Fat shaming and making fun of fat people



  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    I can't finish watching it, it's a whole load of self pity and an effort to guilt-trip others. He moans about being fat, but what has he done to change it? Consult with a psychiatrist? Work out? Limit what he eats? Something?

    He should be ashamed, not because he's fat, but because he doesn't show any effort to change it other than whine on Youtube.
  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    Would it be ok to shame him for being a whiner?
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I have to stop myself from responding to a lot of people on this message board because of fat shaming. Whether they are former fat ppl or never have been fat ever, I've seen some really questionable and just mean and hurtful **** said about fat people on these boards. Not saying that all of it was intentional, but sometimes the way folks word things just sucks.

    I've had the exact opposite experience here. Not "fat encouragement", but most people I've seen are supportive of fat people working on getting fitter. What people do shame is misinformation. If you spout an unpopular solution, or unsupported article you can expect to get shamed pretty hard...frequently without fact supported evidence. Basically broscience shaming broscience.
  • PhattiPhat
    PhattiPhat Posts: 349 Member
    He should be ashamed, not because he's fat, but because he doesn't show any effort to change it other than whine on Youtube.

  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    I have to stop myself from responding to a lot of people on this message board because of fat shaming. Whether they are former fat ppl or never have been fat ever, I've seen some really questionable and just mean and hurtful **** said about fat people on these boards. Not saying that all of it was intentional, but sometimes the way folks word things just sucks.

    Thank you! I am shocked -- shocked -- that there are not more responses like this on this board, especially when I see all the tickers many people here have showing that have lost 75 pounds or more. People just LOVE hating on the fatties, including other fatties, I guess, and for them weight loss is just an excuse to join in the bullying.

    Bottom line: Someone else's weight is nobody's business but their own. No one gets to say "He SHOULD lose weight and he doesn't, therefore LET'S GET HIM!" It's. Not. Cool.

    I don't care if the particular guy in this particular video sounded whiny. IT DOESN'T MEAN HE DOESN'T LEGITIMATELY HAVE PROBLEMS, it just makes him whiny about his problems. Will losing weight help him avoid the fat shaming? Maybe! You know what else would help? If people stopped being ****ing bullying asshats, or even if society at large stopped giving a pass to bullying asshats just because their targets are fat.
  • Stump_Likker
    Stump_Likker Posts: 2,059 Member
    I knew a guy who would go to Walmart and yell at people in scooters. Tell them that if they got up and walked they wouldn't be so fat. He felt it was his right because they were "living off of his tax dollars." I lit into him. First of all, just because someone is in scooter doesn't mean they're living off of you. Secondly, who the hell are you to judge somebody?! His explanation was that he was trying to motivate them. I told hiim to mind his own business. Meanwhile he had a fat beergut. I also told him that if he ever did that to someone around me I would slap him in his face. Hard. He stopped speaking to me because of that and I have yet to loose an ounce of sleep over it. People can be complete a**holes sometimes.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I have to stop myself from responding to a lot of people on this message board because of fat shaming. Whether they are former fat ppl or never have been fat ever, I've seen some really questionable and just mean and hurtful **** said about fat people on these boards. Not saying that all of it was intentional, but sometimes the way folks word things just sucks.

    Thank you! I am shocked -- shocked -- that there are not more responses like this on this board, especially when I see all the tickers many people here have showing that have lost 75 pounds or more. People just LOVE hating on the fatties, including other fatties, I guess, and for them weight loss is just an excuse to join in the bullying.

    Bottom line: Someone else's weight is nobody's business but their own. No one gets to say "He SHOULD lose weight and he doesn't, therefore LET'S GET HIM!" It's. Not. Cool.

    I don't care if the particular guy in this particular video sounded whiny. IT DOESN'T MEAN HE DOESN'T LEGITIMATELY HAVE PROBLEMS, it just makes him whiny about his problems. Will losing weight help him avoid the fat shaming? Maybe! You know what else would help? If people stopped being ****ing bullying asshats, or even if society at large stopped giving a pass to bullying asshats just because their targets are fat.

    Okay, something that is happening here is a failure to communicate properly. Many of the folks saying that are saying he's whining instead of doing something about it are NOT shaming him. You may interpret is as such, but that is not what is happening. They're stating that in order to actually lose the weight he wants to lose he needs to break out of his shell and put in the work. Motivation is the first hurdle to getting it done. He hasn't taken that step yet. He needs to get motivated enough within himself to do something about it. They're not ridiculing him because he's fat.

    Let me tell you something I see from pretty much every fit guy or gal around.

    THE MOST INSPIRING thing for a fit person to see is a fat guy in his second week at the gym, still busting his backside, sweating like a stuck pig to try and get fit. It makes the gym alpha in the corner get teary eyed with how much potential this heavy ball of clay has in front of him. They want to see him or her keep coming and succeeding, day in and day out. It makes them pump harder themselves. It makes them double down on their routines, just to get the sweat going again. They don't want to see the fat guy fail or never try. They want to see the fat guy burn his way out of his gelatinous cocoon and turn into a heavy metal, fire breathing, iron plated butterfly with latissimus wings that make his feet lift the ground when he flexes.

    TL;DR: Fit people see fat people as potential future badarses, not fat tubs of crap. At least that's my experience.
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    I don't see why obesity is not considered an eating disorder. It is as much a dual physical and psychological problem as any ED. I don't understand the "shame" involved at all. Obese people are considered lazy, disgusting and worse, but other people with ED's are given sympathy, counseling, etc. How the HELL will shaming motivate or help a person to lose weight??
  • Capt_Inzane
    Capt_Inzane Posts: 733 Member
    Glen Roberts 1 second ago
    I'm a bigger guy and hey we all get what you're saying but here's the deal. You are fat and that can lead to health issues. So basically quit whining and complaining of what other people say and think and fix yourself because you want to. Overeating and lack of exercise are causes of becoming morbidly obese. I could care less what others think **** them but I want to get fit and healthy because it matters to me not what some jerkoff felt or said.

    What I posted on YouTube and copied to here. I'm sick and tired of people making excuses on why they got fat or who picked on them. No one forced you to eat the foods that you ate. No one forced you to not workout and take better care of YOUR body. As for making fun of fat people it happens and it's not a good thing but I'm so sick and tired of people making all these bull**** excuses as to why they can't better themselves.

    Arg this really strikes a chord with me because I lost my dad to weight and the idea that "I've been big all my life it happens" then my mom went bat **** crazy and ate 4 dozen doughnuts a day and gained 300 lbs. Now she's in the hospital and when the doctors told her that she was there because of some random **** instead of the enormous weight gain she was like "Oh i'm still healthy!?" I just hung up the phone.

    It's your life people, rather you want to be fat or skinny or whatever own up to it and be proud of yourself but don't sit there and *****, moan, complain that you can't do something about it.

    /rant off

    TLDR Notes: Making fun of people = bad, Blaming everyone for your gained weight and whining that you can't fix it = worse.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    this guys seems to spend a lot of time whining on youtube. if he exercised instead maybe he wouldn't feel like whining as much.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    this guys seems to spend a lot of time whining on youtube. if he exercised instead maybe he wouldn't feel like whining as much.

    ^^^ My thoughts exactly.

    "Eventually... I stopped hanging out with Matt."

    The music (in this context), his attitude and his boo hoo, "I eat because people are mean and TV and magazines tell me I'm fat" was just over the top. It would have been amusing if it hadn't been so pathetic. This poor guy with self professed medical issues directly related to his obesity is never going to make the changes he needs if he doesn't step up and take control of his own life.

    That said, fat shaming is not nice. Mean people are not nice but if anyone thinks that mean people are going to go away, be they fat shamers, fitness shamers, spectacle shamers, orthodontics shamers, wardrobe shamers, cosmetic shamers, tech shamers, automobile shamers, etc etc etc, then they are deluded.

    TL;DR - Mean people be mean but they are no excuse for obesity.
  • denisegetskinny
    denisegetskinny Posts: 21 Member
    You can say that but it doesn't make it true. silly but not true
  • mustang289
    mustang289 Posts: 299 Member
    I can't finish watching it, it's a whole load of self pity and an effort to guilt-trip others. He moans about being fat, but what has he done to change it? Consult with a psychiatrist? Work out? Limit what he eats? Something?

    He should be ashamed, not because he's fat, but because he doesn't show any effort to change it other than whine on Youtube.

    Yeah, kinda this. What (if anything) has he done to help his self esteem issues? Counseling, different friends, nutrionist, etc?
  • nak1a
    nak1a Posts: 69 Member
    I have to stop myself from responding to a lot of people on this message board because of fat shaming. Whether they are former fat ppl or never have been fat ever, I've seen some really questionable and just mean and hurtful **** said about fat people on these boards. Not saying that all of it was intentional, but sometimes the way folks word things just sucks.

    Thank you! I am shocked -- shocked -- that there are not more responses like this on this board, especially when I see all the tickers many people here have showing that have lost 75 pounds or more. People just LOVE hating on the fatties, including other fatties, I guess, and for them weight loss is just an excuse to join in the bullying.

    Bottom line: Someone else's weight is nobody's business but their own. No one gets to say "He SHOULD lose weight and he doesn't, therefore LET'S GET HIM!" It's. Not. Cool.

    I don't care if the particular guy in this particular video sounded whiny. IT DOESN'T MEAN HE DOESN'T LEGITIMATELY HAVE PROBLEMS, it just makes him whiny about his problems. Will losing weight help him avoid the fat shaming? Maybe! You know what else would help? If people stopped being ****ing bullying asshats, or even if society at large stopped giving a pass to bullying asshats just because their targets are fat.

    Okay, something that is happening here is a failure to communicate properly. Many of the folks saying that are saying he's whining instead of doing something about it are NOT shaming him. You may interpret is as such, but that is not what is happening. They're stating that in order to actually lose the weight he wants to lose he needs to break out of his shell and put in the work. Motivation is the first hurdle to getting it done. He hasn't taken that step yet. He needs to get motivated enough within himself to do something about it. They're not ridiculing him because he's fat.

    Let me tell you something I see from pretty much every fit guy or gal around.

    THE MOST INSPIRING thing for a fit person to see is a fat guy in his second week at the gym, still busting his backside, sweating like a stuck pig to try and get fit. It makes the gym alpha in the corner get teary eyed with how much potential this heavy ball of clay has in front of him. They want to see him or her keep coming and succeeding, day in and day out. It makes them pump harder themselves. It makes them double down on their routines, just to get the sweat going again. They don't want to see the fat guy fail or never try. They want to see the fat guy burn his way out of his gelatinous cocoon and turn into a heavy metal, fire breathing, iron plated butterfly with latissimus wings that make his feet lift the ground when he flexes.

    TL;DR: Fit people see fat people as potential future badarses, not fat tubs of crap. At least that's my experience.

    Fat people at the gym don't owe you anything!! They don't need to prove themselves to "fit people". They don't need to be a fit person's inspiration porn either. I cant believe what I am reading? This potential heavy ball of clay in a gelatinous cocoon?! Respectfully, I have to say...Are you serious?!

    Umm a fat person at the gym is a human being, not an object to be molded into something FIT people want to see. Someone else's body and being is none of anyone else's business unless they invite it to be. Judging someone based on their body size is just wrong. Making fun of people, putting them down, saying mean things to 'inspire them and lift them up', is wrong. Always has been, always will be.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Fat shaming is right up there with shaming for being to thin. I had a barrage of hateful comments for my weight here And in my real life. Did I make a YouTube video? No.

    Fat shaming isn't any more right then bashing a person for being thin. Yet its done constantly. Life goes on, find better friends.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Oh I forgot to add bashing people for being too fit. People like to do that too. "Omgz you look like a man not woman" or "I bet your thighs are squeezing your junk dude" Why is it a crime only for bigger people? I only say that because ninety percent of the posts about bashing seems to be from people who are big. Dude, hate is every where. All you can do is NOT be a hater.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I'm a little burned out on the whole topic, to be perfectly honest. I think that morbid obesity is a symptom of low self esteem and issues that stem from things other than food.

    I think we all need to be cognizant of who we are and how we see ourselves FIRST before how others see us.

    Look in the mirror and ask -- are you happy with yourself "as is", or is there something you can change, starting today?

    Stop playing the victim and start being your own hero.

  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    I heard a lot of excuses, blaming others and whining in that video.

  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    I have to stop myself from responding to a lot of people on this message board because of fat shaming. Whether they are former fat ppl or never have been fat ever, I've seen some really questionable and just mean and hurtful **** said about fat people on these boards. Not saying that all of it was intentional, but sometimes the way folks word things just sucks.

    Thank you! I am shocked -- shocked -- that there are not more responses like this on this board, especially when I see all the tickers many people here have showing that have lost 75 pounds or more. People just LOVE hating on the fatties, including other fatties, I guess, and for them weight loss is just an excuse to join in the bullying.

    Bottom line: Someone else's weight is nobody's business but their own. No one gets to say "He SHOULD lose weight and he doesn't, therefore LET'S GET HIM!" It's. Not. Cool.

    I don't care if the particular guy in this particular video sounded whiny. IT DOESN'T MEAN HE DOESN'T LEGITIMATELY HAVE PROBLEMS, it just makes him whiny about his problems. Will losing weight help him avoid the fat shaming? Maybe! You know what else would help? If people stopped being ****ing bullying asshats, or even if society at large stopped giving a pass to bullying asshats just because their targets are fat.

    Okay, something that is happening here is a failure to communicate properly. Many of the folks saying that are saying he's whining instead of doing something about it are NOT shaming him. You may interpret is as such, but that is not what is happening. They're stating that in order to actually lose the weight he wants to lose he needs to break out of his shell and put in the work. Motivation is the first hurdle to getting it done. He hasn't taken that step yet. He needs to get motivated enough within himself to do something about it. They're not ridiculing him because he's fat.

    Let me tell you something I see from pretty much every fit guy or gal around.

    THE MOST INSPIRING thing for a fit person to see is a fat guy in his second week at the gym, still busting his backside, sweating like a stuck pig to try and get fit. It makes the gym alpha in the corner get teary eyed with how much potential this heavy ball of clay has in front of him. They want to see him or her keep coming and succeeding, day in and day out. It makes them pump harder themselves. It makes them double down on their routines, just to get the sweat going again. They don't want to see the fat guy fail or never try. They want to see the fat guy burn his way out of his gelatinous cocoon and turn into a heavy metal, fire breathing, iron plated butterfly with latissimus wings that make his feet lift the ground when he flexes.

    TL;DR: Fit people see fat people as potential future badarses, not fat tubs of crap. At least that's my experience.

    Fat people at the gym don't owe you anything!! They don't need to prove themselves to "fit people". They don't need to be a fit person's inspiration porn either? I cant believe what I am reading? This potential heavy ball of clay in a gelatinous cocoon?! Respectfully, I have to say...Are you serious?!

    Umm a fat person at the gym is a human being, not an object to be molded into something FIT people want to see. Someone else's body and being is none of anyone else's business unless they invite it to be. Judging someone based on their body size is just wrong. Making fun of people, putting them down, saying mean things to 'inspire them and lift them up', is wrong. Always has been, always will be.

    You entirely missed the point of the person you quoted. Please reread what was written.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    ...meh didn't like my post. Carry on

    In for your post