

  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Happy 4th of July everyone! Thanks for all the warm welcomes.
    I'm still trying to catch up on posts, but making progress. I didn't take notes so I'm not able to respond to everyone but will respond to a few.

    All the ladies with the jewelry trees - You have inspired me. My MIL has lots of old costume jewelry that she will never wear again and I'm going to try to make some trees for all the granddaughters.

    Pip - Have fun in Vegas! Love the swimsuit. I'd love to get back into a two-piece but doubt that will ever happen.

    Mary/MN - Good luck with your move.

    Allison - Thinking of you. Hope you enjoy your time away and while you are away, I hope that your DH realizes just what a wonderful lady he is married to.

    I love seeing all the pictures - flowers, views of outdoors, grandkids, before/after. Keep posting them!

    Went to our local parade today. My youngest daughter was marching with the HS band. My oldest daughter just graduated high school so was her first time in several years just as a spectator. After the parade, we went to the pool where my daughter is a lifeguard. Planned to be there only a short time but spent the entire afternoon. Weather was great. Only bad thing is that I don't wear my fitness tracker at the pool (that whole water resistant vs. water proof thing) so my step counts are off. Will still try to hit my goal of 7500 steps today.

    Hubby grilled out tonight which was great - BBQ pork skewers and corn on the cob. Neighbors are shooting off bottle rockets and scaring the poor dog. He's a 100 lb black lab, but just a little lap dog at heart. We'll go watch fireworks tonight but have to put him in his kennel in the garage so he does not get so scared.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    back at the room: boy peeps, lots of walking

    combined total stat for the day:
    walk hn to bus station, airport to hotel, hotel around vegas and back to room - 176min 57sec, 11.2miles, = 1062calories
  • ToadlyFrog
    ToadlyFrog Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, everyone:
    I'm 49 with my 50th coming up next year. I am trying to exercise more and eat better. Last year I tried the C25K app to start running--gradually--and ended up with a stress fracture, 2 weeks on crutches and several more weeks in a boot. I have since gone back to the gym, but have trouble getting there regularly between having a full-time job and two non-driving teenagers at home.

    Two things I've done that are positive re: meeting these goals:
    1. Started packing jar salads for my lunch at work. It's a bit of a pain getting them ready Sunday nights, but then I have the base of my lunch ready for the rest of the week.
    2. Just bought a FitBit Flex and hope that monitoring my steps will help me stick to getting enough exercise

    Negative: I do tend to get bored while at the gym or out running, even when listening to music or trying to watch something on Netflix while on the treadmill. Does anyone else out there get bored, and what do you do about it? I love audio books and podcasts, but the spoken word pace is too slow for exercising. I may give that another go, though.

    The exercise I really love is ballet. I enjoy pilates. The problem with both is the $$$ and the time to do them at dance or pilates studios. My YMCA offers pilates classes but not at convenient times.

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Watched the PBS Fourth of July Pops show from Boston, tradition for us. Volunteered at the YMCA 5K race early am with timing, finish line set up and tear down.........huge turn out!!! Then joined yoga bunch for late breakfast. Nap this afternoon and then out to dog park......Gemma, two shepherds, a pug, and a pit mix tonight. Found out Gemma is unfazed by fireworks. DD has some sort of virus I think, she complains of hurting "all over".....hmmmm.

    Margaret........Lady in Gold was one I wanted to see and missed when it was here.

    Enjoyed all the pics, thanks to everyone who posted. Used to wear my own bikinis up till I got pregnant at 40.

    Poop.......Enjoying your trip from here. Thanks for including us!

    Beth............YAY for the loss; we CAN do this!!!!!

    Carolnc........Yep, my DD would have laughed too if she dumped ice on me, no doubt in my mind. Time is your friend post op; you will feel less pain, I promise.

    Best to all,
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    I was asked to post a picture of my son's bowling scores. Here are his scores from today. They put a different oil pattern on the 4 different lanes to force him to adjust.
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member

    Back with my July goals:
    - log every day
    - exercise at least 4 days a week
    - spend at least 30 minutes a day organizing paperwork until done
    - spend one day a week on a 'project', ie cleaning garage, decluttering closets, etc.
    - spend one a day a week just doing something fun with DH
    - make a new meal once a month

    Picture from Sunset Point Park in Collingwood, Canada
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    edited July 2015
    ToadlyFrog wrote: »
    Hi, everyone:
    I'm 49 with my 50th coming up next year. I am trying to exercise more and eat better. Last year I tried the C25K app to start running--gradually--and ended up with a stress fracture, 2 weeks on crutches and several more weeks in a boot. I have since gone back to the gym, but have trouble getting there regularly between having a full-time job and two non-driving teenagers at home.

    Two things I've done that are positive re: meeting these goals:
    1. Started packing jar salads for my lunch at work. It's a bit of a pain getting them ready Sunday nights, but then I have the base of my lunch ready for the rest of the week.
    2. Just bought a FitBit Flex and hope that monitoring my steps will help me stick to getting enough exercise

    Negative: I do tend to get bored while at the gym or out running, even when listening to music or trying to watch something on Netflix while on the treadmill. Does anyone else out there get bored, and what do you do about it? I love audio books and podcasts, but the spoken word pace is too slow for exercising. I may give that another go, though.

    The exercise I really love is ballet. I enjoy pilates. The problem with both is the $$$ and the time to do them at dance or pilates studios. My YMCA offers pilates classes but not at convenient times.


    smiley-happy026.gifKathy, welcome....you have come to the right place...I hope you'll come back and read responses from other women on this thread. I can't be too much help because I don't work full time and don't have kids at home but others on this thread do. I walk my dogs every morning while listening to music or podcasts or audio books and go to dance classes three days a week. I have redesigned my days so I go to bed early and get up early enough to walk a lot before having to be at my classes before 9 AM. What helped me was to make gradual changes and not try to redesign my life in one fell swoop. It sounds like you've made a good beginning. Keep coming back and keep an open mind to new ideas.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Wound up doing about 50 minutes of levels 2 and 3 of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Zumba Gold DVD

    After exercising went to the farmer's market. Found these purple peppers which I've never had so decided to give them a try. Got my car taken care, went to Aldi since they're right next door, had to go to WalMart on my way home to get ground beef (and a few other things), came home and made a strawberry bread. I'm thinking that I put too many strawberries in it, made some butterscotch spice cookies for mahjongg Monday, made a meatloaf for Vince, then made another strawberry bread. Have to lector and serve at the mass tonight, so I'd better get dinner ready and then change.

    pip - thanks for doing that (sending the friend request). How cool that you got everything into a backpack. Jess can do that, there is no way I could. Somehow I don't think that's CocaCola in that glass. Looks like you're having a fabulous time. Thank for letting us share it with you.

    Evangelina - you go girl!!!!

    DJ - I swear, the less material in a piece of clothing, the more expensive it is. Just like pip's bathing suit

    Beth - happy, happy birthday

    Becca - now you have some great ideas of things to put in the strawberries. I made strawberry bread today, but I think I put too many strawberries in it because it didn't rise the way I would have liked it to have. mmmmm...strawberry daquari inside a strawberry...sounds so so good. What a view, thanks for posting the pic

    Mary from MN - so glad your hubby is joining you here at MFP (not necessarily on this board, he might feel out of place)

    When we lived in PA they were very strict about the types of fireworks you could have, nothing much. Next door to us lived a police officer and next to him was the sheriff of the county. Guess who had the best fireworks display?

    Janet OKC - sometimes it takes your body time to catch up with itself. You may not see a loss (you might even see a gain) right now, but next week....watch out! And remember that the scale only reflects the gravitational pull of your body. It doesn't measure your heart.

    Everyone, have a great fourth

    Sylvia - great price for that bracelet! Happy early birthday

    Alison - did you tell your brother that you really do understand what he's going thru because you go thru the exact same thing with FIL?

    Cheri in OH - as much as I complain about Vince, what you said about your hubby is exactly how I feel about Vince. He is very intelligent, very good with money (he'd better be, he has a CPA degree), he's funny, says that he'll never grow up. Fingers crossed for you guys

    hale - can you wrap a stick of cheese inside a piece of turkey breast? What about those packs of tuna? Egg whites (hard boiled)?

    katla - happy birthday to you, your son and daughter, too. Sounds like it's going to be a busy month for you

    Look out Vegas --- here comes pip and Kirby!!!!

    Rosie - maybe you'll meet up with pip in Vegas??

    Heather - great kitchen extension and garden. You SHOULD be proud

    Carol in NC - your body is probably tired because it's still healing. I don't blame you one bit for not wanting to go out in public quite yet. I'd probably be the same way

    Welcome everyone new to a wonderful place

    Vicki - hope you feel better

    terri - hope the doc got all your sister's cancer, too. Sounds like you did well at McD's

    mia - how awesome that you no longer need the chair!

    Tina in MD - where in MD do you start the walk?

    Kathy - I do get bored, but find that I need to vary my exercise routine in order to keep from being too bored. Like there is no way I can take a water class 3 days in the week, I'd get too bored. Once/week...that I can handle. I know one lady who has an iPod shuffle that is waterproof to listen to music when she's doing her laps. I do use my iPod to listen to fast-beat music. The biggest problem I find with audiobooks is that I get so involved sometimes that I forget to change speed/incline. DVD's for the pilates? Can you get some of them?

    Had most of my calories today in that strawberry bread. You know something? Having all those carbs really made me sleepy, I had to take a nap. It's weird how your body reacts to something that it's not used to.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    hhhey peeps - took a shower, we have complimentary robes. it's nice because the AC is on for kirby so he's comfortable and the robe keeps me warm tomorrow will ge my first day at the pool to relax. plan is to get up walk to the store and get some essentials, check out the gym, who knows, maybe take the day off of working out. i don't have a fitbit and have never counted my steps. there is this one thing on my phone and i guess it tracks it and it said 29582 steps,, i'll take it. who knows how accurate it is. put on my compression socks and calve sleeves. i had some serious nachos, didn't finish them and i don't know what i ate but my stomach didn't like it at all!! it just reminds me, i can NOT eat the way i used to. i couldn't be the nachos because it was too soon after. maybe the mai tai's? i dunno. oh well, early night, vegas will be outside for me tomorrow tomorrow is my moms bday, she'll be 80. nite peeps.
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Michele - Park at National Harbor, a large shopping/dining, etc complex and from there it's just a short walk to the bridge. Link to National Harbor - http://www.nationalharbor.com/

    Beth - Happy Birthday!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Janetr, I know it is discouraging when the scale goes up, but for many of us that is just a natural fluxtuation that happens all the time. If it never came back down that would cause concern. You know that the fit of our clothes is a better judge of success than the scale. Hope your 4th is wonderful.

    Sylvia, you are such a good grandmother!!!! What a deal on your bracelet. I’d have to tell my DH that it was a BD gift and he had to spend more than $4.74 on my gift. We really don’t do much for birthdays any more, but I’d tell him anyway. Good for you.

    Allison, I hope you and our DB can make amends. It is so unsettling to have tiffs with family.smiley-sad020.gif

    chamblisk, you aren’t as stingy as I am. I’d have found something to serve everyone and saved “my steak” for another time. What can I say? How nice that they will all be with you. Enjoy your time together.

    Heather, I’d be a proud mum too. I know they will enjoy this beautiful addition and that’s what counts.

    Carol, I cringed when I read about catching your sling on something. eeek.gif That would probably be enough to make you a little off today. Hope you get back on track soon. I am glad to hear you have conquered the sleep problem. That is so important to healing.

    Pip, that’s okay, just make us all jealous as hell! Have the time of your life. How long are you going to be there?

    Sicinwa, welcome. This is a very supportive group of ladies and informative too. Please tell us about yourself so we can start to get to know you. We also ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called, along with a location. Come often and join right in.

    Vicki, such a sad situation at work and sorry it brings back such sad memories for you. (((Hugs)))

    Terri, sending good thoughts for your sister. Did she get the biopsy results immediately? Good luck with your eating.

    Mia, congrats on being able to get down to sit on the ground and even better is to get back up! I’ll say my quality of life has improved since I lost weight. It’s wonderful to be able to do things we couldn’t do before.

    Tina, we stayed home with our dogs, also. If it weren’t for them we probably would have gone to watch fireworks. As it was, we got a pretty good show from our front porch. Some people spend a lot of money on those things. It’s so cute that ya’ll all eat at the same time.

    Cheri, lookin’ good on those goals. Keep it up.

    Pip, all that walking will take care of a few drinks. smiley-eatdrink016.gif

    Kathy, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. Come often and best of luck with your journey.

    Yannie, Gemma is the first dog I’ve ever heard of that is not bothered by fireworks. That is wonderful. What a good girl.

    Kayak, beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing.

    The weather today has been fantastic. It was beautiful at the beach. It was warm but the sea breeze made it fine. We took the umbrella and DH sat under it for about half the time we were there. Tonight we sat on the front porch to watch fireworks and the temperature was so pleasant. It was just cool enough that DH said he could sleep outside. smiley-sleep002.gif I hope you all had a good day and stayed safe. I'm off to bed. See you tomorrow.

    Sleep well my friends and have a great day tomorrow.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Pip - for sure "THIS IS THE LIFE" enjoy!! :)
    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    DJ - watch out for the sharks. How beautiful wish I was that close to a beach :) Just read your post about the clothes being roomier and you are so right, truly my 12 jeans are almost too big in the hips and thighs but I have no waist, never have really, so 10's would not button around me lol Thanks for the encouragement, I'm better after wearing them to the BBQ and only eating part of a grilled hamburger patty (they were humungous) and some fresh tomato slices and baby carrots. AND Jack is calling me skinny mini lol I'm not but it pleases me that he is my loudest cheerleader.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    we will be here for 8 nights damnit
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well, another day of reading and not responding. But I sure have had a good time with my family. Have not eaten well plus a very small piece of cake and 1/2 cup of ice cream but the memories are priceless. The birthday girl had her first week of being a junior counselour at camp this week and came back pretty exhausted. Disciplining kids is different than being a camp kid. So she didn't feel well today and she hid her head pretty good getting into our van so we didn't go to Sky Zone. But I had the movine Frozen on the DVR and we had plenty of daytime type fireworks to do so our afternoon was pretty much taken up along with cake and ice cream and presents. WE went out to eat tonight and it was horrible service, but we got through it. Got back home and just had a good time until dusk when we went outside and did our fireworks. When our girls were younger we used to go out and buy about 10 fountain type fireworks but this time we got a big pack from Sams club and then went and got some more at a local fireworks place. my youngest and then my son in law who is married to my oldest set the fireworks off for us. Most of the neighborhood was doing something. We have a school right across from us and a lot of people do fireworks in the parking lot in so we had a lot to watch. yes, the ones the city are bigger but this was fun. The kids had the freedom to run, no traffic or parking to worry about.

    My sister only has one grand child and he is 18 and never had a lot to do with his grand parents. My daughters and grand daughter's are very loving and outgoing so she loves to be around them. So she celebrated the birthday with us, the whole afternoon, went out to supper and then was with us when we did fireworks. Her husband is the kind of guy who likes his wife home with him. Now he may be in his office but he likes her home. But he also knows how much my family means to her so he didn't mind that she stayed at my house all day. Trinity really enjoyed her dresses and necklaces, she wore one of them to supper tonight and i would imagine will for church in the morning. So has been a wonderful memory filled day for me.

    Nite, nite, Joyce Indiana
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    edited July 2015
    marking my spot ...need to go to bed ...exhausted.

    Lillian in Smoky West Central Saskatchewan
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Michele in NC - thanks for the encouragement, I got feeling better about it as the day wore on lol I put on my size 12 jeans to wear to the BBQ at son's and I KNOW they are loser, so I will "hang tuff" Thanks much, it helps to have someone pushing me in the right direction from behind.
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    The neighbor two doors down invited us to their Fourth of July party. I'm not good in big groups of strangers -- I talk to strangers for a living, but don't have to think about what to ask. In social situations, I'm a lump. But I spent the afternoon there, bringing a big bowl of strawberries with a choice of full-bore and lite canned whipped creams and vanilla Greek yogurt.
    I also ate a brownie. And all sorts of other "bad" stuff. But I'd started the day with a lot of walking and such, and I took small portions (Oh, okay, I did have two pork ribs) and didn't try everything (not even the red velvet cake). Still, I just barely squeaked by under budget.
    "And such" included a Zumba class. I decided, while walking home from the grocery across the highway (I saw they had 2-liter seltzer, which Larry likes, and told him that if he'd pick up the groceries I'd get him some) that with the temp at 86 I'd pay $10.90 to use the gym, and the class was just about to start when I walked in. I have no idea how to figure the calorie burn, but I couldn't do half the exercises and was still sweating huge drops in spite of their a/c.
    Ate enough at lunch that I didn't want supper, so that worked.

    Lorena - I've got my fingers crossed for your brother-in-law.
    I hate it when my nose goes into faucet mode and I have to turn into a nose-walrus with twisted tissues.

    Sue in WA - wow, what a productive weekend! Glad you and yours made the trip well.

    ithinkicanwin - Wow. I only remember a day or two on a clear diet before a colonoscopy. Good progress on the exercise!

    Joyce - I couldn't poke fun of your son for getting lost in his home town, since my first coherent memory is of getting lost in bed.

    Evangelia - way to go on the 20k!

    Beth - happy birthday!
    Good work on the triple loss. :)
    With all three of you working together for your son and your own bodies, it should go well. :)

    Becca - yup. I hope you could tell the tune. ;)
    Lovely view, and what a pair of sweeties!

    Penny - pretty posies!
    And of course you couldn't resist. ;)

    Rosie in SoCal - yay! for the loss!

    Mary from MN - cool that your husband's joining in.

    Lisa - lovely pix. I hadn't realized elk had such small heads compared to the rest of their bodies.

    JanetR - Your clothes are telling the truth. You're replacing fat with muscle, which takes up less space and is denser than fat. So the scale can sometimes go up while the waistline goes down.

    Sylvia - what a bargain, that bracelet! And such progress!

    Cheri - There ya go! :) And I agree that humor is major.
    On the other question, could he pay more attention to you at the door if the mail wasn't right there, its there-ness demanding his attention?
    YAAAAY for not using stress as an excuse to eat.
    Awwww. Cute, cute wedding pic.

    Hale0610 - for a quick protein lunch, what about a wrap that uses lettuce leaves instead of a wheat wrap? Greek yogurt is higher-protein than regular.

    Barbiecat - I'm smiling at your tale of two husbands.

    KateKyi - <<hugs>>

    Chamblisk - you're nicer than I am. I would have thawed ribs and burgers, and kept the steaks for tomorrow. :)

    Heather - that is a pretty space your son and DDIL created.

    NCCarol - yeah, serious healing makes you tired. Heck, these days if I just get a bug I sleep a lot.
    Funny you should mention sleep interruptions for potty breaks. I decided tonight that I'm going to try just taking sips of water for the last 2-3 hours before I go to sleep, to see if that lets me sleep through the night instead of waking up to decant.

    peep - great to see y'all havin' fun.
    WOW on the walking.

    slcinwa - welcome!

    Vicki - ow! Sorry to hear about the cut. And jumping with a sore thumb would be hard.
    Oh, my lord. So sorry about your boss's son-in-law.

    Terri in Milwaukee - I havae my fingers crossed for your sister.

    Mia - No-Chair Victory! :)

    Linda/IA - To get pool steps, you might try putting your tracker into a freezer zip-lock bag, sucking out all the air, and weaving that in and out of a hair-tie around your wrist. Or just hold onto it.

    Hey, Kathy ToadlyFrog! I've used the Kindle app on my phone to read while treadmilling or stationary bicycling. I even read whle walking around the neighborhood or the hall at work.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Joyce we have the same here with a school just up the block. In some ways it is more fun than going to a fireworks show. Some of our neighbors came out to enjoy the show. We didn't have to worry about parking and were able to walk home. It is 11:30 and still hear them going off in the neighborhood. Although not so many.