

  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Grits - Hope new meds help the bronchitis. Hooray for nearly being arrested!
    Carol - So sorry that you are having problems. Sometimes life just hits you so many different ways BUT why does it have to do it when you are already on the floor? More hugs for you.
    Kim - How wonderful of your mum to actually show how much she appreciates all you have done for her.
    Sharon - Grandkids are so lovely, great-grands much be extra-special.
    Lisa - Congratulations on run and the start on the beautiful quilt.
    Sylvia - what a busy day you had yesterday. Hope today is a bit quiteter.
    Joyce - I am happy to see new DGS few times a week for a little time but although I know it is stupid, the fact that he is named for my third son who was a SIDS baby just confuses things for me a bit. I will do my best but find it really hard. I don't think I have shown this to the parents (or at least I truly hope I haven't).
    Heather - Dress for tea dance sounds great. Scone and apricot jam mmmmmmmmmmm.
    Mary - Happy that you are managing to get settled into new home. It all sounds wonderful.
    Cheri - What are you trying to do to me? Never heard of Ethel M chocolates but would be very willing to try them :wink: . What a good job I am so far away and will never get to Vegas. Cadbury World in Birmingham is bad enough.
    Welcome to all newbies and sending best wishes to all the rest.
    Gilly, Suffolk UK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,371 Member
    Gilly - I had to look the acronym up, but I completely understand how you must feel! Awful thing to happen. I had a stillbirth of a full term girl and that was awful enough. I hope you will get used to the name as the baby grows. :flowerforyou: My baby was called Kate.

    Heather UK
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Becca – Very cute car. Hooray for stepping outside of your comfort zone and making your world a little bigger.

    Cory17 – There are a lot of dietary restrictions immediately following by-pass surgery due to the stomach healing and needing to learn a new way of eating due to the smaller pouch and changes to the intestinal tract. For the most part you can eat whatever you want and can tolerate by the time you are 3 months out of surgery. Of course, if you want to continue to lose weight and want to be healthy you have guidelines for the amount of protein, fat, carbs and sugar that you should follow, but you really can eat pretty darned near anything which is why some people regain weight after surgery. You still need to learn a new way of eating to be successful. You also still need to exercise. The surgery is a tool to help you with the eating part of the weight loss equation.

    The restrictions after the 3 month point are all in what you drink. I already explained about caffeine. There is also a restriction against using a straw to drink for the first year. This is because straws make it easy to swallow air which can be very uncomfortable and can make you falsely too full. After a year I still opt to mostly not use a straw, but I have learned how not to swallow a lot of air and can deal with it better if I do swallow air. The final restriction is supposed to be for the rest of my life – no carbonated beverages. Again, that air thing plus the sugar in soda is too high and there is no nutritional benefit to soda. That said, I have read information from bariatric clinics that the no carbonated beverage thing is nonsense. I don’t find this one too tough to follow so I’ll just stick to it because my doctor is a little more cautious and conservative on the issue.

    Carol in NC – Pain can be really debilitating. It’s good to vent about the worrisome, difficult and uncomfortable issues you are currently facing. What I see in your post is some good self-awareness and a sense of humor struggling to overcome the pain. Stick with us and you will come out the other end of this.

    Sylvia -
    I read something interesting the other day regarding depression. Some scientists somewhere reported that there may be a link between trying to be "nice" and the onset or worsening of depression. Hmmm. Maybe there is something to that. I used to be a people-pleaser, trying really hard to be nice and I was horribly depressed. Even suicidal. In recent years, I have stopped trying so hard to be nice and my depression has eased up quite a bit. It could be meds, but I was on meds before and they weren't working. So, if you are currently suffering from depression, you might try not being so darned nice and see what happens.

    Interesting thought. I too have found that my depression has eased up a lot as I have stopped trying so hard to be liked. Maybe that’s why I get so frustrated with my MIL when she goes into people pleaser mode. She reminds me of myself when I was in a head space that didn’t make me happy. Hmmm. Food for thought here.

    Kim from N. California – What a lovely gift from your mom! Congratulations on now owning your business outright. That is awesome!

    A Sky Lantern is like a miniature hot air balloon made out of paper. By now you will have seen the adorable picture posted by Joyce in Indiana of her DGD holding one.

    Mia in MI

    July goal:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Continue to meet PT one day a week for strength training
    Start one hour a week of aerobic exercise
    Stop Iced tea overload. 24 oz. iced tea daily plus 40 oz. water
    Word of the month – gratitude

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Mind, Body & Sole Read at Your Own Pace 2015-a reading/wellness experience
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Janet, I wasn't suggesting being mean. Just not working so hard to be "nice". I think there must be a middle ground somewhere. It probably means looking out for your own interests a little more than looking out for everybody else's.

    Today my friend and I carried umbrellas in case it started to rain, and it worked. The rain held off till we were finished walking. If you have an umbrella, you won't need an umbrella. That's the way it works.

    I'm really enamored with the hands free calling features in these rental cars. That's the one thing they have that I really wish I had gotten in our new van. So, this morning I ordered a Bluetooth hands free add-on device from Amazon. It had good reviews and only cost $20.

    Hubby has decided that we are going to South Dakota on Thursday. No idea why or where we are going to wind up, but I made reservations at the doggie spa for our three crazies, and off we will go. He's just itching for a little road trip, now that school is out, and there was a PBS show on TV about Mount Rushmore recently. Must have given him the bug.

    Well, I'm off to get the kids. Later, ladies!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Lillian we got your hazy skies yesterday in Minnesota. We got a pollution alert to be careful with activities. This haze came after a 4 inch rainfall. I hope they get those fires under control soon.

    Kim so happy for you that your mom came through for you!

    Yanniejannie as I said most of my hosta is green or variegated. This is one of my favorite bunches near my patio that is different from most of the others I have.x1wn6kar46te.jpg

    Lisa find the idea of eating hosta interesting. I did try new milkweed last year too bitter for me. I guess the Native Americans would eat them like asparagus. I have yet to try fiddle head ferns from my garden too.

    Michele you, pip, and barbie are inspiring in your consistency in exercising.

    Becca my computer would not let me access your son's wedding picture. :disappointed:

    Carol gentle ((((Hug))))

    Chari poster :drinker:

    Penny love the bouquet.

    Heather the dance sounds like a blast.

    Joyce love the sky lantern.

    Sharon love how upbeat you sound.

    Sylvia I have found that when I get into trouble with people pleasing is when I do something because I feel I have too. Before I do something for someone I ask myself is this something I really want to do. If it is not I still might do it depending on the situation. In some cases it make it easier for me to say NO! No is a wonderful word to establish boundaries.

    I have mentioned this book before Emotional Genius. (Unfortunately out of print) I got a copy at a library.I liked how Karla MacKlaren (Not sure spelled correctly) discussed depression. The reasons for it are usually more than one and is personal to that individual. What works for one may not work for another. She does offer some interesting techniques to try. One of my favorites is to mentally write out your troubles. Then roll that paper up and send it off in flames. I can tell she believes in Chakra work, so if you have interest in that she might be worth checking out.

    Gritsand sluts this is my Get Well wish for you. Since I could get the paper to print here I staged my own with a pair of my own flamingoes. 12tjjg8qnibb.jpg

    :heart: MNMargaret

  • jeanlake
    jeanlake Posts: 130 Member
    Love the accountability and generosity here. Kudos to each of you. :) Sending good energy your way and best of luck on your goals. I go to community gym 4x's a week with home workouts (row machine, stretch, walk or bike) 2x's a week. 1 rest day, however, I try to keep moving on that day, too. A recent goal of mine is to extend 2 of my gym workout days to include group classes along with regular routine - fit fusion & yoga w/ weights classes. I'm petite, so try to stay at 1300 calories a day. Keep moving and thank you for the inspiration. Jean [retired educator and working part time]
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member

    Kirby says hey there ladies
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Lovely MNMargaret! Linda, I am in Iowa too, southwest of Iowa City about 20 miles. Where are you?

    I have a library of books to help with depression. One of the best I found, that I could have written half of, is "How to Get Things Done When You're Depressed". It is full of short little tricks to help with lack of motivation and energy.
  • HSDramamom
    HSDramamom Posts: 44 Member
    I was gone for the weekend...watched what I was eating fairly well, though my logging was inconsistent. I'm back at it today.

    I went for a long (sticky/humid) walk on Saturday morning with my sister and bro-in-law. They have been walking regularly for about 4-1/4 miles most mornings. For the first several minutes my back hurt a lot and my sciatica was creating a lot of pain as well. I kept plugging along at a good clip, though, thinking I might turn around and let my sister and bro-in-law finish without me, but then the pain lifted after about 15 minutes and I finished the walk. When I found out I had burned almost 200 calories, I thought, "Wow, I burn that much in 30 minutes on the Octane fitness machine at the gym--in air conditioning and without pain!" I got back home last night and was at the Y at noon to workout on the Octane machine. 235 calories burned in 30 minutes. As I walked out of the Y, I thought of how nice it is to workout this time of year in air conditioning!

    Theresa, welcome. Be encouraged that you did not regain all of the weight you lost. You do have some serious challenges, but with determination and accountability here on MFP, you will lose the weight!


  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    It's looking like my job is fixing to give me a beating for the next couple of weeks, so I'll try to keep up but may not have much to say.

    Oh, for the other readers in the group, I've been meaning to say that I recently discovered Louise Penny's Inspector Gamache books and have been enjoying them immensely. I want to visit Three Pines, the village in the stories!

    -Yvonne in TX
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    I thank my lucky stars each day that I've found such a supportive and sharing group of ladies to go on my health journey with. Thank you all for sharing your challenges, successes, wisdom and advice.

    I feel like I've been travelling for weeks...oh wait I have! I can't remember driving this much in a long time. I've spent at least 44 hours driving in the last 2 weeks.

    We had a great turn out for the reunion, even 3 of those currently having challenges with cancer were able to come for at least a few hours. I had a wonderful visit with them. Got a real kick out of my cousin's little boy who is 4 (going on 40) who talks a blue streak. He picked some flowers to give to mommy ( dandelions and little blue flowers with no stem). When we asked him why he got flowers for mommy he scrunched up his face in the cutest frown and said so mommy doesn't look like this. He's so adorable! Mommy had a smile the rest of the day...hangover or not. :laugh: A lot of family chose not to come to the reunion this year since there is also going to be a 75 birthday party for my aunt in 3 weeks and they couldn't get time off for both.

    Thought for the day: "Man has never made any material as resilient as the human spirit." - Bernard Williams


    July Goals:

    1. Do menu planning for July - Increasing protein to 130g per day. Do one week at a time so that can adjust as I go.

    2. Log all meals - try to pre-log to get a better handle on calories for the day

    3.Plan and Do - 2 fun things every week (
    W1: Family reunion - 3 days of fun and hard work
    W2: Tai Chi with friend who will start beginners and needs some company. Hot Stone Massage

    4. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes.

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,660 Member
    Gilly – that sounds tough with the name, I am sure they picked to honor him, but tough…

    Heather - How fun to do a tea dance!

    Mia - The straw limits should be in place for all of us, straws are the worldwide source for un-recycled plastic.

    Christina – A/C is a wonderful invention!

    I do appreciate what my mom has done, and am getting used to it… I had been planning a party for clients and supporters for next May (when I thought it would be paid off)… now is not the time it is too busy, but will put together something for the fall. This will be a huge plus in our relationship, as part of our relationship challenge has always been fairness, mom has always had a favorite, and will cater to the favorite until they fall out of favor. I don’t want to be the favorite, I would like us to be more equal.

    Back to work, just on my lunch break.

    July Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles
    1 plank every day and log here – goal more then 19 - 3
    Log everyday –
    Eat mindfully-
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 – Mom is here for the 4th, and we are going out to dinner –her treat!

    Kim from N. California
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    edited July 2015
    Becca – Congrats on getting your license. A sense of power and control is a nice thing to have. Being able to take care of ourselves and others. Good Job ! ! !

    Grits – congrats on that wonderful compliment from a stranger. Love those NSV’s !

    Carol – sending hugs. I don’t know if it will help, but since breaking my arm last year, I keep all my bras hooked, and pull them up over my feet/legs. I am also only a “B” cup, so it doesn’t take much to get settled in. I know you really just need the hugs, so here is another (((Hug))). The roof, too? More (((((Hugs)))))

    Tuliplor – I believe many of us struggle in the evening (I know I do). And I still fail more often than succeed. But when I am able to succeed, it is because of veggies already cut up, almonds to crunch, or lentil chips from Big Lots (DS and DH eat chips, so I pretend to join them with my lower fat/calorie options). I also crochet, and I can’t crochet with food in my fingers. I am also finally able to use the word “no” when DH asks if I want something from a fast food place (or choose the salad when available). For breakfast I am currently focusing on protein, so 2 eggs with mushrooms or onion or ham or turkey bacon or something. When I can’t afford eggs, I eat Old Fashioned Oatmeal, and try to add a fruit. Keep coming, and getting/giving all the support you need.

    Bkrimpet – I like tankini because all that I have bought have at least a little bra built in, so if the loose fabric in the front flows up, nothing is exposed except the rotund belly. If I leave the pool area, I can put on a pair of shorts or something, and the top is looser, so it looks like a tank top and not a swimsuit.

    Michele – in the most previous bag of cherries that I bought, the individual cherries are HUGE. I suppose I need to adjust my calorie count. I can weigh them at work, I think I will try that today. I can’t stop eating them  // Congrats on the planks.

    Kim – Congrats on the business/mom situation. What a stress-reliever. // Parishoners for Carol – great thought. I belonged to a Church that was amazing that way, and another that was terrible.

    Joyce – Well done on your admission and revelation. Hugs for the truth ! ! ! and Respect !

    Allison – Congrats on not gaining. You can do this; today is a new day !

    I’m with Janet about depression. When I was unhappy I lashed out on others, which was both exhausting and sad. Now that I am happy, it makes me happy to make other people happy, and if I keep the glass ½ full, I have something to strive for. When I was unhappy, I couldn’t think of anything besides making other people unhappy with me (misery loves company). My new motto is “Love the people who treat you right – Pray for the people who don’t” and that helps me move on when someone talks trash to me or about me. Maybe if a person is truly depressed it is cathartic to stand up for your rights and tell the truth ? Plus, there is a difference between being assertive and being aggressive, so I’m guessing that is a factor, also. I believe we should all do what works best for us, and we should continue being strong women.

    Theresa – baby steps, and one day at a time. If it feels overwhelming, dump it on us, then “in the corner” and start over with new baby steps.

    Gilly – it is NOT stupid to have confused feelings about deceased son and living grandson sharing a name. We all grieve in our own way, and you certainly have a right to your feelings. (mine was 6 mo gestation, and I named her Courtney)

    Well, I bit the inside of my cheek so hard the taste of blood was making me nauseated, so I didn't finish my salad, but since I ate most of it I will still log it like I ate it all. Hopefully the cherries and yogurt I have planned for my snack won't cause any more pain (or stinging). I also stayed on the exercise bike for 20 minutes this morning, so that was a huge accomplishment. 10 minutes on the handbike added to that, and I'm feeling empowered. I need to keep my protein up for donating blood on Saturday, yet keep my calories and fat down so I still could stand a chance in this contest.

    Work is getting toxic again, so I'm glad I have my "cave" to hide in, and keep worrying about keeping the patients happy (I suspect when I return at the end of next week, there will be at least a slight employee turn-over).

    Counting down to leaving for Chicago. I hope the Hotel has a laundry room, because if DS qualifies, he and DH need to stay a few days longer, and I'm certain neither of them will pack for the maximum days.

    More Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (yesterday was 86 degrees, so Summer is over; I hope we have a warm Autumn).
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Miriam I live in St. Paul. My oldest son went to the U of Iowa in Iowa City, so I am familiar with your area. I also have past through there many a time on the way to St. Louis. Hope you are having a good day.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited July 2015
    Alison: Holding your own while on a get-away is a major NSV! Great job. :flowerforyou:

    Carol: Re hooking bras: I put mine on at waist height, inside out and twisted backwards. I hook it in front of me while it is inside out, twist the hooks around to the back, flip it upright and pull the straps up over my arms. No way I’ll ever be able to hook it in back, and I have no injuries to deal with. :flowerforyou:

    Penney & Lisa: I found that plateaus were a part of the process. I had MANY of them and just kept on logging & counting calories. Then I'd drop a pound or two, and have another plateau. :ohwell: :devil:

    Terri_mom: Your comments on depression are insightful. Thanks for sharing. I'm so sorry you bit your cheek. That hurts so much. Add me to the group who has been through depression and biting my cheek. Depression is worse, but everybody probably knows that. :wink: :flowerforyou:

    My neighbor and I were going to the gym today for her Zumba class but she wasn't feeling well enough and cancelled. I was just as happy to stay home and skip the spin class that I take while she's dancing. I'm saving my sit-bones for my actual horseback riding lesson on Friday. :bigsmile: My saddle sores are almost completely gone but there is still a little tenderness in the parts of me that touch the saddle. It has been over two weeks. Who knew they could be so awful? I suppose many know. I didn't because I've never had them before. :noway:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon! I can not thank you enough for all of the encouragement and hugs! I slept a lot last night and that has helped me feel better today. I slept for probably 4 hours or so before being awakened by the cat who decided it was prime time for going outside. I went back to sleep a little after 4 a.m. and was awakened by the doorbell at 10:20 a.m. I really wonder how long I would have slept if not for the doorbell ring!

    My daughter is still really cranky but has removed herself to upstairs. I hope she pulls herself together!

    As for all of the suggestions about bras...I wear a size 36HH bra. The girls have not been out in public without a bra since I was 10! I can not walk into a store and buy a bra unless it is a specialty bra shop that just happens to carry a bra in my size that actually fits my body shape. Bras in my size start at about $60, so I don't have many and take excellent care of the ones I do have. (I also shop eBay.) The potential for the weight of my breasts to pull on my surgical shoulder convinced my surgeon to put a bra on me before I woke up. No offense intended, but I have to giggle everytime I read about someone looking for a shelf bra in a shirt--my daughter and I are constantly searching for ones without the bra so that we don't have to cut it out. Terri (?)-I gave serious thought to your suggestion about pulling the bra up, but my hips are a lot bigger than 36 inches so I'm pretty sure that won't work.

    Kim - You'd think that working at churches would give me an edge, wouldn't you? At one church, the members treat me more as if I'm one of their own, but most of the members are over 70 and not really up to the task. At the other church, I would have to search deep to find more than one or two people who would be willing to help out. They are THE First Baptist Church and absolutely don't get the whole helping thing. It's the most dysfunctional church I have ever come across. I AM asking for some help from my own church. I will be asking folks there for help in getting to PT appointments and, potentially, to work. I guess I don't think it is too much to ask to have my adult daughter who works less than 20 hours per week to do some basics for me. She is living in my house, eating my food, and driving my car during this time. My house was not dirty when she got here and I just expect her to keep it that way. I cleaned her FILTHY apartment top to bottom when she had surgery and was staying with me. I went to her place every day (twice on most days) to feed her cats, scoop their litter boxes, get the mail, and made sure she had everything she needed when she went home. This was on top of working 45-50 hours per week. She was not raised to have an entitlement attitude and she's not going to have one around me.

    Sorry I'm so whiny!!

    I'm reading a book called "Sugar" that I think is YA fiction, but is still good. It is about a very overweight teenaged girl and delves into her obsession with food and her feelings of worthlessness. Her family uses her and, even though they are all terribly obese, constantly berates her and calls her fat, stupid, ugly, etc. I empathize with her character so very much! However, if I remember correctly, the blurb about the book, written by the editor, says the main character is not likeable. If that is the case, the editor will get a piece if my mind!! The writer is so on target with the emotions of an emotionally miserable overweight person that I feel she is speaking from firsthand experience.

    Okay, I've written a book here myself!! Off to walk a few laps around the house to get a bit of movement in. Hope everyone is having a great day!

    Carol in NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,371 Member
    edited July 2015
    Back from the tea dance! I'm afraid I did have a piece of coffee cake. :cry: With an hour's dancing I am still under my maintenance calories, though not as low as usual, but not too bad. I picked a smaller piece! :laugh:
    At the beginning I was paired up with a VERY old lady, which was not a lot of fun as I was one of the few people in the room who could dance. For the next session I found another partner who was pretty hopeless, but we got around the floor. There were lots of laughs. I learnt ballroom dancing when I was 9 years old, so I guess I had a head start. I enjoyed the evening though. :D

    I got the photo my friend and I had taken at the garden party. I have taken a photo of the photo to show you, so there is quite a bit of glare and reflection etc, but you can get a general idea. I am the one in the black hat.

    Looking forward to seeing my cancer holiday friend tomorrow.

    Heather UK

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Lovely photo Heather!