

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather I LOVE the hat. I think I would enjoy a "garden" party. I often think I was born 100 years too late :)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    Heather~ you look so classy!!!
    I am tuckered...worked 9-5 with a 10 min lunch.. so going to bed... after I make the dos food for the morning
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Where did the last two days go. I was off and seems I was busy. Had a nice time at the minsters cookout Saturday night. Coming back into town we could see fireworks all over was pretty to watch. Then when we got home the neighbors were doing theirs in the street, they were going off till long after midnight, but must say most of it was cleaned up the next morning. I am just glad it is done for another year. Weigh in this morning and I was up .1 so happy about that. Now I work the next four days. Over 250 messages since I was on here last. I will do my best to catch up. We have the smoke from the Canada fires over town. I was shocked it came down this far. We took 4 of the DGC swimming Sunday evening. It was fun and I enjoyed the water and got lots of steps in.
    Our computer was down the last two days and boy did I get alot done at home yesterday. Tells me I spend to much time on the computer so have to work on that.

    Cheri--Love the wedding picture. Thanks for sharing.

    Heather--Looks like they have done a good job on the remodel. Hope they enjoy it to the fullest. Sorry DS#1 is not coming as planned. Hope it can work out for August. I understand why you need to write this book and I also believe people need to understand the damage these NICE men do.

    Kayak--Beautiful picture, it is on my bucket list to go to Canada someday.

    Pip--Sounds like you are havng a great time. Happy Birthday to your mom.

    Grits--I agree things made mean so much more then something gotten at a store.

    Mary--Glad to hear you are enjoying your new place. Sounds like a fun place to live.

    Got to top of page 19 and will come back tomorrow. This evening after work DH and I are going over to my friend Lee's. She has a couple things she needs done outside so going over so DH and get them done. Then need to go to the store and home and hoping to get to bed early. Have a good night ladies.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member

    At the Venetian and on the gondola
  • KimberlyAndrews1
    KimberlyAndrews1 Posts: 87 Member
    Left MFP for several months and gained back what I had lost and more, so I'm starting all over. I just started eating healthier and exercising again about mid May, so far 10 lbs lost. I did really well in May and June. As for July, I've started off a little off track...doing well with my exercising, but am slipping in my nutrition a little. So I need to clean it up a little again.

    July Goals

    Continue working out 5 days a week both cardio and weight training.
    Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day, but preferably 88 ounces.
    Clean up my nutrition again to where it was.
    Continue to walk my dog at least 5 days a week.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    You look so happy and relaxed, Pip, both of you. It's a pleasure to see the pictures, keep 'em coming!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: This is a heartwarming picture of you with your friend, two beautiful women who are survivors! :heart:

    Vicki: I also think Heather's writing is important. Nice is as nice does. These men are monsters, and I'm pretty sure you think so, too. I hope writing about it will alert non-monsters to be aware of what may be going on behind closed doors in the lives of their children. :broken_heart:

    Pip: You are Kirby are the cutest couple ever! :bigsmile:

    I'm having a lost day. I have energy but no direction. I skipped spin with good reason, but my body wants a workout and I haven't sorted that out yet. Maybe I'll walk the dog. He'd like it and I'll be better off if I move more.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited July 2015
    Carol, when I tore my rotator cuff and separated my shoulder, I could no longer comfortably fasten a bra. I am an old hippy, so I just go braless a lot, but then I don't live in the south. I do find that a cheap sports bra that goes on over my head works well enough and I can put it on without pain. I am talking about the type that look like a tank top with elastic for under the boobs. They usually are double fabric in front. Might be worth picking up a couple until you feel better. Also, regular bras can go on over your head if you don't fasten it as tightly. Or you can put it on around your waist, fasten it in front, turn it around and pull it up. It helps to bend over and rearrange things after you get it on. I am reminded of Acid Annie's comic strip- the best bra is a sweatshirt!

    Both times I tore my rotator cuff, I went braless - just could not put a bra on.
    Hey, 183lbs - down 16 since I started. My nurse/MD is very happy with my progress; I keep this up I will be at least another 10lbs (or more) when we go see son and his 'new' family the end of August. I'll agree that the best bra is a sweatshirt (or any shirt that is thick enough that your headlights are not shining.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Sorry! After seeing the picture of the beautiful Hosta and someone else posting about them being edible, I knew I had to post a picture of my Hosta. Yes, the deer think it is delicious! 6x0rvmrfxm9w.jpg
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    edited July 2015
    Just in case you aren't sure, my previous post was supposed to be funny. There is half of one leaf left on the plant.

    Today my feet look like I wasted my money on the Baby Foot. But supposedly, in 3 to 5 days, the dead skin is supposed to start shedding. I'll keep you updated! Maybe I'll take a picture of that and really gross y'all out.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Shopping most of day Tuesday and bought heaps of fruit and veg for juice/smoothies, 4 a day now
    Bought second hand copy of Wii Gold's cardio for $9, mine was DEAD
    Nutritionist on Joe Cross's site answered with 4 smoothies for arthritis, the Ease Joints is one
    Wednesday and woke to heavy frost
    Meals = 2361 cals:
    Breakfast - strawberry protein power smoothie
    After weights - apple almond smoothie
    Lunch - peanut butter banana blast
    Afternoon - Ease joints
    Dinner - roast chicken, potatoes and 2 steamed veg
    Supper - Vitarium hot chocolate
    YES 4 smoothies today

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    smiley-happy026.gif Pip, I am envious of your trip not because of the weather or the food or the drinks or the entertainment, but because of the walking. My fabulous husband has a heart condition that makes too much exercise impossible and dangerous for him. I'd love to go on a trip and be able to do all the walking and exercising that you and Kirby are doing. I know you are grateful for the level of fitness you both have and this great opportunity. I am grateful to be able to share in your joy....you pictures are super and I love seeing them and reading the stats for all your activity.

    smiley-happy026.gifKatla, I agree that a lot of horseback riding and a spinning class could be very tough on the sit bones.....just an hour on my easy-going recumbent bike is enough for me.

    smiley-happy026.gifHeather, you look beautiful and happy in your picture.

    smiley-happy026.gifCarol in NC, I am so sorry about your pain and your frustration with your daughter and your church and their not helping you at this time of need. Getting sleep and rest are so important to your recovery. Just keep venting to us. If I lived closer, I'd be there to hug you gently and drive you where you need to go.

    <3 Barbie from cooler but smoky NW Washington

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    28,000 steps
    over three hours of dog walking
    75 minute walk with a friend
    over an hour on the exercise bike while knitting and watching TV
    weight training including three planks (3 minutes, 2 minutes, a minute and a half)
    some line dance practice on new dances
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    Back from the tea dance! I'm afraid I did have a piece of coffee cake. :cry: With an hour's dancing I am still under my maintenance calories, though not as low as usual, but not too bad. I picked a smaller piece! :laugh:
    At the beginning I was paired up with a VERY old lady, which was not a lot of fun as I was one of the few people in the room who could dance. For the next session I found another partner who was pretty hopeless, but we got around the floor. There were lots of laughs. I learnt ballroom dancing when I was 9 years old, so I guess I had a head start. I enjoyed the evening though. :D

    I got the photo my friend and I had taken at the garden party. I have taken a photo of the photo to show you, so there is quite a bit of glare and reflection etc, but you can get a general idea. I am the one in the black hat.

    Looking forward to seeing my cancer holiday friend tomorrow.

    Heather UK


    uuu look very cute!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
    barbicat-every time we have come here for the last few years, we have walked from the airport to the hotel and walked everywhere always taking the stairs and not the elevator or escalator unless that was all there is and even that, we would wank when we were on on the escalators. we have always worked out in the beginning of the day. i am so blessed to have someone that is like minded.

    the sun time for me so far has been a bit dissapointing ONLY because of where the building is and it blocks the sun coming on to the pool until 11:30. kirby apologized. i told him it's not his fault, he didn't build the bldg. + i am dark already but tomorrow is CABANA day! so we have to workout a little harder and earlier so i can stuff myself and drink myself into bolivian and spend that $400!!!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hugs for IL.love the pics.
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 402 Member
    Thanks for all the tankini tips...now I get to shop sometime soon and see if there are any left or if the fall clothes have taken over the stores!
    Love the hat, Heather!
    I also love hostas and this is the first year the deer are not eating them. There is this thing with dried blood that is black and you pull some strip and set it in the ground near your deer candy plants and they do not seem to touch the plants. You only need to set these things out once every season. My day lilies and roses also seem to be safe. Cannot remember what they are called.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:


    During the initial space flights, Nasa discovered that biro pens didn’t work under zero gravity conditions.

    To beat the problem, Nasa spent 6 years and $2 million in designing a pen for use in space.

    The pen would work under zero gravity conditions due to the pressurized ink inside, it would work under sub zero conditions, underwater, on glass and virtually any surface known to man.

    The Russians used a pencil.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,733 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    barbicat-every time we have come here for the last few years, we have walked from the airport to the hotel and walked everywhere always taking the stairs and not the elevator or escalator unless that was all there is and even that, we would wank when we were on on the escalators. we have always worked out in the beginning of the day. i am so blessed to have someone that is like minded.

    the sun time for me so far has been a bit dissapointing ONLY because of where the building is and it blocks the sun coming on to the pool until 11:30. kirby apologized. i told him it's not his fault, he didn't build the bldg. + i am dark already but tomorrow is CABANA day! so we have to workout a little harder and earlier so i can stuff myself and drink myself into bolivian and spend that $400!!!

    I'm not sure here what "we would wank when we were on the escalators" means, but I have to tell you I read that to my hubby and he and I got a got a good laugh. I was going to "behave" myself and keep quiet but I couldn't resist. Thanks for the laugh. :)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of a 20-40-60 workout on the treadmill today. Basically, it's 1 min at a recovery pace, 1 min at a quick pace, 40 seconds at a very fast pace and then 20 seconds of running. The plan for tomorrow is to do a step revival DVD

    Vince was just saying last night that we seem to have something doing every day. Tonight is Mexican Train, Wed. we have the general meeting for Newcomers, Thurs is the lunch for Newcomers, then Fri he has his men's lunch (I get the day off), Sat. we need to go to the Hallmark store to get some of the ornaments we ordered. Still haven't heard from Lynette if they're going to come for dinner Friday.

    janetr - hope you get in the pool. I really don't like when it's too warm and it's just so frustrating when you start your workout but then have to get out of the pool for a storm. Hope this doesn't happen to you. Later: so sorry the pool is still way too hot. That isn't fun at all, you can't get nearly a decent workout.

    Heather - so glad you friend is coming. lovely photo. Love the hats

    Kim - how wonderful that your mom is going to pay off your loan! What an unexpected surprise, and such a good one at that. She's right, she has been doing a lot for your brother. Congrats on getting your business!

    Joyce - what a sweet idea of getting that picture frame! Do you remember where you got it? Your strawberry "smoothie" sounds delish

    Mary in MN - yes, I hold my plank for the 2 min 45 sec all at one time. I've started listening to CD's while doing it, helps to keep my mind off how long its been. But I do keep a timer right by me so I know how long I've held it for. I just need to be watchful that I'm holding it correctly, it's so easy to start to lift your butt.

    Welcome everyone new! Just jump right in, you'll get lots of good tips and help

    Carol - I know I've had those bras that snap in the front. Would something like that help you? Great suggestions miriam gave you! the way Katla described putting on a bra is how I do it. And, like her, I don't have any injuries. I'm sure your church would be more than happy to help

    Lisa - loved your pics abvout writers

    Cheri - your pic is cute, too. Loved them all

    DJ - Mexican Train (don't ask why it's called Mexican, there's no rhyme or reason) is basically dominoes. but it's nice to get toghether with other people. To me, one of the worst things I find is that people bring such unhealthy food. Vince goes for the desserts mainly, I almost never have the desserts. Actually, I can't remember when I had some. This month cherries are in seasons (plus Food Lion has them on sale which WalMart will price match so I got them for $1.99/pound) so I'm planning to bring them. Usually, Vince won't eat much of the food there so I make him something at home (a hamburger or hot dog) and now I'm starting to have dinner at home and maybe just some nibbles on things there if they have things like fruit or vegetables.

    csofled - I would like to visit Ethel M. They are supposed to be Mars premier chocolates. How they can overdo Dove is beyond me. Like I said, the place was named for the Mars brother's mother, Ethel, hence Ethel M. The Mars plant is very very super clean and I bet the EthelM plant is the same way. They are so very meticulous about everything. And good!!!

    Exercised, went to WalMart, came home then decided instead of only cherries, I'd take some blueberries and strawberries to Mexican Train tonight so went to Aldi to get the b-berries and s-berries. The b-berries were great, the s-berries weren't as good as some of the others I'd botten there. Then went in the pool, came in and had something to eat, read the paper (finally!), going to get dinner ready then Mexican Train tonight.

    Gilly - You might look into if Ethel M can ship their candy. I know that there's a problem with the candy that contains liquor (they can't ship that to all places). Before Vince retired he got the Mars unit in Canada to send me some of the Dove with caramel. The candies they make up there are so much better than what you can get here in the US, more caramel. Anyway, they did ship them from Canada to the US

    Sylvia - I always call bringing my umbrella somewhere my cheap insurance that it won't rain. Have a good trip!

    pip - did you post that pic of Kirby drinking once before, or is it a new pic? You sure are one lucky lady. wowsers you in that dress and Kirby in that shirt. He needs to maybe have another button unbuttoned, but that's OK. You look FANTASTIC. Amazing that you're working out even on vacation. And all that walking you're doing! Do you guys walk up to the 22nd floor?

    Carey - so glad you had such a great time at the reunion. I'll take a hot stone massage, thank you

    terri - I can't stop eating the cherries, either. You can be sure that hubby and son don't pack for maximum number of days -- probably too much thinking....lol

    Just got back from Mexican Train dominoes. Just snacked on the fruit I brought (cherries, blueberries, strawberries) and had a taste of two different salads. One I thought had too much oil, but the other was pretty good.

    katla - kudos to you on your sticking with the horseback riding lessons. I give you lots of credit

    Michele in NC