October 2015 Running Challenge



  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Oct 1 - cycling class
    Oct 2 - rest - traveling
    Oct 3 - rest
    Oct 4 - 13.1 HM!
    Oct 5 - rest - traveling
    Oct 6 - cycling class
    Oct 7 - 4.71 + strength training
    Oct 8 - 3.01 slow and steady; overslept a bit so didn't have much time


  • kstarallen
    kstarallen Posts: 116 Member
    Yesterday I took a true rest day. No run, no walk, no 30 day shred. I'm starting to get shin splints :( ugh
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    1- Rest
    2-2.65 without Garmin
    3- Rest (travel,eat, sleep)
    4-13.37 HM 2:23:50
    5-rest, waiting for chafed thighs to heal
    6- rest, still waiting
    7- now  just too lazy to run 3.03


    Off to a slow start this month. Which may get slower. Day after the HM I had some foot pain which I figured was subluxed cuboid. Yesterday's run didn't help it. Although it doesn't hurt to run, just walk. May visit chiro for authoritative insight, or ask my physical therapist. Who just LOVES my running injuries...
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited October 2015
    10/1: 8 miles am and 6.2 pm with the Thursday crew
    10/2: Rest day
    10/3: 10 miles with Saturday crew
    10/4: 13.1 - Princeton Half Marathon (new HM PR!)
    10/5: 5 miles recovery style
    10/6: O Holy Rest Day........
    10/7: 7 miles hills
    10/8: 10 miles (am)

    Decided to start doing core/stability work again last night and boy did I feel it this morning! My hips were not having it on the hills! Ran the same hills and pace as my run last week, but felt twice as slow doing it. But it was a beautiful morning so I tried not to be a grump about it. Plus: 6 miles with a group tonight followed by free beer at a local brew-staurant, so who can be mad on a day like that? ;)

    ^^^ 26.9% of the way through my miles in 25.8% of the month. Barely keeping up!

  • ceckhardt369
    ceckhardt369 Posts: 115 Member


  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited October 2015
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    Off to a slow start this month. Which may get slower. Day after the HM I had some foot pain which I figured was subluxed cuboid. Yesterday's run didn't help it. Although it doesn't hurt to run, just walk. May visit chiro for authoritative insight, or ask my physical therapist. Who just LOVES my running injuries...

    Hope it's nothing serious and you can be moving around pain-free soon! How are the thighs healing up, btw?
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited October 2015
    10/1 - 8 miles
    10/2 - 5 miles
    10/3 - 5.1 miles
    10/4 - rest day Allen's son is in the Nat'l Guard and was supposed to jump yesterday. We were headed there when they cancelled the jump :-1:
    10/5 - 10.1 miles
    10/6 - 5.1 recovery miles
    10/7 - rest day
    10/8 - 6.6 miles of hilly hills :smiley: not big hills just rolling up and down and up and down

    39.9 of 120 miles

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @stoshew71 great post on the recovery run
    @7lenny7 then your boy is a super mini LOL Handsome none the less.
    @5beautifuldays I'm willing to go with too big too, if you can feel your feet sliding not good. Have you tried lacing your shoes different to stop that? Skip had a problem with her shoes sliding a bit but the next size down was too small and Fleet Feet changed the way she laced and problem solved. There's all kinds of videos out there.
    @kareF Never be intimidated about others mileage. If you run 1 or 100 miles a week own it and love it! For a lloonnnggg time I ran like 10 miles a week maybe and was happy. Then I got more and more into running and slowly increased my miles and love it. But you know what I post a 10 mile run and someone else will post a 20 mile run. Does it make my long run less, heck no. About running time. I never did that because I prefer to run for distance it just seems more measurable to me. But I think it's a great idea if looking at distance is stressful. Whatever feels best for you.
    @patrikc333 I love the runs that feel like they can go on forever
    @kstar_lee rest and ice those shins so they don't worse.
    @elise4270 love the head band I want it. Where did you get it? Keep us posted on that sore foot. Girl you just amaze me all the time with the running you do with the physical issues you have. Rock on!
    @kristinegift free beer sounds awesome after a run!

  • salsup317
    salsup317 Posts: 15 Member
    Beautiful morning here! I love fall running, too bad it can't stay this way all the time! 3 miles shake out before my race on Saturday, already so excited! Happy running!

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @kareF, that ticker is from the Garmin Connect website. I have a Forerunner 305 GPS watch and use the Garmin Connect website to upload my run data and track all that stuff. I can set up goals and it will give me the ticker that you see there. I then do a screen capture to post here as a jpg file. A few days ago the track of my run from my camping trip was also from the Garmin site.

    Time: You certainly can use time as a reference rather than distance. I don't see many folks do it but every so often someone here sets their goal in minutes rather than miles, and I have seen training plans based on time as well. You do what works for you!

    Long runs...when I first started running and I found these challenge threads on MFP I was in AWE of the miles I saw posted here. How can anyone possible run that far, that often!?!? That's what I wanted from myself and slowly but surely, I'm getting there. I'm no @WhatMeRunning, @mwyvr, or @stoshew71, but they inspire the heck out of me and motivate me to keep pushing on.

    I'll let you in on a secret...On my last long run I hit a distance PR of 16 miles. I was on top of the world for several days, BUT, it was no greater thrill than the first time I hit 10 miles. Or the first time I hit 6 miles, or even 3.1 miles.

    Now take care of that shin so you can get back out there!
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    10/1 - 3.1 miles on the 'mill; plus 5.8 miles / 20 minutes on stationary bike.
    10/2 - Had to skip run/workout for a life insurance physical (bloodwork, etc.). Then, they couldn't get me to bleed, so I'm gonna have to do it again! Grrr!
    10/3 - 11.5 miles with HM group; cool, beautiful weather!
    10/4 - waaaayy overslept!
    10/5 - not off to a good start this month; kids up half the night with illness / asthma issues
    10/6 - 4.75 miles on a beautiful, cool morning.
    10/7 - 4.85 miles of hills with HM group
    10/8 - 4.65 miles


    @kareF - I ran based on time when I first started, because I didn't have a really good way to track mileage. It is a little less stressful, because you can focus a bit more on stride, cadence, how you feel, etc.
    @kristinegift - Now that "race season" is almost over, I gotta get back to some other work too...my abs, shoulders, etc. are getting soft. Free beer?!? No one ever gives me free beer after a run...is this a NJ thing?
    @skippygirlsmom - I'm not sure I am talented enough to manage any of those relacing strategies. But, I have heard they can make a big difference for people.

    Way to be awesome, All!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for October

    10/1 6.6 miles - 6.6
    10/2 6.75 miles - 13.35
    10/3 22.1 miles - 35.45
    10/4 REST DAY
    10/5 10.75 miles - 46.2
    10/6 10.5 miles - 56.7
    10/7 6.6 miles - 63.3
    10/8 10 miles - 73.3


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    kareF wrote: »
    Reading everyone's distances.. I am so jealous of all the distance everyone is able to do in one single run!

    Don't focus on what everyone else does. You only have to be better than your old self.
    When I first started exactly 2 years ago, I was doing only 3 miles on the treadmill 3x a week (9 miles a week). 2 years later I can run 60+ miles in a week. Just start slow and be consistent. Slowly build up your mileage.

    kareF wrote: »
    Just wondering if anyone here runs for a certain time rather than distance? I've been upping distance slowly but find concentrating on a particular distance stressful.. I know that I can run 3km in just over 20 mins.. So I am thinking of setting 10 min time cues rather than distance cues.. Does anyone else do this?

    I am race-centric, so all my training is based upon mileage. I am currently training for a marathon in December. My long run maxes around 20 miles. Since long runs should be no more than 35% of your weekly mileage, I have to make sure I can do a 60 miles/week to support that 20 mile long run.

    When you say 10 min time cues, I am assuming lap splits?

    As far as concentrating on a particular distance and having it feel stressful, are you thinking about the whole distance you have to do? Maybe break it up into smaller distances in your mind?
    Just think about doing 1 km, then when you are done, think about just that second km, and so on...

    And make sure you are only running at a conversational pace as you are slowly building up your mileage. You should be able to hold a regular conversation with a running buddy with no worries about breathing hard, or if you run a lone, since the Happy Birthday song or recite your ABC's out loud. If you can only get out 2 words at a time because you are breathing too hard, then slow your pace down until you can.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    @stoshew71 great post on the recovery run

    Thanks for that.

    I may have to caveat what I said concerning the post workout routine for a recovery run. here is what I posted yesterday to that regards.
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    When we run (especially at high intensities or long distances) we loose stored carbs in our muscles cells (glycogen). After a major workout, there is a window (between 30 to 60 minutes) of when our muscles become really sensitive to insulin to allow rapid recovery to basically allow the insulin to "shove glucose" back into our muscle cells. We call this high uptake of glucose. You actually don't need a hard workout to experience this high uptake. You can also do an active recovery run. Not intense to cause more training stimuli, but enough to get the blood moving and cause an "anabolic phase". So after a recovery run, it is very important to consume enough fast acting glucose (simple carbs) that are quickly digested and absorbed into our body. The video I posted the other day suggested 1/2 our body weigh in grams of carbs (so if you weigh 150 lbs you need to consume 75 grams of carbs within this 30-60 minute window). It is also good to eat quick absorbing protein in this window since our muscles also have a high uptake of amino acids as well. The suggestion was for every 4 grams of carbs, to eat 1 gram of protein. So that same 150 lb person who will eat 75 g of carbs should also take in ~19 g of protein.

    1/2 your body weight in grams of carbs and 1/8 your body weight in grams of protein is a good ratio and amount for your post Long Run. It may be too much for your recovery run tho. It depends on many factors. How many calories you actually burnt on your recovery run, if you ran fasted, or if you took any calories while running. If this seems like too much calories for your recovery run, then maybe split it in half. You do want to get in at least 10 grams of protein with 40 grams of carbs. So that should be your minimum. And remember your 30-60 minute window after you stop running. very important to make this work. Also, it may be a good idea that your recovery run should last for at least 30 minutes. Mine usually last for about an hour. Sometimes longer. It depends how sore I am and what my pace is to run 6 miles on that particular day.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited October 2015
    @skippygirlsmom thanks! I have a half in March, so I may just take it easy this month and heal up. Otherwise, I may have issues when I start the training.

    The headband is Fit Chick. "Made with love from Oklahoma". Cute story- woman takes up running to deal with the stress after her son was diagnosed with autisum. In search of a better head bad she made her own.
    http://fitchicheadbands.com/ I just love how running connects us to so many people.

    I found mine in a local running store, OK runner. They can be purchased online. They are comfy and stay put. Think about 7$ each. There is a directory online listing where you can find them.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @skippygirlsmom thanks! I have a half in March, so I may just take it easy this month and heal up. Otherwise, I may have issues when I start the training.

    The headband is Fit Chick. "Made with love from Oklahoma". Cute story- woman takes up running to deal with the stress after her son was diagnosed with autisum. In search of a better head bad she made her own.
    http://fitchicheadbands.com/ I just love how running connects us to so many people.

    I found mine in a local running store, OK runner. They can be purchased online. They are comfy and stay put. Think about 7$ each. There is a directory online listing where you can find them.

    @elise4270 Great story I'm going to check her out and support her!
    karllundy wrote: »

    @skippygirlsmom - I'm not sure I am talented enough to manage any of those relacing strategies. But, I have heard they can make a big difference for people.

    @karllundy the trick is to let the running store do it :wink: :sunglasses: LOL or Skip she's a professional now
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    edited October 2015
    August: 66.23 of 75 miles
    September 79.3 of 92

    October.... I'm going to aim I think for 50.
    10.1.15... 4.... 33 min- rainy but good.
    10.3.15- 12 miler FLOP
    10.6.15...3.04....26 Min- late night run- felt really stressed in the lungs- think the lack of a long run might have been a bad call. Ah well.
    10.7.15... 2... 16:30- easy shake out run- technically the last official run before the half- but I suspect we'll go for a light easy miler Friday night. I think I'm going to opt out of my new belt for this weekend- I have essentially only run 5 miles in it- it was okay with a shirt on- but I prefer running shirtless- and it just rubs a little to much for my own comfort for that time frame. I'll use my beat up arm band as I always have and call it a day.

    I did get newer pants- thinking just in case it was colder- and rainy- I'd be okay with them not sliding at all (Fresh elastic etc etc)- but I ran in them and they are mighty thick- they won't be my first choice. Ah well- I think I"m okay- I'm carbing "up" as it were (at least for me!!)
    I'm going to be so sad when I stop running and get fluffy again LOL

    9.04 of 50

    Total Half Training Mileage
    193.4 of total 225

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @jorocka you are going to kill it this weekend, you are so ready for this. Sorry the belt didn't work out. I trained with one for my half and didn't wear it. The site @elise4270 told me about for the headband has these belts http://fitchicheadbands.com/collections/fit-belt/products/fit-belt-audra I'm thinking of trying one, they look very comfortable.

    BTW girl you were never fluffy!
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    After last night's loss (not unexpected, but disappointing), had to work off a bit of steam today, so hit up the track with a friend. Ended up doing a pyramid (1 lap, 2 laps, 3 laps, 4 laps, 3 laps, 2 laps, 1 lap) with him as I chased him down on each giving him a 30 sec/lap head start. Been a while since I did any speedwork on a track, but figured I should get some in as I won't be near one after I return to the warm south this weekend.

    10/1 - 7 miles
    10/2 - 8.5 miles
    10/3 - 4 miles (pace run at 1/2 marathon speed)
    10/4 - 9 miles
    10/5 - 8.5 miles
    10/6 - 8.5 miles
    10/7 - 8 miles
    10/8 - 8 miles (w. 0.25-0.5-0.75-1-0.75-0.5-0.25 pyramid @ 6:35 pace)

    Total: 61.5 miles
    Goal: 170 miles
    Remaining: 108.5 miles
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    I posted an interesting article from RW on Negative Thinking Boosts Injury Risk
    Runners who beat themselves up over bad performances tend to push hard when they should back off.
