Im going to lose 20 pounds in 40 days!



  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    As I think back in time when I was @morgiemarsh age I knew Zero about how or even the need to manage my diet. Had I been asking questions at that age I may have side stepped the last 40 years racked with pain and deformities.

    I am sure I did not know losing 1/2 pound a day was not a good idea to many years later in life. Even after earning my OD degree at age 36 I did not really know much about diet when it is one of the leading causes of vision loss world wide.

    morgiemarsh just keep up your interest in how to manage weight and health in general by diet. It is exciting to see young people thinking about health 40 years earlier than I got focused on it. My 18 year old old daughter just asked for her own copy of Wheat Belly Total Health (2014) by William Davis, MD.

    We did a 2600 mile business trip last week that reached to Canada from KY and I was reading the book and talking to her about some of the stories in it.

    Keep up your interest and do not get discouraged by anyone one for any reason. You are on the right track and can figure it out early enough to benefit for many many years unlike me waiting until at death's door so to speak.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    You might lose enough water weight to make you happy by then, but there is no way that you will lose 20lbs in 40 days, especially if you intend to do so healthfully and keep it off. Will. Not. Happen. Start earlier next time and go slower. Maybe aim for 20lbs by Thanksgiving or Christmas.


    An impossible time frame leaves you feeling depressed if you "only" lose 10 pounds. Losing 10 pounds in 40 days would be an incredible success, not a failure.
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    Look, I get it. I've been there. But consider this, please:

    If your focus is how you look, and not the number on the scale -- 12 or 13 pounds lost the right way (even if aggressively) is going to look better than 20 pounds crashed off. More of it will be fat, which means it comes from your waist/hips/whatever and not your bones, brain and muscles. With a really good exercise program you may put on a couple of pounds of water, but it will reside in your quads, biceps, chest -- your muscles -- as it cushions your muscle repair. Which will make your shape better and tighter and your waist relatively smaller. With strength work and/or things like yoga and pilates you will walk straighter and taller, and look slimmer. With really well designed nutrition, your skin/hair/nails will all be healthier and that will show.

    Can you hit 20 pounds? Well, I imagine so, with really bad nutrition, dehydrated and jittery. Looking at that number on the scale will feel really good. But you know what? You're the only one who will see that number. What will show is what it cost you to get there.
  • morgiemarsh
    morgiemarsh Posts: 13 Member
    MireyGal76 wrote: »
    sugom2 wrote: »
    Wow--just spent my lunch hour reading all the negative posts, rather than support to her for at least realizing she wanted to change and making the commitment. At least she set a goal! We all lose weight in our own way. At least she isn't having surgery to take care of it.

    she isn't morbidly obese - so no surgeon worth being called that would take care of it. 20 extra pounds on a 19 year old girl.

    We aren't supporting her decision to lose such a crazy amount of weight in such a short time because IT IS NOT GOOD FOR HER.

    We DO support her wanting to change her life, and we are all ENCOURAGING her to take her time, do it healthy.
    There isn't a single person here telling her to not lose weight. We are all telling her that she needs to think over the long term and make healthy decisions.

    There is a huge difference between support and enabling destructive behavior. Most of us are supporting her. @veggiesausage15 is participating in and enabling destructive behavior.

    But soon enough, things will turn to mocking as she continues to stick her fingers in her ears and refuse to listen to us mean naysayers. Names will be called, memes will be posted, and the thread will be locked.

    I've said numerous times now that I appreciate all of the knowledge you guys are giving me. Just the rudeness and lack of common courtesy/manners is extremely childish. I'm taking in all of the advice, but some of you need to learn that you can disagree in a kindly manor. Not a hard concept to grasp. Once again I honestly appreciate the advice, whether it be agreeing or disagreeing with the way I go about it! But it's just too bad some of these people don't realize you can do that without losing your sense of common courtesy. Thanks all!
  • morgiemarsh
    morgiemarsh Posts: 13 Member
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    sugom2 wrote: »
    Wow--just spent my lunch hour reading all the negative posts, rather than support to her for at least realizing she wanted to change and making the commitment. At least she set a goal! We all lose weight in our own way. At least she isn't having surgery to take care of it.

    I'm definitely not advocating for WLS but realistically if someone is large enough to require that to be done then don't you think having the surgery so they can become mobile again is also a goal?

    The surgery itself is not a magic pill, it still takes a heck of a lot of discipline to continue going after you have that done.

    Further, those who do have the surgery are then on a VLCD which is normally medically supervised - she's going to (or advocating for) a VLCD just to look good in some little Halloween get up. You cannot compare those who go through surgery for weight loss and what OP is trying to do . . . they're incredibly different situations.

    She's not making the commitment either - she wants to look good. She has lost before, bounced back up and now she's here again. It isn't working and she isn't committed. I've lost 80lbs over a couple years. It's taken a while but I haven't gained a pound of it back. It takes time and commitment indicates day in and day out dedication - she wants a quick fix to look hot. BIG DIFFERENCE.

    You all seem to think I'm just trying to get a "hot bod" to dress skanky for Halloween... Which isn't true, I'm just setting a time goal! Regardless though thanks for all the contribution everyone!
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    sugom2 wrote: »
    Wow--just spent my lunch hour reading all the negative posts, rather than support to her for at least realizing she wanted to change and making the commitment. At least she set a goal! We all lose weight in our own way. At least she isn't having surgery to take care of it.

    I'm definitely not advocating for WLS but realistically if someone is large enough to require that to be done then don't you think having the surgery so they can become mobile again is also a goal?

    The surgery itself is not a magic pill, it still takes a heck of a lot of discipline to continue going after you have that done.

    Further, those who do have the surgery are then on a VLCD which is normally medically supervised - she's going to (or advocating for) a VLCD just to look good in some little Halloween get up. You cannot compare those who go through surgery for weight loss and what OP is trying to do . . . they're incredibly different situations.

    She's not making the commitment either - she wants to look good. She has lost before, bounced back up and now she's here again. It isn't working and she isn't committed. I've lost 80lbs over a couple years. It's taken a while but I haven't gained a pound of it back. It takes time and commitment indicates day in and day out dedication - she wants a quick fix to look hot. BIG DIFFERENCE.

    You all seem to think I'm just trying to get a "hot bod" to dress skanky for Halloween... Which isn't true, I'm just setting a time goal! Regardless though thanks for all the contribution everyone!

    If this is actually the case, then please take heed of the advice given and set your goals to something that is more sustainable and less damaging. 1 lb/week loss is reasonable and dump the garbage supplements. They don't burn anything but a hole in your wallet. Good luck and stay healthy :)
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    sugom2 wrote: »
    Wow--just spent my lunch hour reading all the negative posts, rather than support to her for at least realizing she wanted to change and making the commitment. At least she set a goal! We all lose weight in our own way. At least she isn't having surgery to take care of it.

    I'm definitely not advocating for WLS but realistically if someone is large enough to require that to be done then don't you think having the surgery so they can become mobile again is also a goal?

    The surgery itself is not a magic pill, it still takes a heck of a lot of discipline to continue going after you have that done.

    Further, those who do have the surgery are then on a VLCD which is normally medically supervised - she's going to (or advocating for) a VLCD just to look good in some little Halloween get up. You cannot compare those who go through surgery for weight loss and what OP is trying to do . . . they're incredibly different situations.

    She's not making the commitment either - she wants to look good. She has lost before, bounced back up and now she's here again. It isn't working and she isn't committed. I've lost 80lbs over a couple years. It's taken a while but I haven't gained a pound of it back. It takes time and commitment indicates day in and day out dedication - she wants a quick fix to look hot. BIG DIFFERENCE.

    You all seem to think I'm just trying to get a "hot bod" to dress skanky for Halloween... Which isn't true, I'm just setting a time goal! Regardless though thanks for all the contribution everyone!

    Why not both?
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    This is a completely unrealistic goal, and you won't lose 20 pounds in 40 days. However, I do wish you the best of luck in your fitness journey. :)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited September 2015
    I'm 19, female, 5'4", and currently at 178 lbs, the heaviest I've ever been. I love myself, but hate the way I look right now. I plan on making a lifestyle change as of tomorrow morning. I will be eating healthier and exercising, and also taking slimquick. I tried Slimquick a few months back for a week and lost a total of 10 lbs, but got off track so now I'm starting over. I'd like to lose 20 pounds and tone up by this coming Halloween! I'd love to make some friends on here so we can both motivate eachother to get healthy!

    OP - Your TDEE is 1962 calories that's maintenance (if you are sedentary). This number gets smaller (and smaller) as you lose weight.

    To lose 20 pounds in 40 days you would need a daily deficit of 1,750 calories (20 x 3500 / 40). A couple scenarios:

    1. Eat 212 calories a day (1962 - 212 = 1,750). This is incredibly dangerous.

    2. Eat 1200 calories a day and exercise for 988 calories (1,962 - 1200 + 988 = 1,750). Good luck with exercising for several hours a day on 1,200 calories.

    Your body is using calories 24/7......heart, lungs, kidneys, etc. When you don't give your body enough calories (ie: fuel) it needs to make choices, fuel your heart muscle or fuel a full head of hair. Google weight loss & hair loss. Your body does have fat stores.....but it will use what is easily available (lean muscle mass).
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    edited September 2015

    Set yourself up on a reasonable deficit and exercise. Losing weight fast never ends well!!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    As I mentioned in another post last night, it seems more and more that this is becoming a site where someone proposes doing an unsafe, extremely aggressive weight loss method, and everyone is supposed to just chime in and say, "good for you, go girl, you got this" with no regard for whether this approach is safe and viable, for either this poster or others that may come in and read these posts later....

    I think it's always been this way

    To some degree, it has been, but there was a lot of good self policing from the "mean people" of these threads. Nowadays many of those usual suspects have left on their own because they are frustrated, or they have been banned from the forums. It's sad, really.

    I think the devolution occurred when the forums became accessible from the app. Just my thoughts on a tangent to the OP, because really, it's been covered.

    Hopefully, OP will think about the responses here and see that there is a lot of support here for healthy and sustainable changes rather than a lifetime of yo-yo and disappointment.
  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 688 Member
    You all seem to think I'm just trying to get a "hot bod" to dress skanky for Halloween... Which isn't true, I'm just setting a time goal! Regardless though thanks for all the contribution everyone!

    Set a time goal if you'd like, but make it a sustainable and realistic one. If you manage to lose 20 pounds in 40 days you are not doing it in a healthy way or in any way that is teaching you healthy habits for the future.

    I get it, we've all been there at some point. When I was in college I would subsist on a sleeve of saltines every day for 2 weeks just to squeeze off a few pounds that always came back even more quickly. But I at least realized I was being silly and absurd and didn't post on weight loss forums asking others to validate my stupid decision. I'm sure you know on some level that this is not wise, but sometimes you need to learn that lesson a few times before it sticks.
  • Neversettle78
    Neversettle78 Posts: 206 Member
    MireyGal76 wrote: »
    sugom2 wrote: »
    Wow--just spent my lunch hour reading all the negative posts, rather than support to her for at least realizing she wanted to change and making the commitment. At least she set a goal! We all lose weight in our own way. At least she isn't having surgery to take care of it.

    she isn't morbidly obese - so no surgeon worth being called that would take care of it. 20 extra pounds on a 19 year old girl.

    We aren't supporting her decision to lose such a crazy amount of weight in such a short time because IT IS NOT GOOD FOR HER.

    We DO support her wanting to change her life, and we are all ENCOURAGING her to take her time, do it healthy.
    There isn't a single person here telling her to not lose weight. We are all telling her that she needs to think over the long term and make healthy decisions.

    There is a huge difference between support and enabling destructive behavior. Most of us are supporting her. @veggiesausage15 is participating in and enabling destructive behavior.

    But soon enough, things will turn to mocking as she continues to stick her fingers in her ears and refuse to listen to us mean naysayers. Names will be called, memes will be posted, and the thread will be locked.

    I've said numerous times now that I appreciate all of the knowledge you guys are giving me. Just the rudeness and lack of common courtesy/manners is extremely childish. I'm taking in all of the advice, but some of you need to learn that you can disagree in a kindly manor. Not a hard concept to grasp. Once again I honestly appreciate the advice, whether it be agreeing or disagreeing with the way I go about it! But it's just too bad some of these people don't realize you can do that without losing your sense of common courtesy. Thanks all!

    I went back and read through the replies and cannot pinpoint which comments would be classified as "rude" and have a "lack of common courtesy/manners". I do feel the need to point out that yours were the only ones that seemed to even come close though.
    Tone IS hard to convey via text, so perhaps you can try re-reading all the comments while assuming the person who wrote it is saying it in a helpful tone and see if that helps you come to the realization that your goal is both unrealistic and unhealthy.
    Or...carry on as is, post about it, endure the criticism, and then complain about the criticism.
  • davidmanfred
    davidmanfred Posts: 20 Member
    As others have mentioned you need to have a huge deficit to make that weight loss amount and obviously you aren't going to live on 240 calories per day so you will need to lose on exercise.

    Consider that to burn ~1800 calories, I, a 200lbs male, have to ride my bike continuously over 1 hr 45min with an average speed of 13.2mph. I have been building up to this pace for the last 8 months. I'd be lucky to have burned half that when I returned to bike commuting last March. The worst part is as I have been losing weight my calories burned have goes down each week so 20 lbs ago I was burning approximately 200 calories per ride segment.

    The issue I have is that I am ravenous from all the exercise. So in essence in order for your lose the weight and burn the 1750 calories per day you will be exercising a crazy amount. I accept this amount as the price I pay for living in Seattle and not wanting to drive. If I needed to go to a gym to get this exercise, I'd never be able to do it.

    I don't find any of the posts on here out of the ordinary for people who have already experienced it and are just telling you that what you are proposing is very very difficult. If you are depressed by your current situation, how will you feel if you don't make this goal in 6 weeks? How will you feel when you see you spent X amount of dollars a day on a product and didn't make your goal?

    No one is implying that you can't make your goal but everyone is imploring you to try to make your goal in a more sustainable and mentally beneficial way.

    Last November I injured myself in a cyclocross race and had to go to the doctor, getting on the scale was depressing, probably the most I have ever weighed in my life then I injured my back. It took months of letting having that weight-in hang over my head until I was finally, physically, able to get back on the bike. Then it has taken me to today to have lost more than 40 lbs. Since the middle of February I have been bike commuting 20+miles per day 5 days a week rain or shine, and tracking calories just to have lost this much weight, the amount you want to lose in 6 weeks, and the reason it has been so slow is, as I said, all that exercise makes me really hungry.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    I support you, OP! 100%. You can do it!

    Thanks so much! :)

    You might want to get your sarcasm meter checked OP…

    Now, to address the original post:

    “I'm 19, female, 5'4", and currently at 178 lbs, the heaviest I've ever been. I love myself, but hate the way I look right now.”

    I get this. I am there. I am 5’5” and started at 188lbs on 8/20/2015.

    “I plan on making a lifestyle change as of tomorrow morning. I will be eating healthier and exercising,”

    This is great! Good things here. :)

    “and also taking slimquick.”

    This isn’t necessary and may just be an unnecessary expense, but if it fits into your daily needs and is safe no judgment here.

    “I tried Slimquick a few months back for a week and lost a total of 10 lbs, but got off track so now I'm starting over.”

    That initial loss was most likely water weight if it was only over a week span. Getting off track that quickly indicates it is probably not healthy or sustainable. I would recommend a slower healthier approach. :)

    “I'd like to lose 20 pounds and tone up”

    Great goals!

    “by this coming Halloween!”

    Poor choice in date. It is not realistic to do this in a healthy manner. I would recommend a more reasonable time frame and a healthy approach.

    “I'd love to make some friends on here so we can both motivate each other to get healthy!”

    Friends that support you in a HEALTHY journey are good! Losing 20lbs in 40 days is not healthy. Please take what people are telling you to heart.

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    ^^^ I like you.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    morkiemama wrote: »
    I support you, OP! 100%. You can do it!

    Thanks so much! :)

    You might want to get your sarcasm meter checked OP…

    Now, to address the original post:

    “I'm 19, female, 5'4", and currently at 178 lbs, the heaviest I've ever been. I love myself, but hate the way I look right now.”

    I get this. I am there. I am 5’5” and started at 188lbs on 8/20/2015.

    “I plan on making a lifestyle change as of tomorrow morning. I will be eating healthier and exercising,”

    This is great! Good things here. :)

    “and also taking slimquick.”

    This isn’t necessary and may just be an unnecessary expense, but if it fits into your daily needs and is safe no judgment here.

    “I tried Slimquick a few months back for a week and lost a total of 10 lbs, but got off track so now I'm starting over.”

    That initial loss was most likely water weight if it was only over a week span. Getting off track that quickly indicates it is probably not healthy or sustainable. I would recommend a slower healthier approach. :)

    “I'd like to lose 20 pounds and tone up”

    Great goals!

    “by this coming Halloween!”

    Poor choice in date. It is not realistic to do this in a healthy manner. I would recommend a more reasonable time frame and a healthy approach.

    “I'd love to make some friends on here so we can both motivate each other to get healthy!”

    Friends that support you in a HEALTHY journey are good! Losing 20lbs in 40 days is not healthy. Please take what people are telling you to heart.

    This is a great response.
  • ammo7
    ammo7 Posts: 188 Member
    Look, I get it. I've been there. But consider this, please:

    If your focus is how you look, and not the number on the scale -- 12 or 13 pounds lost the right way (even if aggressively) is going to look better than 20 pounds crashed off. More of it will be fat, which means it comes from your waist/hips/whatever and not your bones, brain and muscles. With a really good exercise program you may put on a couple of pounds of water, but it will reside in your quads, biceps, chest -- your muscles -- as it cushions your muscle repair. Which will make your shape better and tighter and your waist relatively smaller. With strength work and/or things like yoga and pilates you will walk straighter and taller, and look slimmer. With really well designed nutrition, your skin/hair/nails will all be healthier and that will show.

    Can you hit 20 pounds? Well, I imagine so, with really bad nutrition, dehydrated and jittery. Looking at that number on the scale will feel really good. But you know what? You're the only one who will see that number. What will show is what it cost you to get there.

    You are totally right, and this is something that I personally needed a reminder about. Thank you so much.
    I hope the OP takes the good advice that is offered.
  • SadDolt
    SadDolt Posts: 173 Member
    edited September 2015
    erickirb wrote: »
    SadDolt wrote: »
    erickirb wrote: »
    SadDolt wrote: »
    you can deff lose 20lbs by then. try not to eat more than 50g of carbs, and no junk food :smile:

    That would just reduce glyogen stores leading to water weight loss, not fat loss. Fat loss comes from a caloric deficit and 20 lb in 40 days should not be attempted, that is 0.5lbs/day, when she should be aiming for 1-1.5lbs/week.

    water weight can make you look heavy. 20lbs is 20 pounds. 1 pound a week is ridiculous if you are obese. someone who is obese can lose 2-3 a week safely. stop giving advise

    Yes water weight can make you look heavy, but I doubt OP has extra 20 lbs of just water weight. OP is 178 lbs, unless she is 5' tall 1-1.5 loss per week would be ideal in order to help retain lean body mass while losing fat. You may want to educate yourself "newbie"
    being that heavy at that height is considered obese. more proof you have no clue what you're talking about. and not all of teh 20lbs is going to be water. some of it will be fat and muscle. no matter what you do you lose muscle/water when losing weight. this chick lost weight ''fast'' and still kept the weight off cause she did something that worked for her. also check out her recent videos
  • SadDolt
    SadDolt Posts: 173 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    OP you either believe saddoolt or everyone else.
    The standard safe healthy rates of weight loss are 1-2lb a week,, which would put your traget between 6-12lbs. You may get a boost from the beginning by losing some water weight but that will tail out and often comes back. I think its too much but good luck with it. You talk about healthier and lifestyle change, but it doesnt sounds like it. You are going to have to create over a 1500 cal deficit a day. See how you get on though.

    any weight comes back if you go back to poor eating habits....that's why you should lose weight with something you can stick to
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    SadDolt wrote: »
    erickirb wrote: »
    SadDolt wrote: »
    erickirb wrote: »
    SadDolt wrote: »
    you can deff lose 20lbs by then. try not to eat more than 50g of carbs, and no junk food :smile:

    That would just reduce glyogen stores leading to water weight loss, not fat loss. Fat loss comes from a caloric deficit and 20 lb in 40 days should not be attempted, that is 0.5lbs/day, when she should be aiming for 1-1.5lbs/week.

    water weight can make you look heavy. 20lbs is 20 pounds. 1 pound a week is ridiculous if you are obese. someone who is obese can lose 2-3 a week safely. stop giving advise

    Yes water weight can make you look heavy, but I doubt OP has extra 20 lbs of just water weight. OP is 178 lbs, unless she is 5' tall 1-1.5 loss per week would be ideal in order to help retain lean body mass while losing fat. You may want to educate yourself "newbie"
    being that heavy at that height is considered obese. more proof you have no clue what you're talking about. and not all of teh 20lbs is going to be water. some of it will be fat and muscle. no matter what you do you lose muscle/water when losing weight. this chick lost weight ''fast'' and still kept the weight off cause she did something that worked for her. also check out her recent videos

    How do you know 178 makes OP obese? She didn't say her height, and if anyone does not know what they are talking about is the person looking back at you in the mirror.
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    SadDolt wrote: »
    999tigger wrote: »
    OP you either believe saddoolt or everyone else.
    The standard safe healthy rates of weight loss are 1-2lb a week,, which would put your traget between 6-12lbs. You may get a boost from the beginning by losing some water weight but that will tail out and often comes back. I think its too much but good luck with it. You talk about healthier and lifestyle change, but it doesnt sounds like it. You are going to have to create over a 1500 cal deficit a day. See how you get on though.

    any weight comes back if you go back to poor eating habits....that's why you should lose weight with something you can stick to

    Your diet consists of popcorn chicken, bbq sauce and ice cream. Tell me again how you know what you're talking about.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    SadDolt wrote: »
    999tigger wrote: »
    OP you either believe saddoolt or everyone else.
    The standard safe healthy rates of weight loss are 1-2lb a week,, which would put your traget between 6-12lbs. You may get a boost from the beginning by losing some water weight but that will tail out and often comes back. I think its too much but good luck with it. You talk about healthier and lifestyle change, but it doesnt sounds like it. You are going to have to create over a 1500 cal deficit a day. See how you get on though.

    any weight comes back if you go back to poor eating habits....that's why you should lose weight with something you can stick to

    Your diet consists of popcorn chicken, bbq sauce and ice cream. Tell me again how you know what you're talking about.

    Sounds like she eats some bangin' food.

    @SadDolt - I support your food choices. 100%. You can do it!
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    edited September 2015
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    SadDolt wrote: »
    999tigger wrote: »
    OP you either believe saddoolt or everyone else.
    The standard safe healthy rates of weight loss are 1-2lb a week,, which would put your traget between 6-12lbs. You may get a boost from the beginning by losing some water weight but that will tail out and often comes back. I think its too much but good luck with it. You talk about healthier and lifestyle change, but it doesnt sounds like it. You are going to have to create over a 1500 cal deficit a day. See how you get on though.

    any weight comes back if you go back to poor eating habits....that's why you should lose weight with something you can stick to

    Your diet consists of popcorn chicken, bbq sauce and ice cream. Tell me again how you know what you're talking about.

    Sounds like she eats some bangin' food.

    @SadDolt - I support your food choices. 100%. You can do it!

    But she has no peeps. How can she have any ice cream if she doesn't eat her peeps?
  • Andreatts9
    Andreatts9 Posts: 20 Member
    I think most people above have the best intentions. It's hard not to come across harsh and abrasive online sometimes. It can be hard to explain thoughts without writing a novel of a post! Whatever you choose to do I would recommend heavy resistance training so you preserve your muscle mass. Toning will make a HUGE impact on how you feel and look Hun. If you do drop that much weight that quick you might not look all that much better if a considerable amount is muscle. You could do a smaller caloric deficit with strength training, lose half that much weight and look better, firmer and happier. You don't want to be skinny fat. Just my thoughts. Feel free to add me as a friend if ya want and good luck on your journey. :)

    I agree with this 100% You look a lot smaller when you're toned and may weigh more. I found this out when I started lifting heavier!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    SadDolt wrote: »
    999tigger wrote: »
    OP you either believe saddoolt or everyone else.
    The standard safe healthy rates of weight loss are 1-2lb a week,, which would put your traget between 6-12lbs. You may get a boost from the beginning by losing some water weight but that will tail out and often comes back. I think its too much but good luck with it. You talk about healthier and lifestyle change, but it doesnt sounds like it. You are going to have to create over a 1500 cal deficit a day. See how you get on though.

    any weight comes back if you go back to poor eating habits....that's why you should lose weight with something you can stick to

    Your diet consists of popcorn chicken, bbq sauce and ice cream. Tell me again how you know what you're talking about.

    Sounds like she eats some bangin' food.

    @SadDolt - I support your food choices. 100%. You can do it!

    But she has no peeps. How can she have any ice cream if she doesn't eat her peeps?

    what are peeps?
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    SadDolt wrote: »
    999tigger wrote: »
    OP you either believe saddoolt or everyone else.
    The standard safe healthy rates of weight loss are 1-2lb a week,, which would put your traget between 6-12lbs. You may get a boost from the beginning by losing some water weight but that will tail out and often comes back. I think its too much but good luck with it. You talk about healthier and lifestyle change, but it doesnt sounds like it. You are going to have to create over a 1500 cal deficit a day. See how you get on though.

    any weight comes back if you go back to poor eating habits....that's why you should lose weight with something you can stick to

    Your diet consists of popcorn chicken, bbq sauce and ice cream. Tell me again how you know what you're talking about.

    Sounds like she eats some bangin' food.

    @SadDolt - I support your food choices. 100%. You can do it!

    all this support you are 100% giving, you are so supportive. Hope you are adding them all to your friends list.
  • Andreatts9
    Andreatts9 Posts: 20 Member
    As a reminder, at 19, I lost weight a lot differently than I do at 30. There are a lot of factors to consider. And if there is one thing I learned when I started my journey 1.5 years ago is when it comes to fitness, everyone is an expert :p
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    SadDolt wrote: »
    999tigger wrote: »
    OP you either believe saddoolt or everyone else.
    The standard safe healthy rates of weight loss are 1-2lb a week,, which would put your traget between 6-12lbs. You may get a boost from the beginning by losing some water weight but that will tail out and often comes back. I think its too much but good luck with it. You talk about healthier and lifestyle change, but it doesnt sounds like it. You are going to have to create over a 1500 cal deficit a day. See how you get on though.

    any weight comes back if you go back to poor eating habits....that's why you should lose weight with something you can stick to

    Your diet consists of popcorn chicken, bbq sauce and ice cream. Tell me again how you know what you're talking about.

    Sounds like she eats some bangin' food.

    @SadDolt - I support your food choices. 100%. You can do it!

    But she has no peeps. How can she eat her ice cream if she has no peeps?

    Sadly, the The 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM) is no more. It has been made abundantly clear that posts and subsequent discussion regarding the The 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM) are a violation of the MFP Terms of Service. The founders of the The 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM) appreciate your long-standing support, but no further details regarding the The 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM) will be posted in the MFP forums. For further information, please buy my final book, The 10 Day Master Peep Cleanse(TM): No Peeps For You! The Rise And Fall Of A Satiric Response To Pervasive Pseudoscience.
This discussion has been closed.