

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Pip - That is gorgeous in your bikini. If I looked like that I MIGHT post it on FB. lol Having lost 125 lbs at 64 years old, I have a lot of extra skin now. If I stood up and took the pic people would think I was naked for the skin hanging over and covering up the suit lol Gorgeous bright colors in the suit, beautiful against your skin. Very exciting for you I'm sure.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    Thank all of you so much for the encouragement. I have been here now for 30 days, seems hard to believe it went that quickly. I have logged my food everyday. Once I didn't log a snack I ate late at night cuz I was so mad at myself for eating it. All night long I thot what would my "phat chat" ladies think about that. DJ I remember I promised you not to lie to myself). I got up first thing in the morning and added my unplanned snack to my food diary.

    To all the newbies welcome. I can't explain it but I now feel as if I have TONS of friends supporting me, backing me and going thru or have been thru, exactly what I am facing. Its a motivator for me. I highly suggest you plan meals and calories for the entire day ahead of time. I have been doing that regularly and logging it in the night before. I very seldom veered off of it and only one day out of 30 did I go over my calories.

    Thank you all for being there, I am thankful for all of you.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member

    Pictures from my backyard when I get the chance to lounge. The Astilbe are at their peak so I took a close up.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,625 Member
    terri_mom wrote: »
    Pip - Hubba-hubba ! My wish is that we can all look that amazing some day soon (or already do). I recall someone recently put up a before/after photo, and I get the same impression from that photo, too. Congratulations to Everyone ! ! ! Now, I need to check on my chipmonk trap, and maybe play a little Candy Crush while riding my Dad's bike (he took his youngest daughter and eldest great-granddaughter to visit his Mother during lunch at her ALC).

    U made me laugh! Haven't heard that saying in a long time
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,625 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Pip - That is gorgeous in your bikini. If I looked like that I MIGHT post it on FB. lol Having lost 125 lbs at 64 years old, I have a lot of extra skin now. If I stood up and took the pic people would think I was naked for the skin hanging over and covering up the suit lol Gorgeous bright colors in the suit, beautiful against your skin. Very exciting for you I'm sure.

    Wow that is an amazing weight loss, u should be so proud!!!! Congrats!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,625 Member

    Pictures from my backyard when I get the chance to lounge. The Astilbe are at their peak so I took a close up.

  • tuliplor
    tuliplor Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement! I am so glad I found this group!! Had a cookout yesterday with the family. I tried to eat better...and I did!! I made a low-cal low sugar dessert for everyone and they LOVED it!! Have you ever been kind of selfish about your "diet" food? LOL!! I wanted everyone to eat the Oreo cookie ice cream cake that my mother-in-law brought!! NOW....for the week to come..I have to plan my food and stay away from carbs and sugar!!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @janetr7476 - I, too, had to get up and post some uncounted calories; ate about 5 ounces of Rainier Cherries in bed last night; and that made me go over my caloric intake. I've had a super sinus infection since Friday morning and when DH went to take his brother home from the hospital I got him to get some more Alka Seltzer - cold and flu; and some Muesenux with Expectorant. I've coughed my fool head off and still not coughing up anything. But, at least my nose is no longer running like a faucet. Or dripping like my kitchen faucet. If I continue coughing like this I will start really hurting. I already sound like a smoking truck driver as it is. I'll be glad when I feel like getting back in the pool.
    @margaretturk - pretty flowers. For some reason, this year, I just haven't been in the mood for any flowers.
    @terri-mom - I never thought about how much cooler my laptop is now that I have the fan under it. But, it is a lot cooler. I've now got to buy a bag to put them in. My other one is way too small.
    @pip - hoping I will have a flat tummy, too, when I get rid of my extra weight. It is getting tighter; and I have lost some of the 'love handles' part of it. I don't have any stretch marks either from being overweight or after both of my sons' births.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Lisa, gorgeous quilt and I love crochet ornaments!

    Lenora- I use a CPAP too. I find if my sniffles are from allergies, I am better with the CPAP but if it is a cold there is no change. It is tough to unplug the nose enough so that I am not feeling like I am suffocating, though. I use nasal decongestant spray to break everything open. Works better than an oral med and doesn't affect sleep like many oral decongestants do. Wishing you feel better soon!

    I used some Metholatium (sp) - in my nose; and of course, that affects the mask; but, I did not care ... I hate to feel like I am being suffocated. I'll usually put my mask on with the bands let out all the way if I have a cold or sinus infection so the air will blow on my nose; but the mask won't get tight. Using decongestant spray as well; but right side is more stopped up the worst.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    Pip - Thanks, and I am pleased and my husband tells me every day how proud he is of me. I think that is why I am so determined to keep it off and not gain it back and working on getting toned up now. I've not looked or felt like this in so many years I can hardly remember, never thot it would happen again. I am thankful.

    Margaret - Beautiful, beautiful flowers and backyard. Thanks for the pics.

    Grits - Guess its a good thing we have friends that we know will give us a well placed swift kick if we don't stay honest. :)
  • APaul160
    APaul160 Posts: 2 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello Everyone! I'm new to MyFitnessPal.

    My July Goals:
    8000 Steps Daily
    Workout 6 x per week for 45 minutes
    Walk at lunch at least 3 x per week
    Log food daily and stay within calorie allowance
    Make healthy meals each day

    Anita in NC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    APaul160 wrote: »
    Hello Everyone! I'm new to MyFitnessPal.

    My July Goals:
    8000 Steps Daily
    Workout 6 x per week for 45 minutes
    Walk at lunch at least 3 x per week
    Log food daily and stay within calorie allowance
    Make healthy meals each day

    Anita in NC

    Welcome, glad you found us. We are a great group of ladies, supportive and caring. It sounds like you have good goals and a determined mind set. Remember one slip is not a failure. Get back up and move forward. Welcome again.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    Pip~ damn girl your smokin!!!!
    well got alot accomplished today, and we are waiting on a guy to come give us an estimate on doing the kitchen floor, we bought materials and he will install...
    and who knows when we will get the countertops..
    ok Steve stopped by one day job..
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: Wow! You earn your beauty with all your hard work, and with your fabulous attitude. :flowerforyou:
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Gorgeous astilbe. I have never had much luck with them. I even tried making a "bog" with plastic buried under it since they like wet feet. No luck. Oh well. Yours are gorgeous.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    ONE hour; I'm sooooo excited......took Gemma for her dog park outing early, met some different dogs. Just planning a spinach, strawberry and walnut salad for my dinner. DD and DH had Taco Bell. Storms all around again, no rain here (yet).

    Terri..........I like Boston Market a lot, but don't get there very often anymore. Was a regular there when DD was in high school. Glad you ran into someone who was so helpful!

    Margaret........That astilbe is just breathtaking!!! Bet you have lots of varieties of hosta too.........and yay for you helping out your son.

    Janetr........Fabulous that your DH is so helpful and encouraging ........and kudos to you for getting the extra food accounted for. That sort of thing is sooooo easy to let slide (and if it sounds like I'm speaking from personal experience, I'll let you draw your own conclusions).

    Welcome newbies, come back, share your life and get to know us!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early evening beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Margaret. :) Your yard is beautiful, what a wonderful place to go escape the day!

    Pip. :) WOW!!! You look amazing girlfriend!!!! All your hard work has paid off in the nicest possible way! You and Kirby look so good together <3 ! Enjoy every minute of your vacation!

    Janet R. :) 125 pounds gone!!! I know you're proud of yourself, I'm proud of you too!!!! I've been part of this thread since 2012, the ladies here are awesome at giving support, or a kick in the hiney if needed ;) !

    Mary. :) Your post made me smile, it's clearly evident that you're going to love your new home <3 !

    Anita in NC :) What part of NC are you in? I'm in Winston Salem, Michele in is Newton, Carol is in Burlington, there are a couple more from NC that pop in from time to time too. Your July goals sound great!

    Terri. :) What a great experience you had at Boston Market! It's refreshing to meet people like that!

    Lisa :) Congrats on th run!!! Of course you sweat rainbows...LOL! Your quilts are awesome!

    Beth. :) Happy belated birthday to you :flowerforyou:!!! I think you should celebrate at least the entire week, tell the boys they still have a few more days to be nice!

    Yanniejannie :) Noel didn't mind the fireworks this year, really surprised me. She growled once and I told her it was only thunder, she settled right down...it was wonderful!!! When does DD leave for school? I haven't been watching the soccer tournament, but it's exciting...go USA!!!

    Katla. :) I've had a few hummingbirds come to say to hello on my back deck, they are amazing birds, one almost landed on Noel, I wish I had had my camera outside! Sounds like you had an awesome view of the fireworks!!!

    Welcome to everyone new!!!!

    Wish I had more time, we just had a tremendous thunder and rain storm. Now that it's passed its time to take Ms. Dog out for a nice walk.

    Have a wonderful evening!

    DeeDee in NC

  • doglady2002
    doglady2002 Posts: 13 Member
    I want to join cause I been on and off for years and now just want to lose it and have it stay off ! Mind over food!
    July Goals exerice 3 times a week wear my fitbit to track my steps daily and start eating healthier!
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    edited July 2015
    Pip- Hot, hot, hot in that bikini B)

    Getting on the road here in the next hour. Waiting for DD as usual. Ug I wish she'd get a move on. Still need to stop at the spray tanning place before getting on I-15! KAR dance nationals here we come!

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    Beautiful in that bikini, Pip.

    Greetings to all. I am taking it easy again today, but it is back to the grind tomorrow, whether I feel like it or not. Enough of this crud, already!