

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    We are such a busy bunch and always something happening with someone. A person couldn't ask for a better bunch of friends.

    Margaret MN - Those are some gorgeous flowers, I've never been able to grow them. The salad is so inviting. I sure wish I had strawberries this year.

    Lisa - I'm sure that purse was worth every penny. We all saw how interesting and attractive it was.

    Carol/Peach - Supper sounded delicious however I could never resist garlic bread.

    Heather - I think you do need to share your experience with your children but have no advice as to the best way of dealing with it. Many will be helped by your memoir. I am awed by your bravery.

    Sylvia - Thanks, enjoyed that especially #10.

    Grits - There are good people left in this old world. Such a nice thing to happen to a nice person like you. Hope you feel better soon.

    Kim - It must feel amazing to own you business free and clear.

    This morning I went to watch DGD swim. She is so funny, full of life and all around cute. I hope I get a chance to watch the other swim this summer.
    Coffee and then my DD and DGS came to help me whip the house into shape. I am not sure yet whether we will be hosting a get together on our deck before the Street Wheelers on Fri. night. DH was so weird about it last year that I don't really want to invite people if that is the way he is going to be but on the other hand I so enjoy having them here. At least the house is presentable again.
    DGS took bottles/cans from our house and his own. He and his sister are hoping to go to Calaway park on Wed. and now they have $50 for that.
    DD looks stunning in the maid of honour dress for Cuba in Feb. I am so happy and proud to claim her as my daughter.
    Supper was leftovers which gave me time to put heat on my shoulder.
    My DGD in Vancouver phoned to thank us for the necklace. It was so good to hear our voice. I hope we get to see her and DGGS if we decide to go that way. She is very anxious for me to meet Jennita.
    Loving Life in Lethbridge
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Carol — Really sorry to hear about your recovery problems after surgery. I can understand how depressing it must be for you being unable to move as you wish and do as you want. Privacy and independence are important for what we see as a "normal" life, and pain is such a limitation. Vent as much as you like. That's what we're here for. :heart:

    Tuliplor — I have the same problem battling the urge to snack in the evening. Sometimes I find it helpful to brush my teeth. That sort of puts a psychological lid on the day. Tells me "No more food!" My own strategy for both grazing and healthy snacking is to cut up a pound of veggies first thing in the morning and have them eaten up by bedtime. My repertoire includes carrots, rutabaga, bell peppers, snow peas, parsnip, beetroot, celery, cherry tomatos, cucumber, broccoli stalks (I don't like eating the buds raw), zucchini, cauliflower... The whole pile is usually around 170 calories so I get lots of vitamins, minerals and fiber at a very low "cost". It took my stomach a while to adapt to 500 g of raw vegetables but it's no problem now. Quite the contrary: it makes me feel great!

    Kim — Fantastic about your mother writing a check and releasing you from the "bondage" of servicing a loan on your business. Great!
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,371 Member
    Yoga this morning - got to get ready. :)

    Kim - it sounds as if your relationship with your mother is getting on to a better foot. My mum also did some unexpectedly generous things when she got old. They know they can't take it with them.

    Michele - Amazing plank! I am only doing 1 minute now as I found trying to do reslly long ones was putting me off and I wasn't doing them at all. :* You are very determined! :flowerforyou:

    Penny - I'm crossing fingers for the strawberries!

    Still haven't heard from my cancer buddy about tomorrow. :ohwell: Will text her later. Don't think she is very good at emails.

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    morning friends~
    up at 2:30 am because the crazy dog decided to bark his fool head off..
    Carol~so sorry your feeling yucky....wishing you a speedy recovery...
    need to go grocery shopping but have to look at the low phosphorus list to see what I can eat.. I usually have 2 cups od tea in the morning and love to have a splash of 1/2 and 1/2 in it, just looked at the container and it has phosphates in it :s
    Jean (DSIL) is feeling much better and our friends that are visiting up there got Faith(Jean's mom) down to the lake and got her sitting in the water and on a boat ride.. she hasn't been in the water for 10 years, and Jean was just thrilled..
    well I stepped on the scale and I thought i had gained a bunch but still the same.. I haven't lost , but haven't gained..
    have to get on the track and back moving
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited July 2015
    Good morning ladies! We are going to Bins, good primer, the floors where we tore out the carpet. It will cover cat and dog urine. With DH's asthma and allergies to cats we decided to lay linoleum up stairs where we have 2 bedrooms and the secret room. The one bedroom will be for the DGSs and the other a guest room. So much work to do!

    Penny - your garden looks like a fortress! Nothing is going to get into it.

    Barbie- thanks for the ideas. I need to learn how to put music on my iPhone. Maybe my 11 year old DGS will be able to show me!

    Grits- great compliment! That is a perfect NSV!

    Carol - hang in there it will get better!

    Sylvia Very interesting information about depression. I am going to see if it helps. I have been really crabby lately. No more mrs nice guy!

    Yanniejannie- Do you have blueberries at your house or do you go somewhere to pick?

    Michele - I love playing dominoes. Very relaxing. When you hold your plank for 2min45sec is that 1 time ?

    Kim - that is so awesome that your mom did that for you. Congratulations on being a business owner and your own boss!

    Sharon- it sounds like you are very fortunate to have your family close enough to enjoy your grandchildren.

    Heather - I hope you get a hold of your friend.

    Allison - I'm glad that you are getting back on track. I also need to be more diligent. At least you didn't gain!

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,994 Member
    smiley-happy026.gifMary from MN....when you said you'd ask your DGS to show you how to put music on your iphone, it reminded me of when I first had a computer in my first grade classroom and a 6th grader came to my classroom to install the disk drive for me.....I do planks and time each one individually....I started with 30 seconds and added a few seconds each time until now I can hold them longer....I usually do them as part of my weight training and try to do three of them mixed in with other stuff...I do my weight training with something good on the TV so I am entertained and distracted especially while holding the plank.

    smiley-happy026.gifJoyce, your taco salad plan at the Mexican restaurant sounds very smart and healthy.

    <3 Barbie
  • OcGrans8
    OcGrans8 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for getting this blog started...I am currently restarting my exercise routine. I have joined a local gym, have a stationary bike in my home. The most important thing is that I have to get moving. I love over 30 lbs to date and would love to lose an additional 15 lbs.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Carol, when I tore my rotator cuff and separated my shoulder, I could no longer comfortably fasten a bra. I am an old hippy, so I just go braless a lot, but then I don't live in the south. I do find that a cheap sports bra that goes on over my head works well enough and I can put it on without pain. I am talking about the type that look like a tank top with elastic for under the boobs. They usually are double fabric in front. Might be worth picking up a couple until you feel better. Also, regular bras can go on over your head if you don't fasten it as tightly. Or you can put it on around your waist, fasten it in front, turn it around and pull it up. It helps to bend over and rearrange things after you get it on. I am reminded of Acid Annie's comic strip- the best bra is a sweatshirt!
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited July 2015
    Carol in NC – just sending major hugs… being in pain AND horrible things happening to you is worth having a good cry, as DJ said…

    YannieJannie – did you know hostas are supposed to be edible? Check it out-- https://scottishforestgarden.wordpress.com/2012/05/07/hostas/

    Kim – so very cool that your up/down relationship with your mom ended up with her knowing what was most important to you! So pleased for you, and her.

    Tuliplor – Quest protein bars also have 17 grams of fiber, and only 1 gram of sugar. If you’re near a GNC, they often carry them in single bars—and I would highly suggest trying a few before you buy a lot. I think Heather in the UK also keeps these around. They can be expensive, but if you order direct from the company, you can get them down to a little less than $2 each. For 20 grams of protein and 17 grams of fiber, it’s worth it to me… plus they don’t feel they have to coat them in chocolate to make them palatable. They do have chocolate flavors, if you like them, but I find those to be kinda horrible. The best ones for my tastes are the Cinnamon Roll, Vanilla Almond Crunch, Peanut Butter Supreme and Coconut Almond…

    Joyce in Indiana – I found myself doing exactly the same thing and fudging the stats on the amount of popcorn I was making… So, I bumped the calorie level up to what I was actually eating, and it makes me think about it before I eat it at all. We’re worth being honest, even when it makes us blink.

    Even at 140 to 150 grams a day, the protein isn’t bumping me off the current stall… which has been eight days now. It bumped me past the 30-pounds lost mark to begin with, but hasn’t been keeping my losses consistent. At the same time, routine is so important to me, and keeps me so happy, that I’m tempted to simply drop the calorie count a couple hundred for three or four days and leave it at that. Hopefully, the math of CICO (calories in, calories out) will catch up soon enough to keep me from getting frustrated…

    Writer’s workshop was kinda awesome last night – we traded reads, instead of reading our own writing, and it was fascinating hearing what I had to say in someone else’s voice. Really enjoyed it. We’re bumping our workshops up to once a week, which really makes me happy. It also gets me off the ranch, something that can be kind of hard to get me to do, since it’s a 45-minute drive into town. Most of the workshop also ran the 5K, as well—love being around a group of strong, smart women. Hmm, much like here!

    For those who don’t know, you have a couple captive writers on the thread (the others poke at us to see us jump, since our minds are usually quite far away). For what we write, you can do a search on Amazon for Lisa C Hannon (the middle initial’s important) or Heather Eyles… Mine are a murder mystery and a collection of my op/ed columns, and Heather’s is literary fiction and children’s books…

    Just for your amusement (and mine this morning…) a couple writer’s jokes:

    Lisa H in rainy West Texas

    July goals
    Weigh less than I did at the end of June
    Run farther than I did at the end of June
    Steady calorie levels, 1400-1500 daily, 140-150 g protein daily.
    Get the core work going, even if it’s only crunches.
    Write 2500 words a day, every day in July. BISHOK… Butt in seat, hands on keyboard every single day. At 100 wpm, should take only 25 minutes, right? Do it.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    From one avid reader to another:
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    @Lhannon062709 Even at 140 to 150 grams a day, the protein isn’t bumping me off the current stall… which has been eight days now. It bumped me past the 30-pounds lost mark to begin with, but hasn’t been keeping my losses consistent. At the same time, routine is so important to me, and keeps me so happy, that I’m tempted to simply drop the calorie count a couple hundred for three or four days and leave it at that. Hopefully, the math of CICO (calories in, calories out) will catch up soon enough to keep me from getting frustrated…

    I was hoping that monitoring my protein macro would help me with the weight loss also. No such luck so far. My body just does not want to give up the weight. Had my husband look at my CICO over the last several weeks to make sure I was accurate in concluding I should be losing and he agreed. Sigh...day #12 of the stall.....in for the long haul.

  • GrammaTree
    GrammaTree Posts: 22 Member
    Hi all! I'm Theresa; new to this thread, but been around since November 2013 when I had a gastric bypass. I started at 250; got down to 162 before TMJ Disease finally got me for real. Had to switch to a near-liquid diet about 5 months ago, then had my old joints removed and replaced with titanium ones in May, and while they were at it they pulled all my teeth in preparation for dentures. Not having teeth got me back into some bad habits, and I'm back up to 170. The process for dentures will start in two days, so it's time to get back to my bypass diet. I do have a Fitbit Zip, which I attach to my bra, and yes, that little puppy has made it through the washing machine. :) I do have to be careful about movement or I get dizzy, so I'm starting slowly. But here I am!
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited July 2015
    Golly GEE Lisa. How the heck do you get in 140 grams of protein per day? I guess protein bars at 20 grams a shot would help... I currently have my protein goal set at 90 grams a day and I don't know if I've ever managed to eat that much in a single day. At least not within my 1200 calorie limit. *sigh*

    After eight consecutive weeks of steady weight loss, I fear I'm moving onto that plateau both Lisa and Cheri appear to be stuck on. (Move over, girls!) I've had to cut down on jogging because of a sore throat, and I've also sinned once or twice, so maybe that's it.

    I'll go out and run the weed whacker for a while, see if that helps any.

    Speaking of weeds, here's yesterday's bouquet. It's a bit unorthodox. I was out walking and noticed a patch of stinging nettles where the tops were all purplish. That inspired me to pick a bouquet with a purple theme. So nettles, water avens, and a couple of grasses with purplish tops. I like the texture :)

    /Penny at the Pole

    July goals:
    1. Maintain my pound-a-day veggie habit
    2. Weigh and log food when I am cooking
    3. Exercise restraint when I'm not cooking
    4. "Choose my booze"
    5. Exercise in some form every day

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    morning peeps
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Carol, I did want to know how you are as well as the pain. And of course you can tell us how you really feel. How I really feel is so bad that on top of everything else you are getting depressed. smiley-sad011.gif I really wish I could help. If we were closer, I’d drive you to work and PT. I’d walk with you some for a little exercise. I’d crack jokes to make you smile. Do you have to wear a bra unless you are going someplace? If not, tell your DD to go until the day you need her to drive you someplace. That is, if she is more stressful than she’s worth. I know that feeling from my DD. Gosh they can be exhausting. Just know that we love you and want a speedy recovery, so hang in there. ((((Hugs)))) OMG, your roof is leaking? Okay, just have a good cry and I’ll cry with you.

    Sylvia, I don’t want to burst your bubble about depression but I have always been a people pleaser and was raised to be nice and I’m happy to say I have not ever suffered from depression except for right after the birth of my baby. But if it helps those of you that are depressed to be a little mean, try it out. Ya know, whatever works!

    Bkrimpet, I have worn the tankinis for a few years. The ones that are pretty form fitting don’t really ride up. Although I do get the one’s that come down past my waist. They look almost like a one piece but are so much better when it comes time for a potty break.

    Michele, great holding on that plank!! You must have a body with muscles like a board. wtg.gif I don’t know about Pip, but my feeling is, “why mess up good liquor with chocolate?” LOL Okay, what is Mexican Train dominoes? That’s a new one to me.

    Carey, Hi and bye. Thanks for stopping by but come back when you can stay longer and tell us what’s going on with you.

    Kim, what a wonderful gift from your Mom!!! At least she realized that she was doing so much more for your brother. I just feel sorry for all the women over 60 that are caring for grandchildren of able bodied parents. I have a 73 yr old friend who does way more than she should have to for her grandchildren. It is taking away from her retirement and enjoyment of life. She loves them dearly, that’s not it, but she is just not in condition to do what she does.

    Yannie, or anyone, with all the tankini talk I started thinking that I haven’t seen as many this year as normal. Are you all finding that is the case? I have two tops that fit okay but the bottoms were too big and baggy. When I started looking for new bottoms there just weren’t as many around. Plenty of bikini’s but I need “old lady bottoms” that cover the whole shebang.

    Joyce, thanks for the picture. I didn’t know they were that big!!! I was thinking of something about the size of a table lantern or smaller, that I have seen somewhere. Wow, about your crunchy cereal on your yogurt; I don’t know how many calories it has, but I often use Grape Nuts and only allow myself ¼ cup because it is so high. You must use a big bowl if you were putting 3 cups in it? WE have to be honest with ourselves. smiley-eatdrink026.gif

    Allison, as far as I’m concerned, often no gain is as good as a loss. You know, when we think we will pick up a pound or two due to our behavior. Good for you, now will come the loss.

    Mary, I’m sure you must have told us, but Ya know my CRS. What is the “secret room” at your new house? On the linoleum for upstairs, they now have some that look just like hardwood floors. Of course they have all kinds of neat stuff, so have fun shopping and fixing up. smiley-chores012.gif Also, once the fix up is done and you can move in, remember that most of the decorating can wait. We often have a different feel for our house after we have lived in it for a year or two, so don’t rush into the things that can be put off a bit.

    Miriam, I had not heard the Acid Annie comment on bras and I like it!!! “the best bra is a sweatshirt” Too bad that doesn’t work in the summer.

    Lisa, you said, “We’re worth being honest, even when it makes us blink” when talking about logging our food. To me that is the reason we log at all, so we will think about what we are eating. OMG, I remember when I started on MFP and looked just to see what the calorie level was in many of my favorite foods….talk about blink!! yikes.gif That was a real eye opener to me. If I eat something with 300 calories or more and “pretend” that is has 100, I don’t think MFP cares one way or another. But My body sure does. We have to be honest with ourselves or why waste the time to log it. (oops, climbing down off my soap box.) I like your jokes.

    Cheri, I see you are concentrating on protein. Have you tried to limit carbs? I saw a doctor interviewed a few weeks ago talking about the plateaus of weight loss. He said to go as low carb as possible for 3 days, then back to normal healthy eating. According to him, this will often do the trick. It has somewhat worked for me on occasion. Good luck.

    Theresa, welcome. You will find this a great place for support and information. You said you had joints removed and replaced..was that jaw joints? I hadn’t heard of that. Just take this one day at a time and work up to being the best that you can be. It is a life journey and not a race. Come often and chat when you’d like. Please sign each post with your name and a location, be it general or specific. Good luck.

    Penny, I like your boquet. And stay away from those plateaus. They really aren’t as much fun as they look.

    Pip, Good morning. Have a marvelous day.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    DH just left to take the two furry boys to the beauty shop. Then he will go to a couple of stores while he’s out. When he gets home, we will go to Costco to pick up a prescription, buy a couple of things and eat lunch. I love their grilled chicken Caesar salad. I just have to remember to take my own low cal dressing. I normally bring home half of it and if needed will add chicken for lunch tomorrow. I have to go give myself a haircut and get my shower before DH gets back.

    I hope you all have a successful, happy and healthy day.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Morning Pip! Someone suggested you visit the following place. We did and it was well worth it! :)<3quimygmctgjr.jpg
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    Pool at the YMCA still not functioning correctly, water way too hot. I hope they get it fixed by tomorrow. So my plan for the day is two 30 minute sessions on the stationary bike and laundry. Does not sound very exciting.

    @Kim that is so terrific that your Mom wrote you a check to pay off your business loan. So exciting.

    @Grits - I have a chronic problem with sinus infection. Usually have a bad flare up a couple of times each year. Then I end up having to get a shot and oral antibiotics plus an antibiotic ointment for my nostrils. They are no fun. Hopefully the meds you have now will begin to help.

    @Carol - ugh, I sure hope things begin to turn around soon. I too would just go brainless, but then I am "boobless" :( who ever heard of a fat old lady with no boobs? ((((((Hugs))))))

    @Penny - love the bouqet.

    @Becca - I also could not view your pics on my tablet. I'll try on the PC.

    Very rainy here for the next couple of days.

    Janetr OKC

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,371 Member
    Theresa - welcome! Sounds like you have had a lot to cope with. Good luck with the dentures. :flowerforyou:

    Carol - I never wear a bra and haven't since my thirties. I like a fairly tight stretchy camisole that holds everything in. When I have to wear a bra I fell like I'm being crushed! I am small now but they were bigger when I was obese. But seriously, call in some favours from people! Don't be proud! :flowerforyou:

    Got a Tea Dance tonight and should get the photo from the garden party last month. I've found a dress, (rarely wear dresses) in the spare rooom cupboard that looks vaguely 30s and have dyed my legs a bit browner. Resurrected some old buttoned "character" shoes I used to use for French country dancing and will wear them with rolled down thin socks, like in WW2 .

    My yoga teacher has lent me some of her "best" frocks to try on for all my upcoming smart occasions. I haven't looked at them yet, but it's a sweet thought. <3 It is certainly true that most of us so rarely get a chance to wear formal gear. I am pleased to say the last posh frock I bought, at a very reasonable price, has had four outings to date, including the garden party.

    My friend texted back to say she IS coming tomorrow. :D She left her ipad charger at her daughter's so hasn't had internet. She is someone I met on an adventure holiday for cancer sufferers, run by a charity. It was quite an experience! ! ! ! :laugh: I recently remet this friend for lunch in London so it's great to reconnect.

    Pip - isn't it wonderful how you can clock up those miles walking around town. I walked like a demon in New York so didn't put on more than a pound despite some very indulgent meals. :D And wine. And beer! And cocktails!

    Going to have a home made scone now, with a scrape of my apricot jam, just to test it! I think they are what you call biscuits. No carbs for my dinner though. :) But will be dancing tonight!

    Heather UK
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Good morning!

    I had to get to work early today for a meeting and then my meeting was cancelled at the last minute. Bummer. I got up early so I could get 20 min of Zumba in before work. Rained here yesterday and they are worried about flooding but so far so good. It's sunny but a cool 64F here right now and only supposed to get up to low 70's today. But, then it's supposed to hit 90 on Saturday. That is Iowa weather at it's best - if you don't like the weather, wait an hour and it will change.

    Heather/UK - I'm not an expert, but I think your family would want you to tell them about your childhood. My view is from the other side of the fence. A close friend of mine was abused as a child and held it in for many years. Once he finally confided in me, it helped me to better understand him and also to better support him as he still tries to work through his past issues. I'm glad he told me and I think your children would be glad as well.

    Lenora/GRITS - So sorry to hear you now have bronchitis. I tend to get it about once a year. A strong antibiotic usually kicks most of the symptoms for me, but the cough can linger for weeks. Hope you are feeling better very soon (and with no lingering symptoms).

    Carol/NC - Sending you a gentle hug from the middle of the U.S. I think you deserve to be able to vent and we are happy to listen. I know it's hard to give up some independence, but I agree that maybe you could ask for some help from your church(s).

    Kim - Congrats on owning your own business!

    Theresa - Welcome. Sounds like you've had some struggles. Good luck with the dentures and getting things back on track.
