fast food



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    cmtigger wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    i eat fast food almost maybe 3-5 times per year and it's usually when I'm on a road trip or something. Personally, I think most fast food is pretty in it really tastes pretty much like *kitten*. I've never really been a fast food person and have never understood the appeal other than convenience...I've never understood how people could eat it regularly. usually when I do have it, I shite for days. it's maybe a notch above pig can do much better.

    that said, places like applebees and whatnot tend to be higher calorie than many things you can get at a fast food joint...

    You know. I get worried if I don't poop for a day or two. Maybe if you aren't having bowel movements you should see a GI.

    i'm pretty sure you didn't read my post correctly....but thanks anyway...

    herpy derpy...
  • Fitness_WonderWoman
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    i eat fast food almost maybe 3-5 times per year and it's usually when I'm on a road trip or something. Personally, I think most fast food is pretty in it really tastes pretty much like *kitten*. I've never really been a fast food person and have never understood the appeal other than convenience...I've never understood how people could eat it regularly. usually when I do have it, I shite for days. it's maybe a notch above pig can do much better.

    that said, places like applebees and whatnot tend to be higher calorie than many things you can get at a fast food joint...

    That's something to keep in mind since applebees isn't necessarily considered "fast food" lol but I think one fast food joint I love and I know I can't stay away from the rest of my life is chipotle burrito ahhaaha I'll drop all others if I can settle for that once a month
  • twinjamom6
    twinjamom6 Posts: 299 Member
    I would agree with the above poster. I can't remember the last time I had fast food. My husband is always getting Hardee's or something like that. It never smells good and the thought of the grease makes me want to vomit. I spent a good portion of my teens and early adulthood working fast food and maybe that's what ruined it for me. Even Subway is processed foods.
    It's funny you mention subway. I consider it fast food myself but so many other people do not.

    I used to work at one. It may be better to eat there, vs. McDonald's or something like that, but probably only if you get a veggie delight or salad. The meats are just as processed, and the only 'fresh' vegetables are the tomatoes, green peppers and onion. I would really question the quality of the chicken breast. It's more like a pressed into breast shape patty with grill marks and Flavoring.
    I have really gotten to where If I didn't cook it, or know who did and what went Into it, I am unlikely to eat it.
    And as far as McDonald's, I worked there for years and I am very unlikely to eat there.
  • Fitness_WonderWoman
    I would agree with the above poster. I can't remember the last time I had fast food. My husband is always getting Hardee's or something like that. It never smells good and the thought of the grease makes me want to vomit. I spent a good portion of my teens and early adulthood working fast food and maybe that's what ruined it for me. Even Subway is processed foods.
    It's funny you mention subway. I consider it fast food myself but so many other people do not.

    I used to work at one. It may be better to eat there, vs. McDonald's or something like that, but probably only if you get a veggie delight or salad. The meats are just as processed, and the only 'fresh' vegetables are the tomatoes, green peppers and onion. I would really question the quality of the chicken breast. It's more like a pressed into breast shape patty with grill marks and Flavoring.
    I have really gotten to where If I didn't cook it, or know who did and what went Into it, I am unlikely to eat it.
    And as far as McDonald's, I worked there for years and I am very unlikely to eat there.

    Wow this is very helpful..because yes I assumed subway was WAY healthier than McDonald's and ect and now that you let me know the real facts.. It has me rethinking. Not that I am a subway fan.. Because I am not. Have you ever had quiznos? I've never had it but I hear it's good quality. We don't have one.. But I always wondered.
  • FitMomOK
    FitMomOK Posts: 66 Member
    i used to eat ff like 1-2x a day. it was ridiculous! here are some things that helped me:
    1. got over a diet coke addiction. that was so hard. but often i'd crave the diet coke (from mcd's) and the salty food with it. i gradually switched over to iced tea, sometimes water w lemon. what are you craving that sends you there? or is it just convenience?
    2. figure out what else you are craving. for me, it was salty fries. so butternut squash fries, sweet pot fries, oven baked regular potato fries ( with lots of salt nice and hot from the oven w ketchup are good subs. then you can transition to less salt and other veg like roasted brussels sprouts, parsnips, etc. (they really are good but work your way there with baby steps!) If you are in a dorm, even microwave popcorn with salt and an ice cold drink could substitute.
    3. if convenience is why you go, keep nuts or a granola bar with you in your car so you don't starve.
    4. it's so much cheaper to make healthy stuff at home. chicken, apples, salads. the cash system would help, maybe $10/week so you still can have your most favorite thing but just once a week or so.
    5. just start, one baby step at a time. if you go 5x a week now, try to do 3x for a few weeks, carry food with you, and find a healthy substitute for one thing. when those are habits, cut back a bit more.
    you can do it!

  • twinjamom6
    twinjamom6 Posts: 299 Member
    I can probably count the times I've eaten there on one hand. It was good and their prices are pretty comparable. I always tried to get something healthy sounding but I really don't know because I didn't care so much about what was going in t hen as I do now. My mission has become to be in my best physical shape of my adult life. I think moderation is key if you're going to eat foods like that and make it few and far between, if it's your guilty pleasure or whatever. Mine happens to be cake. So....
  • ShandaLeaS
    ShandaLeaS Posts: 136 Member
    I used to eat out/fast food every day for lunch and atleast 4 dinners a week. I'm in the process of moving so I'm eating out more until I can get all moved and unpacked but I cut down to lunch out only on saturdays of subway and dinner only for Friday night date nights. The key for me was planning. I take an insulated lunch box with snack and waters to work. I come home or take lunch to work. I bought a weekly calendar and on Saturdays I plan dinners for the next week and try hard to stick to it. Also, On Monday night I sit all the nonperishables/pans etc I'll need to cook on the stove top for Tuesday's dinner so it's all already together and less of an excuse to eat out. I do this nightly right after I clean up from dinner. I plan thursdays to always be leftover night, what's left after dinner either gets portioned and frozen for lunches or pitched. Helps keep the fridge clean and helps for making meal plans and grocery shopping on Saturday. I also go through the freezer about twice a month to take inventory, get a heads up for lunches and to see what I can reincarnate for dinners. Every 3-4 months we do a no shopping fast where I try to only buy perishables and use up as much of what we can of the pantry and freezer without shopping. Helps stuff not go bad and keeps a good rotation of canned goods etc.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I eat on the road fairly regularly and do occasionally do the McD's or Burger King. I don't go for the 2 cheeseburgers and small fries I used to eat as a late night snack 1-2 times a week anymore. Since they provide nutrition info on their menu boards it is not all that hard to eat at a fast food place. Most of the time I don't chose them though since most of it is calorie dense and I like to feel like I ate something.

    Most of the time I opt for Subway. A 6 inch veggie sub or turkey or ham with lots of veg is pretty filling for the price and the calories.
  • Fitness_WonderWoman
    FitMomOK wrote: »
    i used to eat ff like 1-2x a day. it was ridiculous! here are some things that helped me:
    1. got over a diet coke addiction. that was so hard. but often i'd crave the diet coke (from mcd's) and the salty food with it. i gradually switched over to iced tea, sometimes water w lemon. what are you craving that sends you there? or is it just convenience?
    2. figure out what else you are craving. for me, it was salty fries. so butternut squash fries, sweet pot fries, oven baked regular potato fries ( with lots of salt nice and hot from the oven w ketchup are good subs. then you can transition to less salt and other veg like roasted brussels sprouts, parsnips, etc. (they really are good but work your way there with baby steps!) If you are in a dorm, even microwave popcorn with salt and an ice cold drink could substitute.
    3. if convenience is why you go, keep nuts or a granola bar with you in your car so you don't starve.
    4. it's so much cheaper to make healthy stuff at home. chicken, apples, salads. the cash system would help, maybe $10/week so you still can have your most favorite thing but just once a week or so.
    5. just start, one baby step at a time. if you go 5x a week now, try to do 3x for a few weeks, carry food with you, and find a healthy substitute for one thing. when those are habits, cut back a bit more.
    you can do it!

    Awww thank you for the motivation and positive vibes! I think I went because of convenience . Although chipotle lol I go because it's soo good hahaha just expensive. But on the other hand I like the idea of carrying a bar around to substitute the fast food stops, very good idea. I found that some people do do that and it helps quite a bit. I am not much of a pop drinker myself but every once in a while.. I get that craving lol but I'm learning to add more water to the diet and less juices/pop . I do drink tea (not the healthiest form of tea though) I like mine Lipton and warm and with honey lol.. And coffee isn't an obsession either.. I guess I drink that just when I'm in the mood normally if I'm heading to class.. Or something but it usually always goes to waste lol. But outside of that, yeah.. The dollar system is very good. I like it a lot. So far I'm doing that with groceries so I will do it for other things too.
  • Fitness_WonderWoman
    FitMomOK wrote: »
    i used to eat ff like 1-2x a day. it was ridiculous! here are some things that helped me:
    1. got over a diet coke addiction. that was so hard. but often i'd crave the diet coke (from mcd's) and the salty food with it. i gradually switched over to iced tea, sometimes water w lemon. what are you craving that sends you there? or is it just convenience?
    2. figure out what else you are craving. for me, it was salty fries. so butternut squash fries, sweet pot fries, oven baked regular potato fries ( with lots of salt nice and hot from the oven w ketchup are good subs. then you can transition to less salt and other veg like roasted brussels sprouts, parsnips, etc. (they really are good but work your way there with baby steps!) If you are in a dorm, even microwave popcorn with salt and an ice cold drink could substitute.
    3. if convenience is why you go, keep nuts or a granola bar with you in your car so you don't starve.
    4. it's so much cheaper to make healthy stuff at home. chicken, apples, salads. the cash system would help, maybe $10/week so you still can have your most favorite thing but just once a week or so.
    5. just start, one baby step at a time. if you go 5x a week now, try to do 3x for a few weeks, carry food with you, and find a healthy substitute for one thing. when those are habits, cut back a bit more.
    you can do it!

    Oh and I will check out that website , thank you for sharing steps and ideas with all of us.
  • Fitness_WonderWoman
    I can probably count the times I've eaten there on one hand. It was good and their prices are pretty comparable. I always tried to get something healthy sounding but I really don't know because I didn't care so much about what was going in t hen as I do now. My mission has become to be in my best physical shape of my adult life. I think moderation is key if you're going to eat foods like that and make it few and far between, if it's your guilty pleasure or whatever. Mine happens to be cake. So....

    Mine happens to be chipotle burritos hahaha so yes I definitely need to eat mine in moderation
  • Fitness_WonderWoman
    ShandaLeaS wrote: »
    I used to eat out/fast food every day for lunch and atleast 4 dinners a week. I'm in the process of moving so I'm eating out more until I can get all moved and unpacked but I cut down to lunch out only on saturdays of subway and dinner only for Friday night date nights. The key for me was planning. I take an insulated lunch box with snack and waters to work. I come home or take lunch to work. I bought a weekly calendar and on Saturdays I plan dinners for the next week and try hard to stick to it. Also, On Monday night I sit all the nonperishables/pans etc I'll need to cook on the stove top for Tuesday's dinner so it's all already together and less of an excuse to eat out. I do this nightly right after I clean up from dinner. I plan thursdays to always be leftover night, what's left after dinner either gets portioned and frozen for lunches or pitched. Helps keep the fridge clean and helps for making meal plans and grocery shopping on Saturday. I also go through the freezer about twice a month to take inventory, get a heads up for lunches and to see what I can reincarnate for dinners. Every 3-4 months we do a no shopping fast where I try to only buy perishables and use up as much of what we can of the pantry and freezer without shopping. Helps stuff not go bad and keeps a good rotation of canned goods etc.

    Wow you really got a good system going for you!! That's some serious stuff and I like the ideas. Definitely packing is number one on my list of things to do myself.. I just need to keep up with that habit & great job on your journey!! Keep it up! I hate the feeling of going grocery shopping every week.. I know some people do it.. But I find that it just means more money going out. For the first few months I may go grocery every week just to restock on minor things but like you.. I want a set date to do it and not to have to do as often if possible. But it will take me time and that's okay. It's a process and I'm learning everyday! Thank you for sharing!
  • Fitness_WonderWoman
    I eat on the road fairly regularly and do occasionally do the McD's or Burger King. I don't go for the 2 cheeseburgers and small fries I used to eat as a late night snack 1-2 times a week anymore. Since they provide nutrition info on their menu boards it is not all that hard to eat at a fast food place. Most of the time I don't chose them though since most of it is calorie dense and I like to feel like I ate something.

    Most of the time I opt for Subway. A 6 inch veggie sub or turkey or ham with lots of veg is pretty filling for the price and the calories.

    Okay okay! Well congrats on finding much better options while you are on the road. I know that's when it's hardest for me..when I'm on the road lol. So I can understand somewhat how difficult it can be sometimes. Thank you for sharing.
  • Fitness_WonderWoman
    Wow this is very helpful..because yes I assumed subway was WAY healthier than McDonald's and ect and now that you let me know the real facts.. It has me rethinking. Not that I am a subway fan.. Because I am not. Have you ever had quiznos? I've never had it but I hear it's good quality. We don't have one.. But I always wondered.

    If you want a good sandwich go to Jimmy John's. Most of their regular subs are 400-500 calories and their bread is soooo good.

    I think Subway is nasty. I worked there for three days. My first day on the job, my manager taught me how to change the expiration dates on the meat so we could continue to serve it up to 3 days after it expired. Yeah... There's a reason I never eat there, and why I only worked there three days!
    we do have a Jimmy Johns here. I do enjoy their subs ..especially the bread lol and real mayo won't lie. I never thought to check out their nutritional information so I appreciate you doing that and letting everyone know as well. I will keep that in mind whenever I'm out and "I have to have fast food" hahaha but yeah I dont like subway. Never really have. They make me sick. Had bad experience. Now if I absolutely HAD to eat there for any reason.. I guess I would.. But I wouldn't like it lol

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    It's was really hard! It wasn't hard because I miss the taste of a Whopper. I didn't love fast food. It was just fast, easy and tasted good.

    The hard thing was changing my life around. I had to start making things myself. I had to learn to make healthy things that tasted good. That was a process, for sure. Plus, I had a pantry full of stuff I shouldn't be eating, but didn't want to waste. When I got sick of healthy foods and was given an inch by the doctor, I took a mile and started eating up everything in that pantry. Kraft dinner, etc.

    There were lots of ups and downs. It took a long time. I struggled and failed, but it kept struggling and finally succeeded.

    When the healthy food tastes better than the quick food, it gets much easier. But that takes some time. You have to experiment with different ways of making food until you're making stuff that has you saying, "Yum! I can't wait to have Sweet-Tart Chicken!" (I made that name up because a lot of what I make doesn't have names. Gotta make them up, lol.)

    Stick with it. If you keep trying to get there, you will. :)
  • Fitness_WonderWoman
    Kalikel wrote: »
    It's was really hard! It wasn't hard because I miss the taste of a Whopper. I didn't love fast food. It was just fast, easy and tasted good.

    The hard thing was changing my life around. I had to start making things myself. I had to learn to make healthy things that tasted good. That was a process, for sure. Plus, I had a pantry full of stuff I shouldn't be eating, but didn't want to waste. When I got sick of healthy foods and was given an inch by the doctor, I took a mile and started eating up everything in that pantry. Kraft dinner, etc.

    There were lots of ups and downs. It took a long time. I struggled and failed, but it kept struggling and finally succeeded.

    When the healthy food tastes better than the quick food, it gets much easier. But that takes some time. You have to experiment with different ways of making food until you're making stuff that has you saying, "Yum! I can't wait to have Sweet-Tart Chicken!" (I made that name up because a lot of what I make doesn't have names. Gotta make them up, lol.)

    Stick with it. If you keep trying to get there, you will. :)
    Awe thank you for motivation and sharing with all of us!! That actually sounds really good. Lol never had it.. Maybe you give me some easy recipes you use. It definitely isn't something I need like you said it was fast and easy lol and when you "not so healthy " stuff in the cabinets and what not.. It's like.. Well I don't want to waste hahah seriously I know the feeling. I had to determine throw this out or eat and not buy it again lol hard decisions because no one wants to waste money.
  • MlleKelly
    MlleKelly Posts: 356 Member
    When I went vegetarian, I stopped going to fast food places out of necessity (because very few drive-thru spots offer vegetarian options!). When I did that, I also realized that I had stopped eating a lot of fried foods and white potatoes because what comes as a side dish with most meat dishes at fast-food chains and in sit-down restaurants? Fries! Baked potatoes! Onion rings! White rice! Tater tots!

    I do eat seafood a few days a week, but rarely fried. Plus, I don't trust fast-food places with seafood...frozen, shipped in from who knows where, and mostly fried and slapped between high-processed buns with deep-fried taters on the side.

    No thanks.

    Every once in a while, I'll hit up MacDo for breakfast (Egg n Cheese biscuit...mmm....guilty pleasure), but it's usually only when I'm travelling.

    The only "fast-food" place that I "frequent" is Panera. MmmmmmmmmmmmmmPanera. I don't go often because the closest one is a 30 minute drive, but whenever I can go, I do!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited September 2015
    Kalikel wrote: »
    It's was really hard! It wasn't hard because I miss the taste of a Whopper. I didn't love fast food. It was just fast, easy and tasted good.

    The hard thing was changing my life around. I had to start making things myself. I had to learn to make healthy things that tasted good. That was a process, for sure. Plus, I had a pantry full of stuff I shouldn't be eating, but didn't want to waste. When I got sick of healthy foods and was given an inch by the doctor, I took a mile and started eating up everything in that pantry. Kraft dinner, etc.

    There were lots of ups and downs. It took a long time. I struggled and failed, but it kept struggling and finally succeeded.

    When the healthy food tastes better than the quick food, it gets much easier. But that takes some time. You have to experiment with different ways of making food until you're making stuff that has you saying, "Yum! I can't wait to have Sweet-Tart Chicken!" (I made that name up because a lot of what I make doesn't have names. Gotta make them up, lol.)

    Stick with it. If you keep trying to get there, you will. :)
    Awe thank you for motivation and sharing with all of us!! That actually sounds really good. Lol never had it.. Maybe you give me some easy recipes you use. It definitely isn't something I need like you said it was fast and easy lol and when you "not so healthy " stuff in the cabinets and what not.. It's like.. Well I don't want to waste hahah seriously I know the feeling. I had to determine throw this out or eat and not buy it again lol hard decisions because no one wants to waste money.

    I don't really use recipes and what I love will be different than what you love. Get some spices (Penzey's and World Spice Merchants both sell online) and start trying them out. Buy some fresh herbs in the produce section and try those.

    If you don't know how to cook, I highly recommend Alton Brown. His "Good Eats" show ran for over a decade and it was only taken off the air because he got sick of doing it. If he felt like doing it again, they'd put him back on the air tomorrow. It was an EXCELLENT show and still reruns to this day on The Cooking Channel. He didn't always make the healthiest stuff, but he did a LOT of shows dedicated to single vegetables.

    Try watching the "Field of Greens" episode (Season 8, episode 21, according to google) and see what you think. You can get it on amazon and I think Netflix carries Good Eats. I'll bet it's even on YouTube.

    The best book I got to kick-off my new vegetable-eating was "The New Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone." Lots of great ideas in there. It's a big book, but it's a good one.

    Once you learn how to make things you love to eat, it's so very much easier to eat healthy. :)
  • Fitness_WonderWoman
    MlleKelly wrote: »
    When I went vegetarian, I stopped going to fast food places out of necessity (because very few drive-thru spots offer vegetarian options!). When I did that, I also realized that I had stopped eating a lot of fried foods and white potatoes because what comes as a side dish with most meat dishes at fast-food chains and in sit-down restaurants? Fries! Baked potatoes! Onion rings! White rice! Tater tots!

    I do eat seafood a few days a week, but rarely fried. Plus, I don't trust fast-food places with seafood...frozen, shipped in from who knows where, and mostly fried and slapped between high-processed buns with deep-fried taters on the side.

    No thanks.

    Every once in a while, I'll hit up MacDo for breakfast (Egg n Cheese biscuit...mmm....guilty pleasure), but it's usually only when I'm travelling.

    The only "fast-food" place that I "frequent" is Panera. MmmmmmmmmmmmmmPanera. I don't go often because the closest one is a 30 minute drive, but whenever I can go, I do!

    Ahh okay vegetarian? Very cool. I'm sure this help other vegetarians once they read your post. You know I don't mind white potatoes and lol and rice lol I need my carbs normally and I hardly ever meet my carb goal on here.. So that wouldn't be bad options for myself haha but I totally understand your take on fast food and I enjoy panera as well! Bacon turkey bravo is my favorite lol.
  • Fitness_WonderWoman
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    It's was really hard! It wasn't hard because I miss the taste of a Whopper. I didn't love fast food. It was just fast, easy and tasted good.

    The hard thing was changing my life around. I had to start making things myself. I had to learn to make healthy things that tasted good. That was a process, for sure. Plus, I had a pantry full of stuff I shouldn't be eating, but didn't want to waste. When I got sick of healthy foods and was given an inch by the doctor, I took a mile and started eating up everything in that pantry. Kraft dinner, etc.

    There were lots of ups and downs. It took a long time. I struggled and failed, but it kept struggling and finally succeeded.

    When the healthy food tastes better than the quick food, it gets much easier. But that takes some time. You have to experiment with different ways of making food until you're making stuff that has you saying, "Yum! I can't wait to have Sweet-Tart Chicken!" (I made that name up because a lot of what I make doesn't have names. Gotta make them up, lol.)

    Stick with it. If you keep trying to get there, you will. :)
    Awe thank you for motivation and sharing with all of us!! That actually sounds really good. Lol never had it.. Maybe you give me some easy recipes you use. It definitely isn't something I need like you said it was fast and easy lol and when you "not so healthy " stuff in the cabinets and what not.. It's like.. Well I don't want to waste hahah seriously I know the feeling. I had to determine throw this out or eat and not buy it again lol hard decisions because no one wants to waste money.

    I don't really use recipes and what I love will be different than what you love. Get some spices (Penzey's and World Spice Merchants both sell online) and start trying them out. Buy some fresh herbs in the produce section and try those.

    If you don't know how to cook, I highly recommend Alton Brown. His "Good Eats" show ran for over a decade and it was only taken off the air because he got sick of doing it. If he felt like doing it again, they'd put him back on the air tomorrow. It was an EXCELLENT show and still reruns to this day on The Cooking Channel. He didn't always make the healthiest stuff, but he did a LOT of shows dedicated to single vegetables.

    Try watching the "Field of Greens" episode (Season 8, episode 21, according to google) and see what you think. You can get it on amazon and I think Netflix carries Good Eats. I'll bet it's even on YouTube.

    The best book I got to kick-off my new vegetable-eating was "The New Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone." Lots of great ideas in there. It's a big book, but it's a good one.

    Once you learn how to make things you love to eat, it's so very much easier to eat healthy. :)

    Hey I didn't know he went off air.. Lol I remember him. That's funny that you mention.. Sometimes very rarely though do I watch cook network but good idea and I'm glad you had more to share!!