

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Friday. Well I am wearing my huskers shirt and jeans at work and love it. Enjoyed our evening out with friend for supper. I did really well and brought half home and going to have for lunch today. Working with the boss today, so could be an interesting day. I am working on thinking positive.

    Woke up to rain this morning and cooler weather. I do enjoy having the windows open.

    pip--Hope you are feeling better today. Glad the surgery is over and now the hard part begins. Thanks for sharing the pictures, looks interesting.

    mtowne--I understand why you lost it. You have been bending over backwards to help these people and you are getting no respect. You have to stand up for yourself and when you say you are going to do something you need to follow thur and that is just what you did. I back you up 100%.

    Sylvia--WOW! The change in your shoe size is something. I am glad they are checking into what is going on with your DGD. But I am like you and want them to get to it. Do they have anymore scheduled visits with the mom coming up?

    Kim--We spending the holidays in a lot of different ways. First I work everyother holiday so that leaves just going home afterwards. We do different things with the kids and DGC, but never all together. Also we have gone and helped serve dinner at the Salvation Army and a church that does meals for the homeless and those who would not have food or any where to go. I agree you do not have to spend time with family that has abused you. Check and see where you can help out and be a Blessings to those who have less then you. One thing I do every year is put up a tree. The year our son passed away I didn't and it just did not feel right. Also I send out lots of cards and to me that is one of the best thing about Christmas is hearing from family and friends we only hear from once a year. You are more then welcome to come spend any holiday with us.

    Joyce--Sorry about how things are going. I pray things get better. Why is it when our DH's are not feeling well we feel we must do anything and everything to make them better and they blame us when it doesn't work. Please you take care of you. I agree with these other ladies that you need to get some help or tell Charlie if things don't change he is going to have to go back to the rehab center.

    Heather--You are like me, when we went to the store last evening I was going for a Huskers shirt and two bed pillows. Ended up spending over $100. I have to stay out of the stores more often.

    Margaret--Hope you find the choir that works for you. You have to find what is comfortable for you and sounds like this lady needs to relize that she is working with adults.

    Janetr--Sending prayers for the family that lost their mom. It is never easy rather they have been sick awhile or go quickly.

    Mai--How painful. I know several years ago I thought I just had a pimple back there. Went to the doctor and he told me it was a large boil and they had to lance it. I ended up off work a couple weeks and DH had to change the dressing and pack it several times a day. So glad you don't have that. Sorry TMI.

    All this talk about Christmas. I love that time of year. The last several years I have made cookies with the DGC that live here and then we go and pass them out at the library or where ever the homeless people are. Since we have so many DGD and now 4 DGGS I am trying to make things for them this year. Most the time I shop all year, but this year just haven't gotten started. But I love the church music and sharing the meaning of the holiday with the kids.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND-NE
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Kim, my heart breaks for you and the holiday stress. I have not gotten together with my "family" for 40 years or so. They never invite me and I never invite them. When my son was small it was hard because I had no money for gifts and things, and felt awful about it. We never got gifts from my parents or anything like that, but one year my sister actually bought us a christmas tree. We had nothing to put under it or decorate it with, but it's the thought that counts. We made paper ornaments and streamers out of toilet paper.

    When I married my husband my son was grown and off on his own and heavily into drugs and stuff, and was missing most of the time, so holiday time was not fun for any of us. When he married and had kids things were nice for a couple of years, then he got mad at me and I didn't see him or the kids for 6 years. During that time, hubby always tried to plan a trip at holiday time so I wasn't home to dwell on it. Now, my son and the kids have been back in my life for two years and those Christmases were very nice. I dearly love seeing the kids rip open their gifts, and I now have the money to spend on them that I didn't have when my son was younger. And I can use Christmas as an excuse to give them clothes that they desperately need.

    Is there a college near you that has international students or students that don't have a place to go? Here there are, and I always thought it would be nice to have some of them come over on the holidays. Even the dining halls are closed Christmas and Thanksgiving days. My husband is not very social and wouldn't go along with it though. Too bad.

    A couple of Christmases we spent with his sisters and their husbands in North Carolina. I always felt awkward about that. They were always a little TOO nice to me, because my son was so screwed up. His family is not close either.

    I hope you can find a friend to spend the day with. Maybe you could put out a call on your local facebook "Looking for singles to share the holidays with..." or "Singleton Christmas Party" or something like that. There have got to be other people in the same boat. I recently posted that I was looking for somebody to walk with and made a nice friend from that.

    Take care.

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Meg, I have been wondering about you! I keep looking at the map and thinking we will get rain in a day or two, but that system has just stalled over the Missouri river! Stay dry!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    Stat for the day-
    - walk- 1st day after surgery- 2mi, 1hr 18 min 38sec =240cal, not on treadmill, around track, holding handrail
  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    Our Christmas tradition: I was the only one in the family with kids for several years. Everyone wanted to see the kids open their gifts so they would all come to our house. We have a big breakfast after the gift opening. Late in the afternoon we go to my parents for dinner. My mother in law goes also, so we have never had to divide holidays between the two families. We've kept up the tradition even though the kids are now 27 and 24.
    Maryann in Michigan

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,387 Member
    megblair1 wrote: »
    I'm here and haven't drowned yet despite 6" of rain. Now it needs to dry out. I've been having trouble getting on the site, but thinking of you all daily. meg from soggy omaha

    My goodness, that's a lot of rain. Ireland can be soggy, too. That's why we have 'forty shades of green' on the Emerald Isle.

    Pip WOW! 2miles, even with a handrail. That's epic! :)
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,387 Member
    edited September 2015
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Pip good morning. How did your first night go?

    My good friend, ex-daughter in laws Mom, passed this morning. She was diagnosed with aggressive brain tumor about six weeks ago. The family made the decision to take her off of life support last night as there was no brain activity for the last 48 hours. Not an easy decision. Please remember them all in your thots and prayers.

    Janetr OKC
    So sorry for your loss. May you and the family find the strength to carry you through this trying time. Letting a loved one go is never easy. My heart goes out to them.

    Mia Shingles is the pits. I'm with you on the pillow. I seldom find a comfy one at a hotel.
    I get you with the taste changing. I no longer like some of the things I used to think I couldn't live without. I even have my salad naked. (No mayo :lol: not no clothes) The flavours are amazing, especially when picked fresh from the garden.

    Mary We sometimes do a bran tub with small gifts. It's great fun except for hovering up the shredded paper afterwards.

    Irish Terri
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Pip, you are A M A Z I N G, that's all.

    Janetr OKC
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,890 Member
    Hi all: Raining here today. I woke up early this morning to go to the bathroom and then went back to bed for a little while. The bed still had a warm spot when I got back in and I felt extremely grateful for comfy blankets and pillows and a warm little cat by my feet. Such luxury!

    Pip - You go girl! but don't overdo it.

    Christmas has varied from just our immediate family or just my DH and I to big family gatherings. I like both. This year we will have a big group as we just moved to the west coast this summer. My DM (91) will come up with my DSis and DBIL from California. She will stay with us and DSis will stay with my nephew who lives near here. My DB is also planning to come with his family. DGD will be here as this is my son's holiday to have her. I always do some decorating but not as much when it is just DH and I, will probably do much more this year. When my DD was in Denver there were several friends who could not go home for Thanksgiving and they always had an orphan's Thanksgiving. Everyone brought something and they all had a meal together. My aunt always had Christmas brunch at her house, they opened presents and then everyone went to in-laws or wherever for the afternoon. I spent a couple of Christmases there when I was in college because I could not afford to go home.

    Janetr - Tegaderm keeps water out, chlorine kills germs. Less chance of infection in the pool than in your hospital room. Wishing you well with the surgery. I am glad I had mine done as I would probably not be horseback riding otherwise.

    Joyce - Respite care? You need to take care of yourself. When my DH had bypass surgery he was cranky and anxious and sometimes seriously obnoxious. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise but my horse also got hurt at that time. The hour per day I had to go out to the stable to care for her was my saving grace and he could not argue with the need to do it. It was my time to relax and just be quiet while I worked with her. Besides she appreciated it!!

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in WA
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    ********************ALERT TO HORSE FRIENDS in NC********************* I don't remember where everyone is who has a horse but the following recall was issued today.
    Murphy Farm Hay and Feed Company of Louisburg North Carolina has initiated a voluntary limited recall of alfalfa hay due to potential Blister Beetle contamination. The product was offered for sale to consumers at the following two retail locations, Murphy Farm Hay and Feed in Louisburg, NC and Jones Farm Hay and Feed in Middlesex, NC.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    Hey peeps,
    I slept off and on as u can imagine. It was comfortable when I didn't move, lololol. Pretty successful day today. I walked 2 miles around the track holding the handrail every bit of the way it was a slow pace. Nurse suggested not getting on the treadmill because I'm still drugged up so I didn't. She said probably after 15 minutes of walking find me feel like I need to sit down. She doesn't know about my workout activity. I was able to make it for 73 minutes! Kirby helped me take a shower a bit ago. I tell u guys, he is such a good man, I am Geary eyed as I type this, he is truly a blessing that has come into my life.

    After the gym, Went to Starbucks and Cosco usual. Put a load of laundry in. Now it's all about relaxation and pain pill. Mom keeps calling to see how I am doing. She said she is going to make tamales for him and ship them out to us. Kirby (and I) are excited! That is an aLL day thing and I am sure she will have help but at 80, it's not easy.

    As a treat to myself, I bought a blt sandwich on Wednesday but I left my cc in my sweater pocket that I leave at work. one of my co-workers offered to bring it home and is also bringing me a bbq plate, how sweet is that!

    My spin instructor is due to bring me the spin bike to borrow today sometime. Enough he pecking for right now. Oh and thank u to all for suggesting I crop out my name and stuff off of that X-ray pic!

    Peck to ya later
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Pip- you walked pretty fast! Glad that you are up and about!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Becca - do you decorate, do the tree and all that? or with the holiday working around the Navy do you just save gifts or not? or? And if no one's home on Christmas day, is that ok with you or ??? Can you tell I am into details LOL


    Well I normally have my tree up by the 2nd week of December. I doubt my older two active Navy sons can get leave after having leave in October this year. Im excited that they are all coming to visit from Oct 9th thru 15th! I might just put the prelit artifical tree up. I still have the youngest home (hes 16 and not in the Navy yet) so we do the presents thing with just us three. Once when it was just the eldest son in, his leave was from the end of December to mid Jan, so our Christmas Day was actually New Years Day. My youngest son was freaked out because Santa wouldn't be coming. I told him Santa has been informed so no worries! Since moving up to Oregon from California (to get husband on the liver transplant list), we see my in-laws on Christmas Day or the day after. Its kind of hectic, but in a good way. Not used to that much hustle and bustle! Currently I have my middle sons Christmas present from last year! Some stories my husband has written, some are published material, so very proud about that. Mostly Sci-Fi stories that were published in a magazine so it he was actually paid for them as well!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Just got the news a bit ago that my ex had passed. All in all today was not a good day. Lost two good friends. Feeling heavy hearted.

    Janetr OKC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Kim - I put a Christmas tree in every room of the house, including kitchen and bathrooms. I LOVE Christmas. Last year I had 19 people. My oldest daughter and her two youngest were here, Jack's three kids and some of the grandkids, my next door neighbors. (Thanksgiving we had 23) Jack and I have spent a few holidays with just the two of us. I don't like it. I'm from a large family and love a large crowd. Jack's kids tend to "get mad" and sometimes stay away for a year or two at a time. Right now they are "mad" at their mom and so are seeing us. Go figure. I just go with the flow. But I decorate and cook even if it is only Jack and I. When I was single I either went to one of my girl's home and the other one would come there too, or I'd go to a sister's house. I'm sorry you are alone. I know how hard that is. (((Hugs)))

    Janetr OKC

    Wow Janet Im impressed! I have some treasured things but being that my husband has spent many a Christmas's onboard ship, he freaks out if I decorate too much. One year they took 7-up cans and coke cans and stacked them up in a tree formation (kind of sad when you ponder it)....or they drew a tree on their plotting board in CIC. Whatever they could do to not go crazy onboard worked. I bought a tree once and had to carry it home from the base. I had to take a train to get home, so I bought it a ticket so I wouldn't get in trouble for taking anothers persons "space" up.... Christmas trees aren't a big thing in Japan so I always had a crowd of kids every time I turned on the lights...haha...kind of creepy seeing their faces in the dark...ooooga booooga.
    I have long sinced stop the endless baking. Its just too expensive for me to do. I do manage a pan of fudge though, and maybe a tube of sugar cookies for my son and I to decorate.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Just got the news a bit ago that my ex had passed. All in all today was not a good day. Lost two good friends. Feeling heavy hearted.

    Janetr OKC

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    One Christmas when we were still living in a traditional Japanese house (rental) off base, we found out a shipment of Christmas trees were coming in to the Army base near us. We didn't have a car then, so we rode our bikes (I pulled a Burley bike trailer with #1 son in it). The trees were huge and bound up so we bought one and took a couple of bungie cords and strapped it to my husbands back. We all were laughing so hard seeing this tree on him, he looked like he had a rocket strapped on! The pointing we got from people was hysterical and we got the "right of way" all the way home! Sadly no pics of that event.....
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    PIP - do what the doctor says smiley-face-angel-003.gif do what I want!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,387 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Just got the news a bit ago that my ex had passed. All in all today was not a good day. Lost two good friends. Feeling heavy hearted.

    Janetr OKC

    So sorry Janet. It's always hard to lose a friend. I will keep both families in my prayers this weekend. You