

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    Christ in MA - Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm in love lol They are gorgeous. I wore the highest heels I could find for years and years but when my knees started getting so bad, I just couldn't do it any more. I was so sad. I do wear high "chunky" wedges now, but NOTHING as beautiful as these. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lily - What a beautiful little helper you had. Looks like she enjoyed working so hard with grandma :)

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    DJ - thanks so much for the encouragement. I'm reading the book some of the other ladies have talked about, "Winning After Losing" I think it is going to be a great help. Pic shows some new pants I bought today, I thot hubby would have a fit about them being so "wild" I put them on to show him and he said you look skinny. Wow

    Janetr OKC

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Um, don't look at my messy computer room. :blush:
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Speaking of shoes....this is the pair I wore to the fancy wedding in May. I changed into flip flops when the dancing began. They were marked down to $8 and I couldn't pass them up.
    Chris in MA

    Sexy!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Lilymay2 wrote: »
    So pea shelling went okay.... good thing Grandma shells really fast - because otherwise she would have ate them all. What you don't see is the black lab lurking, waiting for the shells!!


    Good helper and very cute!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    DJ - thanks so much for the encouragement. I'm reading the book some of the other ladies have talked about, "Winning After Losing" I think it is going to be a great help. Pic shows some new pants I bought today, I thot hubby would have a fit about them being so "wild" I put them on to show him and he said you look skinny. Wow

    Janetr OKC


    You look great!!!!! May I ask what you have lost??? Gayle Minneapolis
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    17761776 – I try to keep ready to eat veggies in my fridge – I love cherry tomatoes… and most all veggies are low in cal. Also be sure you are drinking plenty of water, I am slowly learning how often I think I am hungry but really just need water.

    Katla – “Speaking for myself, I've tailored my diet to be something I can live with permanently.´” I think that is the truest statement… lots of things work but few other than the “freedom” of counting calories can I imagine doing for the next 20-30 years.

    Vickie – any pic of you on the bike?

    Yanniejannie – oh how awful, very glad you were not in the car. Take care!

    Janetr – so from CA, we bolt all bookcases , headboards, large dressers to a stud in the wall. That can be done will an L bracket, hook and eyes or just a screw through the item into the stud, depending on what the item is.

    Carol NC – thinking of you! (((((hugs)))))

    Joyce – I have friends with French doors and the invisible screens – they are really neat. They are not a door per say, but a tube mounted on the side and the screen pulls out from there and holds across with a magnet. It works great !

    Heather – that sounds like a great meal, and a wonderful thing to donate to charity ! So one good, one sub par… would you and DH try this place again?

    Penny – great NSV – and man-handling a raccoon sized cat should count as exercise!

    Beth – here’s a ((((((((((((hug)))))))))))))))) congrats on the weight!

    Meg – Ok hooker heels??? I bet your daughter calls them FMP!

    Penny – raspberries – what about mashing a few mixing them with some non-mashed ones and putting over angel food cake, or some low sugar/low fat ice cream?

    Katie bug – maybe make a contract with your son, to lay out expectations about noise, coming and going, clean up, ect….

    The afghan is really pretty, and the stitch gives it a lot of texture!

    Ina – welcome, I am in CA too – the heat, drought and fires are not fun! And I know where Magalia is !

    Alison – Congrats on joining the gym!

    Lisa – you sure deserve the weekend off!!!!

    Becca – that is the hardest thing for me – to validate from within, and added hard when others beat you down. This is the great thing about our forum, we cheer each other on! You are amazing, I have gotten adjusted to being naked in front of the dog, but that took a while.

    Terri – What a mess!!! You would have been better off letting them go without you! But of course you are annoyed!

    Chris , and a few others…. I am with you on the Morning exercise routine, I find it starts the day off well, and very few folks tempt me with something “better” to do at 5am… and since I really do not like to exercise most everything is better than exercise.

    Barbie – the hardware store, had me laughing !!!

    Lily – cute cute cute!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Janetr – Ok I am looking at that great picture of you and thinking she has a pole in the middle of the room, hmmm I don’t remember her telling about pole dancing… then in dawns on me, you are taking the pic of yourself in a mirror and the “pole” is where the parts of the mirror come together…. So for a very short time in my mind you were a pole dancer!

    I gained 4 lbs over the 4 weeks of summer camp and thought I would get it off no problem, wrong..its a problem, I have now added another half of a pound. I am doing better on logging and exercise, and I know it works, but grrrrrr I am feeling frustrated. It doesn’t help that it has been over 100 degrees out all week (and I do not have air conditioning) and I am not sleeping well… and just want to eat ice cream or out in a restaurant’s air conditioning… some cooling is to be coming ---- please!!!

    July Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles 7/30 - 162 miles so far
    1 plank every day and log here – goal more then 19 - 10
    Log everyday –
    Eat mindfully-
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 – Mom is here for the 4th, and we are going out to dinner –her treat!
    W2 – a new smart phone, my business paid off, a visit from an out of state friend
    W3 – final week of camp
    W4 – summer starts (for me) 3 days with my “boys” , a trip to SF,
    Kim from N. California
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    a quick note - heather you asked about Cynthia and I'm friends with her and see her there. Has anyone heard from Lesley - I missed a few pages... maybe I missed her, but last I remember she had the flu.....
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    Kim - I lived in Southern CA in the late 90's to early 2001, so yeh we are having a bunch here but they aren't big. I was in a couple out there that did scare me. Not here. Thanks for the info :)
    Oh my goodness, I just read the pole dancer comment. I'll have to tell my husband that one, hmmm on second thot maybe not, he might think its a good idea ROFL!!!
    Hugs for the frustration right now with the weight. Hot and no AC is NOT fun. I can only say to hang in there. Instead of ice cream try some of the slushy and low cal shake recipes, they are cold and ones with fresh fruit are refreshing. (((Hugs)))

    Janetr OKC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,095 Member
    edited July 2015
    DH is getting many of our passwords changed. That was part of the problem we reused passwords to make it easier to remember. Some were not very strong either.

    Chris I can see why you bought those shoes. They must look great on and go with many things. I don't blame you for changing them before the dancing. I had a flat pair in similar style and I wore them out.

    Lillian darling granddaughter.

    Janetr I only see how great you look. Great Job!

    Sorry to those I missed. It was a long day starting on changing our e-mail account and will take a couple of days to inform all we wish to. It is like when you move and have to send all those change of address forms. UGH!

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    MN Margaret - thank you so much for the encouraging comments. I really think I just need to get used to being in this skin and go with it for a while. Glad you are getting the pass word problem straightened out. I do have some of mine the same too. I may need to start changing them.
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    edited July 2015
    Got in 13,150 steps, 5000 at the gym. And stayed well in budget, eating back only a handful of the 437 calories MFP awarded for exercise.
    Got to wanting something in the afternoon, and tried cutting a Quest bar into quarters. One quarter was enough. The rest is in a ziplock in one of my desk drawers.
    Don't know why I never thought of trying that before.

    Katla - you and I are shoe sisters. :)
    Fun Dr Seuss takeoff by JNHeff.

    Barbie - Yay on the weight training!

    DJanet - oh, yeah, a 6 oz steak is eminently reasonable, especially if you've saved most of the day's calories for it.
    Hope the shoulder's feeling better.

    NCCarol - I hope today's been better emotionally than Tuesday was.

    Michele in NC - heard any more from the doc about Vince's shoulder?

    Allison - cool about joining the gym!

    Heather - Interesting, about the friz coconut. I have noticed that it's really hard to find unsweetened coconut.
    I used to buy bao at a CHinese grocery, but have had to give that up, since they're mostly white dough. <sigh>
    Yay for the perfect day! How did you get the free meal? I musta missed that.
    Cool about the donation.
    I may try the craving cure. Though I tend not so much to have cravings as to see food and want it.

    Toni the writer - funny cartoon.
    Good to knowhow your body works. :)
    What sort of writing do you do? I'm a reporter in New Orleans.

    Lillian - good goals.

    Penny - way to go on the 5.4 km improvement!
    Anent the berries, there's always no-cal sweetener. :)
    Then layer them with vanilla yogurt.
    Blackberry lemonade
    This recipe uses lemonade mix,but it'd be easy enough to do w/ regular no-cal sweetnered lemonade.
    I like the sound of this one

    nadler (Ms Adler?) - always room for more. That's the great thing about virtual gatherings - the walls keep expanding.

    Terri - cute hat & headband!

    Peep- I'm delighted to hear that the dizzy spells are almost gone.
    Cool about your workout buddy moving in.
    So without pins and a plate they won't need to deal w/ the fragments??

    Betty in WNY - YAAAY! on the 2 pounds! And the 16.75.
    <hugs> for the fear & frustration of ACWS.

    Meg Blair - Sounds like Europeans are smarter than we are,at least about heating & cooling.

    Becca - Wow! Great loss!

    JanetR - great rewards!
    The driver's license gal, too. :)

    Fiddle- I've now stored your recipe as Fiddle's Veggie Chili.

    DrKatie - a pound a month is eminently respectable!

    thru p72

    Going wall-eyed (seeing double) so time for good little JanetMs to go to sleep.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Our DGS team won the championship position in the baseball tournament! He looked so professional out there for a 9 year old! :)

    Terri - love the cherries. They were 1.99/lb here. We ate our fair share.

    Janetr- you look great! I also thought that was a pole for pole dancing!

    DJ- thanks, we are going to make the most of our time there! We plan on enjoying the hotel!

    Kim - don't worry it'll come off! You know what to do!

    Chris - very cute shoes! I can't wear shoes like those but I love looking at them!

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Wrote a lot of notes tonight, didn't realize it is so late.

    Ina, welcome, what is a swamp cooler??

    Allison you gym sounds sounds divine. I've seen that hydro massage at the mall. I think it's something like $40/ one half hour. Sorry about the small problems you are having with the kitchen. You are a fierce woman to reckon with. I'm not saying the problems are small, but so far most of the kitchen has done well. You sure are having a time with Lowes and their subcontracters. They need Lisa to come and straighten them out. She'll whip them nito shape in no time!

    MNMargaret, 2 places I called yesterday to come out and give us estimates for painting have never called me back. That I do not like. I found a site on the web tonight that helps you understand the high cost of an exterior painting job. I really had no idea all that they did. I didn't know of all the prep work they do. Charlie still thinks it will be OK to hire this handyman he has hired before and have him jsut come and do touch up work. GRRRR He says I can have it redone when he dies in 3 years. Yeah, that dentist is internationally known by now. So he is from where you live?

    DJ, Oh I know, I wish men could cry also. Charlie does cry at times but only at Hallmark movies. See, there is hope for him!!

    Lisa, the before and after pictures say it all. He needs to give you a big bonus for uncovering some of the things you have and do something really nice for your family. It was because of them that allowed the clean up work to be kept at such a minimum.

    Lori, 9 pounds. WOW. Enjoy Disney for me.

    Carol, Ga, I went the method of all purpose spray with our ants but it just kills the surface ants and noting to their colony. They started coming back last week. So we went to Walmart and got Terro ant traps. You cut the tip off and place them where you think your ants are coming in. I know exactly where that is. Now they don't go any further than the bait trap. they go in the trap because they are attracted to the bait but they can't get out. All of thier colony follows. So far we are on our third trap. I think they cost less than $5 and is a package of 4. Just re-read your post. yes, that is quite the task to spay all those little ants. Must take a really long time but it would eventually take care of the problem.

    Mary Minnesota, have fun in Vegas, just watch those stairs and don't fall down.

    Gaw, 14 pounds???? I want to say wow but I just hope it stays off and you don't get disappointed. We want a healthier you.

    Terri, OK, I understand about the frozen bananas in oatmeal now. It must be peaceful to be able to open up the clinic and have it to yourself for a little bit. As an RN in the hospital, it was hectic from the moment I walked in the door. Sounds like your husband needs an attitude adjustment when it comes to home repair. He sounds like Charlie. I know there are a lot fo good men out there. I jsut wish they all had the same mind set. You keep on taking that Prozac. Your DH AND DS were in just underwear and shirt? What would they have done if there were another female coming to the door. i hated it that Charlie would walk around in just his underwear in front of the girls all the time. They didn't like it either but just didn't mention it to me until they were older and out of the house. They jsut knew that there wasn't much of the male anatomy that they hadn't already seen by the time it was the right time to talk about the birds and the bees. You sure do go to the right places to have good music. It's is with your Dad who loves these places isn't it. That is one good thing my girls learned form their Dad, that good ol' music.

    Chris, you go girl.

    Sylvia, your grand kids need to help you with that clean up of the van. So sorry about the 'small scratch'. Before you do any further deep clean up of it why don't you call the rental company and ask them what their policy is. It could be that they already have a deep cleaning service that cleans their vehicles before they rent them. Are you sure you want to try to do a faux painting over your counter top after your painting of 'Jesus" on the small scratch on the car.

    Lesley, if you are out there, we miss you <3<3<3 How is your daughter doing?

    Pat, is it you or a family member that goes to the cochlear implant clinic?

    Becca, your husband didn't see the drastic change in your body with all that weight loss? Is the world full of Charlies????

    Katla, yes, I saw that on the news tonight.

    Chris, If i am invited to a wedding and dressy things like that are required, you will find me at home. When my youngest got married, she bought brand new white tennis shoes and blinged them up. She is 5'11" and hubbie 5'10". But she ended up going down the aisle in bare feet. Beautiful dress, the Mom's of the bride in long dresses and her bare foot!

    Lillian, what a cutey! Makes a chore go a lot quicker when you have a little girl like that to keep you company.

    Janetr, snazzy. I wonder if we all have a spare bedroom that we have turned into an office after the kids move out?

    Kim, I had to look up FMP in the urban dictionary. OHHHH

    has anyone ever fixed cornish hens? We were talking about those this evening. I used to fix those for a special evening when it was jsut the two of us. Kind of a fancy meal but not to fancy. Those were the days. I guess you can tell, I don't have an encourager for a husband. He said he figures I am going to mess up like I have so many times. He knows I have lost weight, I look better and knows I have a lot more energy. So he said he knows all this stuff, just sees no point in mentioning it because it is something I already know for myself. But he also knows I will go back to my bad habits. So you guys are my 'husband'. Please keep encouraging me even though I have gained almost 30 pounds back. I really do try. It's my exercise I don't do.

    Joyce, Indiana

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    I'm caught up now but I'm sure that won't last. It takes me so long to read because I don't want to miss a single word.
    Alison - I 'm so glad you are doing something for yourself. Not sure I could do Zumba. It definitely wouldn't be pretty.

    Lillian - Happy Belated Birthday. Your little helper is so cute and getting her veggies. I remember when we lived in Kindersley, the boy down the street would come and pick peas out of our garden. One day he announced that we could just call him Pea Picking Paul (his name was Jeff).

    Lisa - Wow! That doesn't look like the same place. You definitely deserve time with family.

    Katiebug - It is nice to have those special memories of your children.

    Gaw - Great job. 14 lbs lost in a month! Just colour me green.

    Meg - Did I read that right? A 20" walk? I'm glad you are appreciating your kitchen redo. It sounds like your kitchen is going to be some kind of fabulous.

    Becca - I bet you made that lady's day. It must have made her feel so good to be your inspiration. I think you gained another cheer leader.

    It's been stressful, busy and joyous around here since returning back from vacation.
    My friend's position at the store was eliminated. 23 yrs and poof! You're gone. She fixtured that place so there from day one. I was away when it happened and not really sure how we are going to do Christmas season without her. Staff morale is at an all time low. She was hard working, efficient, creative and people savvy. The staff loved her.

    I've been walking, biking, swimming, etc. since we got home. DD is very busy with her business and so the kids have been at my house most afternoons. The last 2 evenings I have driven the DGSs to and from long board clinic. The boys are at that funny age and find the oddest things extremely amusing. Yesterday they saw a sign on the art supply store that said Adult Colouring Books available and started laughing uncontrollably . Grandma burst their bubble by telling them that books had no nudie pictures in them. Tonight I saw 2 of the draws to the long board clinic, one was blonde and the other brunette. Had to tell oldest DGS that he had to stop texting them after about 2 hours.
    We went shopping in afternoon because oldest GS was told by his Mom that he had to buy at least 2 pairs of shorts with money she sent him with. We went from the brand name stores when he thought grandparents were paying to Winners when he discovered he had to pay himself.
    Went for supper at the Water Tower and DD treated us. A delightful surprise. Our 5 yr. old DGD was very impressed with her fancy Shirley Temple. " I sure hope I can walk after this" lol.
    DGSs are of the opinion that Grams should give long boarding a try. Not happening.
    Tomorrow afternoon we are going out to a Pow Wow.
    Life is interesting
    -Sharon in Lethbridge.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    morning ladies~was up at 2:30 am this morning.
    DH not speaking to me but nothing new.. he says he is doing all the work on the weekends doing the extra reno work on the kitchen.. and all I do is play on the computer..
    told him if you let help, I am not stupid I know how to do things... he is controlling (gee thats a shocker) so if I attempt to help,it is never right...
    I said excuse me I went shopping ,put it all away and cooked all day sunday, you have clean clothes,the dogs are taken care of ..all errands are taken care of..the lawn is mowed, though I havent done it the last 2 days as it has been to hot, will do it this weekend..
    I did tell him that we dont go anywhere or do anything anymore..and he just basically ignores me..
    Told him,if you want to divorce me go ahead.. but there would be alot to lose if he does..
    so with him ignoring me, told him well I am off to the gym and I left.. so I was at the gym before 3:30 a.m
    did 45 min on the treadmill and did some of the machines.. came home and got my lunch together...
    working 9:15-5 tonight and 7:30-noon tomorrow
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    and was invited to a picnic with dear friends of mine tomorrow, Tom doesnt want to go, so I am going to visit with my best friend who has been living in North Carolina and her family
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,361 Member
    edited July 2015
    Lillian - what an absolute darling! Gave me a pang! Will be seeing my own gorgeous grandchildren in under a week. Your scrumptious sweetheart is knockout. <3

    Janetr - you look fabulous and must be getting very near target weight. :flowerforyou: I have a blue pair of pants a bit like that and love them. I wore them for my free meal! I adore the pink jacket! That is one of my colours too. :love: It does go achingly slowly as you near target, but if you don't cheat and just stick to the numbers you will get there. The last four pounds took me 10 weeks. Currently I am one pound up, but I had quite a bit of sodium yesterday, so I hope it will be gone tomorrow.

    Sharon - you are doing a great job with the grandchildren. One day wears us out and there are two of us! :flowerforyou:

    JanetM - I got the free meal because I wrote a critical review on TripAdvisor. Mainly critical of the service. She replied to the review and asked me to contact her. They have made a complete change of front of house.

    Kim - I would definitely go back, but it is an expensive place so it would have to be a special occasion. Do you have Rick Stein on your TV? I loooooove seafood and fish so it's perfect for me.

    With regard to husbands, I am very lucky with mine. He jokes that his previous partner trained him well. I do sometimes have to ask him how I look, but usually he remembers to compliment me without prompting! I do the same for him as it goes both ways. A compliment is vitally important in a marriage. I try to say something nice, thank him and tell him I love him several times a day. I like to see him visibly flower when I say something nice. I rarely did that with my first husband and really regret that now. I used to spend far too much time moaning and putting him down. I seemed to take pleasure in making him feel bad. I think I was taking it out on my father by crushing him. Poor man.
    The good thing is I have learnt my lesson. DH is so sensitive to criticism he would never stand for it for a moment - thank goodness. Life is so much better when you are nice to each other. :love:
    Lots of hints and tips are in the Gretchen Rubin books, like Happiness At Home. I also found Men Are From Mars very helpful, especially in the list of things that make men feel appreciated. I tried that at the end of my first marriage and it did make a difference, but by then it was past saving. We parted on the best of terms though. :bigsmile:

    OK folks, got to get on. I'm still reading through my memoir prior to typing it out.

    Heather in sunny Hampshire.UK
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Cheri, I wanted to remind you of something:
    Slow weight loss is a good thing.
    Slow weight loss is a good thing.
    Slow weight loss is a good thing.
    Slow weight loss is a good thing.
    Slow weight loss is a good thing
    Just in case you forgot.

    Myrtle Beach, SC

    DJ you are too funny! Thanks for the reminder I say as the scale didn't move down yet again this morning.

    Have a great Friday everyone!

    Cheri NE Ohio