

  • salfit2
    salfit2 Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome! It's never too late to start moving.

    I joined this challenge for motivation to finally make exercise a daily part of my life and boy that's what I get!

    Every time I check in someone had posted something about an outing, a struggle, words of encouragement, and of course their movement for the day.

    Thank you all. Your words help keep me on "track" and it doesn't feel like a struggle.
  • salfit2
    salfit2 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, it's me again. Part of my post got cut off. Last night I walked 2 miles.

    MTD total is 21
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Hey hey hey, fellow milers! So good to see some new-comers. Welcome! It's just getting hotter and hotter down here in the south. Sweltering!!! I am one incredibly thankful woman for some a/c. :)

    36 total miles
  • tiffyree23
    tiffyree23 Posts: 52 Member
    Was able to run a mile again today!
  • homemademama
    homemademama Posts: 199 Member
    Hey everyone! All of the welcomes are so wonderful!

    7.14: 1 mile walking/jogging

    Totals: 1/19

    Even though I only got in a mile today it was the first time I've ever jogged outside during the day - I've always waited until the evening because I felt self-conscious about being so out of shape. It was such a small but meaningful moment when I started jogging and didn't care of anyone saw me.
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    @tiffyree23 & @homemademama, my hat is off to you guys! Seriously, I wanted to be a runner so bad. In high school, in college, before kids, after kids... It just never clicked for me. I so admire runners. They just look so... intense and healthy and determined! I'm all those things but without the wind blowing in my face. HA! I'll just leave it to you guys. Y'all are doing a great job! :)
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    jesiann >its so hot down there, sit in front of the fan and you can have it all lol turn it on high, if your going to dream, dream big haha
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,686 Member
    edited July 2015
    lol Steve!

    Running? um mm...well I do occasional walk/run combinations but I don't stick with it because it hurts my left knee and sometimes my hip. I am happy and Blessed I can walk. Sometimes my knee bothers me when I ride the Bike. That is why once I quit that I have too build back up and not do it every day...

    Today I got in 3.5 Walking miles...
    Exercise Bike 5.2 Miles....

    Total thus far July 14th.....
    Exercise Bike.....26.7 miles.....
    Walking Miles........48.25 milds...........
  • delivered2015
    delivered2015 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi all,
    Just joining MFP today and this is the area I need most encouragement and motivation in and I love this challenge concept. I have no idea what my goal should be but I'm thinking 50 miles...that would be 3 miles/day. Maybe over-reaching but gotta start somewhere, right? :# Glad to be here and loving all the positive posts already.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,152 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    March Cycling: 409.33 km (254.34 miles) = 21 hours 55 min
    March Walking: 80.47 km (50 miles) = 16 hours 9 min
    March Total: 489.8 km (304.3 miles) = 38 hours 4 min

    April Cycling: 384.15 km (238.7 miles) = 20 hours 35 min
    April Walking: 107.79 km walking (67 miles) = 22 hours 31 min
    April Total: 491.94 km (305.6 miles) = 43 hours 6 min

    May Cycling: 259.06 km (160.9 miles)
    May Walking: 102.75 km (63.8 miles)
    May Time: 2060 min (34 hours 20 min) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights + 45 min cycling inside
    May Total: 361.81 km (224.8 miles) + stairs, weights and cycling inside = 35 hours 50 min

    June Cycling Inside: 215 minutes on bicycle on trainer in basement = 3 hours 35 min
    June Cycling Outside: 493.53 km (306.6 miles) in 1531 min cycling outside = 25 hours 31 min
    June Walking: 76 km (47.2 miles) in 922 min = 15 hours 22 min
    June Time: 2513 min (41 hours 53 min) walking + cycling inside + 1 hour paddling in a sea kayak + some extra time climbing flights of stairs
    June Total: 569.53 km (353.9 miles) + cycling inside + 1 hour paddling in a sea kayak + some extra time climbing flights of stairs

    Onward to July!

    My goal … move a total of at least 500 km. :)

    Wednesday, 1 July - 9.5 km walking (240 min) ... this was a hike up to the top of a mountain and back.
    My photos start with the one labelled "01Jul15_MtCheamClimb_01" ... and there are quite a few. They go on to the second page. https://www.flickr.com/photos/machka-bb/sets/72157654396714698

    Thursday, 2 July – 5 km walking (60 min)
    Friday, 3 July – 5 km walking (60 min)

    Saturday, 4 July – 0 km … this day did not exist for us, crossing the international date line meant that we skipped it all together.

    Sunday, 5 July - 1.5 km walking (20 min)
    Monday, 6 July - 2.3 km walking (25 min)

    July Cycling: 0 km so far
    July Walking: 23.3 km in 405 min
    July Other: 0 so far
    July Time: 405 min = 6 hours 45 min

    Slow start, but we have been travelling ... and now we're back into the depths of winter.

    Tuesday, 7 July - 2.7 km (30 min)
    Wednesday, 8 July - 3.3 km (40 min)
    Thursday, 9 July - 3.8 km (45 min)

    July Cycling: 0 km so far
    July Walking: 33.1 km in 520 min
    July Other: 0 so far
    July Time: 520 min = 8 hours 40 min

    Friday 10 - 4.7 km walking (55 min)
    Saturday 11 - 27.5 km cycling outside (80 min)
    Sunday 12 - 26.2 km cycling outside (75 min)

    July Cycling: 53.7 km in 155 min
    July Walking: 37.8 km in 575 min
    July Other: a few minutes climbing stairs
    July Time: 730 min = 12 hours 10 min

    Monday 13 - 2.9 km walking (35 min)
    Tuesday 14 - 4.2 km walking (50 min) + 40 min on the bicycle on the trainer indoors

    July Cycling: 53.7 km in 155 min + 40 min cycling indoors
    July Walking: 44.9 km in 660 min
    July Other: a few more minutes climbing stairs
    July Time: 855 min = 14 hours 15 min

  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    Hi all,
    Just joining MFP today and this is the area I need most encouragement and motivation in and I love this challenge concept. I have no idea what my goal should be but I'm thinking 50 miles...that would be 3 miles/day. Maybe over-reaching but gotta start somewhere, right? :# Glad to be here and loving all the positive posts already.

    50 miles? this is the 100 mile in a month club.. oh wait month is half over almost.. good thinking! Welcome! I'm the sane one here haha seriously welcome to the challenge!!! you walking or biking?
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    no biking tonight.. to many beers for 2 wheels
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    SteveCro wrote: »
    Hi all,
    Just joining MFP today and this is the area I need most encouragement and motivation in and I love this challenge concept. I have no idea what my goal should be but I'm thinking 50 miles...that would be 3 miles/day. Maybe over-reaching but gotta start somewhere, right? :# Glad to be here and loving all the positive posts already.

    50 miles? this is the 100 mile in a month club.. oh wait month is half over almost.. good thinking! Welcome! I'm the sane one here haha seriously welcome to the challenge!!! you walking or biking?

    Hey @SteveCro don't be so mean!!! ;)

    @delivered2015 you can aim for as many or as few miles a month as you feel you can achieve!! But yeah, given that we are half way through July, 50 miles is a reasonable target. I think most of us aim to build on our targets each month, and some, like me, have rubbish months where they do very little because, well, life gets in the way. Welcome to the club and keep on moving!!!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    SteveCro wrote: »
    no biking tonight.. to many beers for 2 wheels

    now we've talked about this, too many beers on two wheels makes for some GREAT adventures..... ;)
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Don't let @SteveCro fool ya, he's faaaar from the sane one in this group. I mean, come on... He sits in front of fans, leans close and hums so he can hear his voice sound all funny.

    Wait a minute... Oh nevermind, that was ME that does that! Only because he told me to!!!! HA! @girlinahat, you keep him straight. :wink: :wink:

    @delivered2015, I was aiming for 100 for July but knocked it down to 75 since my lifting program has taken up some of my treadmill time. Welcome! And do what you can. @jeanniewes is our group mom and she will remind us that this is a MOVE Challenge! So move it, girl!

    40 total miles
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    @ girlinahat.. lol your right! but I am on a board of directors of a cemetery. We were having a meeting at a bar.. Didn't want to be the one to drum us up some business lol. And I'm ALWAYS nice..

    @ jesiann yep turn your head just right and I sound just like Elvis... hey do both, right foot forward on treadmill left arm up with dumbell. switch and do opposite. Get it all together
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,686 Member
    lol...I have sat here and read and laughed and read and laughed some more! I WAS NOT LAUGHING, jesiann, at you mentioning I am the group MOM! Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh HOW OLD I feel NOW! * Puts on glasses and looks for the walking cane* LOL

    Today I started walking the girls. Around a mile into it started sprinkling a bit. They hate walking when it is like that. We rushed back home and I dropped them off. I then headed out in a faster walk all by myself. Probably gave me a bit more miles today without those girls of mine...

    4.0 Walking Miles today....

    TOTAL thus far July 15th......
    Exercise Bike.........26.7 miles.....
    Walking Miles........52.25 miles...........
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    Goal 200
    7-3 14.14 miles- road bike
    7-4 9.43 miles- road bike
    7-6 13.33 miles- road bike
    7-7 18.14 miles- road bike, wicked windy- felt like I was riding side wind at an angle to the road.
    7-10 23.60 miles- road bike
    7-11 21.71 miles- road bike
    7-12 6.73 miles- road bike, rode with the wife
    7-13 11.34 miles- road bike, before the storms roll in. Just started to rumble thunder when I finished..
    7-15 22.1 miles- road bike

    MTD- 140.52
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    Run/jog (little bit of walk) last night; wasn't enjoying it/feeling it so I cut it short. Probably would have enjoyed a bike ride more...

    Jogging/Running - 2.1 miles (7/16)

    Month to Date
    Cycling - 41.1 miles (100 Miles Goal)
    Jogging/Running - 9.8 miles (25 Miles Goal)
    Hiking - 3.8 Miles (0 Miles Goal)
    Total - 54.7 miles (125 Miles)

  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Aww @jeanniewes, you're not OLD! You're young at heart!! <3 Maybe we could call you the group counselor... You gotta admit, some of us need a little counseling from time to time. :)

    43.5 total miles