

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2015
    Mia - wowzers, all kinds of high fives, happy dances and HOORAYS for you. That is so exciting.

    We just got home from vacation too, but I'm quite sure I didn't loose any weight. :)

    Janetr OKC
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Linda in N Ontario, the point is not that Mary or I cannot change a flat tire, but U-Hauls do not HAVE spares! They don't trust the renters not to steal them. So you have to wait and wait to get a spare tire to be found and replaced.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Mary – 6 miiles? Not me !! 3 miles a day and 1 long hike a week was what I had been doing – Levi strained a groin muscle and is slowly recovering --- A huge mile stone happened today and this is TMI but he lifted the leg with the sore muscle to pee --- and the vet said that is the first step forward!
    Terri - YEAH!! And they are cute!
    Joyce – good job on making good choices!! I wonder if you could slowly do little things to improve his diet, like low sodium cream of mushroom soup, or adding in some fresh (or canned) sautéed mushrooms?
    Michele – I have the hardest time tossing food especially dessert! Big NSV in my department for you!
    Margaret – Lovely pics!!
    Lisa – sending good thoughts that Armando and the Mitchells make the “right” choices! Awesome on the weight!
    Alison and Lisa – Alison, Lisa gave really good advice, while if I get dumped on I tend to ditch that person, there are a few that I felt I had to let dump on me, with some counseling I learned to create some boundaries and as I enforced them I found much to my surprise that it worked. Honestly I did it the first time so I could go back to the counselor and say see it doesn’t work.. but I had a family member call me a “naughty word” on the phone and I responded with if you call me that again I will hang up, they did, I said I need to hang up now – please call back when you can be polite and hung up - 20 min. later they called and apologized, it has not all been that easy but it confirmed to me that folks are trainable.!

    So Ladies – I want to thank you! Everyone of you! We are so good about reading –listening- or asking a question….. I really appreciate you all…. The following is a bit of a vent…but deep breathing is only so good, I have to let this out and move on…
    I am in my local garden club and had (long story) to met today with a gal in the club to see if I could understand where she was coming from on a budget issue and if we could brainstorm a win- win or at least a compromise… OMG! The gal would not even slow down her talking long enough for me to get a question in. I felt like she was campaigning… lots of talk talk talk and no substance! One time in particular I wanted to ask what she meant by “inheritance” it took 8 tries before she let me finish the question before interrupting and then 45 min. before I could get her to explain that she meant financial reserves.. but in her mind using the word reserves mean we are a “ big mean corporation” and she hates “big mean corporations” ! I am exhausted and the darn barista at the coffee place we were at gave me caffeinated coffee and I ONLY drink decaf – I have the shakes, and am wired…grrrrrr This woman is going to be the death of garden club… I am changing up what I am involved in and this may end up being the next change. She is determined that everything should be status quo – she even said that ! I am not completely fond of change, but think conversation about new ideas can be really good, and then some of the ideas should be embraced. She also said anyone under 65 is a useless *kitten*… that would be me. My response was to tell her now you have called me a useless *kitten*, so please apologize RIGHT NOW – she did, the most half hearted crappy apology ever…and she did not believe I was under 65 (I’m 56) I whipped out my driver’s license… I look way better than her! Well I did my duty. And the end result is we will force the budget changes down her throat, and she’ll complain and b1tch all the way. Darn biddy !

    September Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles (dog is injured- will skip this this month)
    Log everyday –
    Twice a week do floor exercises
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 –
    W2 – went hiking
    W3 – went hiking,
    W4 –
    W5 -
    Kim from N. California

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi all!
    Have been reading but can't concentrate enough to reply to all. Love you.
    Haven't heard from Sylvia yet. Sending big love. <3

    We have been looking after the grandchildren all day. Phew! Absolutely exhausted! It didn't help that I hardly slept last night. Awful bed and awful sleeper. Luckily I was able to take a nap when DGD went down so that revived me no end. DH has been writing "books" with DGS all day. So far they have made three, all sellotaped up and illustrated! He has had no break.
    DS & DDIL have sent us photos and messages from Paris and it is all going well. DGD has been occasionally a bit tearful when something reminds her of mummy, but she is distractible. DGS seems well together and not bothered, but when he has DH why would he be? I am posting a photo of a pile up in the den.
    Can't decide whether to sleep in DS 's bed tonight. Last night was pretty awful, but I can probably stand one more night. At home we have a "superking" with two separate mattresses and I can go to the spare room if I can't sleep.
    I went out to get takeaway kebab tonight. Lots of salad. Mainly chicken so not too bad. Did fall onto the wine though!

    So pleased to be able to do this for DS & DDIL. I hope they are having a fantastic time. They went to St Chapelle today - one of my favourite places - amazing stained glass. Notre Dame. And to the Orangerie to see the Monet waterlily paintings. <3 Hope you all get to go to Paris sometime and walk along the Seine by moonlight. :love:

    Having said all that I know I will be waiting for the key in the door tomorrow afternoon! ! ! ! !

    Love Heather UK


    Just want to say that I am DELIGHTED with all those who are finding a voice and asserting themselves. WTG! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :love:
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
    godmom - i loved your vent, don't you just love those people?

    well, finished moving around the couches and vacuuming so i could make room for the spin bike, it will come next friday! no, moving the couches (2 love seats) didn't hurt, used mostly one hand. load is in the dryer, gotta put another load in.

    type to ya later
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited September 2015
    17761776 wrote: »
    fanncy0626 wrote: »

    This is Inn in progress shot of my DH painting the cabin!

    Mary from Minnesota

    Send my way, house could use it!!! Did you get all this rain?? Gayle Minneapolis

    Off and on! Nothing yesterday. We should have had this done already! We had to give it time to dry.

    Pip - love Goodwill! Saves a lot of money on temporary clothing!

    Mia - congratulations on the loss!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies. Quiet day today. I got my nails done and I’m watching Nebraska get their butts kicked by Miami. Later we are going to Octoberfest with some friends. It’s a beautiful day here today.

    Mary: my shoulders have never recovered from painting a house once!

    Pip: what happens in 6 days?

    Linda; so nice to see you here again

    Cheryl: I always loved your horse pictures!

    Heather; enjoy your time in London

    Joyce: so glad Charlie is back at home

    Miriam: congratulations!!!! Our girls are adopted too

    Alison: has there been any resolution to the issues there? Is it possible you are too nice and that’s why people
    think they can take advantage of you? I agree with Lisa (with love)….Ann Landers used to say “no one can take advantage of you without your permission”.

    Teri mom: great nsv!

    DJ: so here’s the rest of the story: while waiting for dh to get home I went to a neighbors who were all sitting
    outside. I put my cold food in their fridge. Pretty soon I’m wondering where dh is and he calls me and says “where are you”? He had come into the neighborhood the “back” way and I didn’t’ see him. It was pretty funny.

    Fancy: what a mess to have a flat!

    Carol: did you lose your job?

    Margaret: great pics!

    Katla: glad you are home safe and sound. Rest up!

    Lisa: great job!

    Well friends it’s time to get ready to go out. Take care, Meg from beautiful Omaha
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
    stats for the day:
    spin- 49min, 102ar, 88aw, 8-10g, 24.8mi = 437c
    rowing machine - 5 min, 46aw, 771meters, right hand only = 62c
    total cal 499

    megblair - long awaited shoulder surgery
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    well we were at the Big E for about an hour and a half before we had to leave, my DSIL is a big woman 6 foot and probably close to 275 lbs , she doesnt do heat well. so we had to leave. I dont do crowds well and it was crazy up there .but at least I got out.. Tom and I did go to Denny's for dinner, and we will go to breakfast for our anniversary,I did buy him a card before this all went down.. we shall see how the weekend progresses.
    took a shower and am in my jammies, I have to grocery shop a bit tomorrow..
    DFIL this morning downed 4 bowls of cereal,scrambled eggs ,toast ,coffee and milk..so glad he can still put it away... ;)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,093 Member
    edited September 2015
    Miriam glad way is clear for adoption.

    Mary cabin looks so cozy. The walking path is breathtaking.

    This is from Swedesberg. They have great sayings every time I stop in. This was on the way down. On the way back I liked even better. "Just when the caterpillar was going to give up it changed into a butterfly."


    These are from the sculpture garden:



  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Hi all nice to see some of the old faces and many new. Just zoomed through the last page.
    For me i'm doing great but do need to smarten up. So I'm looking for your help.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario

    Nice to see you back

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Lillian, as I as reading your post about making your pear pipe, you have mace listed as an ingredient. I thought mace was used to spray in the face of some one who is attacking you. Is there an edible kind also?


    Yes, Mace is a spice. Check it out in the spice isle.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Well finished another batch of Salsa for the boy who loves hot and spicy food. Yes the jars are marked with his name. Also pickled the hot peppers for him too.

    Oh oh potatoes are coming in the house ....gotta run so DH gets them in the right bin

    Lillian West Central Saskatchewan
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    I haven't done anything productive with my day today except fix two good meals and read up on recipes for next week's menus. But at least I'm rested!

    DS is feeling a little more like himself after his infusion on Wednesday, and last night we played miniature golf after dinner. It was the first time we played all summer.It was fun to get out, and to squeeze in a little bit of summer tradition before the weather turns too cold. Today he's lounging around and DH is working outside on the stone wall and patio for a pond in our side yard. I saw the numbers on the scale and measuring tape decrease slightly this morning for my weekly weigh-in, so that was good news.

    Barbie -- Thanks for the book suggestion, "Better Than Before." I'll have to check it out.
    Miriam -- It sounds like the green light for adoption was an important step. It's very sad that the parents didn't show up for the hearing, but all the more reason your action is so necessary. Keep on.
    Heather -- It sounds like you are doing your best with the meals. Let those DGKs tire you out and you'll sleep like a rock! I hope to visit Paris some day, and London, too!
    Terri -- Congratulations on those snazzy pj's! Getting new clothes is one of my favorite NSV's.
    Joyce --Being a caretaker is very hard, isn't it, especially when your dietary needs or habits don't match. I like Kim's suggestion of doing small things to improve his diet. I have done this slowly over the years with my son and husband and they usually don't notice unless they help put away the groceries. :-)
    DJ -- Love your words for the day!
    fanncy -- Sorry about that flat tire. What a way to put a damper on that trip.
    Carol in NC -- Atta girl!
    Margaret -- Lovely pictures of your family. Thanks for posting. I haven't tried to figure that out yet.
    Katla -- Welcome home!
    Linda -- Picking blueberries sounds like a great reason to stick to your goals. For me, some of those simple daily living activities are powerful incentives.
    Grandmallie -- Good for you on going to the Fair, even if your day was cut short. I find that my boys are more appreciative when I "disappear" for awhile. I prefer to stay home (like today), so I have to plan and push myself to get out with friends, or even take myself to a movie. They are often surprised when I say I'm going out, and they are usually solicitous when I return. The people who depend on you don't realize how much you do until you are gone for a day or two or ten! :-)
    Lisa -- Good job on your weight loss, and keep up the good work! I still want to hear the story about the circus.
    Mary -- Painting is coming along!
    Vicki - Sorry to hear about DH's job. Hope you have a great ride and get-away weekend to clear your minds.
    Mia -- Losing weight on vacation is fantastic! You must have been very active.
    Kim -- I laughed out loud over your garden club story, although I'm sure it wasn't funny at all to endure it. You must have the patience of Job! My husband does lots of volunteer work for our small city, and he comes home with lots of stories like yours of people who are hell-bent on a specific agenda, who can't listen, and aren't interested in any other perspectives. Then we will run into these people while we are out, and I just smile and nod (and grit my teeth) while they talk with my husband. You certainly did your best to hear her out!

    The dog is pestering me for a walk, and it's time to fix supper so I'd best do something to redeem the day. Hugs and good cheer to all who need a boost.

    Polly in Virginia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hugs from Il
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    New day #1 ... A success! Have used all my calories, but plan to drink water the rest of the evening.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Polly and Pip - thanks for reading and commiserating... I wanted to slap her upside the head - and needed to hear that a. that was reasonable (thanks pip) and that there is some humor in it when you step away (thanks polly)...

    But Let's be clear - I do not have the patience of Job, or a saint; just actually blundered on something else asked how I could make it up to the person I blundered with and she said well, there is one thing you could help with - I said you name it.... Oh *kitten* this was it.... Be careful what you offer!!!!

    Kim in N. Cal. where it is over 90 at 5:10 in the evening... again.............................
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I know I need to introduce healthy things into Charlie's diet. My main goal is to get him to eat, something, anything. So I a, going back to his highly spiced foods that he likes. But he didn't like supper at all. Even the Ruffles potato chips tasted bad to him. He couldn't taste the onion and boy, was it strong. He doesn't want ice cream! he is dizzy, something has to be fixed. I did get him to walk around 2 blocks.
