for those of you who are scared to eat whatever you want...



  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    glitzy196 wrote: »
    Alright folks, what have I missed? *sits down with bowl of chef boyardee*

    Omg i love chef boyardee..and spaghettios with meat balls...cold..out of a can because I'm classy like that.

    Oh I can't do cold! :confounded: It has to be hot lol!
  • sabrosura98
    sabrosura98 Posts: 1 Member
    glitzy196 wrote: »
    I do find it interesting that there are so many "eat whatever you want as long as there is a deficit threads." But when someone (me) takes it completely literal the notion is attacked. Thankfully im smart enough to recognize my choices as less than stellar. But i won't beat myself up over it, nor should anyone. My goal is weight loss. And it can be achieved without changing what you eat. My goal is not (and never will be) how much food that i hate can i choke down today. Thankfully i don't eat to eat, i eat because i am hungry, and because food tastes good. I became over weight because it tasted soooo good i wanted seconds and thirds.

    Something i read on here once really resonated with me, a poster madr a comment about 'knowing this is not the last piece of cake i will ever eat' i now tell myself that often. It is totally cool for me to have a bite. I will see cake again in my future, so there is no need to inhale 3 servings. It is what works for me.

    Besides, any effort is better than none..somewhere out there a chubby girl is thinking she can never lose weight, she chews a celery stalk..and dreams of milkshakes. She will fail. Because that lifestyle sucks. I hope she is reading this thread. I hope she enjoys life..goes to dinner with her friends and orders what she wants, not a side salad with no dressing.

    I hope i teach my 3 year old daughter positive body images, and a positive relationship with food. Ice cream is delicious. Ea

    Thank u for this!!
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    Food you eat one day doesn't affect you weight loss the next day. Maybe I'm totally wrong though
  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    debrag12 wrote: »
    Food you eat one day doesn't affect you weight loss the next day. Maybe I'm totally wrong though

    I have read it takes 3 days, but i know my body, and if i over ate the next day i would stall, or perhaps gain a couple of ounces.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    glitzy196 wrote: »
    debrag12 wrote: »
    Food you eat one day doesn't affect you weight loss the next day. Maybe I'm totally wrong though

    I have read it takes 3 days, but i know my body, and if i over ate the next day i would stall, or perhaps gain a couple of ounces.

    That's because the food in your stomach has a weight. If you drink a liter of water, you're a kilo heavier until your body excretes it again.