know him. I want to know about his family, his dog, his friends, I want to be friends with him first. You can't get to know a guy if you let him hit first night.

    Do you get all your vacation benefits, sick time, and what not the first day you work?

    Thanks for this post :) It's nice to see there are 'ladies' on this site! :)

    (note for the other ladies, I won't quote all of you but I'm glad to see you exist in numbers here!)

    You can still be a 'lady' if you have put out on the first night :huh:

    Depends on how many times you put out in my eyes... For me it was a one off.

    Girl i used to work with on the other hand... she used to put out to about 6 diff blokes in one night :sick:

    So you're judging her for having a good time and consider her "worse" because she had more in one day than you did? :huh:
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    Question for the ladies. How many of you will go all the way on the first date? If not; why? If you do, do you feel that the guy will look at you differently and you won't be able to form a meaninful relationship?

    I never go all the way on the first date. No bs. Why? Because, first off, for me at least, dating is to see if me and this guy are compatible for a relationship. I wanna get to know him. I want to know about his family, his dog, his friends, I want to be friends with him first. You can't get to know a guy if you let him hit first night.

    Do you get all your vacation benefits, sick time, and what not the first day you work?

    Thanks for this post :) It's nice to see there are 'ladies' on this site! :)

    (note for the other ladies, I won't quote all of you but I'm glad to see you exist in numbers here!)

    You can still be a 'lady' if you have put out on the first night :huh:

    Depends on how many times you put out in my eyes... For me it was a one off.

    Girl i used to work with on the other hand... she used to put out to about 6 diff blokes in one night :sick:
    Yay! More misogyny, representing both genders.

    Warms my heart.

    People can do what ever they please, it dosnt bother me.

    She on the other hand did, because she didnt use any sort of protection and ended up passing on std's to quite a few men... it wasnt a one off for her to sleep with 6 different men in one night, in her own words 'its a kind of hobby' and ended up with 3 kids in care.
  • catneon
    catneon Posts: 911 Member
    This is very entertaining!:laugh:

    Let's be honest great relationships can start from pure old fashion lust! Strong attraction can build up by getting to know the person before/during the said first date.
    If the damn sparks flying are blinding you cuz there's so many so what if it's only the 1rst date go for it ! If it leads to something more great if it doesn't you had a great time!:drinker:

    Not sure how many dates I would stick around waiting for that desire to "develop"
    Absolutely more power to you if you wait for it to be the right time etc... and that works for you that is great.

    Remember we're talking about a date not a bar pick up..... OMG this guys so cute let's find the bathroom!!!lol!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Question for the ladies. How many of you will go all the way on the first date? If not; why? If you do, do you feel that the guy will look at you differently and you won't be able to form a meaninful relationship?

    I never go all the way on the first date. No bs. Why? Because, first off, for me at least, dating is to see if me and this guy are compatible for a relationship. I wanna get to know him. I want to know about his family, his dog, his friends, I want to be friends with him first. You can't get to know a guy if you let him hit first night.

    Do you get all your vacation benefits, sick time, and what not the first day you work?

    Thanks for this post :) It's nice to see there are 'ladies' on this site! :)

    (note for the other ladies, I won't quote all of you but I'm glad to see you exist in numbers here!)

    You can still be a 'lady' if you have put out on the first night :huh:

    Depends on how many times you put out in my eyes... For me it was a one off.

    Girl i used to work with on the other hand... she used to put out to about 6 diff blokes in one night :sick:
    Yay! More misogyny, representing both genders.

    Warms my heart.

    People can do what ever they please, it dosnt bother me.

    She on the other hand did, because she didnt use any sort of protection and ended up passing on std's to quite a few men... it wasnt a one off for her to sleep with 6 different men in one night, in her own words 'its a kind of hobby' and ended up with 3 kids in care.
    Of course those men had no culpability in any of it.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    if a guy comes onto me but isn't creepy about it, and he's either really suave or buying me something...


    Some girls get really excited about gifts.
    Darn. I misunderstood her. At first I thought we were talking about women getting turned on by gifs.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    In for more moralising and perhaps a definition of what constitutes a 'lady'.......
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    if a guy comes onto me but isn't creepy about it, and he's either really suave or buying me something...


    Some girls get really excited about gifts.
    Darn. I misunderstood her. At first I thought we were talking about women getting turned on by gifs.

    We were.
  • loopylin32
    loopylin32 Posts: 63
    im confused now ... exactly how many random blokes can i sleep with per day before im no longer a lady?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    It's lovely to see misogyny alive and well and right out there in the open. :-)

    Bull crap. Suggesting that I hate women because I believe a lady doesn't have sex on the first date is childish and naive.

    It's called slut shaming.
  • erikkmcvay
    erikkmcvay Posts: 238 Member

    So you've had your share of fun while young, but now you're teaching your daughters that "all men are pigs" and that having sex is somehow affecting how "honorable" they are.
    Cool beans.

    By your post I'm getting that you think that if you make mistakes when you are young then you should encourage your children to make the same mistakes later? That's silly.

    When I say "men are pigs" I'm being honest about the male sex drive. That's all. Anyone who thinks men don't want to have sex (almost all the time) with a considerable amount of drive to boot has no understanding of the effects of testosterone.

    Fact is men are biologically programmed to try to have sex, it is a drive that goes beyond simple logic and conscious thought and ignoring that is ridiculous. Being honest about it on the the other hand is honorable in my book.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    im confused now ... exactly how many random blokes can i sleep with per day before im no longer a lady?

    Depends on how many you can actually handle.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Generation Z are all going to be easy sluts. I have my reasonings. I would list them.. but i don't want to derail this thread with my social conformist theories..
    Oh with the blanket statement! let me get you a pillow of self-righteousness
    Soooo just one question, a lot of people on here have kids,teenagers are these the easy sluts you have reasoning's for?
    Please elaborate on your social conformist theories, you know to show us parents and younging's how not to become enslaved into the ranks of easy sluts aka Generation Z.
  • cherryd69
    cherryd69 Posts: 340
    Question for the ladies. How many of you will go all the way on the first date? If not; why? If you do, do you feel that the guy will look at you differently and you won't be able to form a meaninful relationship?

    I never go all the way on the first date. No bs. Why? Because, first off, for me at least, dating is to see if me and this guy are compatible for a relationship. I wanna get to know him. I want to know about his family, his dog, his friends, I want to be friends with him first. You can't get to know a guy if you let him hit first night.

    Do you get all your vacation benefits, sick time, and what not the first day you work?

    Thanks for this post :) It's nice to see there are 'ladies' on this site! :)

    (note for the other ladies, I won't quote all of you but I'm glad to see you exist in numbers here!)

    You can still be a 'lady' if you have put out on the first night :huh:

    Depends on how many times you put out in my eyes... For me it was a one off.

    Girl i used to work with on the other hand... she used to put out to about 6 diff blokes in one night :sick:
    Yay! More misogyny, representing both genders.

    Warms my heart.

    People can do what ever they please, it dosnt bother me.

    She on the other hand did, because she didnt use any sort of protection and ended up passing on std's to quite a few men... it wasnt a one off for her to sleep with 6 different men in one night, in her own words 'its a kind of hobby' and ended up with 3 kids in care.
    Of course those men had no culpability in any of it.

    I dont know if they knew she had had x amount before them... *shrug

    Knowing her though, i highly doubt she would have opened with the line 'hey iv just slept with 4 men, sloppy 5th's?'
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    So you've had your share of fun while young, but now you're teaching your daughters that "all men are pigs" and that having sex is somehow affecting how "honorable" they are.
    Cool beans.

    By your post I'm getting that you think that if you make mistakes when you are young then you should encourage your children to make the same mistakes later? That's silly.

    When I say "men are pigs" I'm being honest about the male sex drive. That's all. Anyone who thinks men don't want to have sex (almost all the time) with a considerable amount of drive to boot has no understanding of the effects of testosterone.

    Fact is men are biologically programmed to try to have sex, it is a drive that goes beyond simple logic and conscious thought and ignoring that is ridiculous. Being honest about it on the the other hand is honorable in my book.
    That's right! And it's up to us women to make sure they control themselves.

    Personally, I never leave home without my burqa and any woman who shows so much as an ankle is disrespecting herself and everyone around her.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Fact is men are biologically programmed to try to have sex, it is a drive that goes beyond simple logic and conscious thought and ignoring that is ridiculous.

    So are women or; no babies.
  • JenCatwalk
    JenCatwalk Posts: 285 Member
    Mabie I'm strange.. but putting out on the first date seems kinda cheap to me. Selling yourself short. I purposely don't put out for the next month or two of dating(mabie even three)... helps me weed out the ones just tryin to hit it and leave. I like to get to know a man and really decide if I like/rrespect him enough to let him hit it.
  • erikkmcvay
    erikkmcvay Posts: 238 Member
    It's lovely to see misogyny alive and well and right out there in the open. :-)

    Bull crap. Suggesting that I hate women because I believe a lady doesn't have sex on the first date is childish and naive.

    It's called slut shaming.

    Using the word 'slut' is shaming. I merely stated that those ladies who were being up front and not 'putting out' (as some here put it) on a first date were, well, ladies. Those who do on the other hand are not 'ladies' in my book.

    Perhaps you do not understand the word Misogyny?
    Misogyny /mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/ is the hatred or dislike of women or girls. Misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including sexual discrimination, denigration of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification of women.

    I revere women, love my wife and daughters with all my heart and strive to be the best husband and father I can be.
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