

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: Thanks for the birthday wishes for DS, DD, & me. One down, and two to go. :bigsmile:

    JanetMMcC: Congrats on a great day. Under budget is under budget and worthy of celebration! :flowerforyou:

    Janet R & Heather: Having my clothes “out grow” me were the best NSVs and so very motivating. Now my best NSV’s have to do with getting stronger and feeling good. :heart:

    Penny: Can you build a wire cage with a top for your strawberries? The only birds we feed at the windows are hummingbirds. They are so cute and smart. They sometimes peek in all of our windows to see where we are. They’re here year round and really depend on us in the winter. There are plenty of flowers in the summer, but they stop by the feeders for a boost now and then. This is a male, the females are a little bit larger and don’t have the brightly colored head. I sure hope this works.


    Alison: I’m happy you’re safely home. Hope your DH figures out that having his undies in a bunch is uncomfortable for him. :laugh:

    Lisa in W TX: Congratulations on a successful run! I love the picture. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your vacation. :bigsmile:

    Lilymay: I just looked up the wildfires in Saskatchewan. It sounds like things are very bad for many First Nation people. I will keep them all in my prayers. :heart:

    Last night’s fireworks show was fabulous. We enjoyed watching from our deck. A neighbor joined us, and his DD and DGD were on the lawn with DGD’s friend. The traffic jam after the show was orderly and eventually everyone got away to head to their respective homes. Our little town throws a great Independence Day party. :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Michele, gosh I’m worn out from all your early baking. It takes my body an hour or more to lube up before I can do much first thing in the morning. Wish I was there to help sample that strawberry bread. Yum

    Pip, I am jealous, yes I admit it. Eight nights in Vegas. What fun!!!! Have one for me.

    Janetr, I’m not sure I’ll ever get back into a size 12. That is wonderful. When you get ready for something new, you might just have to try on 12s until you find one that is slimmer cut in the thighs and hips. You go girl.

    Joyce, sounds like a great day. Glad you got to enjoy with the grands. It just don’t git no better than that!!!

    Heather, I am the same way about the sound of the ocean. I just love it! When we used to come here on vacation, I always had the sliding glass door to the room slightly open at night so I could hear the sounds of the waves. The beach definitely got more crowded before we left, but it is south of town out of the bad crowds.

    Penny, how fabulous to see the reflection and think, “what nice legs”. Way to go. I wonder why we are so hard on ourselves?

    Lisa, wowzer, on that 5K. I can’t even imagine and am so impressed. Way to go. Looking at the picture, I’m wondering if you said it was a “mud run”? rockon.gif

    Heather, where did your DH get the apricots? What yummy jam you will have. Hope the visitors schedules work out and you get to enjoy each of them.(later) Your jam looks great. Just bring a couple when you come to visit. jumpy.gif

    Lenora, get better soon.

    Pip, tell Kirby he did good!!! I didn’t think any of the resorts there had balcony’s. I always heard it was so gamblers wouldn’t jump when they lost too big. I love to sit on a balcony with my morning coffee. You have great views. What floor are you on?

    Lillian, you are lucky if you have smaller clothes that you can grow down to. I hadn’t really kept much in smaller sizes which means I’ve had to get practically all new clothes. At least when it comes to winter, I should be at a size I can wear for a while. I hope? smiley-confused005.gif

    Allison, glad you had a nice visit with cousins. Sorry you had to go home to DH. smiley-sad001.gif

    Yannie, I hate that you aren’t getting the needed sleep. I, too, like the early quiet time when I’m the only one awake. That rarely happens since I retired as DH normally gets up first.

    NMMargaret, good thought on shaking it off after a trauma. I seem to recall that Taylor Swift had a similar idea. smiley-happy045.gif

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    It’s another beautiful day in Myrtle Beach. greensmilies-024.gif DH has been working on the mailbox post, sanding and filling in cracks to get ready to paint it. The HOA expects them to be kept in good condition. This time he took the mailbox off, so I sanded and spray painted it this morning. I feel like I need to help a tiny bit. Unfortunately, DH doesn’t always use the best possible supplies for projects. (Mainly because he doesn’t know any better.) I don’t think it’s going to turn out as smooth as it could have, but it will be painted and sealed.

    I hope you all have a glorious day. Give it your best shot.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Janetr, taking in pants along the hips and thighs is usually pretty simple for a seamstress. Maybe there is one in your area that would be willing to do it. That way you could have pants that fit in the waist and hips and thighs. More slimming.
  • MarieSwaney
    MarieSwaney Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone. I am a newbie here. Known for quite a long time I need a support group but could not find one in my area. Then today I was looking to see what this is all about. I am excited and nervous I don't know how good I will be to keep up. I started Feb 23 2015 new live it life changing experience with Kaiser Hospital weight management group. Then 16 weeks later I am on my own. I have found that I am not doing well with exercising. Lack of motivation lazy alone all 3. I appreciate any help or direction I can receive!
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Welcome Marie! Join us on this open thread and you sure won't be alone anymore. There's so much experience among these ladies you'll probably find plenty of things to motivate you. I don't know if we can do anything about lazy... Maybe if you ask us to whup your butt whenever you're feeling lazy? Even if that doesn't work, two out of three ain't bad.

    Jump right in and see how it goes!

    /Penny at the (North) Pole
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! We had a great time at our new house yesterday! We walked into town twice. Once for lunch where we ate outside. Then we came in to watch the parade. After we walked to the park on Leech lake where we had free watermelon. Walker is a major tourist town with an old fashion Main Street filled with shops and restaurants. There was about 15,000 people in town for the parade and fire works not including the hundreds of boats lined up off shore. It has a carnival like atmosphere.

    After the parade we went home and ripped out the carpet, bug bombed and did some out door work. Then we drove back into town for the fireworks. My DH's feet hurt from the earlier walks. They had a fish fry put on by The Legion which was supper. Good thing I exercised this morning and did all that walking. I think that this was by far the best fireworks display I have ever watched.

    I love my new house and location. It feels like we are on vacation, but we live here!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • CeeBees
    CeeBees Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Everyone. This is my first time posting July Resolutions. My birthday was on the 3rd and my gift to myself is to get healthy. Unfortunately I'm usually only successful for a short time and then don't stick with my program. That will change starting now.

    July Resolutions
    *Walk at least 12,000 steps a day
    *Three training walk/runs per week (for Sept 1/2 marathon)
    *Drink at least eight glasses of water a day
    *Post food diary daily
    *Plan weekly food plan on Sunday & STICK to plan
    *Find friends who are willing to keep me accountable

    Wish me luck. Happy July!

    Cathy in California
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Tina — Thanks for the picture of the blooming dog roses by the lake. I could smell them from 6000 kilometers away! :flowerforyou:

    Michele — I really liked that line: "And remember that the scale only reflects the gravitational pull of your body. It doesn't measure your heart." :heart:
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    we will be here for 8 nights damnit
    Ha-ha Pip! My first thought was "Well if you don't like the place, why go there?" Then I realized you were responding to DJ, not swearing.

    The pic of your legs reminded me of an "awesome" discovery I made a while ago. I was walking along a street and caught sight of a woman and thought "She's got nice legs". Then I realized I was looking at my own reflection in a shop window. Geez! I have nice legs! The thing is, I usually see them from above, and from that perspective they look immense. It was a rare treat see them from a distance and from the side. Not to imply that your legs are immense, Pip! We all know you've got great thighs – much nicer-looking than the thighs on that beanpole who finished in first place. What I didn't realize before is how gorgeously tanned they are.

    As I was having breakfast this morning, watching the birds in the feeder, something hit the window and a shadow dropped to the porch. I went out and found a stunned siskin (little green bird, frequent visitor at our feeder https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasian_siskin).

    This happens from time to time. It's the downside of having a birdfeeder outside the picture window. Whenever I hear something hit the glass I go out to see what happened. Occasionally I find the bird dead, but usually it's just stunned, like this morning's siskin. Most of them recover and fly off within a few minutes. Until they do, I feel it is my obligation to sit at a respectful distance and guard against cats and magpies and other threats.

    Watching a stunned bird recover is heart-wrenching but fascinating. At first it just sits there breathing hard, feathers in disarray, claws curled up and useless, eyes closed. Then at some point it suddenly becomes a bird again. That's a magical moment! The eyes open and I see a glint of awareness in them. The bird shakes itself a few times, fluffs out all its feathers and lays them flat again. Raises its head and looks around, taking stock. Poops. Then off it goes, wings whirring.

    Today I have to figure out some way of protecting my strawberry patch. The darn hare has been for a visit. smiley-angry002.gif

    /Penny at the Pole

    Thx for the compliment on my legs u r sweet. True, we never get to see our own legs. I know I have worked hard on my legs due to all the running and biking but it's nice to know other people see it
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Good afternoon everyone.

    Kathy - I also work full time and have a full schedule with kids activities as well. I don't run but I do walk sometimes but I find that boring. I have to find exercise fun or I won't stick with it. And it's hard to find time with everything else going on. What I've learned is that I have to carve out a little time first thing in the morning (even if that means getting up earlier than I want). I use our Wii and have a couple of different "games" I use. I could probably do the same with some DVD's as I've seen a few other people on this thread do.

    Janet MMcC - Thanks for the tip on putting my tracker in a sealed bag. I'll have to try that.

    Lisa - Congrats on running the 5K!

    Allison - I think of you often and will keep you in my prayers. My hubby sometimes gets in his "moods" as well. I have found that I have to remember it's not about me but more about him feeling bad about himself. If I give him some space and don't react to his negative with my own negative, then things are much better. Lucky for me, his moods usually pass in a day or two.

    Marie - Welcome. I'm a newbie as well.

    Since I spent the day at the pool yesterday, need to get some things done around the house today. So, I'm off to organize some closets. Have a great day everyone!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    Damnit - on the 22nd floor
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    CeeBees wrote: »
    Hi Everyone. This is my first time posting July Resolutions. My birthday was on the 3rd and my gift to myself is to get healthy. Unfortunately I'm usually only successful for a short time and then don't stick with my program. That will change starting now.

    July Resolutions
    *Walk at least 12,000 steps a day
    *Three training walk/runs per week (for Sept 1/2 marathon)
    *Drink at least eight glasses of water a day
    *Post food diary daily
    *Plan weekly food plan on Sunday & STICK to plan
    *Find friends who are willing to keep me accountable

    Wish me luck. Happy July!

    Cathy in California

    Nice goals, Cathy. :bigsmile: You have friends who will help you hold yourself accountable available right here, every day. The three things that help me the most are: 1. Log every bite and swallow, 2. Move more, 3. Have fun every day. (Doesn't have to be all day & can be one of life's simple pleasures such as watching the birds or playing with the dog.)

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    edited July 2015
    I've never taken a pic like this b for and it definitely isn't going on Facebook! Probably deleting it after this but I feel safe enough to put it here. Oddly enough the song beautiful by Christina Aguilera is playing right now
    Nice how laying down kinda flattens everything out lololol

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Thank you for yesterday's birthday wishes! I had a wonderful day ... Both my boys were happy ... My parents called (in their 80s) and sang happy birthday ... I am blessed!

    Today both boys have separate issues ... Sigh ...
    Next year I'll declare it my birthday WEEK.

    Margaret ... Interesting about shaking it off ...

    Would've been ok on calories yesterday. Then my DH (aka saboteur) decided we could not celebrate the day without dessert ... Which had been my choice to keep us all on task with new eating plan. Ended up at Dairy Queen ...

    We also have a dog that is not fazed by fireworks ... Leaves scuttling across the driveway ... All hell breaks loose ... Fireworks? Nada!

    Pip ... Today our minister preached on packing light for a journey ... I immediately thought of your Vegas backpack ... I confess, my thoughts were wandering today!

    Welcome to the new ladies! Have a great day!

    Beth in WNY

  • nkcrites
    nkcrites Posts: 1 Member

    June was good, motivated, moving and dropping a few pounds...5 down! Would like July to be the same.

    10,000 steps
    40 min exercise 4 days a week
    strength training 2 days a week
    8 glasses of water
    continue logging food on my fitnesspal! 22 day streak...would love to see it go over 50 day streak!
    Log even when I have a bad eating day!

    Here we go!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited July 2015
    OK......getting excited now, three and a half hours to FIFA Women's World Cup soccer!!!!!!!! Don't know when I became such a fan but the bug has hit me hard. Is no one else here watching???? Really?? 7pm. Go USA!!

    Katla and Mary........Sounds like you both had excellent holidays!

    Lisa......"Even I don't sweat rainbows."...........LOL looking forward to the day you do. Gave me quite a laugh.

    Margaret.........I will try to remember to shake after trauma; seems both symbolic and re energizing.

    Heather.......Your jam looks devine!!! So sad that you will miss out on that visit. ((((Hugs)))). August will be here before we all know it.

    DD out to the show barn; not working as such but promised to exercise and groom a horse for a friend who is away. Thought about going along but passed in the end as home ac won over heat and humidity.

    Hello to everyone, hope your day is going well.

    Welcome newbies.



    Beth............Very Happy Belated Birthday!!!!!

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Sunday ! ! !

    I am trying to catch up, and currently on July 4, so here goes (as usual, I did a lot of reading and often forgot to take notes, so apologies to anyone I missed) :

    Lisa - (and everyone else sharing nature pictures) : thanks for sharing the wildlife photo. I miss all the critters we used to be able to see when we lived in Minnesota. Now it is rare to see anything larger than rabbits, opossums, raccoons.

    Grits - I also have an HP laptop. I went to Best Buy and many other retailers, typing on all of them, before deciding on this one. Since I type all day, I notice even the most minute differences. I also love the blower at the bottom, especially since hot flashes can be so miserable with a hot computer on my lap.

    JanetR - Hang in there. Loose clothing and comments from others are the best signs that you are being successful. Muscle weighs more than fat. I suggest taking your measurements now, so you can continue to compare in the future.

    - beautiful tribute to your DH. Thanks for reminding me to appreciate what I have, not what makes me crazy. Beautful picture, and good luck to DH for the job search.

    - Hugs. Last year I broke my arm, and any time someone bumped my fingers or the cast, it sent waves of pain throughout. I know this is nothing compared to your pain, but I believe you have the right to have that fear, and should take care of yourself in the way you feel will be the most successful.

    Heather, Vicki, etc - Hugs for your losses of children. Mine was 6 months gestation, and it took months to want to try again, or to want to even live again. I am SO glad current DH just gives me the hugs I need whenever I ask. We have been through multiple losses (though nothing as traumatic as losing a child), and we give/do for each other exactly what is needed - no questions asked. Thanks for sharing that emotional situation with us.

    We also have overcast skies on sunny days, because of the wildfires. I'm glad it is not worsening my allergy symptoms. At 80 degrees yesterday, the weather was perfect for a parade.

    Mia - Congrats on being able to stand after sitting on the ground. I look forward to that, too.

    - I agree that I would have prepared food for others and kept the Steaks for another time.

    Allison - Continuing to send you Hugs ! ! !

    Last evening DH wanted to eat at Boston Market. The young lady behind the counter was so helpful and friendly while I compared everything from the menu to the MFP app on my phone. She finished the conversation being encouraging about my future success. What a lovely job that girls Mom did. Great feeling to be supported by a stranger.

    I had more I wanted to share, but the battery on my laptop got drained too much, so I put it on the charger while I took a shower and made meat-less soft tacos for DS and I for lunch. I see many of you have posted in the hour I was gone, so I'll try to catch up again.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Pip - Hubba-hubba ! My wish is that we can all look that amazing some day soon (or already do). I recall someone recently put up a before/after photo, and I get the same impression from that photo, too. Congratulations to Everyone ! ! ! Now, I need to check on my chipmonk trap, and maybe play a little Candy Crush while riding my Dad's bike (he took his youngest daughter and eldest great-granddaughter to visit his Mother during lunch at her ALC).
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Good morning ladies! We had a great time at our new house yesterday! We walked into town twice. Once for lunch where we ate outside. Then we came in to watch the parade. After we walked to the park on Leech lake where we had free watermelon. Walker is a major tourist town with an old fashion Main Street filled with shops and restaurants. There was about 15,000 people in town for the parade and fire works not including the hundreds of boats lined up off shore. It has a carnival like atmosphere.

    After the parade we went home and ripped out the carpet, bug bombed and did some out door work. Then we drove back into town for the fireworks. My DH's feet hurt from the earlier walks. They had a fish fry put on by The Legion which was supper. Good thing I exercised this morning and did all that walking. I think that this was by far the best fireworks display I have ever watched.

    I love my new house and location. It feels like we are on vacation, but we live here!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

    Mary, it sounds absolutely "heavenly". I would love to be in a place like that. So thrilled for you.

    Janetr OKC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Katla we enjoy hummingbirds too Fantastic picture of one.

    Penny at various garden tours I have seen people use netting placed between poles so it lets in the pollinators not the birds. The most creative was one person used old bird cages to keep the rabbits and deer off his day lilies. That is where I got the idea to use the wire portion of a basket to cover a plant the rabbits were enjoying.

    Janetr congrats on smaller size!

    DJ I thought of the Taylor Swift song too.LOL I am just the opposite when I do a project. I buy the best materials I can because if you have to have someone else fix the problem you made because of cheaper material the material are insignificant compared to what you pay for labor.

    Mary I remember Walker having a great museum. Those small town museum are great. We have pictures of our sons sitting on old snowmobiles. Something in a big city museum you would not be allowed to do.

    Cathy Happy Belated Birthday! :flowerforyou:

    Pip looks relaxing!

    :heart: MNMargaret

    Son's move going fine.