

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,312 Member
    edited September 2015
    Welcome Cathy! ! !

    Cynthia - many congratulations on the wedding! My marriage in 2004 was a lovely thing. Having the experience of maturity makes such a difference. :flowerforyou:

    Janetr - So sorry to hear of your losses. It does make us feel vulnerable and sad. :flowerforyou:
    I also have felt that it makes me want to "seize the day" even more. No waiting around for 'the right time' or 'one day'. One of the reasons I want to sell my rental is that I want to spend the money on travelling and treating myself to things I have always wanted to do. Having had cancer I am very aware that our time is limited and the only person who can make the most of our lives is ourselves. We only have one life.

    Remains of fabulous guinea fowl for lunch. Tonight is squid stew. :D<3

    Heather UK
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,283 Member
    edited September 2015
    Is this a closed group, it looks like you have been together for hundreds and hundreds of posts? I don't know how these work, but you look pretty upbeat and encouraging, and I certainly fit the age group. I am in this ONE MORE TIME with a full extra person on my bones. I love that you log your goals and then revisit them each month. Cathy in the woods of NW Washington.

    That made me laugh. I only joined about two weeks ago. You will have lots of feedback. They're a very friendly bunch.

    Cynthia Don't beat yourself up about one day. We are human, and prone to slip. The success is from getting back to it right away. New day, new start, every day! Congrats on finding a life partner.

    Heather I love the idea of spaces in togetherness. We all need some time apart and the freedom to be ourselves.

    irish Terri
    Life is gradually returning to a semblance of normality although DH is still pampering me. It's our Golden Wedding Anniversay next July so we have learnt to live in relative harmony over the years.

    I am itching to get back to driving as I like my independence. I am missing all my study and leisure groups.

    On the question of healthy eating at Christmas. I always serve loads of veg with Turkey, ham and all the trimmings and a vegetarian option. There is always a fruit salad although personally I exercise the titbit method. A little of what you fancy. I always have a small helping of plum pudding and brandy sauce. We walk it off on the beach on Boxing Day.

    Boxing Day we have cold turkey etc and a huge pot of veg soup and a salad. I haven't had any complaints yet!
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited September 2015
    Golden anniversary, now that's worth celebrating! (Irish Terri)

    But, come to think of it, ANY anniversary that makes you want to celebrate is worth celebrating. (Heather, Cynthia, and all of you third-time-a-charmers out there)
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Janet, so sorry for your losses.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Penny - still laughing about your arctic elephant. I think that will last me all day ! Thanks ! ! !

    Michele. - DH has 16 bowling balls but I don't understand why a 15 year old needs 4. He also has 3 baseball bats. I was spoiled as a child and only had 1 of each.

    Color is on my hair. We don't have to leave for bowling for 2 more hours. Then I will teach DS to do the heavy yard work because it is supposed to be in the 70's all weekend.

    Sorry that I don't have the patience to respond individually while on my phone but you are all in my thoughts and prayers !

    Hugs ! ! ! Terri in Milwaukee
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,766 Member
    Morning ladies-
    I am at work until noon.went to dinner with dear friends last night..had haddock and salad and the non drinker had a glass of white wine...
    Told Mary Lou what was going on between Tom and I,we shall see how things go.
    Janet- so sorry for your loss, tomorrow is the wake for my friend David ,he was my age 55 and leaves a beautiful Family...
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning everyone. Overcast here today and chilly. Two more batches of salsa to make then clean up the house and get ready for kids to come tomorrow. I might dig a few more carrots if I have time to clean them. However I may get sidetracked when I tidy up my scrapbooking room.

    ((( hugs))) to all.... I am not going to think about Christmas as I stew on it for a month anyway so I don't really want to start now. Although it will be discussed when the kids come over tomorrow. Sometimes my DIL's clash a bit ..... oh fretting already!!!

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
    Janetr so sorry about your ex and friends.

    Pip glad you are on the mend.

    Mary love the woodland pictures.

    Cheri I am proud of you for wanting to visit family at Thanksgiving. Interesting DH gets sick when you are taking a stand.

    Vicki like the reminder to think positive.

    Carol you have had a lot on your plate. Hope you are finding a good job fit.

    On the subject of giving each other space. My DH is retired. He sometimes gets upset with me when I have made it clear I need alone time. I was the youngest and my older brother is four years older than I am, so in many ways it was like being an only child. I like and need to spend time by myself. Most of the time he respects that.

    Christmas growing up was my mom was either sick or stressed out at the holidays. She would make dozens and dozens of cookies. I love Christmas. I pace myself and rarely bake Christmas cookies or treats. I do not want the stress and calories. I also try to do intentional acts of Kindness. As a present once I got a small wooden manger with some straw. As you do something kind in the month of December you fill it with straw. The idea it will be overflowing by Christmas eve. My DH and DS#1, and DS#2 do not attend church with me, I wish they did.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    terri_mom wrote: »
    Terri in Milwaukee wrote: DH has 16 bowling balls but I don't understand why a 15 year old needs 4. He also has 3 baseball bats. I was spoiled as a child and only had 1 of each.
    Now I'm starting to feel I must have been a deprived child. I had NO bowling ball and NO baseball bat. I got a Flexible Flyer for Christmas one year but it was stolen two days later. :sad:

    Naw, c'mon Penny, you were one of the lucky ones, with your safe, happy home and your loving family. smiley-hug006.gif

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited September 2015
    JanetR, Allie, so sorry for your losses... All of you who mourn, my heart goes out to you. I have been so lucky in my life, to have lost only one person who meant the world to me--and I know that's going to change as I get older and everyone else does too. Thinking about y'all.

    Pip - you are going to rocket through rehabbing that shoulder...


    Wednesday night, a storm blew through and took out the restaurant computer system completely, and still no contact from the techs at the company that sold it to us. And, of course, the credit card readers that were IN the building had never been used and were completely outdated, so the bank had to FedEx us new ones from Amarillo. So Thursday was cash-only, Friday we were at least able to accept credit/debit. Probably $1,000 lost, conservatively, on Thursday, as so many people only use credit or debit cards now.

    And, as one server pointed out, all they have to do is get rid of the cash tickets and keep the money paid for it, if the servers are of the stealing bent. And further commented, "Aren't you glad we're all honest?" and swanned off. Then why is she thinking about stealing? And, speaking of which, ONE server in the restaurant brought in more cash than the entire bar brought in on Thursday night. Further deponent sayeth not. Heaving a huge sigh of relief that it's somebody else's problem as of Monday at 4 p.m.

    I will be staying on for a few weeks to get this logistical computer nightmare resolved, if humanly possible, or make recommendations for purchasing a new one, which will also be a nightmare. But those kind of nightmares I can deal with just fine. Now the people, I will hand over on a plate, happily. While I'll still be fixing the circus, the monkeys will be someone else's problem.

    I've talked to Armando a lot over the last few days, and I think he will do just fine... much more even-tempered than I am, and the mere fact that he's male, in a predominantly Hispanic cultural environment, as well as being bilingual, which I am not, will go a long way to getting things settled down. And if not, he has a network of dependable people he can call on and get them in place and operational very quickly, so the current crop of monkeys can simply find another tree if they keep up their silliness.

    Will be fascinating to watch, since I get to remain in the building and on the sidelines, to watch the mayhem ensue. :) For instance, I've always known the bartender girls were overpouring and giving free drinks to friends, but just keeping the doors open and the building operating absorbed ten hours a day every day, didn't have time to investigate or prove anything. He has already said (and they will find out on Monday) that there will be a DAILY liquor inventory compared against sales--and they will not be doing it, he will. Can't wait to see their faces when that announcement happens. :D Sometimes, I love my life.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,770 Member
    Good morning! I've been reading with interest, just not able to take time to respond. And I'm on my phone now so we'll see what I manage.

    Pip... Glad you are healing ... Yes, you are blessed!

    Janetr... So sorry for your losses ... Hugs.

    Cynthia ... Congratulations on your wedding!

    Joyce ... Respite care!

    Kim ... I've been reading the ladies' responses to your holiday question. As of this morning, I don't think I've read about anyone having "Hallmark" perfect celebrations or families. I am sorry your personal experiences have been on the low end of the satisfaction scale ... Hugs to you. A couple things have stood out ... Maintaining a perspective of the reason for the holiday and not getting caught up in the marketing of it ... And the presence of children. I love Sylvia's idea of inviting international students or those stuck on college campuses. Not really "kids" but they are individuals whom you could really give a beautiful holiday to ... And make it the way you think does it up right. My husband would not enjoy this ... He's pretty much content by himself.

    Like the others, my holidays have been varied depending on where I was in my life. This year I'll have my two sons and husband with me ... And we have issues/health concerns so it won't be perfect. Only my parents are alive but travel becomes difficult with the weather to visit them. Our siblings no longer get together. So I probably won't see family. Still, I will cook all the traditional food ... I will decorate as the spirit moves me ... I will meet friends in very small gatherings for coffee during the season (just one or two)... I will attend church services ... I will participate in Operation Christmas Child, food drives, etc... I, too, will send cards and bake cookies. But only to the degree it doesn't become burdensome or stress me out. Because the years I tried to have "perfect" holidays are the years I made myself and everyone around me perfectly miserable. Not going that route ever again.

    Yesterday was my oldest son's 29th birthday ... We took him and his aide at that time out to dinner. He's not in a good place mentally right now so it was a little stressed but we did ok.

    Now I've got to get ready for a funeral this morning ... A beloved church member.

    Then this afternoon, I hope to start a batch of beef bone broth in a new stock pot! Such excitement!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,283 Member
    edited September 2015
    As we approach the end of the month, I am reviewing my goals. I am fairly happy with how it's panning out.

    Primary Goal:
    Work on rehab after hip surgery. I had put in a mountain of work since the beginning of the year to reduce weight and increase strength and fitness. The encouragement of friends like Penny made the process so much easier (Thanks a million, P). I found that pre-logging the food for the day was an enormous help. :)
    3 weeks on and I have lost all the weight gain cause by the surgery (mostly water retention) plus 2 more pounds, and am walking unaided.
    I marvel at Pip's epic performance. :)
    Other goals
    1. Eliminate late night snacking. I started on this one in the middle of August. After a few falls from grace, so far in September I have stuck to my 9pm cut off. :)
    2. Pre-plan menus/stick to plan/keep under basic calories. I thoroughly recommend pre-logging. :)
    3. Increase steps each day. Steadily climbing. Now up to 4000 + per day. :)

    Non-health related goals

    Prepare for DD Civil Partnership on 18th August
    Despite many ups and downs, it went off well. DD was her own wedding planner. I was responsible for the flowers and general artistic advice. Her vision was perfect and so was the day. :)

    My daughter, (on the right) and my new daughter in law.

    The flowers, one on each table. 8 tables, each one themed in one colour of the rainbow + one gold themed.

    My outfit.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2015
    Thank you all, my friends, for your kind words and thots.

    Penny - the elephants made me laugh.

    TerriRichardson - you look beautiful in your outfit for daughters wedding.

    Mary in MN - your pictures were gorgeous. We were 90 degrees yesterday. I'm ready for fall.

    My DBIL is home. What an answer to prayer. He's a trooper.

    Have a terrific day, my friends. So thankful for this group.

    Janetr OKC

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :)TerriRichard Great pictures of your daughter and her spouse....do you live in a place where they were able to be married or was it a celebration of a legal partnership? Do they live near you?

    <3 Barbie in beautiful NW Washington
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Terri R - Beautiful wedding pictures! You look great in your outfit I love it!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Gorgeous all around Irish Terri.

    I love gladiolus (...gladioluses? ...gladioli? Drat the plural form!) but they're a bit too large and dramatic for my decor. It never occurred to me that they could be tamed in goldfish bowls! I must try that. Lucky for me I have just one goldfish bowl and will only have to ask the florist for one gladiolus. :D

    I swear, Lisa, you get hit by everything imaginable. Even the weather??!! For your sake, I'll be happy when you're shot of that restaurant. At the same time, I'll be sorry to miss out on the constant drama and the daily cliff-hanger. I don't watch much TV.

    Hey, can we be sure you haven't been feeding us chapters from a new book you're writing?
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! It's going to be a beautiful day here. I was up all night with more gut pain and vomiting, but it has eased up now. It goes away as suddenly as it comes. No rhyme or reason to it. Last night we went out to eat at Cracker Barrel. I had the small sirloin (no seasoning) and a salad and baked sweet potato. When I swallowed that first bite I knew I was in trouble. But I finished it, (can't waste $12!) then we went to the mall shoe shopping for hubby. By the time we got home I could feel the pain starting in earnest. Note to self...if it doesn't feel right going own, STOP EATING IT! Today I'm going to do only liquids and very soft food.

    Penny, I had to laugh about the elephant. I often refer to things that cause other things not to happen as elephant repellant. My grandkids heard me say that and laughed. "Grandma! There aren't any elephants in Kansas!"

    Meg, we didn't get a drop of rain, but we didn't miss it. We've had such a wet summer which helped make a bumper crop of web worms and itch mites.

    Michele, I think the new shoes did help. My hips are much less painful today after walking five miles yesterday. But I think I might get a new pair of inserts for the other ones too, just to see if they are any good. It looks to me that the memory foam in the old inserts got flat.

    Well, I guess I'll try to eat a little and see if I can keep my meds down. Have a great day!


  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I have to vent! I post on another thread for the group strong lift 5X5 and there is a workout thread where we post our workouts and people chat back-and-forth a little bit. I posted one picture of my walk from yesterday and one of the ladies told me not to post pictures it's too much for her to scroll through. I felt hurt and offended. It made me feel like not posting on that thread anymore because I am not welcome to be me.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,648 Member
    morning peeps.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2015
    Mary in MN - well that lady has no idea the beauty she is missing in life. I go back and enjoy everyones pictures many times. My advice is post twice as many here for us to enjoy. Some people have no clue as to how to carry on to enjoy life to the fullest. ((((big hug)))).

    Sylvia take care my friend. Your visit to the specialist cannot happen soon enough.

    Janetr OKC