

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Pip - looking good!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    mtowne002 wrote: »
    Omg I'm totally crying now. I just checked my cell Cuz I hadn't received any calls today and found out it had its volume turned down! I missed two calls from work called them back stupidly wondering whether they needed me to come in for someone and I HAD MISSED MY SHIFT! Omg I love my job! I wrote it on the wrong day on the calendar! They said they were surprised and got someone to cover for me and not to come in and I would have to have a conversation with my boss. I immaturely burst into tears on the phone cuz this was two minutes after my yelling at Joey and it was too much I guess. I wobbled out that I was so sorry. I'm sick about it and I can't stop crying. Oh God.

    I am so sorry, u r human, things happen. Hopefully they will understand
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    Cynthiat60- I love that profile pic of u, I have been wanting to tell u that.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    Well, I was able to fold a small load of laundry. Bullwinkle and Floyd r so calm around me, they know something is up. Yogi is at school aka daycare, when he comes home he will jet towards the food then Kirby will have to watch him to make sure he doesn't ramble on me
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 1 hr of ultimate weights training cardio workout DVD, then went and got my blood drawn, had grapes in the car, came home to breakfast, fed the cats, then made a deposit for Newcomers then volunteered at the Green Room. After leaving there went to the farmer's market (this is the last time they'll be there this year), then to Target to get litter.

    The plan for tomorrow is to do an hour of water workout

    Mary from MN - I ALWAYS have to look at myself in the mirror to be sure my form on my squats is correct. For the longest time I was doing them incorrectly and didn't know it until a personal trainer pointed it out to me. Now I have to be so conscious of it.

    janetr - I'm not an alcohol drinker, either. I may have it once or twice a year. I do like a SWEET wine

    katla - the last time Andy was here for dinner I made a fruit salad in addn to something else, but I figured at least he could have the fruit salad. He said that he couldn't. You know, I'm not so concerned if he couldn't deal with the fake sugar, I just know that I couldn't. When he was here I baked white and sweet potatoes, figuring a sweet potato would be better for him, but not making it a big deal since I like sweet potatoes. He ate the white potato

    Penny - both you and Katla have suggested fruits, but he said he couldn't have the fruit salad, that it was too high in sugar. I never thought of fruits as being that high in sugar.

    Linda - woohoo on being the biggest loser at TOPS

    pip - it's so so good to hear from you. I know how good a shower feels. So....how's the shoulder? I bet much better than it was before. How long was the surgery? Lookin good, bet you look much better, too. I bet Yogi doesn't jump on you. Animals know.

    Mary from MN - probably the biggest problem was that Andy either forgot or didn't know that we'd made plans so he was in Gastonia. By the time he got home, Amanda and Aiden were waiting in the driveway and he didn't take his insulin

    Yvonne - hope those tomatoes make it for you. For DJ - isn't a moon garden a garden that has all white flowers in it? At least that's what a friend of mine calls hers

    Heather - glad to hear that your rental wasn't as bad as you feared.

    Alison - (((HUGS)))) What are you going to make them?

    mtowne - I don't think you're an ogre at all. You followed thru with what you said you'd do. What would have happened if you hadn't? Then it would just be worse. Hugs. I would think that talking to your boss is their standard procedure. Lisa - what do you think?

    Michele in NC
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    My time with my sister is winding down. I'm doing her laundry and making chili today (leftovers in freezer for when I'm gone). I'm taking her to two appointments tomorrow and cooking vegetable soup (leftovers in freezer). I'll take her to get her prescriptions filled on Friday, then I'm heading home.

    Of course her dryer doesn't work right either. It's tumbling and putting out heat, but it's just not drying the clothes. I don't know how she lives with so many things broken. She has a good job and makes a great salary. I guess it's just a matter of priorities. And to top it off, I broke her dishpan and her salt shaker broke while I was here. I'm claiming the dishpan, but I don't think I broke the salt shaker. Nevertheless, I went to the store and bought her a new dishpan, and new salt and pepper shakers.

    I will be so glad to get home.
    Hi, I had the same problem once w my dryer...I won't insult you by suggesting u check the lint trap. But I will mention what I was shocked to find that the hose and duct going all the way to the outside had years of built up extra lint and could have burned the house down! Bc the duct cleaning guys were having a hard time getting it clear..old house too many turns in the duct work..we had a whole new duct put out to a new vent hole just to be safe. It's fairly easy to check just run the dryer and go out to the vent and see if a reasonable amount of steamy air is coming out..or if the vent has a flap cover that is shut unless the air being expelled opens it up sometimes the flap gets stuck. If u don't feel adequate air coming out you can take a tool like a broom handle w a wire bristle brush attached to it to insert in the hole and ream it out..if the duct is not straight they make them out of bendy rod too. Walk the dryer out also and step behind it unclasp the hose and make sure there isn't a lint jam in there too. It sounds odious but if it is what's happening fixing it could save her life.

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Cyborg Pip... glad you're home and up to communicating....
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
    Hi all: Getting cloudy here and supposed to rain. Didn't seem to get much done today other than groceries but must get guest bedroom bed made as DGD is coming to spend the night tomorrow night.

    Pip - Did they not send you home with a nerve block? I had no pain at all for the first 24 hours with the block. Feeling for you. Interesting hardware they used.

    Janetr - You are going to wait 6 weeks to get back in the water? I was in the pool 2 days postop with both knee replacements. We have an ortho in Sioux Falls who puts his knee and hip replacements in the water first day postop. It is so much easier to move and people do really well with water therapy. You should check to see if there is somewhere near you for aquatic therapy. Can you tell I used to work in aquatic rehab?lol

    Miriam - Hope you can finally get that paperwork. Sounds like everybody is losing patience and frustrated.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in WA
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately. Things are slowly stabilizing in my life, so I can start to breathe again. I had to go see my new primary care doc in order to get a referral to the specialist in Kansas City. She was very nice about it, and gave me some things to mention to the gastro- gal (the new doc is a woman who's first name is Daisy...doesn't that sound nice?) I've been having some charley horse type cramps in my gut and she thinks they may be related. She is concerned that I might still have some adhesions that are causing problems, so I should be sure the new doc looks at that. She also prescribed miralax and told me to stay on it till my appointment in KC. That is scheduled for November 10th, so it's a long way away.

    My DGD is failing ALL of her classes and has appointments to see two different counsellors. One from mental health and one from the sheriffs office. Apparently nobody is in a big hurry about this except me, but at least they are taking it seriously. I have to step back a little and focus on my own sorry self first.

    Hubby and I got our flu shots yesterday, along with shingles shots. I've been meaning to get one for years and just now managed to do it. Now that I'm 60 the insurance covers 100% of it, too. I always forget and have them give me shots in my left arm, and I sleep on my left side, so it was a little sore last night.

    I've been having big problems with hip pain lately, so today I went to buy new shoes and new inserts. Why are my feet getting longer?!!! I used to wear an 8 1/2, and the shoes I bought today are an 11! This is nuts. But at least I don't need wide shoes anymore. I'm looking forward to walking in the morning to see if the shoes make a difference.

    Pip, the X-rays look SO much better! I hope your pain eases up quickly. You have really been through the wringer!

    Mary, I love the red sumac pics. There is a community college that bought an old night club behind our house for a satellite facility, and it included a big vacant lot that abuts our back yard. When the school bought it they came and told us that they were planning to trim up that lot, and I asked them to leave the sumac and some of the "trash trees" that were growing there, so they did! I thought that was very nice of them. We really enjoy those sumacs, especially this time of year. It makes a nice screen from our yard to theirs too. I don't know why landscapers don't use sumacs. They are so pretty. The road between our town and Joplin is lined with sumac in all different shades of reds, yellows, orange and brown.

    Well, I'm going to get some dishes started before I go to bed. Have a great evening!


  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sylvia - I'm glad that you are going to a specialist! Sorry to hear about your DGD. Take care of yourself so you can be there as grandma. I had heard that the sumac was like poison ivy. But since I have them all around me I researched them and found that the sumac with white berries and by swamps are the poisonous ones! Good to know. They are pretty!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited September 2015
    Pip!!!! YOU are the BONIC WOMAN girl!!! Tell your man...."Im your Jamie Summers, and you can be my Six Million Dollar Man!" Um you have to sing that with a TWANG too....its LAW!! Glad everything went ok sweetie! (((((hugs)))))
    your token nudist friend...(that is freezing her butt off in Oregon)
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Tallves, welcome. I don’t know if you have been on MFP before or also in this forum but we are happy to have you. Do you log the food and drink that you consume? So you can keep up with your calories… the log every bite refers to that. The swallow I’m not too sure about? LOL If you don’t swallow it, I’m not sure you have to log it? Please tell us a bit more about yourself so we can get to know you. Come often and join right in.

    Miriam, thanks for the garden info. I know you are all getting frustrated about your son’s living arrangements. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    Heather, Way To Go on resisting the chocolate and biscuits. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. Try to think positive on selling the rental. ((((Hugs))))

    Penny, I love your description of the moon garden. It sounds magical and I can picture Tinkerbell and her friends flying around the flowers.

    Allison, sorry to hear about your friend.

    Joyce, so glad Charlie is at least trying to eat. Is he getting frustrated and angry? My DH has a tendency to do that when he is sick. Not a good patient at all.

    Irish Terri, it’s wonderful to hear how well you did with your knee surgery. You are to be commended because I know it didn’t all happen by itself. Your local charity group sounds terrific. I have never belonged to a group that gets that kind of attendance. That is wonderful.

    Linda, I must have mis-read your post??? It sounded like you were reading this message board at work and I know that’s not right. *Tee hee hee* You can always make your notes on an email and send it to yourself at the end of the day so you could add your art before you posted it.

    Vicki, you enjoy wearing your team shirt to work. It’s fun to be able to do that. Where I worked in Charlotte, they used to sell the opportunity to do that and the money went to charity.

    Pip, thanks for letting us know you are home. I hope you have some good pain meds to get you through the first few days. Take care and feel all the healing thoughts we are sending your way.

    Mindy, I think you acted responsibility. If young people aren’t made to face consequences how will they ever learn? Everyone loses it and yells sometimes. I say, don’t give that another thought. The young man would be sleeping on the street if it weren’t for you. Sorry about you missing work. Hopefully that will work out.

    Pip, interesting x rays. It looks better so lets hope it feels better. Hope you feel better soon!!!!! Can’t you just sit down and relax for the day of surgery? I’ll bet the laundry will wait until tomorrow. Good grief, lady!!!

    Sylvia, so glad to hear that things may calm down. Glad you like your new doctor and are getting to see the specialist. Sounds like your new doc is at least smart enough to have some ideas about your problems. And yes, you need to take care of yourself or you sure won’t be any good to anyone else. Hope the new therapists can help DGD and get to the root of the problem. Also hope the new shoes make a difference. (((Hugs)))

    It has rained all day most of the time and the heavy rains are due the next two days. I stayed dry because I never left the house. Should be good sleeping weather.

    Sending the best thoughts to all of you and I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Couple of days behind…. So catching up by speed reading!

    So I have committed to participating in a holiday craft faire and will have a booth and sell some embroidery stuff. Should be interesting, I have only done things to order or for myself and gifts… exciting and scary to take on more work…

    Disclaimer: this is whiny, and doesn’t relate to you all my online friends, but is about the “physically here” friends…

    The faire has gotten me thinking about the upcoming holidays, and as a result I am very depressed. Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays are very tough for me, I have been in counseling for months working on this issue, but from the direction of leaving behind &/or limiting the time with toxic friends, and replacing them with friends who can be supportive and nurturing. I do see that I have made progress – I have a couple of new groups, broadened the group of folks I do stuff with, and I think there are some very nice folks – but they are new to me – my big issue (some of you may remember this from last holiday season) is I am alone for the holidays – my bio-family would have me, but it is not safe, my brother has a history of beating me and that’s not worth it, and my local friend have their traditions and they don’t include me. So today’s meeting with my counselor had her asking me a question that I could not really answer, so I am throwing it out for you… do you spend the holidays with the same people every year, or have a regular rotation? I always assumed that folks did, but she says that is not true for around 50% of the folks. What about you??? Share some stories, what have you done? Are planning on doing? And is it the same each year?

    Janetr – great pic!

    Joyce – is there any way you could get some help? Just someone to come in once every 2 weeks to clean, change beds? You are doing an amazing job! But it is a lot for any one person. Could you get Charlie to drink an “ensure” or something like that for the times the food isn’t working for him? That would help with the nutrition.

    Gawworth… - Great job on the weight loss!!!

    Penny at the Pole - LOL at the idea of a pastor without a shirt being a big deal (guessing they don’t wear pants in the shower either!)

    Lisa – hope the days get better. Later --- well, it sounds like it was an awfully long day but probably for the best that the gal quit… sometimes these things work out for the best.

    Cynthia – I am so bad about remembering who is missing…. But you are loved by this CA gal. Later*** you can get that weight off! I know you can!

    Katla – this may be too late, but a metal door is nice for a spot like that… and sometimes cheaper.

    Gayle – I think I’d let them call it what ever they want and still keep track. Gayle what is it you are referring to with the letters ED? I know what it is with the ads for the little purple pill, but I don’t think it is that type of ED that you are referring to.

    Cynthia and Gayle – thanks for the definition of ED!!!!!

    Alison --- so this quote from you, I am sure is a typo but got me giggling you were referring to his new glasses “ if he needs adjusting”

    Thinking of you and the passing of your friend.

    Pip – I am too late to wish you well, and now see that your home and hurting, take your pain pills, do not try to “tough it out” sending peaceful thoughts

    Mindy – you are not an ogre – you set boundaries and then enforced them… maybe the first time he has ever experienced this, but stick by your guns, also remember that there can be reactions – they could move out, be destructive, …. AND Breathe!!! Talk to your boss, apologize and hopefully all will be well.

    Heather – Glad things worked out better than expected with your rental… and that you have a plan… The electric thing is so different here, we have a company (different one in different parts of the country) and you get a bill monthly, so you pay it online, or via mail, and at the end of the month you get the next bill for what you used the prior month.

    Comments/questions on diabetic treats – I have a diabetic friend and if he will or will not have a sweet is dependent on both what the sweet is but also what the rest of his day was like, did he exercise? What else has he eaten, how much protein, how much carb? So for him at least it is hard to judge.

    September Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles (dog is injured- will skip this this month)
    Log everyday –
    Twice a week do floor exercises
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 –
    W2 – went hiking, went to nephew’s football game
    W3 – went hiking, football game!
    W4 –
    W5 -
    Kim from N. California
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Heather I forgot who mentioned the charging cord to you and she is absolutely correct. In fact not long after the boys got their tablets the connector inside the tablet became loose so the charging cord would no longer work on it. Luckily the Blackberry can also be charged with an external charging stand so that took care of the problem, What I have been told happened about charging cords is that the government told all of the companies that they needed to use the same kind of charging cord so people were not always having to buy new ones when they changed phones. Well I think they chose the worst charger so now we just have to keep replacing it. They should have gone with the big iPhone charger that never comes out of the phone when charging or even better the old LG charger that actually locked on the phone. These little chargers are terrible no matter what phone they are from. I need to replace my charger for my Kindle because if I don't turn it so the charger is on top it won't charge because it's too loose. :s
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Pip, oh my goodness, does that thing stay in there? Wow,

  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Hi, ED is eating disorders. Wish it could be fixed with a little purple pill!!!! Thanks for asking! Gayle Minneapolis
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2015

    Janetr - You are going to wait 6 weeks to get back in the water? I was in the pool 2 days postop with both knee replacements. We have an ortho in Sioux Falls who puts his knee and hip replacements in the water first day postop. It is so much easier to move and people do really well with water therapy. You should check to see if there is somewhere near you for aquatic therapy. Can you tell I used to work in aquatic rehab?lol

    Sue in WA[/quote]

    I can't even get the incision wet in shower for several days, have to keep it covered. Doc doesn't want it to get infected. Not sure I'd want all that chlorine in the incision either. I guess every doc is different.

    Janetr OKC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :)Kim, on the subject of holidays, I know that many people are disappointed and sad because they have expectations of how the holiday celebration should be. I think the first thing you need to do is take personal inventory of what you are looking for as a celebration of a holiday. Consider starting new traditions for yourself. Reach out to anyone you know who is geographically or emotionally far from their family. Find out about community events and think about attending with a new friend or volunteering to help. My whole attitude about holidays changed when I made the decision to stop using food as recreation.

    :)Pip, happy to hear that you are home after your surgery. Take the recovery one day at a time and keep us posted.

    :'(Joyce, I'm sorry that Charlie isn't being more aggressive about his own recovery and leaving you feeling like you've failed him by not providing the right food.

    :) Today was my regular dental cleaning appointment at the periodontist. She said that my teeth were looking better but still gave me a dozen suggestions of how to do better caring for my teeth---a routine that will last about 20 minutes at bedtime.

    <3 Barbie

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Barbie -
    An inventory is easy,
    1. dinner with people I know, and that will be nice to me and to each other.
    2. no police at event who got there lights and sirens.
    3. yummy desserts
    4. Must be on the day ( I don't mind celebrations on other days too...but my need is for the actual holiday)
    5. Sorry on the day I will not help with a charity event INSTEAD of a celebration meal time, I would be willing to do it in addition to #1 above.

    The problem I have with reaching out, is that at this point there are few folks I know who are far from family, and those with a group here - I approached tons last year (I started keeping a tally and got a no from 25 people) and all turned me down flat. No they were not interested in doing a meal on the holiday at my house and sorry but they had their group and I could not join in... So it's me and Levi, and he is a great friend but just not enough.... So what I am trying to do is broaden my attitude, and part of that is to see what others do... While I am more than in awe of the fact that you have made the food changes you have, they are not changes I am ready to do, and because I am a moderator, not changes I think I need to make, so what is your tradition?

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    sorry that re-read sounds really harsh... I am just hurting so bad, I can't see out - so I am sorry - but I am hoping if I hear others traditions maybe something will sound good to me and I can see a way to make a new list... of what I want.... I just can't find the ladder out of the hurt right now. I don't want to seem mean or unfeeling... sorry! :'(