

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited September 2015
    DJ - it's. AS IS , but the solicitors ask the daftest questions! :sad: It really is not loveable. I have to leave it empty and reasonably clean. With a lightbulb in each socket. I just worry the buyer will pull out.
    Weirdly there is a huge TV in there with sky box etc that I didn't put there. :/

    Katla - good for you for deciding to rest. I'm sure you have plenty to do. :flowerforyou:

    Cynthia - my knee was really terrible, but losing weight has helped it enormously. I do strengthening exercises every day. My problem was a misaligned patella.

    DH has made a lamb and flageolets stew for dinner as I thought I would be out for longer. It's one of our standards for around 375 calories. :D

    One of my NSV's today was NOT allowing my absence from DH to turn into an eating orgy. The urge was there, definitely. Kept seeing the chocolate and biscuits at the stations. But I stuck to my one, low cal sandwich and a small cappucino. o:) Nor did I eat the Quest bar nor the mini snack pretzels I took with me. That would not have happened a few years ago. You all acted as my conscience. :love:

    Love Heather UK
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    I have to lose weight for knee surgery. Reason better recovery, less chance of infection n rehab is more productive. Most of all less pain
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    17761776 wrote: »
    I have to lose weight for knee surgery. Reason better recovery, less chance of infection n rehab is more productive. Most of all less pain

    Gayle Minneapolis
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited September 2015
    So glad to hear your rental wasn't all that bad Heather. I guess you'd been worrying about it for so long your imagination ran away with you.

    Yvonne, DJ and Miriam - I love the idea of a moon garden! It conjures up sights and sounds and smells from my childhood, when we lived outside Nairobi for a while. We lived at a research hostel where we walked to The Big House for dinner, then walked home in the cool evening darkness. The memories of those magic white flowers that opened up at night and released sweet or spicy scents make chills run up my spine.

    Maryann, nice pic! Isn't it great having access to a big body of water to walk along?
    Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    just got word that my friend that has been in Hospice has passed.. will make soemthing this weekend to drop off to the house..
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Allison - Hugs and prayers for your friend and all loved ones. How nice of you to make something for family.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited September 2015
    Morning walk!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Maryann- Nice picture of your walk!

    Heather-I'm glad that your rental turned out to be in better shape than you thought it would! Good for you not indulging on the other food!

    Allison-I am sorry to hear about your friend.

    Penny- The Picture of the sumac is for you!

    Mariam-your Moon Garden sounds beautiful! What a great idea.

    Terri - don't pull out your hair! I love the red color. You actually reminded me of my aunt Donna.

    PIP- just thinking about how you were doing. I hope all went well. My prayers are with you.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    So sorry Allison, you were a good friend. You have a good day with your puppies.

    Penny, you were talking about 'code' phrases people use. My girls have this code they invented themselves when they were teenagers. If they think they have a buuger in their nose, they just ask each other, or now me, am I having a party today? The other tactfully looks and gives a yay or nay.

    Well I made sure I fixed lunch for Charlie. He was so looking forward to eating his grilled cheese with Velveeta cheese and bowl of chili with chunks of velveeta in it. I knew how much he would fix. So I cut a piece of bread diagonally and made half a grilled cheese sandwich, 1/2 cup of chili and a few nicely cut cubes of velveeta cheese. I put it on a salad plate to make it look like a full meal. He ate it all but he forced himself to do it. At least he is willing to force himself now. When this started that first bite would tell whether he would push the whole thing away. later I will bring him a saucer of cheese cubes and a few grapes. I cant get him to understand the idea of small frequent meals. For supper tonight, I am not cooking. The refridgerator is full of 6 days of uneaten meals.

    Yes, losing wieght before a joint replacement is important. Especially if it is one that you are putting a lot of weight on like knee or hip. Doctors are quite adament about it.

    Heather, glad your flat wasn't as bad as you though it would be. Now you have a plan.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Joyce-you take such good care of Charlie!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Mary~ beautiful pictures...
    dusted and swept today, walked the dogs and went to the library and got myself a few books out..
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,408 Member
    edited September 2015
    Allison So sorry about your friend, and how kind of you to make something for the family. :heart:

    Mary What a lovely route. Something like that adds so much to a walk.

    Gayle Thoroughly agree with building up muscles etc pre-op. I spent the last year getting into shape for my knee op this month and it has paid big dividends. 3 weeks and I am walking unaided and almost off the pain meds. My physio was amazed on Tuesday and has intensified my exercises to load-bearing already. Positive thoughts winging your way.

    Pip Thinking of you, as well. So much prayer power winging your way.

    Heather So pleased your fears about the rental weren't borne out. We feel the same as you do about our rental. It's just become too much hassle.

    Miriam I love the idea of the Moon Garden. My daughter has a little arbour where she has fluorescent pebbles and figures of moon-gazing hares and and a fairy along with white blossomed plants. I have never seen it at night.

    DJ I still have all the gear, including cowboy boots, in the back of the wardrobe :lol: Maybe I should take it up again when I am fully recovered. We have a great club called the Silver Spurs in our town.

    Penny My big body of water is the Irish Sea. I can't wait until I can stroll along the coastal path again. :)

    Yvonne DH pointed out a large Flock of geese flying in from Canada one day last week. We have tens of thousands of Canada and Barnacle geese wintering in a sea Lough about 5 miles away from home, along with several types of swans. We often go out sea watching in winter. DH is a keen birder. Most of our summer migrants flew south weeks ago.

    Had a busy day today. Prep for a meeting this afternoon of a local charity I am involved with. It promotes life-long learning. Our current project is a cross-generational programme in local schools. We also had a talk from people from the Institute of Advanced Driving who did a quiz with us. We have over a thousand members, but only about 10% of them attend the monthly meetings. Our members tend to be aged 50+ as most of the activities take place during the day and are aimed at those 'no longer in paid employment'. We have over 70 interest groups on a wide range of topics. It keeps us off the streets :lol:

    Irish Terri emoticon-cute-004.gif
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Well, today I am not magical because I learned that the freesmileys website is blocked at my work. I guess I will have to find other ways to be magical or just do my posting from home. What? Reading this message board at work - never! o:)

    Today, two of my foster kitties are going to their new forever home. A family we have known for years is adopting them, and I’m so happy they are going to a home where they will be loved and cared for. Hoping to find a home for the other two this weekend when I take them to the shelter’s kiosk at the mall.

    I have to admit that I feel myself starting to slip into old bad habits over the last few days. I feel a cold coming on and I’ve used that as an excuse to not exercise twice this week. And I haven’t been logging every bite as I should. Need to get back on the wagon or this entire month is going to be a wash.

    Sylvia – I think my house must be haunted too! LOL :o

    Becca – I sure wouldn’t tell him about the garlic. What doesn’t kill them won’t hurt them??? >:)

    Joyce – You continue to be in my prayers. Hoping you find the right things for Charlie to eat so he can gain back his strength. It’s a long, slow process and I sympathize with how frustrated he must feel.

    JanetR – Sorry to hear about your ex-husband. :'(

    Pip – Was reading along and thought your surgery is tomorrow and then realized I’m a day behind on posts. Hope all went well with your surgery. Praying for a speedy recovery. <3

    For the others preparing for knee replacements, hip replacements and other surgeries, I’m hoping all goes well with you too. <3

    Alison – As the baby boomer generation ages, there is a growing need for elder care specialists. If this is an area that interests you, I think you should go for it! You can google careers in elder care and see the different options. The ones that pay more do generally require more education but not all of the jobs have low salaries. Sorry to hear about your friend. :'(

    Dr. Katie – Patience is a virtue. Glad you will be able to go home soon. :)

    Cynthia – I think 45 lbs by next summer is a very realistic goal. I started with a 50 lb goal and I’m down 20 lb now and want to lose another 30 by next spring. Let’s keep each other motivated.

    It’s not that life has been easy, perfect, or exactly as I expected. I just choose to be HAPPY and GRATEFUL no matter how it all turns out.

    Today, I am grateful for people who volunteer their time to worthwhile causes. We are in the middle of our community support (United Way) campaign at work and there are a lot of people volunteering their time this month to raise money for different organizations. It’s one thing to donate our money, but so much more worthwhile when we are willing to donate our time to help others.

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good morning ladies. I still have my job and the review went about like I expected. So one day at a time. I was told I need to be more flexable. I am working 45-50 hours a week and working different shifts. How much more flexable can I be. Then DH starts back as assist manager Oct 4th. So I keep telling myself at least we have jobs and have several years before we can retire. So unless we win the lottery (which would mean at least buying a ticket) we are stuck. Thanks for listening. One good thing I did not go home and stress eat about it.

    pip--Thinking of you and sending prayers for today.

    Katiebug--You are such a caring sister. Hugs.

    Beth--When I work the short shift and get off at 3 I have a hard time when I am home and then evenings after supper. Sometimes I swear the food is talking to me.

    Joyce--I do hope Charlie enjoys the pizza.

    Cynthia--You can do this and we are here for you. One Day at a Time.

    Linda--Congrates on winning the $9. You are doing great!

    Heather--Sending hugs, you can do this and once you have seen it you will know what has to be done. See you are back and so happy that things were not as bad as you was afraid it might be. Pray that the sales goes fast. Congrates on your NSV while you were checking on your apartment.

    Yvonne--Your floors sound pretty. I would love to have hardwood floors, we have talked about it, but with the dogs not sure it is a good idea at this time.

    Got my flu shot this morning. I just hope it works better then the one last year. I got mine at work as they make you wear a mask whenever you are clocked in if you don't take it. I called the clinic and DH can get his after Oct 1 as a walk in. So have to remember to have him do that.

    Miriam--I pray the paper works gets done soon.

    Well tonight after work going to go out and buy me a Nebraska shirt to wear to work. Starting tomorrow we can wear jeans and Huskers shirts on Friday and Saturday of game weeks. So looking forward to that. Then going over to Aurora and meet a friend for supper. Have a great rest of the day.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND-NE

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy Thurs
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope all goes ok for you Pip,speedy recovery
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2015
    Barbie - :) Thanks so much. I'm sure it will all go as well at the first one. I'm stronger now and with the water aerobics and stationary bike I think my legs and knees are in better shape too. Thanks again.

    Yvonne - thank you for saying that. I know some people don't understand when it's my ex, but we are still friends and for sure I am still close with my step-daughters. It's hitting my girls hard too, he was around all of their early pre-teen years and thru marriage.

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    m home, i hurt
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2015
    Katla49 wrote: »

    Cynthia: The best support I have to offer is the word stubborn. You need to be stubborn about taking care of your health and making it a priority. Moving/exercise is a great way to help take off pounds, but the arthritis will be a challenge. Would swimming work for you? :huh: My neighbor had a hip replaced last year and not one surgeon would do the job until he'd lost 50 pounds. I think it was based on a worry about him having a heart attack on the operating table, but I don't know for sure. :flowerforyou:

    My doctor told me the reason for wanting me to lose weight before knee replacement was because of the amount of pressure weight puts on your knees, each pound puts 3-4 pounds of pressure on your knees. That is a a lot, blew me away. There is a lot of healing and rehab involved and if you are too heave to walk and/or exercise afterwards your knee will not do as well. Not to say that it's not possible to have it done being overweight.

    On another front, I know some mentioned about losing weight before bariatric surgery. We were told that the main reason for this is to decrease the size of your liver. The liver increases/decreases in size in proportion to weight. If you even lose 5% of your body weight before surgery it makes the surgery much easier as most of them are done laprascopically now.

    Janetr OKC
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Pip - Gentle Hugs :'( Take the pain meds on time, and let Kirby spoil you. :D