October 2015 Running Challenge



  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    edited October 2015
    @Stoshew71 That is an excellent explanation of recovery runs. Thank you so much.

    Everybody seems to have done wonderful things. I need to go through the great number of entries. I will tonight. My week was crazy busy! Ugh!

    Here is a picture of one of the places where I run in Madison, WI.


    Anyway, here is the running update:

    10/1 4.75 -- I would like to do 6+ miles in the coming days, so, am resting tomorrow!
    10/2 rest day
    10/3 6.51 -- first 10k, longest run (time), and farthest run (distance)
    10/4 rest day--this was a horrible day, could not get any exercise done and felt miserable
    10/5 no running, but good elliptical workout
    10/6 5.53 -- excellent run. the weather was cool and crisp, my muscles cooperated and all went well
    10/7 3.11 -- recovery run? that's what i thought of this one. felt good though!
    10/8 5.61 -- very good run.


  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    10/1: 8 miles am and 6.2 pm with the Thursday crew
    10/2: Rest day
    10/3: 10 miles with Saturday crew
    10/4: 13.1 - Princeton Half Marathon (new HM PR!)
    10/5: 5 miles recovery style
    10/6: O Holy Rest Day........
    10/7: 7 miles hills
    10/8: 10 miles (am), 6.4 miles (pm) with the Thursday crew

    OH MY GOD, I AM SO EXCITED FOR A REST DAY TOMORROW. I am so sleepy and my legs are so tired. And I've got 20 miles Saturday, so tomorrow calories are out the window and I'm stuffing my face with carbs from sun up to sun down ;)


  • MamaMollyT
    MamaMollyT Posts: 197 Member


  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    @JoRocka : Ooh, orange! (with an appropriate matching outfit, of course)
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @kareF Never worry about your distances and never be jealous of someone else's distance. Like so many have said in different ways - So Many Shoe's have been wore down to useless slicks for us to get to where we are. My Normal Avg everyday Run is 5km, when out with the local Running Club it is 7 to 10 km. My Long run 12-15 km - slowly but surely increasing my distance.
    Whether you want to do a Time Based Plan or a Km Based or a Combination of the two is entirely up to you. I don't actually worry to much about time - my 5km's can vary from 26 minutes ( Great Day ) to 33 minutes ( Bad Day ).
    @kristinegift A Group Run and Free Beer Where do I sign up? Carb Loading for a 20 miler = More Beer?
    @salsup317 Yes Yes Fall Running is fantastic! Temperatures are perfect - now if we could only keep the sun from setting so early.
    @JoRocka You are going to kick *kitten* in your HM. As you said once you Hit your Stride and settle in (that's when I seem to get in that mysterious Zoned out Easy Pease pace). Lipstick eh? Purple on the Top and Red on the bottom?
    @karllundy Race season isn't over, It's just changing. Okay so they are all Fall-Winter races, Turkey Trot, Santa Shuffle, Resolution Run, Hypothermic Half Marathon ( The most honest name for a run I have ever seen ) and The Chilly Willy. Most of these offer 5km, 10km or HM.
    @snha Love the Reflecting Pond Photo. Sometimes I think we run just to see the off the beaten path scenery.

    No Run or Swimming - Today left Town at 6am and got back at 9pm - a very long day at work. Spent some quality time catching up on the Running Gang.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    edited October 2015
    5 miles tonight with Kody. Included in our run was a mile at tempo pace, a run up a quarter mile hill at about 85% effort, and a few farleks towards the end. Rest day tomorrow.

    10/01 - Camping
    10/02 - Camping, hiking
    10/03 - Camping, hiking
    10/04 - 5.6 miles running, hiking
    10/05 - 7.9 miles
    10/06 - Rest
    10/07 - 9.7 miles
    10/08 - 5.0 miles
    10/09 - Rest

    Goal: 150 Miles
    Progress: 28.2 Miles
    Remaining: 121.8 Miles

    @snha, looks great!
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Been away tending a cold but back at it just in time to loosen up before a race on Saturday.

    Month to date:		042.66 km
    Minimum Goal:		282 km / 175 miles (15% completed)
    Stretch Goal:		322 km / 200 miles (13% completed)
    Oct 08 10.11 km Trying to loosen up before race day
    Oct 07 -----    Cold here, bppv gone!
    Oct 06 -----    Darn, caught a cold
    Oct 05 -----    Rest day
    Oct 04 16.49 km Weighted pack run, hilly
    Oct 03 01.60 km Ugh
    Oct 02 14.46 km Screw BPPV I'm running anyway
    Oct 01 -----    Day off dealing with BPPV
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    edited October 2015
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    @kareF ...

    Long runs...when I first started running and I found these challenge threads on MFP I was in AWE of the miles I saw posted here. How can anyone possible run that far, that often!?!? That's what I wanted from myself and slowly but surely, I'm getting there. I'm no @WhatMeRunning, @mwyvr, or @stoshew71, but they inspire the heck out of me and motivate me to keep pushing on.

    @7lenny7 I felt the same way back in April! Slow and sure building gets one there... assuming one wants to get there! Not everyone wants to, or needs to, be running what seem to be awfully long distances and racking up big monthly totals.

    Now that I've been running again for an entire year I'm finding it quite a thrill to look back at what I considered "long" last year this time. 2km uninterrupted. 5km maybe. Those were hard runs and when I did my first 7km that felt really good... that was meaningful in a way that I remember so clearly and way more meaningful than the first time I hit 21.1km or 20 miles.

    Why? Because back then I wasn't sure if I could become a runner, again. When I did a decent run and it felt good at the end, that answered the question for me. My smile was a mile wide. :smiley:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @karllundy - I ran a HM that ended at a winery. They had free wine at the end but even better was the free local craft beer (you had a choice)! It was a terrible HM course but I would consider it again just for the beer!
    @JoRocka - your HM is going to be awesome this weekend! I would go with pink lipstick - it is after all breast cancer awareness month and even the NFL players are wearing pink! BTW why do you have to give up running once your race is finished? We will miss you!
    @Elise4270 - love the story behind the headband - I too will be checking them out!
    @kareF - I think the best thing for shinsplints is stretching - especially during your run if they start to feel out of sorts and of course after you run too. I also had great success using ice cups to rub on the sore areas to reduce the inflammation.
    @snha - great view!

    I couldn't get out early as planned this morning and ended up running in the heat of the day at 1:00pm - started out at 86F and ended at 90F and there are heat advisories through the weekend with temps in the 100s :(
    I am planning to be up early to run tomorrow (will not check email and get stuck again!) and have a 12 miler planned for Saturday - will really need to be out early to get that one done. I am hoping this will be the last heat wave and then we can enjoy some more fall like weather. I need to pick up the pace if I want to hit my goal. I am already falling behind!

    10/01.......8.45........8.45 - +Strength Training
    10/05.......5.39......24.43 - + Agility
    10/06.......4.70......29.13 - + Strength Training

  • chicoadm07
    chicoadm07 Posts: 32 Member
    41 miles down 104 to go... Rise and grind
  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    @kareF yes I agree, @patrikc333 has made me rethink that too! See told you I'm a noob, it's great to get advice from those who know what they're doing! Thank you guys x
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    edited October 2015
    01/10 - 10.3km
    02/10 - 13.1 miles
    03/10 - 10.3km
    04/10 - 22.1 miles
    05/10 - 10.3km
    06/10 - 13.1 miles
    07/10 - 13.3 miles
    08/10 - 10.3km
    09/10 - 13.2 miles
    tot 162/500km

    third HM in 4th day, I'm very happy with my fitness level and my body (please don't break!)

    nice morning, stars and moon on the sky, fog from the lakes coming up, but cold and dark

    I'm stubborn and I keep going to the park, but I really need to find an alternative route, I can't see well and I'm destroying my hips and back not knowing exactly where I put my feet, but I do love the idea to be alone in a huge park before all day usual madness (traffic, work, home)

    head lamp lasted on my head for...150 meters :angry: , then had to hold it for almost 2 hours, not pleasant, as my fingers froze

    I was also sleepy and I though a garbage bin was a huge deer coming towards me lol, I got really scared

    now rest, 10k tomorrow, then 22 miles on Sunday, will have to think what to do before next Sunday, when I'll be running in Amsterdam (1 week to go, incredible how time passes so quickly)

    it's tough being out there, but the satisfaction level after is huge, is the thing that keeps me motivated, it's the challenge that I like to take. even though there is a 90% probability my hips will fell off, I'll go running again right now instead of being in this office
  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    edited October 2015
    @patrikc333 - wow! Very impressed over here, great work
  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber Awesome. Stories like that resonate with me. I can relate. My own little slice of therapy.
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    Clarewho wrote: »
    @patrikc333 - wow! Very impressed over here, great work

    thanks, I'm very glad I discover this sport, fitness + eating + improved mental strenght
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Oct 1 - cycling class
    Oct 2 - rest - traveling
    Oct 3 - rest
    Oct 4 - 13.1 HM!
    Oct 5 - rest - traveling
    Oct 6 - cycling class
    Oct 7 - 4.71 + strength training
    Oct 8 - 3.01 slow and steady
    Oct 9 - strength training - had planned on a short run but wasn't feeling well last night, so after getting everything ready to go for the morning run, I changed alarm time to an hour later so I could sleep. Glad I did.


    @JoRocka - Good luck this weekend! You are going to do great! Lipstick? IDK - it depends upon your sports bra color. Got to match!

    @Elise4270 - There was a vendor selling similar headbands at my HM and I bought 2- for my daughter and I. But, I don't think they have their profits go for any altruistic reasons. I got a pink tie-dyed one that I was going to wear during the HM but decided I better not change anything. But wore it yesterday and it felt great.

    A friend was telling me that her nephew is a minimalist and he and his wife each only own 100 items each. Like 1 fork each, 1 cup, etc. That's a bit too extreme for me. As I was laying my running clothes/gear out I realized I own > 100 items that are just running related.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for October

    10/1 6.6 miles - 6.6
    10/2 6.75 miles - 13.35
    10/3 22.1 miles - 35.45
    10/4 REST DAY
    10/5 10.75 miles - 46.2
    10/6 10.5 miles - 56.7
    10/7 6.6 miles - 63.3
    10/8 10 miles - 73.3
    10/9 6.75 miles - 80.05


    Recovery Run today. Warrior Dash tommorow morning, so no long run this weekend. Gonna be a busy weekend for me.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    10/1 - 8 miles
    10/2 - 5 miles
    10/3 - 5.1 miles
    10/4 - rest day Allen's son is in the Nat'l Guard and was supposed to jump yesterday. We were headed there when they cancelled the jump :-1:
    10/5 - 10.1 miles
    10/6 - 5.1 recovery miles
    10/7 - rest day
    10/8 - 6.6 miles of hilly hills :smiley: not big hills just rolling up and down and up and down
    10/9 - 5 miles my first mile I thought was crappy because I thought my watch said 10:50 and it felt like 10:50. Turned out it was 10:05 which I didn't realize until I pushed harder and my next split was 9:47. Ended up with a 9:49 pace... so happy especially after dancing too much and too late at the Miranda Lambert concert last night!

    44.9 of 120 miles

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    10/1 - 3.1 miles on the 'mill; plus 5.8 miles / 20 minutes on stationary bike.
    10/2 - Had to skip run/workout for a life insurance physical (bloodwork, etc.). Then, they couldn't get me to bleed, so I'm gonna have to do it again! Grrr!
    10/3 - 11.5 miles with HM group; cool, beautiful weather!
    10/4 - waaaayy overslept!
    10/5 - not off to a good start this month; kids up half the night with illness / asthma issues
    10/6 - 4.75 miles on a beautiful, cool morning.
    10/7 - 4.85 miles of hills with HM group
    10/8 - 4.65 miles
    10/9 - 0. Up half the night, again! Now feeling a bit under the weather. It's too early for this stuff, isn't it?

    @skippygirlsmom - go Seniorita Speedy!
    @Stoshew71 - that mileage total is sick! You are just awesome!
    @juliet3455 - There are some of those around here for sure. Not a lot. We have a huge event in February call the Red Flannel Run that is one of the larger events in our area for runners. I haven't done it before, but am planning to.