No Alcohol on a weekday!



  • kirstywillia
    kirstywillia Posts: 74 Member
    Ooooh! Good luck Anna. I know you'll be fine :) . I'm doing the hardest thing and not drinking until October. I can't just have a couple glasses of wine, ill have the bottle and that's a lot of extra calories lol. I'm really trying to get into the 120'slb mark before October 1st and only 1.9lbs away. Really don't want to let myself down. Gonna be a rubbish weekend haha.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    So no alcohol tonight :) one Friday off traded for yesterday's 2. Hear from you all Monday?
  • kirstywillia
    kirstywillia Posts: 74 Member
    Sure will hun!
  • ksebastian244
    ksebastian244 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new here, but I'm so thankful for all the honesty and support on this site. Yeah, I'll consider this challenge since September is almost over.
  • musenchild
    musenchild Posts: 182 Member
    I've gone two weeks, drinking only on weekends! After months and months of "trying". It's the calorie logging that does it. I prefer beer and there are so many calories. Last night I had one (giant) beer and didn't want any more - who am I?!

    It's so nice to feel more in control. I don't need a drink and I can stop one from turning into four. I hope everyone else is doing as well.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    musenchild wrote: »
    I've gone two weeks, drinking only on weekends! After months and months of "trying". It's the calorie logging that does it. I prefer beer and there are so many calories. Last night I had one (giant) beer and didn't want any more - who am I?!

    It's so nice to feel more in control. I don't need a drink and I can stop one from turning into four. I hope everyone else is doing as well.

    Fantastic work! I am not much of a beer drinker- and grateful - because those beer cals can get pretty steep.

    Hi ksbastian244- this thread is a great idea, don't ya think? Keep posting.
  • ilovecereal1982
    ilovecereal1982 Posts: 1,194 Member

    Sunday funday mmmmm...only the Cowboys lost...this needs to be stronger. ..
  • jessroe
    jessroe Posts: 8 Member
    Count me in! A couple of weeks ago I decided I would be a "weekend wino" only... it was blooming tough at first but I'm getting used to it :) My problem is that it's never just a glass... more like 3 or 4... so it's more than just a weight loss issue. I have to say, getting up in the morning is much easier now :)
  • jessroe
    jessroe Posts: 8 Member
    anna418 wrote: »
    Me too! We love our wine and it's so easy to open a bottle while cooking. I am counting Friday as a weekend though. I will do "school nights" alcohol free IF I'm not out socializing with pals (Sunday - Thursday). Feel free to add me as a friend!

    Those are my rules too... I look forward to a drink on Fri and Sat, sometimes Sun... and if I go out for dinner during the week it's absolutely ok to have 1 or 2 wines. It's probably a good thing we don't eat out very much!
  • elizabethymartin
    elizabethymartin Posts: 198 Member
    Not getting on the scale till wed. Def drank some calories this w/e....I had a lot to make up for!! Lol
  • laurabegee
    laurabegee Posts: 19 Member
    I just joined and this would've been great for anyone going to continue into October?
  • dme100
    dme100 Posts: 34 Member
    I used drink a bottle of wine on 5 nights a week, along with beer sometimes! Now, I've had no booze for 406 days straight, it does help with weight loss. I've lost 26kg in 9 months. It is tough to cut back or give up booze but it can be done. Feel free for anyone to add me to receive and give mutual support. o:)
  • AJMB704
    AJMB704 Posts: 590 Member
    I'm continuing this challenge! I had way too much alcohol this weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and am ready to get back on track. I have 2 social engagements this week (including one tonight) but am sticking to sparkling water tonight. Will consider having a glass or 2 of wine at the Wednesday engagement.

    Next week I'm on vacation in NYC so I will not be sticking to the rules, but after that I'll be back on track through the holidays.

    Anyone can feel free to add me. I do my best to log my food/drink and my diary is open to friends.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    I am in for this to be a continuous thread.... I like that it is specific for alcohol intake. I had one glass of wine on Sunday. The weekdays this week are an unknown so far as cocktails and/or wine- but, plan to cut back. Have fun in NYC anna418!
  • Dragrub111
    Dragrub111 Posts: 3 Member
    Well it is almost the end of September but I am wanted to try this challenge. Really like all the encouraging posts from everyone
  • jessroe
    jessroe Posts: 8 Member
    dme100 wrote: »
    I used drink a bottle of wine on 5 nights a week, along with beer sometimes! Now, I've had no booze for 406 days straight, it does help with weight loss. I've lost 26kg in 9 months. It is tough to cut back or give up booze but it can be done. Feel free for anyone to add me to receive and give mutual support. o:)

    That's an amazing achievement and very inspirational! Until this month I was knocking back 1/2 to 1 bottle of wine every night too. I'm still drinking on Fridays and Saturdays but it sounds like you've given it up entirely?
  • summerkissed
    summerkissed Posts: 730 Member
    I'm in!!!! I was going really well doing this (I love my beer) but the weather is warming up, kids are on school holidays and its just so enjoyable to have a couple of beers when my man gets home...even my kids get me a beer out of the fridge when they grab one for him!! So hard to say no but I need to really bad!
  • kirstywillia
    kirstywillia Posts: 74 Member
    Yes this thread will continue. I wasn't sure how many would participate so that's why I wrote just for September but it's definitely going to be on going now :). I'm glad so many of you has joined. I wasn't going to drink till end of the month but that failed aha! I wasn't that bad though with my wine, I usually have the whole bottle and just stuck to one glass on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Small steps lol. How's everyone getting on?
  • icemaiden37
    icemaiden37 Posts: 238 Member
    Can I join? My wine consumption is definitely derailing my attempts to limit my calorie intake. Going to try to stick to no alcohol on a school night between now and Christmas.
  • tigersangel247
    tigersangel247 Posts: 11 Member
    lani12379 wrote: »
    I'm right there with you. Everyday for me too just a beer or some wine. But yeah there are so many calories in alcohol. I didn't realize it until I started working out. Ugh why does everything so good have to be so bad lol.

    Haha I know! My other half loves his booze so I just join in, it's so difficult to just be drinking water and that mofo gets to drink corona. I feel like crying lol. I could honest say that I'm 90% sure I've put weight on is down to alcohol rather than eating unhealthy things. I do like the odd takeaway like once a week but that's it.

    Let's all motivate each other to cut out the alcohol from Mon-Fri. Going to be hard

    I thought I was the only one - I'm so glad I found this post, and I hope you continue into October! My other half also enjoys his booze and it's so hard not to just join in like I normally do. But seriously, it's so nice to hear from other people in the same boat!