jeanniewes Posts: 3,689 Member
edited July 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok guys/gals here is the NEW Challenge for JULY. HOPE TOO SEE YOU HERE!!! :)

EVERYONE set your own goal....... :)

MY PERSONAL GOAL is going for 130 miles.....


  • umagwenzi
    umagwenzi Posts: 2 Member
    I have a knee injury and bit of back pain but my goal is to bike ride 3 times a week for atleast 10 minutes for the month of July.
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    Didn't quite make my 150 last month but at least got above the 100 mark. Weather man made a joke but sad part it is closer to the truth than a joke " It only rained twice this year.. Once for 45 days and the other 35" We got over 15 inches just in June. Corn looks the worst I have ever seen it before..

    Goal 200
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Happy July 1st, guys!!! Yep, Jesi is back and raring to make goal! Sticking with my 100 mile goal. I really missed the motivation in June but that's all behind us now, right? :D You guys did great, btw.

    Let's do this!
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,689 Member
    WELCOME my Friends.....IF you looked at last months challenge thread you will find I was 1.50 miles short as well.

    TODAY early riser. a good thing as it is really Pouring the rain now Steve! It has rained every day for past three but not all day rains....Today we got in 3.0 Walking Miles. I thought too do another this evening but it is not looking too promising...

    JULY 1ST.....3.0 Walking Miles....
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    I have a large pool and swim laps every day. 100 laps every other day and 60 the other days.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Does biking 3 miles each way to a friends, eating too much pasta, then chlling in her hot tub with a glass of Prosecco count?


    Targets to be set. Similar but greater than last month.
  • inkiah
    inkiah Posts: 1 Member
    Hello guys. I'm new to crew and was wondering if anyone minds explaining the July goal. I'm asuming that a person sets his/ her goal of mileage for the month. But what if I'm cycling, walking and running on different occasions? Do they count togethe or separate?
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    inkiah wrote: »
    Hello guys. I'm new to crew and was wondering if anyone minds explaining the July goal. I'm asuming that a person sets his/ her goal of mileage for the month. But what if I'm cycling, walking and running on different occasions? Do they count togethe or separate?

    Hello and welcome.

    The goal is your own, but fit most of us it's a total mileage formed however you can - so for example I might aim to walk 40 miles and cycle 60, but as long as I get to my total mileage goal of 100 miles it doesn't matter how I achieve that.

    So your cycling, running and walking can count together for a total mileage, and be separate mini-goals within that.

    The main challenge is to MOVE more, however you can.
  • lulubeanzy
    lulubeanzy Posts: 16 Member
    Oh man, I can tell I'm going to be challenged! I'm recovering from an injury involving my ankle and a drill, so my exercise last month was pitiful. To be completely honest, exercise is usually my weakest point, stitches or no. I'm really looking forward to my MFP friends cheering me on. My goal for July will be 150 miles, aiming for an average of 5/day. I will walk at least once/day on my breaks at work, go for a trail run twice/week, and hit a cardio machine at the gym once/week. Besides miles, I'd like to be consistent with swimming laps in my smaller apartment pool for 30 minutes twice/week and daily sun salutations before work or on my lunch. I can do this. We can do this. Let's do it!
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    @girlinahat , you got it perfectly! The challenge is to MOVE and the goal you set is yours to set or reset as needed. No losers here. @lulubeanzy , welcome! And if you happen to not make your goal, you still get kudos because you put forth effort AND you put up with us crazy, oftentimes silly, most times hilarious milers that find wicked fun in encouraging each other and laughing at ourselves daily. :D So come on! Get started already!!

    I started out the month all right. Got a nice long holiday weekend to look forward to. It's Independence Day on Saturday here in the States, so I invite you milers across the pond to have a hot dog and some blueberry pie with us. ;)

    4 miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,689 Member
    welcome too the Newbies!!!!!

    lulu my main goal is walking. IF I do the exercise bike I count that separately. However you can count it anyway you want it. My goal for walking is at least 130 Miles for July....

    July 2nd was 3.25 Walking Miles...
    July 3rd was 3.50 Walking Miles....

    TOTAL July 3rd...........9.75 Walking Miles....
  • KelseyRL
    KelseyRL Posts: 124 Member
    I'll give this a try. I'm not really sure how far I'll go but I'll start with a goal of 200km (125 miles). It'll be a combination of biking, walking, and running.

    Here's my month so far:
    July 1st - 20.2
    July 2nd - 10.8
    July 3rd - 1.7
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,689 Member
    WELCOME Kelsey...

    We've had rain and rain and more rain for DAYS. I see a bit of sunshine and HOPE weather clears enough for an evening walk. My girls have not had anything more than potty breaks last two days. I know they miss their walks..
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,689 Member
    HAPPY 4TH JULY too all you Americans! Husband had too work so I had a very quiet day. No celebrations here.

    Finally...FINALLY it stopped raining and dried enough for the girls and me too take a walk. They did 2 miles with me and then I dropped them off at home and continued on. Today I got in 3.50 Walking miles....

    TOTAL July 4th ...........13.25 Walking Miles....
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Checking in for duty..

    My goals:

    Cycling - 80 miles
    Walking - 50 miles
    Swim - 100 laps
    Stronglifts 5X5 - 6 times
    Lindy Hop class - 4 times

    Total mileage - 130 miles.

    Started the month badly. A 3 mile cycle each way, but then lounging in a hot tub with a glass or two of Prosecco made the ride back uncomfortable particularly when I came down hard on my crossbar.

    Took a few days to recover, but did a good eighteen miler this evening once it had cooled a bit. The moment when a stinging insect got caught in my cleavage was a shocking one, and now I lie writing this, with red lumpy welts growing across a tender part of my anatomy.......

  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,689 Member
    oh my girlinahat! You have had a bad start! THIS TOO SHALL PASS...Hang in there.
    It is (guess what?) RAINING AGAIN...rain, rain, rain and more rain. Where I live we have had around 12 inches of rain since Wednesday. I have 3 rain guages out. The are all about the same.... Will see IF it clears this evening enough too walk. Our road was flooded out so I did not even make Church Services today...
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    Cycling - 100 miles
    Jogging/Running - 25 miles
    Total - 125 miles

    Month to Date
    Cycling - 16.3miles (6/4)
    Jogging/Running - 1.7 miles (7/3)
    Total - 18.0 miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,689 Member
    Finally the rain stopped late but still got in 1.5 mile walk with the girls.
    Earlier in the day I did 6.1 Miles on the Exercise Bike....

    TOTALS as of July 5th...
    Exercise Bike 6.1 miles.....
    Walking Miles....14.75
  • salfit2
    salfit2 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, joining in and aiming for 100miles walking for July. It will be a challenge, which is what I need. Thanks for setting this up!

    So far
    July 1st 2 miles
    July 3rd 3 miles
    July 5th 3 miles

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,173 Member
    I'm back! :)

    I had a wonderful holiday in nice warm Canada ... a welcome break from the cold and rain of Tasmania. I visited lots of family, travelled around southern BC, cycled and walked many kilometres, including one 100 mile ride (161 km) and a steep 9.5 km hike to the top of a mountain and back ... and I also ate lots :) There are several foods readily available in Canada which I cannot get here in Tasmania ... so I enjoyed those.

    Yes, I gained 2.5 kg, but suspected I would and I'm pleased it wasn't more. Now I'm back and on a mission to lose those 2.5 kg ... plus some.

    So ... I'm going to spend the next couple days catching up on things. :)