Fat shaming and making fun of fat people



  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    People who feel the need to shame anyone can go suck a bag of di(ks quietly in the corner and shut the furluck up. That is all.
  • GlassslippersAndFairyDust
    I have to stop myself from responding to a lot of people on this message board because of fat shaming. Whether they are former fat ppl or never have been fat ever, I've seen some really questionable and just mean and hurtful **** said about fat people on these boards. Not saying that all of it was intentional, but sometimes the way folks word things just sucks.

    Thank you! I am shocked -- shocked -- that there are not more responses like this on this board, especially when I see all the tickers many people here have showing that have lost 75 pounds or more. People just LOVE hating on the fatties, including other fatties, I guess, and for them weight loss is just an excuse to join in the bullying.

    Bottom line: Someone else's weight is nobody's business but their own. No one gets to say "He SHOULD lose weight and he doesn't, therefore LET'S GET HIM!" It's. Not. Cool.

    I don't care if the particular guy in this particular video sounded whiny. IT DOESN'T MEAN HE DOESN'T LEGITIMATELY HAVE PROBLEMS, it just makes him whiny about his problems. Will losing weight help him avoid the fat shaming? Maybe! You know what else would help? If people stopped being ****ing bullying asshats, or even if society at large stopped giving a pass to bullying asshats just because their targets are fat.

    ^^^^ so much this :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    I just think there's no reason to humiliate, belittle or demean anyone else, especially not someone who isn't hurting you and is just trying to live their lives. Kindness is good.
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I didn't watch the video but I've been both fat and thin (hottie) in my life and I know it's my fault totally. I love good food! I don't cry about it or look to be some kind of victim. I also don't care what anyone yells at me from across the street or restaurant. But if someone gets in my face I will let them know how I feel. (Believe me! lol) I also don't need someone supporting, encouraging or watching over me. I hate cry babies who wahh at any reason someone offends them. Get over it or stay at home inside with the curtains closed. I chose to lose weight this time only because my health is at stake and I have young children to live for. Otherwise I'd be eating a big *kitten* hamburger, fries and vanilla shake right now, SUPERSIZED! hahaha But seriously I think overweight people need to either put up with ignorant people or lose weight. And even then, If it's not weight people are talking crap about it's race, sexual identity, sex, age, omg etc, etc... People will always talk crap no matter who or what you are period.
    Nope nope nope...Nobody should have to put up with ignorant people full stop. Yeah I'm a dreamer, yeah people suck but people should not as you put it "Get over it or stay at home inside with the curtains closed" because of the ignorance of others.

    How about instead of people putting up with it maybe other people should stop the excrement from pouring out of their mouths.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Fat shaming is just as bad as calling skinny people "skinny b!tches" or telling them to eat something.

    Shaming is shaming and it is all wrong.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    sounds like his friend matt was a jerk.
  • history_grrrl
    history_grrrl Posts: 215 Member

    I stand corrected on the incidents people have reported here, and I'm really sorry that happened to you. I absolutely do not think it's okay! To me, it's nobody's damn business and totally out of line for strangers (and usually, non-strangers) to comment on appearance (I used to get this for being nearsighted, and I still cannot believe total strangers would hold up fingers in my face and ask, "How many?" or suggest I see an eye doctor, as if I had never thought about or done that). My point about privilege has to do with larger societal issues; for example, research shows that thin women earn more money than big women, that people have more positive attitudes toward thin than fat people, etc. I think it's important not to lose sight of the fact that perceptions and treatment of thin people and fat people are, generally speaking, not equivalent. The fact that some people have experienced outrageous harassment about their (thin) size doesn't fundamentally change that. I hope that makes sense.

    That does make more sense. I can't comment about what is "generally" the case, I can only speak to my own experience. I am glad that I misunderstood and that you weren't saying that shaming thin women is ok because they're thin, which is how I read the first comment. I think it's because I took this statement:
    I'm very surprised that so many people on this thread are talking as though fat-shaming and "thin-shaming" are equivalent.

    and read it as "fat shaming is worse than thin-shaming" rather than "fat shaming is more widespread," which I think is what you were saying.

    I think what we can agree on here is that shaming a person's body is not okay. :flowerforyou:

    Absolutely! Thanks.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I didn't watch the video but I've been both fat and thin (hottie) in my life and I know it's my fault totally. I love good food! I don't cry about it or look to be some kind of victim. I also don't care what anyone yells at me from across the street or restaurant. But if someone gets in my face I will let them know how I feel. (Believe me! lol) I also don't need someone supporting, encouraging or watching over me. I hate cry babies who wahh at any reason someone offends them. Get over it or stay at home inside with the curtains closed. I chose to lose weight this time only because my health is at stake and I have young children to live for. Otherwise I'd be eating a big *kitten* hamburger, fries and vanilla shake right now, SUPERSIZED! hahaha But seriously I think overweight people need to either put up with ignorant people or lose weight. And even then, If it's not weight people are talking crap about it's race, sexual identity, sex, age, omg etc, etc... People will always talk crap no matter who or what you are period.
    Nope nope nope...Nobody should have to put up with ignorant people full stop. Yeah I'm a dreamer, yeah people suck but people should not as you put it "Get over it or stay at home inside with the curtains closed" because of the ignorance of others.

    How about instead of people putting up with it maybe other people should stop the excrement from pouring out of their mouths.

    We can argue "should" all we want, but that won't change the world. What you can control is your own reactions to other people's actions. All you accomplish when you overreact is to provide the other person additional ammunition. Debate all you want, but when you find yourself getting angry, walk away. Shut off the computer. Go to the gym. It's a lot healthier than letting someone else control your emotions like a puppet.
  • GlassslippersAndFairyDust
    I have to stop myself from responding to a lot of people on this message board because of fat shaming. Whether they are former fat ppl or never have been fat ever, I've seen some really questionable and just mean and hurtful **** said about fat people on these boards. Not saying that all of it was intentional, but sometimes the way folks word things just sucks.

    Thank you! I am shocked -- shocked -- that there are not more responses like this on this board, especially when I see all the tickers many people here have showing that have lost 75 pounds or more. People just LOVE hating on the fatties, including other fatties, I guess, and for them weight loss is just an excuse to join in the bullying.

    Bottom line: Someone else's weight is nobody's business but their own. No one gets to say "He SHOULD lose weight and he doesn't, therefore LET'S GET HIM!" It's. Not. Cool.

    I don't care if the particular guy in this particular video sounded whiny. IT DOESN'T MEAN HE DOESN'T LEGITIMATELY HAVE PROBLEMS, it just makes him whiny about his problems. Will losing weight help him avoid the fat shaming? Maybe! You know what else would help? If people stopped being ****ing bullying asshats, or even if society at large stopped giving a pass to bullying asshats just because their targets are fat.

    Okay, something that is happening here is a failure to communicate properly. Many of the folks saying that are saying he's whining instead of doing something about it are NOT shaming him. You may interpret is as such, but that is not what is happening. They're stating that in order to actually lose the weight he wants to lose he needs to break out of his shell and put in the work. Motivation is the first hurdle to getting it done. He hasn't taken that step yet. He needs to get motivated enough within himself to do something about it. They're not ridiculing him because he's fat.

    Let me tell you something I see from pretty much every fit guy or gal around.

    THE MOST INSPIRING thing for a fit person to see is a fat guy in his second week at the gym, still busting his backside, sweating like a stuck pig to try and get fit. It makes the gym alpha in the corner get teary eyed with how much potential this heavy ball of clay has in front of him. They want to see him or her keep coming and succeeding, day in and day out. It makes them pump harder themselves. It makes them double down on their routines, just to get the sweat going again. They don't want to see the fat guy fail or never try. They want to see the fat guy burn his way out of his gelatinous cocoon and turn into a heavy metal, fire breathing, iron plated butterfly with latissimus wings that make his feet lift the ground when he flexes.

    TL;DR: Fit people see fat people as potential future badarses, not fat tubs of crap. At least that's my experience.

    Fat people at the gym don't owe you anything!! They don't need to prove themselves to "fit people". They don't need to be a fit person's inspiration porn either? I cant believe what I am reading? This potential heavy ball of clay in a gelatinous cocoon?! Respectfully, I have to say...Are you serious?!

    Umm a fat person at the gym is a human being, not an object to be molded into something FIT people want to see. Someone else's body and being is none of anyone else's business unless they invite it to be. Judging someone based on their body size is just wrong. Making fun of people, putting them down, saying mean things to 'inspire them and lift them up', is wrong. Always has been, always will be.

    You entirely missed the point of the person you quoted. Please reread what was written.
    Hah, I was just going to say that.

    Enlighten me. Saying that I totally missed the point doesn't help me understand what she said. What am I missing? She said the most inspiring thing for a fit person to see is a fat person in the gym giving it their all. Breaking out of their fat cocoon and becoming a fit butterfly. What did I miss?

    OMG I just realized my ticker is a butterfly. Will I be a fit butterfly?

    Because it is uplifting for one person to see another person succeed at something they know is very difficult. That's the point you missed.

    Nope, I got that point. Didn't miss that at all. But my opinion on this subject seems to be the unpopular one so I am just going to have to agree to disagree with some of you folks.

    ::flutters away::

    but if there are ppl out there who believe a fat person at the gym is just ummm a fat person at the gym and not some kind of after school special type story who needs and wants your encouragement to "keep pushing" through then add me. if u aren't down with fat shaming and shoving your health & nutrition goals and ideals down someone's fat throat. holla and again, add me as a friend.

    ::flutters far away::

    Sending you a request. :flowerforyou:
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    . They don't want to see the fat guy fail or never try. They want to see the fat guy burn his way out of his gelatinous cocoon and turn into a heavy metal, fire breathing, iron plated butterfly with latissimus wings that make his feet lift the ground when he flexes.

    Wow that's a pretty sentiment, Lovely! If I ever get to the point I spit fire I'm going to get an iron butterfly tattoo breathing fire just like you said very cool inspiring image.

    Or maybe a fruit fly since I'm all about D. melanogaster...anyways that's just a beautiful picture.
  • GlassslippersAndFairyDust
    I didn't watch the video but I've been both fat and thin (hottie) in my life and I know it's my fault totally. I love good food! I don't cry about it or look to be some kind of victim. I also don't care what anyone yells at me from across the street or restaurant. But if someone gets in my face I will let them know how I feel. (Believe me! lol) I also don't need someone supporting, encouraging or watching over me. I hate cry babies who wahh at any reason someone offends them. Get over it or stay at home inside with the curtains closed. I chose to lose weight this time only because my health is at stake and I have young children to live for. Otherwise I'd be eating a big *kitten* hamburger, fries and vanilla shake right now, SUPERSIZED! hahaha But seriously I think overweight people need to either put up with ignorant people or lose weight. And even then, If it's not weight people are talking crap about it's race, sexual identity, sex, age, omg etc, etc... People will always talk crap no matter who or what you are period.
    Nope nope nope...Nobody should have to put up with ignorant people full stop. Yeah I'm a dreamer, yeah people suck but people should not as you put it "Get over it or stay at home inside with the curtains closed" because of the ignorance of others.

    How about instead of people putting up with it maybe other people should stop the excrement from pouring out of their mouths.

    Oh my gosh........I LIKE you!! :flowerforyou:
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    I didn't watch the video but I've been both fat and thin (hottie) in my life and I know it's my fault totally. I love good food! I don't cry about it or look to be some kind of victim. I also don't care what anyone yells at me from across the street or restaurant. But if someone gets in my face I will let them know how I feel. (Believe me! lol) I also don't need someone supporting, encouraging or watching over me. I hate cry babies who wahh at any reason someone offends them. Get over it or stay at home inside with the curtains closed. I chose to lose weight this time only because my health is at stake and I have young children to live for. Otherwise I'd be eating a big *kitten* hamburger, fries and vanilla shake right now, SUPERSIZED! hahaha But seriously I think overweight people need to either put up with ignorant people or lose weight. And even then, If it's not weight people are talking crap about it's race, sexual identity, sex, age, omg etc, etc... People will always talk crap no matter who or what you are period.
    Nope nope nope...Nobody should have to put up with ignorant people full stop. Yeah I'm a dreamer, yeah people suck but people should not as you put it "Get over it or stay at home inside with the curtains closed" because of the ignorance of others.

    How about instead of people putting up with it maybe other people should stop the excrement from pouring out of their mouths.

    We can argue "should" all we want, but that won't change the world. What you can control is your own reactions to other people's actions. All you accomplish when you overreact is to provide the other person additional ammunition. Debate all you want, but when you find yourself getting angry, walk away. Shut off the computer. Go to the gym. It's a lot healthier than letting someone else control your emotions like a puppet.
    Agreed it is our reaction to a situation that affects us not the situation itself, and yes going to the gym is a lot better than letting someone else control your emotions. Sadly people do tend to overreact to comments made by complete strangers or even friends and loved ones. My comment about people should stop the excrement from pouring out of their mouths was not directed at the person I was quoting it was directed at people who feel the need to belittle others.I have no desire to argue the point of "should". just felt personally and it just is an opinion that the mindset of "Get over it or stay at home inside with the curtains closed" is quite counterproductive and a little myopic to the complexity of the situation. Yes it can be as simple as eating less and moving more but people sometimes have emotional issues to deal with that blind them to this.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,302 Member
    when i see a fat people eating junk food, i tell them to go to myfitnesspal.com
  • icandowhateveriputmymindto

    I'm just angry that people make fun of each other based on weight, race, religion, age etc. Not based on their personality. It makes me sad and angry.
  • JeremiahStone
    JeremiahStone Posts: 682 Member

    I don't support fat shaming at all.. But in my case, I'm glad it happend or else I wouldn't be where I am now.. I think criticism, even a little negative criticism can be helpful, but too excessive and it can tear a person down. In the end everyone is motivated differently.
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 904 Member
    My 9 year old daughter just got a little "chubby" and started getting picked on in school. I have worked her whole life to make her understand how beautiful she is and it has been undone by 3rd grade boys in a few months...

    I have decided to IGNORE the "Fat" comments and focus with her on "health." We are focusing on packing fruits instead of crackers and taking a walk instead of watching TV. I am talking to her about her heart, circulation, lungs, skin and hair cells and how they need the nutrition from good food as opposed to focusing on what's fattening or "bad."

    It's been a few weeks in this mission and the difference is visible. Not only has she slimmed down a little (NOT MY MAIN GOAL HERE) but she feels confident again and isn't hanging her head in shame.

    I wish everyone had somebody to make them feel beautiful and help them by buying healthy food and explaining how it heals the body. I know the government can't be our "parent" but I wish something could be done in the positive direction to educate people and stop the corporations from making people believe bad food is OK...

    There you go! That's what I wish I had when I was growing up, instead of being reminded of how difficult it was to buy clothes for me because "you are so fat" (this while school-clothes shopping). That, or being sarcastically asked, "Since when are you on a diet?"

    Are you explaining to her about labels and servings?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    I'm just angry that people make fun of each other based on weight, race, religion, age etc. Not based on their personality. It makes me sad and angry.

    Just so I understand...

    ...when I meet someone with a crappy personality, then it's okay to make fun of them...

  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I didn't watch the video but I've been both fat and thin (hottie) in my life and I know it's my fault totally. I love good food! I don't cry about it or look to be some kind of victim. I also don't care what anyone yells at me from across the street or restaurant. But if someone gets in my face I will let them know how I feel. (Believe me! lol) I also don't need someone supporting, encouraging or watching over me. I hate cry babies who wahh at any reason someone offends them. Get over it or stay at home inside with the curtains closed. I chose to lose weight this time only because my health is at stake and I have young children to live for. Otherwise I'd be eating a big *kitten* hamburger, fries and vanilla shake right now, SUPERSIZED! hahaha But seriously I think overweight people need to either put up with ignorant people or lose weight. And even then, If it's not weight people are talking crap about it's race, sexual identity, sex, age, omg etc, etc... People will always talk crap no matter who or what you are period.
    Nope nope nope...Nobody should have to put up with ignorant people full stop. Yeah I'm a dreamer, yeah people suck but people should not as you put it "Get over it or stay at home inside with the curtains closed" because of the ignorance of others.

    How about instead of people putting up with it maybe other people should stop the excrement from pouring out of their mouths.

    We can argue "should" all we want, but that won't change the world. What you can control is your own reactions to other people's actions. All you accomplish when you overreact is to provide the other person additional ammunition. Debate all you want, but when you find yourself getting angry, walk away. Shut off the computer. Go to the gym. It's a lot healthier than letting someone else control your emotions like a puppet.
    Agreed it is our reaction to a situation that affects us not the situation itself, and yes going to the gym is a lot better than letting someone else control your emotions. Sadly people do tend to overreact to comments made by complete strangers or even friends and loved ones. My comment about people should stop the excrement from pouring out of their mouths was not directed at the person I was quoting it was directed at people who feel the need to belittle others.I have no desire to argue the point of "should". just felt personally and it just is an opinion that the mindset of "Get over it or stay at home inside with the curtains closed" is quite counterproductive and a little myopic to the complexity of the situation. Yes it can be as simple as eating less and moving more but people sometimes have emotional issues to deal with that blind them to this.

    I understand that people have emotional issues, and the problem with emotional issues is that they tend to make us complicate the process. That's why mantras can help in many areas where we are trying to focus. "Eat less and move more," and yes, even "get over it" or "grow up" are useful to some people in some situations. They certainly are things I repeat to myself when things get hard. Learning to realize how much we can control is painful to some but that doesn't mean that that learning doesn't need to happen. To the contrary, it's the ultimate in personal empowerment.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,302 Member

    I'm just angry that people make fun of each other based on weight, race, religion, age etc. Not based on their personality. It makes me sad and angry.

    Things you cant change:

    race, age, sexual identity

    Things you CAN change:

    religion, weight, spouse.
  • MrsWells1983
    MrsWells1983 Posts: 160
    I have to stop myself from responding to a lot of people on this message board because of fat shaming. Whether they are former fat ppl or never have been fat ever, I've seen some really questionable and just mean and hurtful **** said about fat people on these boards. Not saying that all of it was intentional, but sometimes the way folks word things just sucks.

    Thank you! I am shocked -- shocked -- that there are not more responses like this on this board, especially when I see all the tickers many people here have showing that have lost 75 pounds or more. People just LOVE hating on the fatties, including other fatties, I guess, and for them weight loss is just an excuse to join in the bullying.

    Bottom line: Someone else's weight is nobody's business but their own. No one gets to say "He SHOULD lose weight and he doesn't, therefore LET'S GET HIM!" It's. Not. Cool.

    I don't care if the particular guy in this particular video sounded whiny. IT DOESN'T MEAN HE DOESN'T LEGITIMATELY HAVE PROBLEMS, it just makes him whiny about his problems. Will losing weight help him avoid the fat shaming? Maybe! You know what else would help? If people stopped being ****ing bullying asshats, or even if society at large stopped giving a pass to bullying asshats just because their targets are fat.

    Okay, something that is happening here is a failure to communicate properly. Many of the folks saying that are saying he's whining instead of doing something about it are NOT shaming him. You may interpret is as such, but that is not what is happening. They're stating that in order to actually lose the weight he wants to lose he needs to break out of his shell and put in the work. Motivation is the first hurdle to getting it done. He hasn't taken that step yet. He needs to get motivated enough within himself to do something about it. They're not ridiculing him because he's fat.

    Let me tell you something I see from pretty much every fit guy or gal around.

    THE MOST INSPIRING thing for a fit person to see is a fat guy in his second week at the gym, still busting his backside, sweating like a stuck pig to try and get fit. It makes the gym alpha in the corner get teary eyed with how much potential this heavy ball of clay has in front of him. They want to see him or her keep coming and succeeding, day in and day out. It makes them pump harder themselves. It makes them double down on their routines, just to get the sweat going again. They don't want to see the fat guy fail or never try. They want to see the fat guy burn his way out of his gelatinous cocoon and turn into a heavy metal, fire breathing, iron plated butterfly with latissimus wings that make his feet lift the ground when he flexes.

    TL;DR: Fit people see fat people as potential future badarses, not fat tubs of crap. At least that's my experience.

    I want to be a badarse! Love your way of thinking :heart:
    . That day I had a total 'Falling Down' moment, and despite being a 5ft4" middle aged woman, I felled the guy with a full force kick to the crotch (yay for Brashers' walking boots...they're heavy beasts) and a smash round the head with a plastic retractable dog lead for good measure.

    Were you charged with assault & battery for your physical response to verbal abuse?

    I dare say he took it because what man wants admit to being beat up by an obese 5ft4 middle aged woman?