girls in the gym



  • ced1389
    ced1389 Posts: 96 Member
    So those mirrors are not for taking selfies? How else am i supposed to prove I go to the gym?
    Oh P.S I do and where what I want. Get over it. Or stay home and workout.

  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    I do not wear makeup to the gym. I do not wear makeup.

    My friend does. She usually wears makeup when she goes out. Her logic is she's not going to shower, do herself up, go out on a date or whatever, go home, shower, scrub off all her makeup, go to the gym, and come home and shower. Makes sense to me. I tend to break out when I shower several times a day every day from dry skin or whatever.

    You'll probably be offended by me tho. I usually wear a skort that looks like a skirt that has neony blue spandex underneath. Everyone looks offended when I wear those.

    IDGAF about your skort! I also don't care that your friend wears make up. Are you actually working in there or just taking up space?

    Game, set, match. Done here.

  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Okay...I just learned today that unless you lose your vision while working out, you aren't working hard enough.

    congratulations on having great reading comprehension.

    Did I read incorrectly that if you notice other people you aren't working hard enough? Seems to be a common sentiment.

    Oh and thanks! I was in advanced classes since 3rd grade so your sarcasm was more of a compliment than anything lol.

    if you dug a little deeper, you'd (hopefully) see that the underlying view was to stop worrying about what other people are doing at the gym.

    public schools.

    Private (Montessori)...would you like to discuss my higher education as well? Personal jabs though? Ha!! I love it lol

    shoulda been clearer...
    you showcased your knowledge source...i showcased mine.

    yours is very impressive btw.

    jaw. on. floor.
  • dltaylorii
    dltaylorii Posts: 132
  • ruth3698
    ruth3698 Posts: 305 Member
    I popped myself some popcorn for this thread :happy: I'm gonna throw on some makeup and my lowest cut tanktop and go workout now ;)
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I always love that one..

    The if you notice what someone else is doing you're not working hard enough. We go to a building full of people, with mirrors on the walls, we're probably going to see a couple of nuances.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I popped myself some popcorn for this thread :happy: I'm gonna throw on some makeup and my lowest cut tanktop and go workout now ;)

    At first, I saw; "I pooped myself .. "
  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    You're right. You are better than me, because I totally wear makeup to the gym. In the morning, I feel a little better about myself if I cover my under eye circles, and it puts a little pep in my step. Sometimes I go after work and I don't really care to wash it off before I get to working out. I want to get in and get done. If only I were as good as you. Maybe I would have reconsidered my actions if I had been paying attention to what you were doing instead of what I'm doing. It's all so clear now.
  • dabydabystar
    dabydabystar Posts: 5 Member
    What's all the fuss about?Those make up people who are too busy takin pics of themselfs do get on our nerves sometimes.And there's plenty of time to notice what's going on at the gym while working out hard-like on a treadmill.I run for a long time,working my butt off,sweating and everything and i can look around at the same time,or look at the can u work out at the gym and not see nobody else?what if u bump into somebody,and what if that person wearing makeup???lol,so,even if your try not to look around,stare on your shoes all the time, u still can still see them.I understand both sides though :some people don't have time to take their makeup off,remember thought-it's bad for your skin...I personally don't like no make up,nothing, i need my hair in a pony tail,cuz i sweat a lot,but there was a few times when i had some makeup on,cuz i didn't have chance to take it off, i felt like crap though,it annoying....
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Yeah... if you're noticing their makeup, clothes, and them "scoffing" at you when you pick up weights (which I really doubt happens), it doesn't seem like they're the ones who are wasting time...
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I popped myself some popcorn for this thread :happy: I'm gonna throw on some makeup and my lowest cut tanktop and go workout now ;)

    At first, I saw; "I pooped myself .. "

    :laugh: So did I.
  • KatrinaWilke
    KatrinaWilke Posts: 372 Member
    I do not wear makeup to the gym. I do not wear makeup.

    My friend does. She usually wears makeup when she goes out. Her logic is she's not going to shower, do herself up, go out on a date or whatever, go home, shower, scrub off all her makeup, go to the gym, and come home and shower. Makes sense to me. I tend to break out when I shower several times a day every day from dry skin or whatever.

    You'll probably be offended by me tho. I usually wear a skort that looks like a skirt that has neony blue spandex underneath. Everyone looks offended when I wear those.

    HOORAY FOR SKORTS!! Mine have pink spandex shorts underneath!!! And I agree, for some reason all the girls look offended when I wear these too.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Yeah... if you're noticing their makeup, clothes, and them "scoffing" at you when you pick up weights (which I really doubt happens), it doesn't seem like they're the ones who are wasting time...

    Ya, cuz you totally never see what other people are doing at the gym.
  • ced1389
    ced1389 Posts: 96 Member
    OK.. in all fairness, you are being attacked for what you said. I am sorry for that. As much as I do not care what other people do at the gym, I do understand that the gym can be an intimidating place and the last place you want to feel uncomfortable. It is hard enough to stick to your guns and workout without feeling "scoffed" at. I also realize that you are not talking about the girl that goes after work, doesn't care if she has make-up on or not and is working out because that is what works for her. They should not take offense to your statement.

    However, I think the problem is mostly with how you are looking at it. You need to realize that you are there, doing your thing and in the end this will pay off. If those girls are not doing their thing, then it wont pay off for them, unless, of course, their goal is to find a date and/or just feel good because someone made them feel good by noticing them at the gym. But know that YOU will feel good about yourself because YOU did the work and YOU achieved YOUR goals. This has nothing to do with them.

    What bothers me about the post is that this is just the kind of thing that could easily be turned into an excuse to cut back on your workouts and/or skip them all together. Don't do that. These girls have nothing to do with you. You are AMAZING and that's what matters. So do what you have to do and forget other people!

    I genuinely appreciate such a supportive message. I can tell you right now it won't ever deter me from going to the gym, just maybe at a different time or a different (bigger) gym altogether. People took my original post as a slam on people that wear make up and that wasn't even the point?? You're right, I get scoffed at simply for LIFTING, let's not even add in running and clean eating. It's like people get mad at someone for wanting to be healthy, but I brush it off. So why am I not within my right to be annoyed back by those that scoff at me? Yeah, I see you Barbie putting on your lipstick and Tweeting about your awesome workout at the gym... you wanna do that? Fine, but stay out of my way, I've got progress to make and don't have time to stand around and wait.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    The irony of people attacking the OP for not minding her business yet people are just as ignorant towards the OP for her views. Hee-lar-ious. Some of you are major *kitten*.

    Would not bang.
  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    Hey I go to the gym right after work and I have my full face on. I don't bother taking it off. Yeah I look like a train wreck when I'm done working out. The point is that is a really unfair judgement.

    i'm sorry, you're missing the point of my post. if you go there and look like a train wreck after... you're obviously not taking selfies and posting them on instagram or facebook or wherever. that's what annoys me. the gym is a place to work out, not flaunt your face or reel in a husband. my point was that they're there, but not doing anything. i apologize if i didn't phrase that correctly.

    I think it's pretty odd to stand around taking selfies at the gym, and not so silly to hope to meet someone there. I think most people have to meet someone with similar interests SOMEWHERE. I guess I just feel like, while silly, they pay the same amount to stand around and tweet or whatever as I pay to actually work out, so why do I care what they do?
  • Shaavo89
    Shaavo89 Posts: 68
    This is how I go.

    What's it to ya?

    Can't stop laughing at this pic!!
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Yeah... if you're noticing their makeup, clothes, and them "scoffing" at you when you pick up weights (which I really doubt happens), it doesn't seem like they're the ones who are wasting time...

    Ya, cuz you totally never see what other people are doing at the gym.

    I see it, but I don't stare long enough to assess the brand of their outfit or translate a "scoff" in my direction, both of which the OP mentions in her post.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    If you are noticing people at the gym you are doing it wrong.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Why do you want to repress women so hard, OP? Do you want them to wear a sheet to the gym next time you go?